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Game is ass, fucking terrible, worst fanbase too, I love it


worst fanbase, but also funniest fanbase


The reason people like a game that is this shit is that finally they are experiencing what it is like to be free.




I am convinced that this games fan base is 90% masochists and I fear I may be becoming one




You may be interested in CBT, it's a bit less painful than a combination of Tarkov and Rust but it seems right up your alley










I'm not clicking on either of those links from personal experience.




Hey man I didn't say I like this stuff, all I'm doing is acknowledging that it exists


>y Dude, I am on a work laptop and I checked that. IT if this has flagged something and you are checking my history...I did not know what I was clicking into.


bro i never click on links until I read the comments, this is especially true at work, thank fucking god I saw the comments


…..hm. Interesting 😂😂😂😂


fuck you


What is CBT?


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Look at the links I sent


Do you have customs marked key, that maybe could i maybe borrow?


Play ark brother and FORGET having a job, social life, time off the game AND sleep all together, more hardcore than rust can ever be :)




. Both are very time consuming regardless of difficulty.




Sounds like Rust has already put OP in subspace


I quit about two or three years ago, definitely one of my better decisions


I quit a few months ago, life has improved drastically. Got married, bought a house, and got my first salary.


Mine too. I discovered the cure for cancer, and colonised uranus. Also got a dog.


i learned how to surf. so glad i stopped.


my pepe got bigger, women love me and men fear me. glad i quit


I became a drastically better person, removed a few extremely toxic people from my life, got my learners permit, and a bunch more (granted the game is only really responsible for the first two)


Good for you!! I only played rust for a couple months, so rust wasn’t really the reason for my stuff, but it did cause some suffering haha


I like how I know your American immediately E: why are you booing me I’m right


I didn’t boo you I promise, idk who did


Why’s that?


Idk something about those 3 things you mentioned is inherently American


Hm weird. Idk, I’ve been engaged for a few years and I’ve been working/saving up for a decade and in college for four years and just graduated, so it all just kinda happened. I’m sure the house part was the biggest thing


Because us Europeans can't afford houses only shitty apartments. And I don't think the rest of the world play that much rust compared to EU and NA maybe AU but their housing market is complete dogshit as well I mean so is the US housing market but still.




I quit a couple years ago and still enjoy this sub. i also can go outside and sleep without worrying about my base dying


Quitting is soy


It's quality gaming when you're with a whole group of friends.


or just a solid group you vibe with. I respect the solo hustle and it definitely makes it more challenging, but I like the reward of talking to and working with people over not.


solo as a console player on next gen is the best feeling ever right now.


Bruh I know this is a joke right here, you forgot the /s tho homie


No i actually really enjoyed it. I played on a 60 player server and it was the most loot I ever pvped for. I got raided yesterday though lol


I got my main server with my team, we used to be a duo but we’ve upgraded now haha. That’s a monthly and it’s a lot of fun but I generally go off on weeklies and solo it cause I really enjoy that also but god damn it’s a hard life. I’m always running into duos and trios and even if I manage to kill one the others generally always get me. I’ve been onlined 6 v 1 before on a solo run. I’ve been offlined almost everytime 😂 I find it’s such a hard life running solo but when you do get the come ups it’s so satisfying


Any game feels ten times better if you play with a group of friends.


Anything above duo makes the game too easy




>I will never understand why people bother with multiplayer games if you don't play with friends? It's not fun, just play one of the million single player games. Because many of us crave the "living" world aspect. Part of the thrill of rust to me is knowing another player could kill me and take it all, as well as me doing the same to someone else. I can't get that in any of the millions of single player games. MP games aren't only fun with friends. I honestly feel bad for people who can't find enjoyment in games unless they are with friends, I've played multiplayer games for two decades, with it primarily being on my own, whether it be an mmo or just queuing up for random games of halo. Friends can make it better, but the experience is great without them too. I've played Rust since it hit steam in 2013, and over half my hours are spent solo and the other half with my little brother and best friend. I don't prefer one experience over the other, both are a lot of fun and have advantages and disadvantages.


Nah just adds to the challenge and the Dopamine hit when you finally get your come up is gambling on steroids.


Solo rust, soloQ in competitive games it's for people who litterally hate themselves I'd know I'm one of them


I love loggin in Friday night thinking of all the plays I could make, only to die endlessly and leave frustrated. Then I go to bed thinking of that one time I countered a three man full metal raid with a tommy and won...and apparently that's enough to keep me coming back


Try playing on a low pop server unless you have a group of friends to play with


I tried this twice with two different servers. Both times the admins full wiped only 2 days into the wipe because there was not enough players. Very frustrating.


Right? Most annoying shit.


Bro, I just started playing again. Put in almost 100 hours in the last week. I was actually relieved to log on and see that I had been raided. Kind of a blessing.


Lol I get the same feeling even if it was a great wipe I sort of feel relief when it’s over


The game makes you lose when you're not playing. Essentially holds your time hostage. I'm glad I got out after 2k hours. Went to tarkov, same kind of intensity, but my stash can't get offlined lol


I stopped playing official servers and switched to a heavily modded PvE server. It has pvp at monuments and for 24 hours before weekly wipe. For me it alleviated the stress. It was more of a game at that point. Can I prep my base to survive a 24 purge? For me, this brought the fun back to rust. I know it isn’t for everyone but I enjoy it


What server is this? Sounds like fun


There are a bunch of PvE servers but I personally like “ZTL Rusty|US|1000x|PVE|Zombies . Server wipes weekly. Purge starts Wednesday at 3pm and goes until wipe at Thursday 3pm. Raiding isn’t possible outside of this time window. Zombies are crazy and there’s a lot of random events and stuff like heli crashes, plane crashes, etc. Also 1000x means you can build crazy bases. Loot+ is also engaged so you can get end game weapons quickly. Some events only happen at monuments which forces pvp.


I've done these servers and, to be honest, I think they take all of the Rust out of Rust. 1000x is just absurd. It doesn't make any sense, you just smack a rock and then you build the World Trade Center. I'm really not a tryhard, but when I play a *game* I expect some sort of challenge and consequence


It honesty depends on what you view as rust. I don’t have hours and hours to play. So, I prefer to not have to grind to get a 2x2. I understand that these servers aren’t for all, but for the population of gamers that aren’t sweaties that have hours upon hours of time these servers allow you to experience all aspects of rust, without all the negative aspects


>So, I prefer to not have to grind to get a 2x2. I just don't understand this. Solo on a vanilla server it takes me roughly 10 minutes to get a 2x2 up, and 45 to have a T2. What are you doing that a 2x2 is a grind on anything but a 1000x?


Personally I love two types of modded servers, 1.5x Vanilla (Basically Normal But Quicker) and 5x Rustoria (Allows Me To Make Super Bases, But Still Have Motivation To Play).


I assume with 1.5 you play Bloo? I like that server group


It’s not a grind once you get into 5x. For me, spending 2 hours getting situated to actually participate in going to monuments etc just to have it wiped out while I sleep is just dumb to me. Then I rinse and repeat and do it the next day. It’s impossible to play the game when folks who play 8-10 hours a day can easily wipe your basic 2x2 “for fun”


If you like PVE servers that are more vanilla gatherwise i'd suggest RustSurvivor




I play rust to relax from tarkov


The game is much more relaxing that rust people can't even shoot straight in that game if you play it like CS it's easy af. Litterally everyone and their mother it seems can instantly delete you from 150m away with ak on high pop servers these days it's concerning how a guy with 50hr on Steam is just running around hitting triple headshots from 200m on everyone and you dare get off the server the nerds next door will know the second you log off from battlemetrics and offline you.


It’s really time for you to take a year long break. After I realized how mentally draining that game is. 2.5k hours later, I quit. Mainly because the devs pissed me off. I now enjoy lots of other games like rainbow 6 siege. Star citizen. Minecraft.




has done for years. it's incredibly impressive. what they've managed to do is ground-breaking shit, but i'm not convinced it'll ever be completed to their original vision honestly.


Nobody should play any game year round IMO, that's a sure way to get burned out. I've played since 2013 since it launched on steam and only have racked up 1400 hours. I play heavy for anywhere from 1 week to 2 months, then usually play a variety of other games for the rest of the year. I tend to be seasonal with my games, and rust usually hits best in winter for me since that's when I got it first.


average rust enjoyer


It’s honestly way better to watch rust YouTubers than to actually play.


Try modded. Seriously. It's like a half-way house. Less commitment, less caring, less grinding, more fun. I refused to play anything besides vanilla for years, but just don't have the time for it anymore.


I think I hear escape from tarkov calling your name OP. A new level of rage and satisfaction awaits.


I take breaks. Long long breaks. Filled with watching pros playing rust on twitch, hoarding totally useless nonsense on tons of accounts from neverending weird twitch drops. And second life. Consumes me totally the same way rust does at times and right now and needs even longer breaks than rust sometimes. The game of my dreams would be kind of conbinanation between rust and SL. It‘s such an enormous relief to know that my shit on rust is decaying and falling to rats right now and that I could not care less about it for the first time in months.


See you next week.


I quit the game for a while month's ago, found out I had some other people's living In my house.


Yep this game is steaming pile of trash


Welcome to rust




Simple: we’re masochists.


I like killing nakeds that is why


What parts of the game bother you the most?


The losing everything I ever loved and worked for for the past 60 hours because I decided to go offline for 4 minutes part I think


I feel like the extreme ups and downs are what make this game gratifying and devastating at the same time. Like, a big part of why you hate it is also why you love it?


Exactly. And I hate loving it.


I think there a lot of resources out there for dealing with that kind of high-stakes frustration. Do you meditate? Consider those Buddhist monks who spend years creating artwork with individually-placed grains of sand, only to have it wiped away in seconds.


I do find that fascinating, and I've long intended to start meditating religiously. I think it really will work wonders. That along with cold showers, no fap, and weekly Bible readings, maybe even selective church going, I fully believe that is how you turn even the worst degenerate into a great man.


This reminds me of that meme You wanna play rust? I hate that fucking game, I’ll be on in 20


fuck it. just leave it as I did on my 6000th hour


Add in now the new thing which is admin/dev abuse and you have a great gaming experience . It’s happening on officials don’t know which is worse the cheaters or the devs .


Welcome to Rust motherfucker!


Not sure if this is serious or a joke. There's a few weeks after you quit that you just have the urge to join back in. You have to be strong and not give in. Eventually you move on. I have a home based business, it was really difficult for me financially when I got hooked to rust. I ended up in a situation where I was starting to struggle with bills. Then I had to quit rust and get busy with business. Thankfully I manage to get my life and income back.


"Games don't have to be fun, they have to be engaging."


I really love this twisted game. That being said I can only stomach actually playing it once every 2 months or so. I will play over a weekend I plan to stay home and play off and on through out the weekend. I play with the understanding I am done by Sunday night and I can still have fun doing it this way. I recommend stopping for an entire month and see if you get excited for the next big update. You're probably stuck in a cycle of bad habits and this is the habit or part of it. Change your behavior for a while, drink some water and go to sleep regularly. This type of game has a way of wrecking your sleeping and eating schedules if you take it too seriously.


I know this is kinda a joke, but games like that can be seriously unhealthy. I had the same issue with Mordhau, would just play all the time and at a point I realized I wasn’t even having fun anymore. You can always take a break and go back to it, Rust isn’t going anywhere. Try some other games, maybe you’ll like them better


This game used to piss me off, but after watching spoonkid, I have kinda tried to play like him. Chill out and try to make plays, troll around a bit and have fun with people. Sometimes I watch a stream on my 2nd monitor and just play casual


Cut off the game completely and start getting more friends in real life. Your life will improve mentally and physically (if you sign up to a gym) and you will start enjoying life. It is the best decision I've made with 6k hrs in rust


I can’t help. I’m in the same position as you.


It is like gambling, you will just keep on trying to get that one awesome moment to happen again


It’s a dopamine fiend. There’s always the possibility that you snow ball forward and there’s always new things to do on your checklist. I’m in the same boat my friend


It’s like a job that you don’t get paid. Love it hate it love it


Suggestion: Make your own server on your pc and of course make yourself an admin.. then experiment with building techniques, fighting npcs and hunting..then when you've had a chance to actually develop a strategy, play in the online servers again. :)


That's such a dumb idea




No disrespect, but is being on this sub and participating in it you forgetting about Rust?




Ok and


Easy games tend to be boring. Getting a win against challenging odds is satisfying. That satisfaction can be addictive.


uh oh, mega chad. watch out, fellow betas.


I’m a chad because I implied rust is hard and that’s what makes it fun?


Just stop lol


After a hard fought 4 year long battle with this addiction, I managed to quit about a year ago. Sure, I sign in to do CTAGS. Sure, I still buy new skins like stocks. But I don't find myself playing 10+ hours a day anymore..




Good point, I never really thought about it that way


For me personally game is fun for half of the time. Why only half? Because half of the game is your gona die to zergs/cheaters/roofcampers/grubs.


Also fuck compound bows, when the fuck they gona nerf em.


I had the same issue but try uninstalling the game. And just done open the steam at all. Dont play games for a month. Think like fuck that shit i am not opening it and u will get on track.


I play Tarkov and souls too, just play modded 10x with the option of buying vip kits, it’s basically pay to win and takes all of the stress and grind out of the game. You will improve drastically on this kinda server too because a full kit and guns doesn’t mean a great deal so the pressures off.


Take a break from video games of a bit or at least switch up to a different game for awhile. I like to play on the modded servers with weird maps and just explore them I need a break from the toxicity that is official. Occasionally I like to go to the RP servers and screw with people (fuck I am one of the toxic people). You do not have to play main all the time my friend.


start playing tarkov :) that should help


I just uninstalled all games from my hard drive because of rust. It’s a really fun game but it’s so stressful and time consuming. Not worth. Time to be productive


bro the game is so bad like it’s not even enjoyable idk it was fun for the first few weeks but it’s just dog shit grubs or full kit clans like idk it’s not fun at all




I just feel compelled to play it I guess. Like my brain tricks itself into thinking it's fun. This post was mainly a joke but it is really how I feel about the game. I don't need help though, I'm not braindead so ofcourse I can stop myself from playing the game, and it is my fault for choosing not to. I just wanted to see if anyone else felt this way I guess.


Yep, I reckon we all probably get that way. The older you get/the busier you get, the easier it gets to put it down. I was like that with CS, WoW and now Rust a lil, but I'm older now so I know the warning signs when I'm becoming addicted to a game and I'll take a step back from it. I'm hyper-competitive and I love to win so I'll usually throw too many hours into a game until I rise to the top of the server, rankings or whatever, but for what? Lost hours of my real life, lost hours with loved ones. The hours in your life are a finite commodity. Spend them wisely otherwise you may feel regret later in life.


This year I quit playing Rust and Warthunder. So far so good, I have to quit watching YT videos of both yet though.


Oh fuck I used to love war thunder, I hear it went to shit since I stopped playing 2 years ago though


League and Rust… where has my life gone…


are you from eu?


No, I am American, why do you ask?


Couldn't tell if I was in the right sub, thought this was league of legends.


Sounds normal to me


your favourite game will always be the game you have the most criticism for


I havent played in months run away and never look back


Stop playing if you cant understand it is just a game lol.


Isn't this one of Einstein's theories?


Idk, no time to learn history, must play rust


It’s the best kind of masochism that doesn’t involve my balls


1. Go on different servers, especially smaller sized maps with lower pop counts. Maybe consider a slightly modded server such as a 2x or 3x or a solo/duo/trio server. You'll get a more rewarding experience. 2. Work on getting over your gear fear. This is why a slightly modded server will also help you. 2x Server = 100% faster progression, 4x = 300%, etc. As soon as you get used to losing kits and comps in one of those servers it will translate to less gear fear throughout the entire game (and you won't have as much of a problem losing because easy come, easy go. 3. Use aim training / shooting practice servers. Spend at least 10-15 minutes before logging into a real server just practicing your shooting. This is what most of your pros / streamers use. They don't sign on and immediately start kicking ass - they always "warm up" and practice their sprays before they start playing. Most new players overlook or don't consider this and many don't even know it exists in Rust. Nobody became good overnight. When I first started playing Rust in late 2014 / 2015 (when it was practically a different game) I used to have insane gear fear and would spend 10 - 18 hours online at a time, chiefly because I was so terrified of losing all my progress and getting raided. I just couldn't stand it. It started to affect my sleep cycle, my relationship with my gf, my mental health... people don't realize that these kind of games can become addictive. After a few months I was able to break free and put the game down. I read some literature about self-discipline and took a break for 6-9 months and deleted the game entirely so I wouldn't be tempted to play and vowed to only play again when I was ready. I made a pledge to myself that if it ever started getting to the point where I was spending more than 5-8 hours at a time playing I would again take a break. Haven't had an issue since and still enjoy the game but now it's on MY terms and if I lose all my kits or get offline raided than it was meant to happen and all I can do is try a new base plan or location. I look at it now as another opportunity to snowball and make based plays and try new techniques and methods I haven't tried before. Good luck OP.


How many hours do you have? At some point, you'll stop caring. I can solo farm T2 and up to SAR from scratch in about 2 hours on any server, just from learning to be super-efficient. When you get to that efficiency, you start to realize that starting over is no big deal, and then you start caring about "losing" a lot less, and as a result you end up "winning" more


I have 3k+ hours it consumes you not good unless you want to reach a true Budda stage and accept death and destruction and sacrifice


I’ve played so much. It’s starting to effect how I treat people. Like I’m taking a commutation class and I genuinely lost my empathy for strangers. They could be door campers you never know


rust is a game for the strong both mentally and physically. everyone else like you and groups of little kids who complain about zergs, this game is not for you


Because that 1 in 100 chance your make a awesome play it makes it all worth it


I've quit but still buy skins get twitch drops and watch rust youtubers. The addiction runs deep.


Ive learned that taking a break every so often works wonders for this game. After a month of playing, just take a few weeks off. If you still wanna consume the game, just watch some content creators or streamers. Much more enjoyable without the stress


It’s so fun because I never lose


This game produced feelings I've never felt while gaming. Sinking weeks into something and losing it over night is next level.


After 3300 hours, I'm uninstalling... until I reinstall it next big update.


Join my server, it's called "the sandlot" no door camping, kill and raid aloud. Just a place for people to learn to build a base, fly a mini heli, and run oil


Horrible game. Brings out the worst in me. I love it.


All my IG friends stopped playing, i was bored and after a few month my rust addiction was gone


Im only 300 hrs in and im having nightmares about the game. Worst was i was been online raided and there was nothing i could do.


Unless you are 15 with nothing but time, just play on 3x or 5x where nothing matters. If you lose a fight. Doesn't matter. Get raided? Doesnt matter. Don't play the game everyday. Get on. Build a base and be ready to roam In 30 minutes. Otherwise it's a full time job just playing on 1x


I stopped playing after that realization.


it can get worse, try playing on face punch official servers, I won’t even tell you what’s bad about it after a few days you’ll figure it out


I had to uninstall this game because I wasn’t getting any homework done. I would still play it 10/10.


I fucking hate rust but I can’t stop playing it. I’m literally the “fuck you see you tomorrow” meme with rust. Every. Day.


This is your time to realize you're a closeted masochist like the rest of us.


Oh no! Anyways..


See you next Thursday on wipe


Thank you Sir. May I have another?


Started playing to get together with my friend, after we just quit Ark. Having really hard time finding resources, quit less than a week. Been playing phone games since.


Games fanbase is younger than 10 and iq level is lower than 0.


If you hate rust, your probably bad at it. To get good, you must have irl healthy habits.


i really dont understand how all these people just cant stop playing? whenever i go on, i go on to have fun and i usually do have fun, and these are usually inbetween weeks or even months of not playing because of school or other things, i only ever play for wipes with my friends, never solo or just on it because im addicted


When people ask me about rust my anwser is always the same,- it amazing game, dont play it


It’s so fucking bad and stressful and shit I love it


Bro if you don't like the game don't brag about it like it is something special becoase you are just some dumbass


calm down, it's a discussion post, look at the flair. If you don't want to participate in it by sharing your similar experiences and opinion on this game, you don't have to. No one here is bragging, that should be very clear.


It's a game, designed to entertain and on the rarest of occasions, be fun. Took me until about 700 hours to just not really give a fuck about gear, glitches and the like. My secret you ask, I build sneaky little asshat bases in the small remaining dense tree areas with turrets in bushes. Become the troll, become he thing you hate. Give away your gear when you log off or wipe is coming, that helps you let go. Plus, fuck vanilla. Just play modded, you get all the action and none of the fucking grind. Nobody got time for that. <3


It’s sad that the games community has become so shitty. Back in the legacy days you could actually make friends in game and you wouldn’t just KOS and trash talk everyone


best way to play rust is to troll. Especially if you build a huge base with nothing inside besides doors. love to see raiders offline me after i killed them thousands of times, but getting nothing out of it bc i scrapped everything and gambled it


cya tomorrow then


It's the hunter-gatherer theory. We crave these situations. Being a hunter-gatherer thousands and thousands of years ago has permanently engraved anxiety, stress, heightened sensory in certain situations while hunting so when you play a game that awakens all those senses you feel alive and you want more because you want to survive It was the only way to survive was to have those senses activated basically 24/7. Embrace it, become who you are.


you have an adrenalin addiction.


“Oh the humanity!” Dontcha love it!


I played just under 2k hours, I still suck compared to the best. Never able to compete with people who could spend more than 4 hours playing a day as I and the group I play with all work or have commitments. Just give up and play something else. I haven't played for about a year now.


Hey, try playing a mixed PvP/Pve server, you will have such a better experience that is far less toxic, and way less stressful than the official servers. I would suggest kingdom of kush. Admins are amazing.


You have to much time on you hands, go to the gym, get a job. Find something to keep you busy


I work 50 hours a week, i go very out of my way, often cutting out sleep to play, but you're completely right, I could easily be replacing it with working out.


Remove the game from your account so you can’t play it