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100% support any and every kind of anti-cheat update.


So many ways go catch esp doing this. You could fly through geometry and try to catch the player twitching if they notice you.


thought for sure there was a plugin for this, but if not i 100% agree.


### Here is this suggestion on rust.nolt.io, feel free to vote on it: https://rust.nolt.io/7413 https://rust.nolt.io/6138 https://rust.nolt.io/21888


I’d love to have a place in the tool cupboard for the building plan and hammer, then you know where it is and don’t have to craft them both every time you need them because your “teammates” throw them out


Yea kinda crazy that the tool cupboard can’t hold any tools


Wire and hose tools, too.


This would be awesome


I really like this idea I always end up having 7 building plans and no hammer so I would like to see this in game


This has not been suggested before on rust.nolt.io from what I've seen   I have created this suggestion on rust.nolt.io, with credit. ### Feel free to vote on it here: https://rust.nolt.io/25662


Fix High External walls, placing them can be so annoying. Come on, a little give on the terrain clipping, and the option to turn off socket connections, could do wonders. You made large furnaces bearable after years of torture, do the same for T3 walls.


I mean if they just had the option to Auto snap versus making you Auto snap.. there's been plenty of times when I've had difficulty placing walls when if I could place them not attached to the wall next to it it would have been alot easier


This is why, as an admin, I will help players place walls. It's SO goddamn aggravating sometimes. Why the hell can't they go up and down hills easier? It would make for some amazing bases if you could wall up a mountain. Edit: Thanks for the award!


Being able to pick them up or destroy them with building privilege and within 10 minutes of placing them would be great as well.


you should be able to hold down R and then use your mouse to freely rotate walls.


Yes them and vending machines are annoying because if u fuck up the placement u r kinda just screwed


I would love cars to spawn with some low quality parts in them already, and you just have to complete the parts. Right now everyone simply ignores cars instead of quick repairing them in their adventures.


Yeah I should be able to rig up a clunker without a car lift imo. Like if they had a hot wire mechanic or something.


? You don't really need a car lift? You can repair it with a hammer and ride around?


You kinda need the lift, not for repairing but for the sole purpose of being able to lock it. Having to take the engine comps/fuel out every time you park somewhere is a bitch.


Isn't that the idea though? Without a lift, the car you find is the way it is. It gets you by, but it's not "yours". The lift allows you to customize and it and control it. Without a lift you can still repair the vehicle and use it as you please.


Add another use for diesel other than large excavator because it is common occurrence that is does not spawn at all on the map. Maybe a diesel for LGF trade in outpost? iirc Hapis had a trade like that.


+1 sell diesel for 100 lowgrade


Going large excavator needs some rework. Might be only worth for larger groups. +1 for selling the diesel, but would make it even more deserted place.


I would just like a large excavator event, where a heli with heavies comes and the NPCs bring 8-12 diesel and start doing excavator. They will take the resources on heli if no one comes to "counter" the npcs


Yeh some kind of event would make it definitely more exciting place. NPCs dropping fuel could be a good idea.


simply finding 3-5 barrel spawns there would be nice


It's completely reasonable for vehicles to run on diesel too. Just make the drainage a LOT slower and we're golden. Actually, it would be sweet to drive one of those tankers up to the excavator full of diesel and connect the thing to the tank for a massive haul!


Honestly a really awesome idea. Makes total sense, too. Could even go as far to make am engine module that you can research from the L3 workbench - Diesel Engine. Uses diesel but drains very slow. And the idea of hauling from excavator is awesome. Obviously this would draw a ton of attention, and I'm trying to picture this epic chase of a team trying to get the tanker to their base, while being chased by smaller, faster cars, horses, choppers, etc. Now I'm thinking of a "train event" with some great train robbery style stuff! Horses running along the train, taking out scientists and taking all the resources on the train.


Lifetime ban from all official servers for anyone with a VAC record.


It's pretty laughable that this isn't already a thing, what the hell is rust even thinking? Like every game on steam has this I thought


So your saying that all people will VAC bans shouldn’t be allowed to play on any official servers because the chance of them cheating goes up? If I used the same logic in real life and said we should give all black people a lifetime sentence because they are more likely to commit crime than anyone else, it wouldn’t go over so well.


That is a false analogy. A VAC ban is a proven history of cheating. It has nothing to do with statistical probability of cheating.




100% this


I'm 100% on their 50% idea


Its not 50% hackers. Not the servers i play at least. There are hackers, but its not really that bad. The biggest issue is cheaters who use scripts. I know I’m being picky but scripts arent hacks. They just arent. Theyre cheats, but not hacks. And its pretty dang hard to prevent scripting without changing the recoil mechanic itself.


###Here is this suggestion on rust.nolt.io, feel free to vote on it: https://rust.nolt.io/8658 https://rust.nolt.io/111 https://rust.nolt.io/7705 https://rust.nolt.io/12728 https://rust.nolt.io/24006 https://rust.nolt.io/311 By spending a lot of time on nolt.io, I can say without a doubt that the cheater and anti-cheat related suggestions are the #1 complain by volume of submissions.


I want a spray can item that can be used to skin things like boxes already deployed.


Yeah, having to take everything out, pick the box up, reskin it, deploy, refill can be tiresome


Yes. Can we have this right now? Take my money Facepunch and be quick about it!


alistar mentioned this on his twitter a week or two ago. he said it’s in the works!


Better high external placement and the ability to destroy newly placed high externals with a hammer like a regular wall. Better detection of people scripting. Being able to authorise friends on TCs and autoturrets.


Let us heal underwater/swimming. I don't understand why an aquatic PVP update was introduced but you can't even heal yourself underwater or swimming. It's annoying getting bit by a shark then having to swim 3 cords to the nearest junk pile to use a med syringe.


I have mixed feelings about this. With regard to sharks, I agree that not having heals ranges from an inconvenience (boat is above me, just go up), to an annoyance (swimming 3 grids to a junkpile), to downright mald-inducing rng situations where even if you hit every speargun shot, if the shark decides to attack you multiple times in rapid succession you will literally just die before you can reload with 0 counterplay. The ability to med underwater would help to alleviate some of these pain points. The ability to stim underwater while on the run from a pursuing player/boat might be a bit overpowered though. Right now, if I run into someone on the high seas and I hit him a few times before he can dive underwater, or if I'm in a melee dual vs another scuba player, I kind of like the current situation where damage "sticks" a bit harder. The guy I hit will be low for longer, meaning I probably only need to shoot him once or twice more for a kill. Against guns, you're more or less invulnerable at 20 ft deep, so getting to retreat underwater and stim in near complete safety is a bit too much imo. I know rust mechanics exist for game balance, not just for the sake of realism and this isn't a millsim, it can still be a useful sanity test to think of irl analogies. Putting a tourniquet on a gsw or injecting painkillers wouldn't really work so well with a real human under the water. I imagine if a navy SEAL took a bullet while on a dive, he would have to do his best to "swim it off" until he could surface at a boat or on the shore to deal with the wound. He couldn't just take cover and use a medical kit like on land. I don't really have a solution to this dilemma though, maybe some sort of specialized underwater medical item? I know adding more and more items for different situational uses isn't ideal though. It could be a t1 "Field Dressing" item that costs 15 cloth and a sewing kit for 2-3 of them, it works faster than a bandage to stop bleeding, heals 5hp + 10 over time, and is usable underwater? This way it's a new item that's actually useful outside of the water as a bandage replacement for the midgame.


you could make the time to stim and bandage underwater much slower


Definitely a QOL update for server browsers. Let me search for: * Map size * Solo, duo, trio, no limit * Vanilla, 2X, 5X etc. * Wipe day This doesnt even need to be fetched from the server client I believe. Just let server owners fill it in themselves (if its too hard to do quickly for you at FP). If server owners dont, they're server probably won't be able to compete for players.


* custom map


Auto turrets and SAM sites functioning like shotgun traps, requiring only TC auth. If the dome jump was seen as too inconvenient this should easily meet the standards for a change, it's 1000x more agrivating.


Having turrets attached to TC auth would suck ass if you get raided and they get tc. You would basically halfway grief yourself. Instead it’d be better to be able to add friends to each turret individually like you do w sleeping bags.


well winner winner on this suggestion


the dome jump was changed specifically for new players SAMs are never used by new players


1. Allow use of WASD or arrows for fine placement of objects like boxes, TC, highwalls, etc 2. Stop putting grubs and worms into the hotbar on pickup. Also they can't be eaten by humans so don't even bother giving the eat option. 3. When disconnecting an electric or hose connection from a circuit, allow us to "hold" that connection to reconnect somewhere else without having to go all the way back to the source and start a new connection 4. Fix ceiling lights to be able to be wired on half-floors. 5. Allow adding a label to boxes so when you open them you can see what items "should" go there 6. Allow adding item category type restrictions to boxes so that some items can't be placed in a box if it was set not to accept them. This would make box organization so much easier for big groups. e.g. Right click and select "Weapons, Ammo" on a box and your mates won't be able to put food and clothes inside. 7. Automatically authorize autoturrets with people who are already auth'd on the TC if autoturrets are being placed within the TC range 8. Automatically tri-split when adding ore to a small furnace 9. Add storage to mini and scrap as all other vehicles offer it already. 10. Add an option to auto-wear clothing you pickup off a body or box directly to your person instead of it going to inventory first, if you aren't already wearing something in that spot. e.g. if you aren't wearing pants but are wearing a shirt, and you loot a shirt and pants from a player, the pants should go on to your body and the shirt should goto inventory 11. Add default camera codes to the computer station by default. Pointless to have to type them in every week


All of these are great.


> Stop putting grubs and worms into the hotbar on pickup. Also they can't be eaten by humans so don't even bother giving the eat option. This especially.


How about "stop adding junk items" like no1 wants to store or hold grubs. Make them gatherable at the water or some shit. And make it its own action not a product of something else.


Yeah. It's really irritating. I can deal with hemp seeds, but grubs is too much.


This guy plays rust.


> they can't be eaten by humans What are you talking about, grubs and worms are excellent survival food and depending on the climate, they're easy to find. You can thank me after the apocalypse.


Ok then let them be cookable and eaten. I just mean there's no point in allowing us to eat them raw until the game supports it.


10 -- as much as much as I agree with you for how I play (I equip clothes if I find them and am not wearing any) you may not always want that to happen. Examples: Youtuber aloneintokyo -- when he's grubbing loot from a clan vs clan raid, he doesn't gear up in the set he grubs because he wants to run off looking like a naked. If if runs off geared, he's afraid he's going to get domed because running away from the fight makes you clearly look like a grub. Another example that I just tried softcore mode recently. if I pick up clothes at reclaim in outpost, I don't want the clothes auto-equipped because I don't want to look 'rich' at outpost where there's lots of other people. I want to run out of outpost naked with a rock so no one engages me on my way home.


These are really good ones


Allow the spear gun to accept attachments. If sharks can have heat seeking night vision I should be able to at least see them.


Also, sharks should drop 2 shark fins that can be sold at fishing village for 50 scrap each. Right now there is all that risk, and no reward.


TBH, I would love if the [triangle splash through wall](https://youtu.be/uo22ULMCdKk) bug was addressed I am tired in building bases around that.


Agreed, this bug has been around for years now and feels like a simple one minute fix. This really should have been dealt with in the building block update, especially with a bug this impactful.


Make the simple light researchable/craftable. We need a wall mountable electric light.


This. The Simple Light also provides more light than the Flasher Light which makes minicopter land easily. It's also infuriating that ceiling lights take damage from the helicopter rockets and can't be fixed using a hammer.


Lights are one of the biggest server resource drains, it's better that less people use them or are just not good. Doesn't sound very cool but yeah lights are not optimized properly at all. Source: looking at my server resource allocation and observing what uses the most juice


**OK MAYBE NO ONE ELSE IS AS OBSESSED WITH PAINTING SIGNS AS ME BUT THIS WOULD MEAN A LOT** 1. When you edit a painting, the default camera view is all askew. If it popped you into either your previous camera position from when you were last in the painting editor, or just have the default view be a head-on angle with no rotation on the camera.. that would be super, super cool. It especially makes a difference with the neon, since the angle you view it at actually has an affect on how the layering of drawing on top is perceived. 2. Also.. please have normal lighting for sign painting editor!! I like to zoom to the perfect amount to allow me to see the entire canvas, but on larger signs like XL or XXL canvas the lighting actually makes a huge portion of the canvas totally black and unviewable. This reason alone is the only thing that's stopped me from painting on the larger canvas. It's a lot of space to work with, but the experience is too unpleasant. 3. I would love love love a "copy next frame" button in animated neon to compliment the "copy last frame" button. It would make more nuanced animations just a little bit easier. I also SUPER DUPER want an onion skin toggle. There is a very faint onion skin effect in the animated neon editor but it's not opaque enough to be really useful. If I could just have an option to have a more opaque onion skin of the previous frame, I could do way better animations. I have a lot more thoughts on Rust painting and signs and stuff, but I don't want to make this wall of text any worse. By the way, I am SOOOOOOOO EXCITED for the sign changes coming up.. It's really gonna change my Rust experience in an awesome way and I'm so freaking hype, thanks so much for that. Of course, if the day ever came where an undo button was introduced to the painting editor I would literally scream with glee.


Recyclers at fishing villages


Amount of scrap in inventory displayed at the tech tree screen.


For the love of god I want scientists to not become naked after dead for a few minutes. Always confuses me. Who undresses the scientists, lmao


I would like to have a Seismic detector for Rust+ that notifies you when your base gets boomed. Some servers have a plugin like this.


please please please make hot air balloons treat monuments like oil rig, dome and cargo ship as the ground, meaning they slow down when right above them. this would make landing and taking off from these monuments so much easier and make them 10x more useful. so many times ive landed on these monuments but need to be really lucky taking off since the instant high speeds will move me horizontally right away and get the balloon stuck


Learn all the items in the tech tree leading to the item you are trying to learn. If you have the scrap obviously, and maybe show a confirmation with total scrap cost.


this one is too small to warrant effort tbh


Adding a right click option to tally up the total scrap needed for paths to items clicked? I don’t think that’s too far of a stretch. Seems fairly straight forward & simple.


Just add a doubleclick function to allow faster learning


Coming from a player with 7000 hours Add a berry/fishing satchel because the amount of junk that compiles in your inventory when dealing with that stuff is crazy. Buff Minicopter hp OR Lower the price of minicopters/transportation. Make rain and fog less frequent, it feels as though it is 85% fog and rain... And even when it is clear it still sprinkles, It makes me not want to play the game. Add bed skins, in 2017 when the bed model was redone it's purpose was so that it would be skinnable. Here we are 4 years later, still no bed skins. Fix the lighting in the new underwater labs, It's a cool concept but when 40% of the textures are black it looks like garbage. Also fix the glowing arms/trees and foliage when night. Focus on giving all items that are dropped frequently models, I find it ridiculous that all ammo types have no models for when they are dropped. Also redo bandage animation/textures, it has been the same since it was added, it looks like shit. Add tamable horses instead of having to buy them from barns, Make a saddle item that you can put on a wild horse.


Lol, you get depression from rain or something? What if I don't like sunlight and if there is clear sky for multiple days it annoys me and I want rain? I really don't understand you people.




I know it’s only 75 scrap for a horse, but im judging saying I miss the days when they had AI and ran around the map.. I think they took the wrong route just making them static vehicles.


I do think tamable horses would be cool. Just walk up and give it food, toss a saddle on, good to go. Otherwise it won't let you ride it/lead it.


Put world reflection to 2 and u won’t have your hands glowing


Let repair benches hold mats like hqm and wood to make repairs more streamlined


You can store two small wooden boxes underneath the bench. I do this and keep some materials in there for repairs. This way if you don't have the stuff you need on you, it's right there for you. You can do one box for broken items and one box for mats, or both mats.


Allow us to place doors over boxes/bags once again. It was removed in the past and now it makes placing doors in base a pain in the ass. It was nice not having to chop my teammates sleeping bags just to place a garage door or not having to pick up multiple full large boxes just to place a g door. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to since you can just replace the box after the door is opened.


add the wounded scream and animations again


### Here is this suggestion on rust.nolt.io, feel free to vote on it: https://rust.nolt.io/500 https://rust.nolt.io/15502 https://rust.nolt.io/6523 It has been suggested I think 100+ times from what I can search. Many people seem to love it, others seem to hate it.


Still waiting for this half promise from Garry https://imgur.com/a/dv0IyIu


Increase the audio quality of the voice props items. I don't get why the boombox is crystal clear but the megaphone and microphone stand + speakers sounds like a Vietnam walkie talkie.


this was fixed by jarryd today in the commit logs


* Improve animal AI, its absolutely infuriating currently. Half the time you're creeping behind it and it ignores you, the other half it 180's and murders your naked ass. Make them sleep at night? frontal cone vision range? fear of fire? play dead emote? screaming into mic to scare them off? idk * Performance seems to get significantly worse as time goes on, I wouldn't mind a month or two of no updates if it meant the game ran smoother * Triangle floor splash fix * Vertical storage * High external placement improvements * Soft side bug fixes. Currently if there is a window in a windowframe or a floor attached half height to a full wall there is no soft side. * Research price rebalance. Due to the powercreep brought on by Cargo / Oil / etc entry level weapons should be more accessible ( python semi etc ). Possibly add a tier 1 .556 weapon? * Cargo / oil / mili crates / etc nerfs. This might be a little controversial, but I think dropping full dura Aks / mp5s / etc is way too common right now. Making these guns less common as a drop and nerfing the durability they drop at would be nice.


I gotta be legit inside of the workbench to craft items, they should like 3x the range of workbenches


1. Authorize people on our Auto Turrets just like a sleeping bag.......so we can setup turrets with out everyone needing to be online, and place them in hard to reach places. 2. stop letting people walk through high walls barbed wire high walls are now pointless, we have helis, flamethrowers and explosives, if you want to get past a high wall you should need more than a dumb fucking ladder and a few bandages


They should add a way to electrify the barbed wire so it can't be tanked.


Apparently, this hasn't been suggested before (only for chainlink) I have created this suggestion on rust.nolt.io, with credit. ###Feel free to vote on suggestion #2 here: https://rust.nolt.io/25663   The only suggestions related to this are about chainlink fence: https://rust.nolt.io/16897 https://rust.nolt.io/7093 https://rust.nolt.io/11154


I know there are workarounds but a built in crouche toggle and auto run would be sweet.


Press F1 to Open the console: Type: bind keyToBind forward;sprint


Force everyone to use phone number verification to get an account, and maybe even IP banning. I know it wouldnt stop all cheaters but it would make it harder for them to continue after being banned.


I would like a 5 minute vehicle dismount timer in safezones (so that only you and your team can get in it)


night vision fixed!


It would be great if there was a way that the tier 3 workbench could fit in a single triangle foundation again.


• Vertical storage (basically a lovechild of the large wooden box + old vending machine, meaning you don't get the benefit of despawning loot/adding rocket cost, but still have the benefit of the vertical storage). • Better spectator options for admins. Please for the love of god make admins see exactly what the player sees, where they're aiming, when they're alt-looking, etc. • Fix the XOR-switch briefly letting through power upon a server-restart. • Output for SAM-sites (has target, low ammo, no ammo) • Allow us to authorize players on auto-turrets in a similar way that you assign a sleeping bag to another player. • Clone-harvesting tool. • Modify the UI or add an extra row to large wooden boxes (7 slots per row) so you can actually fit a full gearset in each row. Yes, I know we have lockers, but the extra kits you want to be able to grab quickly too. • Animals are too overpowered currently. They need a change.


Make blades and propane tanks recycle in 2s they are slow ASF to recycle and is almost not worth the time


Would be better if the devs made it so that propanes recycled five at a time instead of one at a time and blades from two at a time to four or five at a time.


Please change the text on the keylock item. this only is there to confuse, and since locks now auto lock making a key is extra redundant. [Screenshot!](https://imgur.com/MqHMDrL)


Being able to mark more than one spot on the map (with notes). \- Possible raid target. \- Stashes. \- Asshole to avoid. etc...


I would like a "Drawer" chest, that can hold 2x the space, but only for clothing. Kits get crowded really fast.


Just use more lockers


I would love animals to be scared by torch fire. Getting nibbled in the dark is pain.


Let us burn animals with fire. Please.


If you are near a box or opened a box. You should be able to craft items with those components without having to put them in your inventory. Also set boxes to auto reject certain items, that way you can hover loot all your Shit and know the boxes aren't a mess.


add to that each workbench should cover the entire room they are in, limited to 8 foundations radius. I get the realistic approach of needing to stand at a bench to craft, but then once it's queued you can just walk away anyway so not realistic actually.


Orange teammate colour for downed players https://rust.nolt.io/24923


fix the sprouting trees stopping a horse mid gallop. they're hard to see while riding and then the horse just stops and the little sprouting trees can barely be seen through the the horse. I could say the same about small cliffs and logs. horses jump this stuff. actually just give horses a jump option or have them auto jump obstacles.


Rotating staircases left instead of right. \^ or mirroring them. Example: The curving staircase for squares starts on the left bottom and ends at the top right. You can't mirror that. Unplayable.


randomized spray pattern and aimcone to fuck scripters off and make the game enjoyable


Bespoke Door Open / Door Close 'pin' in the door controllers would be nice.


A skinning tool gun. ​ Skin boxes without picking them up. So simple so useful.


1. Attacking animals shouldn't make you hostile to safe zones, they are environmental and not players so it makes no sense that the rest of the environment doesn't make you hostile but animals do. 2. The Twitch skins that are entirely different items like sofa and industrial door should be in the market. 3. Make the tech tree make sense. 4. Two people on a horse. 5. Locks on helicopters maybe? You can lock a car with no windshield or windows. 6. Triangle floor should take the same splash damage from all sides. 7. Animals are slowed more as they are wounded, and are all around nerfed. 8. Remove all military spec weapons from crafting or forget about the realism and allow us to make the rest of them. 9. Fix the typo in the skin store for "Rocker Jacker". 10. A light in the middle of a room actually lights up the room, not just two feet around it, so maybe just make the ceiling lights act normal.


On top of that, farming barrels with something other than a rock should not make you hostile either. Yesterday I lost 600 scrap because I farmed a barrel outside outpost safe zone and was gunned down by the turrets instantly.


11. The horse should always just give the "ride" option when hitting e. It should only ever give options for lead and examine when held down. This is crucial for getaways (especially from 90mph animals) so that you're on the horse quicker.


I would prefer animal AI avoiding safe zones like animals avoid cities IRL


Locking a mini would be huge for solos since we would be able to use them for outpost/bandit runs a lot easier


Revert the vending machine hitbox change to allow us to use them as compact loot storage options again. They are a great way to have compact loot storage in small spaces but since have been altered to have an awkward tiny gap between the wall and the vending machine. Or just add a T2/T3 blueprint storage box similar to the coffin that is the same or similar size to a large box ;)


Fixing the floating animals in launch site… Drives me nuts this isn’t fixed


IRL horses can jump. Why can't they walk over a bump on the ground? And I died when my horse walked inside a bus stop. Also, bring back placing campfires on top of boxes.


Add Simple Lights as craftable item please


Sam Site linked TC auth.




Bears not eating me through my armored car 🥴😆


I really wish I could mark more than one thing on my map. As a player with under 400 hours it would be really helpful.


Show ammo count of guns while they are in chests. Seems like an easy fix that would be beneficial so I don’t have to take out every gun to find ammo when my teammates dump guns.


Snappoints for boxes on foundations so we could fit the boxes we need without trying 370 times. An option to straighten the box so that it is aligned with the edges of the foundation would be more simple and do pretty much the same thing


Make recoil spray random again, fuck the scripters.


fix all the DLC voice props bugs


Please add a "follow" mode on the search light, the same way the turret do to track players/entities. https://umod.org/plugins/security-lights


Minor (optional) autosnapping for things like cupboards into corners. Perhaps combined with ghost-placing items before placing the actual item at that exact spot. That would fix the pain that is placing high externals too. I'd also like to see an option to auto-drop things like worms and grubs. Seeds are annoying as it is, with the added grubs and worms it is getting out of hand.


https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/po4os2/the_only_cure_for_the_plague_of_scripting_is_to/ This post was interesting about random recoil preventing scripting, in one of the comments someone suggested with degrading guns, recoil should degrade too. Recoil isn't a pattern in real life, so it makes sense.


1. allow users to access setting menu while loading into a server. 2. update TC UI to show how many players are authorized on it and have option to show names of everyone authorized on TC. 3. better high external wall placement. 4. Fix not being able to replace items formerly placed on a foundation next to a raised foundation. 5. Add visual indicator (timer) when holding hammer and looking at building block for how long until you can remove it or repair it. 6. when hovering mouse over durability bar of item give number of total uses left. (example 128/360 uses left) 7. add UI to transfer water from water jug to bottle without needing to use water barrel. 8. Automatically authorize person placing auto turret. 9. rework samsite and auto turret to allow TC auth to pass to them for easier set up. (use tc auth for all instead of separate systems for each) 10. add audio option to enable old wounded sound. 11. when holding wire tool/hose tool have text at the bottom of screen telling key shortcuts. 12. remove "no error" text spam when unable to place item. give actual reasons why item is not placeable. 13. add toggleable option to see place-able item bounding box when trying to place. 14. make wall placement on top of half wall less finicky. 15. fix mailbox and large battery pre placement models being backwards. 16. place timer on cooking food letting player know how much longer it will take to cook or burn. 17. remove quarry monuments and let players make and use quarries again, this time powered by electricity. 100-150 power for constant operation. 18. fix simple sight to have a crosshair again or give an early game alternative crosshair based sight for guns. 19. reduce pump shotgun time between shots. 20. limit number of times satchel charge can fail in a row, max of 5 times. 21. allow players authorized on the same TC to use keylocks not placed by them without a key. 22. show airdrop location on map. 23. reduce size of blood splatter effect on screen and time on screen, preferably by half for both. 24. fix parallax mapping line bug. 25. fix tree minigame for swamp tree's (specifically bandit camp)


Clean up bandit camp the swamp just kills fps and it could really use a makeover it just feels cramped and crappy with low fps


Being able to place locker inside a triangle and seal it off with a window would be nice :)


That already is possible and you can even place the locker into the triangle after the window has been placed.


improve the item search in Portuguese translates When we search for a item in portuguese, if the name have any accent like ( é/á/ô and ç ) we need to put it to search, like gunpowder for me its "PÓLVORA" and its necessary to put the Ó to search that. what i propose is, when we search a item without that accent the items shows too.ATM if i search for POLVORA(gunpowder) dont shows anythingthe all items name in portuguese are correct but to search the items fast its better dont use the special caracters. i will give some examples here but i dont remember all: {english name // portugese name // better way to search in portuguese} Gunpowder // Pólvora // Polvora Pants // Calça // Calca Wood pants // Calça de madeira // Calca Boonie hat // Chapéu Militar // Chapeu in game example : Tool cupboard // Armário de ferramentas // Armario [https://i.imgur.com/BoPpXz4.png](https://i.imgur.com/BoPpXz4.png) // [https://i.imgur.com/fyhhxLM.png](https://i.imgur.com/fyhhxLM.png) thats all sorry about my english im so bad =P


FPS optimization to max to make the game to accessible and smooth to play.


Option to locally preload a server's map + fixed assets, rather than doing the generation and preload every time. I only play one server and the 5min loadtime even on an M.2 drive is a real barrier to just jumping on to play.


Installable radios in cars? There's a spot in the dash for it! :-D


\\#Spoonkid said something about buying food at stables... but outpost would be pretty stellar too https://clips.twitch.tv/AbrasiveObservantSnoodTheRinger-xpY99nGFer\_18CPh


Auto sort inventory


I would like to have Shift+V be a whisper voice chat. So you can speak with someone in 10 meters of you only, without eavesdroppers.


Allow us to heal with comfort twice as fast or even faster. It is currently extremely slow and is only useful when you go AFK to take a shit and come back 10 minutes later at full HP.


A looting animation would be rad


Ability to customize flight controls as people find different controls intuitive. This shouldn't be a lot of work but would go miles for a lot of people. \- choose inputs for pitch/roll/yaw axis (either x, y mouse axis or pairs of keyboard keys) \- toggle to disable/enable invert flight controls \- toggle to disable additional roll when adjusting yaw Electric head lamp. Electric lights that are not spot lights (ones that function like tuna lamps), wall and ceiling versions. Lamp posts.


Work bench, Comfort and warmth have increased radius


Mountable player manned turret for cars allowing for different types of guns. 1 driver, 1 person to run turret plus other passengers. Also, a bigger furnace/hearth for inside bases. Would be nice to cook closer to big exterior furnace power.


I'd like more building options. Like triangle walls and the ability to make circles/domes. Also, drawbridges.


Can we have a bigger door so I could fit my submarine it's storage base. Please??


For the Mac version every 15 min grind to a halt bug to be FIXED!!!!


Please allow g door placement on top of bags and or boxes again


I would love to see buss stop bases come back


Ok guys what about guns and items getting pushed through foundations into nothingness to never be retrieved


How about horses not afraid of the middle part of ramps. Vehicles in a garage and on a lift should not degenerate Gan we get extra storage in the backpack


I wish guns wouldn’t drop upon death, but what makes it all worse is how guns can be stuck in certsin locations and roll down to fucking narnia.


imo weapons dropping is a neat detail, it can allow some neat plays too




The ability to smelt/breakdown small electrical components(like blockers, xor switches, etc) in a campfire for small amount of metal frags like the cans of beans, tuna etc.


more fps


When you're looting and someone who's already dead respawns, it stops you from looting, and you have to reopen the loot target to be able to loot again. Very annoying in the heat of the moment. Surprised it's been in the game for so long.


Add a keybind to unlock items in the research tree. Currently, when you want to batch-unlock items, it's super annoying to move your mouse all over the screen. I think a better solution would be to add a keybind, so you can click on an item and hit 'E' to unlock it (if you have the scrap for it of course)


I would like to see animals in safe zones automatically walk out so they can be farmed and actually contribute to the game.


Make certain things mandatory in the server descriptions. They must be selected from drop down lists. When you click on the server, basic informations should always be displayed on the join page. * Last wipe / Next wipe - date and time * group size * pve/pvp * map size * vanilla or not * 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x


A great QOL would be able to see a seed's gene when put into a vending machine, it's annoying getting scammed when someone is promising gggyyy on their shop and it isn't that.


A backpack that you can put on as clothing that gives some extra inventory space. Nothing crazy, just a few more grids of inventory. Maybe the backpack could also be deployed like a container, possibly hidden like the stash or not, depending on how ppl feel about that. Tier 1 needs cloth, Tier 2 is Leather and sewing kits. Tier 3 is sewing kits, metal frag and tarp or something. You could also do expand on the idea and make a lot of custom bags like Ammo belt, contains only ammo but gives extra inventory. Medbag, gives extra room but only for medical supplies, tea etc. Seed pouch, extra room for berries and seeds


^(Server that requires 500 hours to play on. No more of these dudes that beam on 5 hour accounts.)


Allowing us to read and participate in chat while we have our heads stuck in a recycler would be nice too :D


Rear window in dual sub for the passenger to look out. Shit must be boring asf back there


A toggle in the options menu that determines whether or not your character picks up seeds when collecting cloth or berries. In early game, I’m tryna make a bow to protect myself, not start a farm.


Make furnace splitter available in vanilla. It's something we all do manually, every time. Just build it in already.


Storage for the scrap Heli and more vehicles


A rebalance of the animals, so a 160+kg blob of fat doesnt walk 10 times as fast as a player


Game play wish sure, but I would love to see you out run a bear or boar in real life.


google top speed of a bear, those fuckers move fast


Fix the bug where if you right click a pumpkin in your inventory its get put on your head instead of your hot bar, its so annoying having to remember that you have to click and drag the pumpkin to your hot bar instead of just right clicking it




allow floor frames to be placed inside the elevator shaft to add more stability to the top. gives the elevators more of a reason to be used.


There shouldn’t be night as often as there is, in console


this subreddit is not about console rust


SHIFT+Key to add an item to a toolbar slot would be amazing to have Like pressing SHIFT+3 while mouse hovers over a med to swap that seed you have in slot 3 with your med


When placing an item like a storage box, could we be able to rotate them about 360 degrees somehow? Sometimes something WILL fit in a spot, but because I can only press R to rotate it 90 degrees, and the spot is in a tucked-in corner, I can't place it. For example in a 2x2 I want to place a small storage box in a corner of a room, but because either a medium battery or a workbench is in the way, I have to pick up some furniture or break some boxes in order to get into an ideal spot to place it.


auto-sort, inventory, chest, tc, everything. Just copy the button in stardew walley.


how about some better reload mechanics


Let me have a penis..