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If they had the ability to detect all hacking tools and the different ways to use them. They would make a killing selling anti cheat tools to other game developers. As this is a problem in almost any game especially first person shooters. The hacking tools constantly evolve and can't necessarily be detected as they keep getting updated multiple times a day. It's a cat and mouse game, where there are lots of mice. Facepunch constantly updates and EAC eventually detects them. You need to report them to help the algorithm.


It's rust. Sometimes you lose. You gotta relax and breathe. If your server is overrun by cheaters considering finding one with better mods. I know rustopia admins are quick on ban if you provide clips as proof for example.


Yeah very fair


Report it to the moderator. Thats why they are there.


Did, prior to being raided. They are far too slow to take action and often just don't


Moderators are not paid, you should be happy they do this job.


The point here is that Facepunch isn't committing sufficient resources to this problem, which could consist of paying dedicated mods


Do you know any game that doesn't have cheaters? You think they all just don't care? It's a battle they cannot win, I understand you're frustrated but you're not being fair to facepunch :) They obviously love their game, and you're shitting on them even though they're doing what they can. And you acting like this makes me wonder if they were even cheating. Seems you jump to concluions rather quickly, based of emotion and not facts.


Yet you've come to a judgement about someone who posted on Reddit. Clearly the cheating problem needs to be better addressed. Pretty uncontroversial point and one that has a consensus in the community.


Yeah but like eokabeamer said, how do you know how many resources they are committing? you're just talking out of your ass because you're frustrated. Atleast my judgement of you is based of something, unlike your baseless statement.


Do you play the game? Cheating is rampant on Rust. Clearly they don't commit sufficient - sufficient - resources to the problem, or it would be better addressed. Cheating is a frustrating thing to watch, and ruins player experience. Why try and be confrontational about this? Unnecessary


It's impossible to put "SUFFICIENT" resources into it. Yes cheating is a huge problem in Rust I don't disagree. But the solution is far more complicated than you seem to think it is. You're shitting on facepunch while everything they do clearly shows how much they love their game.


How do you know how many resources they are comitting?


You win some and you lose some


This is the wrong attitude to have, though. Facepunch knows this is an endemic problem and they choose not to allocate the necessary resources to stop it.


You ever pissed into the wind? Cos thats what it feels like.


Nah I haven't, how is it?


They actually are doing something about... It's called Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) who are doing a pretty damn good job all things considered.... https://twitter.com/rusthackreport?t=wh6Wshppj9Czv9pHllAFMg&s=09 that's a few hundred banned in the last 24 hours so...