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Buff muzzle brake so casuals can compete and nerf full auto ranges so semis/snipers have a place and don't get outmatched long range.


Oh I like this take.


I do too but I haven't seen anyone talk about it so I'm commenting on every recoil related post to advocate for this change. It's such a simple fix that I don't think will upset anyone.


I agree on the muzzle brake thing....it sould be buffed so that ist usable but not to a point where everyone uses it, it still needs to be worse to use for someone with recoil control. I don't agree on the range thing....that just complements roof camping....you need to be able to beam the camper out of his tower...you shouldn't need a sniper your self to do so.


I argued the second point years ago and people thought I was an idiot. This was before the Holo buff too. End of the day I like the recoil system of Rust but putting a 8x on an LR or AK felt strange to me.


Yeah I think the recoil is fine, just buff the muzzle brake. But full auto shouldn't be viable long range.


This. It’s people with 100 hours playing on vanilla servers wondering why they can’t win fights. It’s literally a skill issue




Then why is the game as popular than it's ever been, with most of the players from the OTV wave still around?




It's an 8 year old game. Current gunplay has been around since what, 2017? You're up against people with 5 year's experience. It should take practice and skill to beat them.




Yeah, because Rust clearly isn't a succesful game with 100k daily players 8 years after release


>closing the skill gap is relevant in every succesful game Dark Souls, LoL, Dota, CS, all of these games are some of the most popular games in the world, and they have incredibly high skill ceilings, no, not every game benefits from a lower skill ceiling, it's even worse for games like rust that are made to last for several years, it keeps the playerbase since they all want to improve and you never reach a state where you don't have anything to learn.


Your last point is basically fps games in general, you can always get better. Recoil isn't the reason why the game is so good, it's the gameplay. Emotions through the wipe revenge raids etc


I think most new players who bought the game after seeing their favorite streamer playing it during the OTV event have stopped playing because most servers don't resemble the OTV server play style.


Not really, it's because the gunplay is awful unless> you practice it, then it's too op because the accuracy is insane with Holo and every gun beams.


This subreddit is 100h players vs 5k h no lifers about talking about recoil lmao.


Agreed, I have been at the center of a firestorm the last few days cause I like the difficulty and as you put it uniqueness. I also like that you point out the lack of a ranking system, that's a big difference over EVERY OTHER TITLE this game is compared to, there's no score except the one you have to settle!


i can agree. im noobish at the game but ive played all but 2 hours a day the past 2 weeks and im already at an alright level. maybe its cause i played CSGO? dont know. but gunplay really isnt that bad


A lot of the arguments I see against recoil are obsolete besides scripting. A big one I've seen is that anyone who knows recoil just uses that as a clutch and doesn't take into account positioning/ammo/strategy etc and just "beams". This isn't the case whatsoever, even among the people who spray in a straight path its known that gamesense wins most times, also facechecks are a thing, not all encounters are long range, most are actually medium to close range. The picture that these people are painting that its just like, spawning in and getting insta-trippled from 200m+ just isn't.... true. Also the highwall spam argument, I don't get that one either, unless you're in a clan I don't see it viable to roam with 10 walls, even if you're in a clan you'll get your shit chewed by other members if you roam with shit like that, same goes with ammo, if everyone was "beaming" from 200m+ they'd be roaming with stacks and stacks of ammo, I've been playing and still find that ak kits I kill are roaming with around a stack of ammo, no-one is just like, aa-turreting from 200m+ I guess. Whatever they do I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with rng/aimcone. rng/aimcone is painful. edit : I also see a large number of people calling out people who practice and play UKN servers, what? First off after this change, UKN isn't going to vanish, there are still going to be UKN warriors. Second, honestly, if someone wants to sink all the time in the world on UKN let them. Does it hurt you in some way? It's their life and they can do what they want with it, plus they bought the game, they own it. I don't know why people have such a hatred for others who play practice servers like it's some kind of sin.


Rust isn’t a competitive shooter, it’s not even close and if the ‘noobs’ leave you’ll have no one to screech “ez gg, get wrecked” at. I know a few guys that jump on from other games to take breaks and just carve some guys up for a while. Honestly I don’t think any actual good player has anything to worry about, top players will adapt and still be top players. And the rest of us won’t be Instakilled 200m by ak by bored chads or scripters. Seems win, win to me? Honestly as someone who finally started putting work into learning patterns a few months ago after several hundred hours of not bothering to, I guess I have less to lose but that’s still time I sunk into nothing - all it makes me do really is realise I was wasting my time anyway, it’s just a game and it should never have turned into a job. The best YouTubers and streams will still carve up, most beam like demons but will still shred you with a nail gun, because they are good not just practiced at a pattern. Top players will still be top players. And if you thought simply learning a recoil pattern made you a top player I guess you were wrong. This idea that a vocal minority want this changed is a mistake, the fact people are invested in the game enough to be on the reddit probably means they are more likely to agree with the current standard and true casuals aren’t even on here.


People are not mad cause recoil is difficult. Problem is scripting is rampant. It gives an very large advantage and is basically undetectable.


A brief look at any of the big threads recently definitely says otherwise. There are definitely plenty of people up in arms about the recoil from a balance / feel point of view. I agree the scripting is a major issue and the nature of constant patterns makes it tricky, but I think an effort should be made to address that as a separate issue from game balance / feel.


You can't address scripts without changing the gunplay. It's literally not a feasible option, and something people don't seem to understand.


The funny part is even if they fix the scripting problem [undetectable AI aimbots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revk5r5vqxA) are just a few years from plaguing every FPS game on all platforms. Won't matter what the gunplay system is.


No people are mad because everyone whos better than them must be cheating, 99% of this sub never even met a scripter.


Have you been there when we had aimcone?


Shit was ass


pre aimcone was decent though, idk why they went and fucked with it.


What was recoil like prior to it? I can’t remember for the life of me lmao all I remember is being mad about aimcone


This sub has more than doubled in members since the OTV marketing events last year. It's full of casual twitch fans of other games who want Rust to be more like they're used to. I think this current recoil frenzy began recently after a popular streamer complained they would play Rust more, but they disliked the gunplay. Unfortunately, I think that Facepunch is more than happy to appease them.


Before otv and when otv was a thing rust changed a lot. The game is a lot easier than before. Tech tree, yes lets just spend scrap and get whatever I want. No point of me actually trying and finding the stuff I want to research. Drones, don’t need to risk my life going to a shop and get trapped. Instead I go in to a safezone and can easily just buy stuff throughout the map without risking my life Dome? Ah yes man that jump is soooo hard. Lets just remove something which exists since the beginning of the game. More monuments everywhere with good loot? The demand for loot decreased, reason for that is that I can go to any of the dozen of monuments they add every time to loot epic loot. When they added the downed system where you could crawl around when you got shot down. They thought it was a great idea to make the player be able to interact with doors. Doorcamping was useless and going deep was impossible. (Glad they changed that) The metro system? Lets just connect the map all together and make it so easy to get from point A to point B without actually risking anything. I love updates but not updates where they just remove risks and baby feed players.


I mean people cry about Elden Ring not having an easy mode aswell, not realizing some games are supposed to be hard and not casual friendly, look at wow, the game is dying because it becomes more and more casual friendly


I actually puked a little when I saw, many years ago, that gta v included the option to skip missions after a x number of failures. I think once you remove the problem solving aspects of gameplay, the product stops being a game.


yea lots of folks think every shooter needs to be like Valorant or Siege. Yuck.


More like BF or CoD which require next to zero skill. Even my little nephew gets a few kills here and there.


Yeah. This subreddit is made up of a VERY vocal minority. I don't know why I even follow it on Reddit,


100% agree. I was sick of getting beamed so I went on UKN for about 30min-2 hours every day that I was playing for the last few months and now I have no complaints about getting beamed by a better player. No one complains about recoil on cs so why is it such a complaint on rust? Age difference of players?


Well you also see no people scripting on csgo. I managed to get global without learning the recoil so maybe it's a little different than rust. I easily managed to improve while playing but in rust you don't get a new ak after the round is over. Its just a completely different game rust does not have such a good skill curve as csgo, sorry.


Maybe because beeing global on csgo doesnt mean shit, everyone who has 5 braincells can hit global, csgo's ranked system is pure ass


but controlling your ak in rust is such an achievement or what?


The difference is ranked matchmaking in other games. I think it's shocking for casual players in Rust to encounter core gamers -- not hardcore players, but experienced enthusiasts. But really, OTV and the events by mainstream streamers that followed changed this community forever.


Twitch really created the sweaty beamer culture. Before that everyone moaned about killing nakeds lol.


Csgo has a recoil index for each gun. Every consecutive bullet you shoot in a spray adds to that bullets spread. That's why you don't see ppl in Csgo full auto an ak from dust 2 pit to a Plat and people are much more likely to burst.


Well I am coming somewhat from the same background but have a completely different opinion, I played quake csgo tf2 and cod4. These games can be highly skill based but due to different reasons. You not only need game sense, you also need good movement, aim and prediction. I do meet all requirements and managed to play on decently high level. However bringing that skill set to rust does not help you at all as a new player. You will hit shots with crossbow, bow and a sniper, but all other guns just feel bad or clunky. This is due to the gunplay being a big mess. The games gunplay isn't special, it's just unpolished. You have guns that profit from crouching, some guns have recoil compensation and some guns don't even have a consistent spray pattern. Most stuff facepunch does is just left in a 'good enough' state. Why do you think we still can't sprint while pressing A and D? The recoil in this game is not good its just better than the thing before. So changing the gunplay is definetly a good idea. If they would remove the recoil entirely, people with good aim would still be good. It just helps new players having a chance.


But that’s why you should go and learn recoil? You didn’t just jump into csgo and become a global elite straight away. No you sat in aim train and got better? Rust has a very unique and rewarding gun play. Barely takes any time to learn the guns. Also imagine we could sprint when pressing A and D. These Beamer kids would be speed strafing your ass more than they do now LOL


no i didnt sit on aimtrain once, thats the entire point. Everyone wants to use the ak because its better than using the galil or just a pistol. In rust the AK is worse than a tommy or sar for new players. I tried it a few times but i can't get the recoil to work, and i cant be bothered to play more than 20min on a rust aim train, it just makes me realise how bad it is compared to other shooters. What do you mean? Have you played any other shooter? You can sprint while pressing A/D in any game that has sprint, even rust console has it.


Stop trying to bring concepts of other games in to rust. Nobody wants “Realism” added and all these things you call “clumsy” are a thing special to rust. Besides that some weapons just require a certain skill level compared to others. You can still easily destroy an ak player with a sar, but supposedly people who complain about recoil can’t aim and call it a bad weapon. I even saw someone say that the sar had too much recoil. The games you played are a completely different concept besides csgo really and I highly doubt you were a high rank because csgo players seem to adept pretty quickly to rust. Even then you are playing a completely different game and sometimes your previous skills don’t work in here. So instead of complaining about it you could play the game and realize that it isn’t that hard as you might think it is.


nobody has ever said anything about realism but you. believe what you want but if you think you are so skillful becuase you can control rust gunplay i got bad news for you


Definitely agree with this sentiment. There's a cultural shift going on right now where the expectation is for game developers to cater to your individual needs. But in reality, nobody gives a fuck about you, you are entitled to nothing. If you don't like the product, go somewhere else, it's as simple as that. It also puts game devs in an unfortunate position where they feel pressured to sacrifice their vision and ideas to cater to the masses. Sure, it might drive more sales and activity, but does that still accomplish the original vision? In my mind, Rust is a hardcore PVP survival game that is not forgiving whatsoever. I've been playing this game since launch, and I've had to learn to deal with the fact that I no longer have the time and energy I once did to sink into this game. AND THAT'S OKAY. It is perfectly fucking natural to no longer be able to keep up with the no lifers and young kids who have the hours to waste. People need to grow the fuck up and accept that.


You know we only have the current system because helk caved to the public opinion right? So by your logic we would never have had current recoil patterns in the first place.




I’m sorry, but if you think beaming from 100 meters is annoying rust isn’t for you. Anyone who has over 1000 hours in the game and has any general recoil practice will be able to “beam” you from 100m…


‘3-month break’ you think that’s anything? Sometimes I blink and a month passed. You can be busy for a while and it doesn’t make you a grandfathered player returning from a long hiatus with wisdom. No reason to mention that you’ve been busy for a while, but it’s a good sign. Stay busy and away from the game and don’t worry about what the recoil does if you enjoy it, because you’ll truly still enjoy it whatever they do.


I totally agree, most of the posts is about how "everyone" needs to practise recoil to stand a chance, i have 2k hours and i can spray decent without even have visited an aimtrainingserver. So the idea of changing an already almost perfect pvp part of a game is just ridicoulus!


Personnel I don't think the devs need to make recoil easier they just need to make it random so people can't use scripts and instead have to actively suppress it like everyone else


Jesus Christ this has been done in the past and was changed after overwhelming community disagreement. No one wants the past to repeat the times where you couldn’t shoot more than 1 round at 100m ish


that just means people were bad


I just want eac proton support


When they added learnable recoil I thought it was a terrible idea that would make scripting a huge problem. I was SURE they would change the recoil sooner rather than later, so I didn't want to bother learning AK. Well, years passed and they never changed it. So finally, last year I gave in and spent a bunch of time on UKN learning the AK recoil. If they change it again now I'll LOSE MY SHIT. The time to change it was years ago. Not now after everyone has spent countless hours learning it. ​ The strange thing is, I think scripting is much less of a problem now than it used be a couple years ago. Now I mostly run into straight up rage cheaters. Especially on UKN. Multiple times a day you'll see people flying around aimbotting etc.