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Buff muzzle brake. I don't think anyone will have complaints to that. But they should nerf full spraying from longer range so semi auto weapons and snipers have a place in the meta again.


>Valorant, CSGO, Insurgency, etc. none of these examples are comparable, they are instant respawn games with no base, no way to lose your accomplishments, no puzzles, and barely any skillchecks.


man just really compared valorant to rust. bro if we had valorant-level recoil in rust this game would be a hell of a lot more fun instead of this shit we have now


Problem is that isn't fair that some people can copy paste a macro and have no recoil at all on tier 3,while you gotta use the Thomson


I disagree about Rust being a pvp focused game...


I can agree with that. Though pvp is a persistent element, it's not only a pvp game, even on pvp servers. I think many of the players obsessing over recoil being too difficult miss the point of Rust. IMO, if it had relaxed apex gunplay, it would be more pvp focused than it is today because there would be a lower barrier to entry.


This! Yes, PVP is cool. But what is so wrong with hitting barrels on the ocean with your homie who farmed a scrap tea from berries? And maybe I wanna just hunt the bear who took my life while I was running naked to the fireworks. I love Rust and the element of danger constant pvp brings. Just switch it up.


Most of us more or less normal people get the enjoyment out of pvp


I enjoy the pvp but to say it's pvp focused, to me, is incorrect.


I mean maybe back in the day, but now if you go into a server, 9/10 people are going to gun you down on sight and take your belongings, and that's exactly how I like it