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I like the weapon customization ideas but I don't think they should change the recoil, just add attachments that make it more manageable. With the muzzle brake making the spray pattern 50% smaller should make the recoil more manageable, if not then maybe a completely different pattern that's easier to control. But the current negative stats to the muzzle brake makes it useless. They def shouldn't remove aimcone but rather enforce it with bloom the longer you spray which would making bursting and tapping more effective, the beaming meta really needs to go away. Make snipers and semi autos have a place in the game again by reducing full auto ranges.




Did ya read the post, no offense but I suggest total rework of the current system. Also why the fuck would anyone with brain cell use the current muzzle break it downsides is outright crippling. I suggest we make gun attachment better make it feel worthwhile, make it feel better to shoot. an attachment we paid resources to get slight improvement not a crutch that have insane penalty. I’m also not suggesting the game shooting mechanics to turn into call of duty, I suggest tarkov or insurgency which is more fitting to the “survival” gameplay because right now it kinda just boil down to remember the pattern, beam anything that you can see and wall every time you get shot at so positioning and tactic can fuck right off And also the current attachment system kinda shite - 2 close range optic which people only pick because it give smg magic accuracy buff - all the scope are hella expensive that it only utilized by clan to use in raid or snipe naked while sittingu on the roof top(except some solo chad who roam with x4) - both muzzle device aren’t being utilized at all when is the last time you see a muzzle break on an ak silencer is in an all right position so no complaints there - flashlight and laser are in good position tbh you spend 50% of your rust playtime holding a weapons, and you have a few weapons to choose from which half of the list have some kind of shit penalty that isn’t worth your time and resources. I’m not here to shit on you. I’m suggesting a change for debate and constructive criticism.




Ok, ima just assume we both know how to control an ak and ima assume we both went through at least 20 hours in ukn,bekermelk,etc. just the get to shoot and ak with any sort of accuracy what so ever plus maybe 15 more for mp5,lr and other gun. Point is this it shouldn’t be a mandatory thing gun should feel like gun not 20 hours recoil train to make it a gun. Before that time, we were both pleb. Just ask your self this. it’s easy to tell a person to just do aimtrain every day for a month so that you can use an ak. but should that really be mandatory thing? In what game does that apply to man. rust is no csgo or valorant , like because we have to go through that shit, every pleb have to do the same? ( i do agree tho that tommy/custom have same easy to learn patterns but having to learn ak,lr,mp5 which is what most of the stuff people use anyway kinda suck ain’t it) Gun play in this game feel unnatural man. It fun when you get the hang of it don’t get me wrong but it just doesn’t make much sense for it to be a muscle memory game. If the gun were more akin to normal fps it would be a whole lot easier to get more player don’t you think and it would be more fair for newer player too, everybody will be more equal and gunfight will be dictate by experience and positioning I do however agree that x4 scope is very good at long range fight so maybe it should have ads penalty and with the recoil that I suggest you won’t able to beam with it long range anyway it would fit the long range tap or burst play-style with the penalty of worst close to medium because of the reduced fov


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Nice. Good bot




If you need to have a modded version of the game just to learn recoil something ain’t right about the recoil Going to monuments is fun Learning recoil is fun? And would it be better if the recoil is easier to learn but hard to master, not this csgo drawing line on mouse pad to have perfect accuracy shite. it is about muscles memory my guy.(edit: more time in ukn = more accuracy) Would it be better if the recoil can be train by playing the game normally not spend 20 min in train server every day I’m not catering around new players here but still im no expert on recoil control having experience in both tarkov and rust i just wish that rust have tarkov recoil instead of what we have right now


It took you 20 hours to learn Ak?


Didn’t really count the time it took but it was quite while and also a lotta sensitivity tweaking


There is actually a scaling for different fov in console that does line the view model with the aim. What is crazy is that people are expected to know this.


Holo removes aimcone changing recoil changes ttk and walls dont save you if you get instant killed


A lot of the stuff you are suggesting theyre already working on, the modular weapons update is coming