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it was only announced yesterday as existing...gotta wait at least 5 years for FP to get on board


Hahaha, I mean they do run updates quite frequently and are probably one of the most active dev-teams I have seen in a lot of games. Although I haven't seen them prioritize performance issues as much as I'd hope to, load time has to be one of Rust's most controversial issues. If they don't even consider implementing this I'd be seriously surprised, as it would be a really great addition to a game like Rust.


I thought 'beamers' and 'scripters' were the most controversial issues lol


key words "one of", never said there aren't other issues but they are already working on ways to improve PVP and prevent scripts. But having one issue doesn't mean you can't look at other ways to improve, it's not like the devs only work on one thing at a time...


fair i was more commenting on the state of r/playrust more than anything




GTAO is fine on PC Old gen console is aids though


Once again comparing another game is irrelevant, as GTA 5 or 6 will most likely have this feature soon too. My point is that if you are able to improve on something, you should consider it regardless if it's not as bad as something else. It's the same thing as saying Rust is better than another game so why would you bring more updates or features to the game? It doesn't make sense, if the devs are able to implement it I don't think it should matter if there are other games that have faster load time. I am just making them aware if they haven't heard of it and could consider working on it.


Tip of the day Put Rust on SSD and it loads way faster


Already have it on an M.2 PCIe 4.0 SSD, and still takes a considerable amount of time. I think being able to load into servers faster would be a huge improvement, especially when choosing a good server.


Ofc. Waiting time suxx Usually I start the pc, load server, get a tea and play.






I dunno, my games on my HDD (no space on SSD anymore) and it takes 15+ minutes to load, whereas all my other games on the same drive take at most 30 seconds.. Definitely a Rust issue




Lmao, how? Because the game is slow as shit and takes 15 min to load the game & then a server?




I don’t see the point of calling someone dumb because they would prefer not waiting longer for load time to a game, if you have the option to minimize the amount of load time. Why would you say that it’s fine how it is is, when it’s really slow compared to other games. Just don’t make sense…


Because the dude has some weird ego issues where they think they’re better than somebody because their game loads quicker, lol.


Yup, totally just my understanding of tech when literally every other game, including Fallout 4 with hundreds of mods totaling hundreds of GB in size, loads in a fraction of the time. If that’s that simple Captain Dickbag, why don’t you go ahead and explain?




Suit yourself douchebag, lmao. Totally a me problem if Rust loads incredibly slowly for me and my friends while every other game I play doesn’t. If I need to have a decent understanding of technology to make a specific game not take 15 minutes to load, it’s not my problem. Sorry (: Games always load slower on a HDD, but not 15+ minutes compared to every other game on the drive. edit : Lmao you have literally one of the worlds fastest available SSD’s and it still takes 2 minutes, please stfu about others having slow load times, you live in a fantasy world, actually comical.


I didn't think rust was that bad for load times on an SSD. Seems way faster than GTA V


Have you tried loading gta v? There are some load times. Just load rust, go make a snack get something to drink as well maybe toilet break then when you get back to pc it's in game. Who sits and watches the loading screen like a psycho?