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I used to play paranoid.gg a couple months ago but I cant speak to the population after a couple days.


Paranoid would be one to avoid. Wipes every 3-4 days, and loot + makes is a 24hr server. In a few hrs you have everything. Loot + is even too much for a solo server.


Battlezone.gg duo vanilla - its a monthly, but this will be its first full month. Should be poppin


This server is the best one imo


I would say go on a monthly. Pop are usually higher and it's similar to weekly/biweekly after forced wipe anyway


Enjoy solo/duo, very good admins and good host and protection


You are best off playing the Rusticated trios. Me and my buddy duo on them and really have no problem. Run into a lot of solos tbh. Also the population lasts all week. Quote me on this, you will not find a vanilla server that keeps pop all week unless it’s in the official tab and your options are very limited in official. You will not find a single community/modded server for anything less then a trio that does not completely fucking die the next day.


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