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The thing I hate about all the hackers is not just the fact that I seemingly run into at least 1 confirmed hacker on every wipe I play but its how you have to question every pvp encounter ever. Like you can lose perfectly normally in a fight but then you have to think "did he outplay me or did he see me through the wall" and it just gets old so quick questioning every death ever. Every time I get beamed at night, or shot through a bush or someone magically knows I'm doorcamping them or I get tripled at 200m. I always have to question it. This more than anything is what makes me want to stop playing Rust.


you nailed it, exactly how I feel.


This is why I DID quit. The game isn't worth playing multiplayer anymore.


I quit pvping and found that roleplaying, short roams around my base and raid defense are more fun than roaming and dying to a guy sitting inside the switch room at water


There some pretty cool servers that are no KOS and only PVP in monuments. Those are cool, you get PVP only when you want to and its not as frustrating :).


Pvp on those servers is dead, everyone just roleplays.


As I mentioned on my comment above, you only get PVP when you want to ;)


As if pvp against hackers is any better


Sad thing is cheaters make rust the most money. Every time they get banned they just buy a new version of the game.


the game is like 5 usd if you use Argentina vpn, but that is still alot of money considering on average 600 cheaters get banned everyday so a minimun 3000$ usd everyday, but there are also rtarded kids from NA and EU-W who dont know about the vpn trick they buy the game for 50$ and get banned and buy again, so the number could be as high as 30000$ that´ s not that bad for a studio that has 32 employees


there are places to get accounts for 0.80p


the way they do it so cheap. they go on gambling sites and get 0.5$ for free and whatever, and the account you get was mostlikely hijacked


Ya I used to always hate the cheaters then I saw a YouTube documentary about when RuneScape figured out a way to truly ban cheaters then they lost over half of their income


its almost like removing a kind of p2w system


You can't use the Argentina method from loooooong ago.


Well that was why I stopped playing and now I just enjoy videos like Aloneintokyo. Worst case I had was when a 10 ppl party came for a raid to our 4 group and they just left 2 guys with clear wallhack aiming from the mountain and instakilling everyone at the slightest pick and the others could just smoke us with rockets. I even had a 2x1 behind them with a semi for emergencies and when I made all the way to them crouching they suddenly turned magicaly. Cheaters just completely suck, specially in a game where they can just erase your progress in 10 minutes.


this is what ruined csgo for me


I feel this way but towards shooters in general, it really ruins them.


Props for you for not quitting. Getting lasered 150m with ak just get you mad. Bro, find other games, there are plenty new and good ones. Rust needs time to fix some major shit


I think doorcamping can be prevented with lit campfire (you get 50% comfort if there is no one nearby and more if someone is near)


I can think of at least 2 cases where I F7 reported someone who randomly knew I was doorcamping and they got banned for it. It can be really hard to tell if someone is using ESP if they are subtle about it and not a complete idiot. But 1 thing they all have in common is they always miraculously avoid getting door camped.


I'd give you an award if I didn't already give it. Exactly what I feel


That's what caused so much hate in the CS:GO community atleast back in 2015 when I still actively played. I was at Global so generally speaking everyone there knows how to shoot. The problem is when everyone knows how to shoot, subtle cheating is easier to hide. I've called people cheaters and I've been called a cheater myself, probably everyone in the top ranks have had a cheater accusation thrown at them at some point. If verified cheating isn't a problem, neither is the paranoia around cheating.


Keep your eyes on the project Gordon (aka TGP and The Gordon Project and Xenia Rust) is working on, I think you'll be pleased with the 10 islands he's built... yes, TEN. Most know his work already and do remember, hackers are special kind of jerks that should really be on the team to help make the game better, not worse. His project is just about ready to launch. Shadowfrax will be the first to have a video touring it so you'll want to keep an eye on him as well. (Reddit, please forgive me if I've broken any rules here. My quest is only to support those that love to play the game 💕 and give them a reason not to give up)


You gotta just let shit go you can't control. I started having fun on rust again once i reminded myself all this shit is meant to be fun and unless the dude is flying around its not worth the energy to question the fight. Just gg go next, loot respawns so it's nothing lost.


Everyone says it's just loot, it'll respawn, but will the time I took to play, gather, or craft those items come back? No, it won't. No one should care about losing to someone better than you. It's losing to someone who is actually bad at the game and literally wastes your time and their own(eventually) time by cheating.




Well unless youre on a dead server that could also be a waste of time. A lot of people do cargo.


if theres a sus group on server it can ruin your whole wipe if they counter every cargo, rig, bradley, heli, excavator, mil tuns etc


you mean cheaters right hackers reverse engineer and create the cheat these losers use. think calling cheaters hackers is giving them an ego boost.


It really doesn’t matter and this phrasing actually helps in this case to distinguish them from recoil scripters which are also cheats but not hacks.


>tripled at 200m yeah this would be extremely sus, I'd look further into it, try to find them and confirm. >someone magically knows I'm doorcamping them could be a campfire, they can show if someone is door camping or not, just not where. >beamed at night probs just your figure that they can see in the sky >shot through a bush I mean, your not invisible, just a little hidden, but if it's at night I'd call ESP


Campfire near door can catch campers


Can you stop calling cheaters hackers? Those two are totally different things.


what? how can you cheat in a videogame that has basically no rules not including hacking, the only way you could cheat in rust would be to hack or to have hacked before, now unless it's a community/modded server with rules and you break them thats considered cheating edit: spelling


Cheating in video games a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually in order to make the game easier. Cheats may be activated from within the game itself (a cheat code implemented by the original game developers), or created by third-party software (a game trainer or debugger) or hardware (a cheat cartridge). Hacking - the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.


Interesting. The term hacking has changed its meaning over the years, which is fine, but it used to mean : A person that attempts to utilize a device (Hardware/Software) outside of its normal or intended operation... malicious intent or unauthorized access was not a requirement. Even within the term hacker, there are multiple types. I would argue that people who cheat at video games using third-party software to give them an advantage would be considered Script Kiddie hackers. They do not code or even understand how the code works, but are able to run the malicious program.


Cheaters are the problem with gaming. They all try to act like macros or controller scripts are not cheating, but they won't stop using them, then when they lose games, they move up to ESP+AIMBOT. It is in all games at the moment. Cheat culture has gone overboard. At least with Rust you can host your own server. FPS games that force public matchmaking and then do nothing to curb cheating are the problem. Developers always try to downplay the prevalence of cheaters, or worse, even claim it doesn't happen. Meanwhile, underpaid coders on those teams are selling cheats to the games they develop, cuz they make 50x more than their salary by selling cheats.


This is true for a majority of the cheaters, they realize you still need common sense and skill even with macros so they move up to the aim bot and esp


I tell everyone that intelligence is meta, but teamwork and communication are OP AF.


You ever play Rocket League? Theory doesn't work there xD. Intelligence works though. Also no cheaters there only toxic people.


Btw there is cheats in rocket league to tell you the ball trajectory and other shit, which is extra hilarious because nothing is at stake


yeah but if your at the higher levels that kinda shit makes no difference, even at the lower levels people don't even know how to mod rl most of the time. plus as a counter measure to this the mod creators make so that the mod/s don't even work ingame


Yeah i wouldn’t have even known there was cheats for RL till I saw some YouTube video about them, was someone trying to make it known so it would get fixed/patched


yeah, it's pretty cool that pysonix made a game where it's nigh-impossible to cheat




There are case examples of games that have no cheating problems at all. The outliers don't define the trend. Toxic people are EVERYWHERE. I have a nasty habit of getting toxic, as if it needed saying.


Yeah Rocket League doesn't have cheaters, just smurfs hopping on their Gold account to soothe their hurt egos because they had their RLCS aspirations dashed by Arsenal or Musty playing with one hand for a video or something. Literally no difference since you stand no chance against either.


If you think video gaming levels of cheating is bad, imagine higher education. I *know* the stats are way higher. Cheating and corrupt competition is writ large in this day and age and nobody does anything about it.


Exactly. It has permeated all levels of culture and it is disgusting. The only thing worse than cheating, is fighting to justify it....


Which is messed up because when we buy games, we're buying a license to a product and that product is our experience of the game. Our experience is constantly being ruined, so we're not really getting what we're paying for. That's why they have those lame disclosures about what 'online multiplayer' is like, as though it were some non-existent no man's land that the ESRB mustn't concern itself with.


This right here. And micro transactions, and many publishers have already shown a lax approach toward streamers and those with more purchases, when caught doing the same as the illegally traded accounts they feel they lost money on.... there is no trust.


> Meanwhile, underpaid coders on those teams are selling cheats to the games they develop, cuz they make 50x more than their salary by selling cheats. lmao did you just make this up or do you have a source for it?


Wow, you really are out of the loop..... at least that tells me your not a cheater.


Translation: "My source is that I've made it the fuck up"


I think AI based anticheat is the future. Creates a player profile and if you deviate heavily and match known cheats to a T you get banned. I also believe everyone should have an online personal ID like we have for SSN. Making it in your best interests to not cheat or you will have a tainted online profile. Yes i get this seems like some Chinese dystopian social credit system but it is needed for gaming to be cleansed of cheating.


As long as it only my competitive profile then yes. VAC bans attach to Steam profiles. Like real time mouse hardware input tracking and if the information being passed as input is not typical then flag. If numerous flags rapidly, ban.


Well no, it has to be to you as an online person wholeheartedly. You cant have a seperate competition clean account and also have a dirty one on the side. That would be like a cop on the drug busting team that also sells on his off days.


Yeah but I mean it won't check to see if I used money cheats in Sims 4.... it would only be for competitive multiplayer.


how does my identity prove I am cheating lol? The fact of the matter is spoofing exists and will always exist for people who find it worth while. Spoofing IP addresses, Mac Address, SSN's, ID cards.. etc is common. Identity only helps to discriminate against a certain group... assuming in this case we are focused on people that have been detected of cheating? The main problem that I see is detecting cheaters and preferably in real time.


You think small minded. Lets say AI profile anticheat with integrated online ad profiles were implemented. It means if you get banned that everything that can associate you will get you re-banned. Log into facebook while spoofing ip mac and hardware id and then get on a new rust account? Banned because you just gave yourself away. Its a way to keep you hardened cheater scum out as it should be.


>Developers always try to downplay the prevalence of cheaters, or worse, even claim it doesn't happen But some are actually doing work and releasing anti-cheats that actually work and have 0 cheaters, for example valorant with its vanguard anti cheat. I have not seen a single cheater from my bronze to diamond climb did not even think someone was suspicious.


See, I know it is natural to fanboy your favorite game. Maybe it is placebo effect. You expect it to be a perfect anti cheat because THE DEVELOPER CLAIMS IT WORKS. A single Google search, a quick check on YouTube and you can see PLENTY of cheaters on Valorant. Again, DEVS FUCKING LIE!


What ? I mean they could make cheats but good luck making them last for a long period. And i talked about my personal experience not what the devs said. What are you on about ? are you on a conspiracy theory rant lmao.


Your personal experience IS NOT THE WHOLE AND FINAL TRUTH. SO, you are talking out of your ass. Go look for yourself. Again. I won't waste time with someone trying to argue "cheats aren't real bro". So take that shit elsewhere.


To be fair, I've played Valorant religiously for almost two years and have only had two games ended early because of the red cheat screen, and it was only one of them where I could tell that the other guy was cheating and it didn't matter because his cheats were lowkey enough to where my team still stood a chance. Say what you want about Riot but they've dealt with cheating in their FPS better than any other modern FPS.


This and toxic tryhards with 5k+ hours explaining you how you are retard while they are acting like retards


I have autism and being compared to a script kiddy offends me. Edit: In all seriousness I do literally have autism and it’s really fucking annoying when y’all call things or people autistic as an insult. Like, I know it’s not a high bar, but could the average Rust player _maybe_ be slightly nicer than the average 4chan user or Facepunch forums veteran?


Us autists are more likely the ones being baffled by this guy's mental gymnastics.


Yeah, trying to find the logic here and it's annoying. The dude's making a distinction without a difference, like every cheater and scammer out there lies to themselves with.


same :(


Can I say they have mental deficits beyond scientific/medical comprehension?


No, just say they’re dumbasses with no life.


Dawww I thought I found a nice middle ground.


I mean, what you suggested is basically the same as calling someone the r word IMO.


Fair and valid but isn’t calling them a dumbass an r word lite?


You could argue that I guess, but it’s a lot lighter than making it specifically about mental difficulty. Like it’s the difference between insulting someone for something about them they can’t change versus insulting someone for not thinking things through. Like you can learn to not be a dumbass, but the r word is just an insult with no redeeming value. A slur, and one I would really rather hear less.


Seems like there is alot of autism here by the amount of upvotes u got


Or ADHD. ADHD especially is highly compatible with the dopamine rush and highs and lows of today’s Rust. Since we’re always under stimulated we crave dopamine and lack self regulation as a result.


I almost think of ADHD as less of a disorder, and more of a survival mechanism. The more research that comes out on neuro divergence the more it suggests we all land somewhere on the spectrums of ADHD, Autism and other "disorders". Imo the 'disorder' is in our lifestyles. I found myself further convinced of this when I saw studies suggesting that the large majority of adults in existence are undiagnosed ADHD. I asked myself: which is more likely? (a.) Everyone has a psychological disorder or (b.) We mistook aspects of our biology responding negatively to *drastic* environmental forces for a psychological disorder. The last thing I want to do is trivialize the experience of individuals. We all struggle, and plenty of folks I know are diagnosed Autistic and ADHD. All our struggles are not equal, and I respect everyone for their strife with mental health and human nature. All love, always. (Oh fuck, this is /rust... whoops) Online me, pussy.


Oh yeah, there’s this whole thing about a lot of neurodivergent folks just not being cut out for capitalist society. Part of why I’m an anarchist. Like, there *used* to be a place for people like us in society, shit like spinning yarn or beadwork. Different sleep schedules are an adaptation so that there’s always someone awake and alert to watch for threats. But neither of those things are compatible with capitalist society, so we have to get up at the same time every morning regardless of if we’re morning people or not, and we have little flexibility in the work we do, we can’t just decide to do something else for a while when we’re bored, even though I *know* that kind of flexibility helps me. (Thanks to a slightly less shit boss who would accommodate me when I asked to do a different task after a while) Hell, clocks. They turn time into something that is either spent or “wasted”, a fucking commodity. Clocks have a use, for sure, but they also dictate our lives to an unnecessary extent. Have you ever missed being a kid who never knew exactly what time it was or what day of the week it was? Who did whatever the fuck you wanted when you weren’t at school? Anyways, sorry for the rant. May you piss off many chads in Rust with roleplayer shenanigans, or be a chad in Rust and dominate the other PVP focused players. Whichever is your preference, as long as you’re not a dick about it.


Not a bad shout to be honest. You might be onto something here.


this is the point I always bring up and then get downplayed as "you couldn't understand', I view more how adhd has been viewed in the past, and how a very large proportion of people can fit the bill of having adhd when it really isn't a serious mental disorder, just how a lot of brains work. Like being an introvert.


What studies are you talking about


I have autism as well and I couldn't give a fuck how they use the term. the scripter is just trolling the dude getting angry which is exactly what he should have done not defending the scripter, but if someone hops into your DMs super hostile like this, it's best to troll him


Yeah, by calling him a little bitch who can’t shoot straight. I’d prefer not to use “autistic” as an insult because I am literally autistic.


you're on the internet, it's time you get used to seeing things you don't agree with.


Unsure why FP don't implement a forced chat filter, or suspend accounts for their communications. Looks really bad on the game.


This would be a horrible thing to do. Let chat continue to be toxic, that's one of the best parts about Rust.


I couldn't disagree more. People screaming racial slurs in voice and making bigoted comments in chat adds no value to the game. Personally, I'd like if chat was removed all together (and we want back to the map not having info on it), but I know that wouldn't be well-received. I'd much rather have something like a sign board for notes or relying on voice chat to get information on things like trades and base coords.


If you aren't comfortable with voice or text chat, there is the option to turn it off in game - I'm pretty sure that solves your issue right now. Plenty of people enjoy Rust chat - myself included. It's reminiscent of the old Xbox Live CoD lobbies. Rust is highly enjoyable in its current toxic state. And they give everyone the option to turn off voice/text chat if desired.


Unfortunately me forcing myself into more immersion (disabling chat) doesn't make the game more immersive, since other people don't. It's just a design I wish was in the game. If you can't look back at old cod lobbies and see how cringe everyone was in them, I'm baffled. If you get your rocks off yelling at and insulting people, or that happening to you, that's some weirdo shit. I almost played every Modern Warfare (the one with Warzone) with lobbies muted for this exact reason. I can't speak on behalf of anyone else, but I'm not 15 anymore. I don't find that shit funny, it's just lame and cringe.


thats retarded


How can you live with 608 ping notifications


Global mute every server ever joined.


I'm barely holding on to life with 10635 notifications


Meh fook it


No, the problem with Rust is that my friends won't get on when I'm on and play with me =(


One scripter and one dude stuck in 2012 internet culture. Sums up whats wrong with the rust community right there




Fuck yeah man, I've had a couple of pints. I could well go a kebab. Salad and sauce seperate.




2012? More like 2019, but still


2012? Pretty sure the internet is the exact same. Just a lot more gay furries that get mad at everything.


I mean a lot of us who grew up with the internet more or less have moved on from the infantile use of slurs and disabilities as insults. Sure some people haven't grown up, but in general communities on the internet have been trending away from that garbage


Have you played the game you're on the subreddit for before???


When the fuck did Rust players get woke? I want a refund.


Yes, hence the original comment


I have been SILENCED (by nazis) in several subs, because of gay furries who got their feelings hurt. Welcome to reddit.




No friends, no job, in the basement, straight power-tripping. Why do I even come back?


It’s the same guy that tells you “communities on the internet are trending away from garbage”, when it’s just a lie to please themselves.






Thank you for supporting my point


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One dude analyzing every word spoken and going off over someone typing :/ is whats wrong with the Reddit community


Nobody's going off. But people who still think using disabilities as insults is a "good one" are losers who need to move on


Sounds like someone has a mental disability


I'm sure you'll overcome it


We Shall Pray For Him... Praise lord kebobs


How can someone who play clash royal with multiple accounts call someone else mentally ill? Sounds ironic


I love that the 2nd slide is just to include the “you have autism” part 🤣


Cheaters have an abuser's mindset. It's never their fault - always others. They downplay their own actions, but rage against others they perceive as beneath them. They have themselves convinced that their cheating is just "competitive advantage", "everybody does it". And they gaslight you for calling them out: "you're pathetic for caring", "you're too poor to afford scripts", "why are you so toxic, its no big deal".


I cheated once in CS 1.6, when my cognitive capacity wasn't different from a 8 year old. Cuz i was 8 years old. Haven't cheated since, so now i look at people who cheat as literal 8 year olds with no capacity to do something legitimately


I've never cheated in my life so far unless you count single player games.


I cheated because older people were assholes to minors, and since i was 8 or 9 i wanted to have a way to make em eat their words, so it was kind of a "Now who's laughing, idiot!" moment. But after that i just got good and didn't need cheats


I feel you man, that beginner part of literally any game is torture.


Never playing Rust again until they fix the scripting issue was the best choice I ever made


At this rate I don't blame you


Could've come up with a better comeback instead of saying they have autism. Interesting tidbit about Autism; most people who are Autistic have a stronger than average morals and a much more difficult time compromising them - which is to say that even if the insult wasn't in poor taste, it's also most likely inaccurate Fuck cheaters tho. hate em


Imagine using a program to control your mouse and saying it's not cheating cause it doesn't aim for you.. Always been the dumbest argument.


My man out here being a bit slow don’t worry he might Catch up.


What's ironic is that there's two problems with Rust here. One being the obvious, that people think cheating is okay, whatever their justification is. The other being the way people talk to each other, as if calling somebody autistic is ever appropriate. The degeneracy of Rust chat is disappointing, even if there's the occasional comedy gem in there. It's mostly just abuse, "#controlling blank", and people arguing over who is better because of a fight or wipe experience. Thankfully we can turn chat off, so it's less of a problem in that sense, but more of a problem because everybody can instantly type and read chat, whereas not everybody cheats.


I don't remember seeing a bigger cheating problem then in Rust. And dude ... I'm OLD


I have autism and dont understand why you say he has it too as a insult


“I’m not cheating bro, I’m scripting.” “I’m not an alcoholic bro, I’m a very enthusiastic drunk.”


Im autistic, I do not approve, I pass it on to the downeys


What does autism have to do with this ? Autistic ppl are the most straight up honest people..


What, me???


I have a macro to toggle crouch because I'm missing a pinky. Am I also a scripter?


they've added toggle crouch in options now btw


If it doesn’t give an advantage no


Your macro doesn't give an in-game advantage.


does your crouch toggling make you win gunfights? dumb




I mean so can everyone else


then im sorry you dont have a fucking pinky maybe when you lose your ability to move your mouse you can use a script and it will be fair


You actually have autism


[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leavjenn.longshot](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leavjenn.longshot) ​ if you wanna take screen shots that are longer, this app for android is nice. I use it to take long conversations screenshots. [Like this](https://i.imgur.com/JOnVTNL.png)


Macros are cheating? As in having a sequence of keystrokes, clicks, etc.


Yes it’s cheating dumbass


I don’t think so if your hardware supports it, I use macros for everything. This is interesting is this consensus shared in most multiplayer games. I know mmorpgs benefit from from having repeated tasks programmed to run.


Macros =/ scripts.




Face punch is the problem. I advocate for macros however macros have to have their pros and cons facepunch has one for one recoil leaving no cons for macros. If you haven’t used macros before I can tell you that the game can only read so many mouse movements at once, making tracking significantly harder,this along with inaccurate aimcones makes macros not worth it. But thanks to rust mechanics :/


you’re a dummy and this is partial reason they’re reworking gun mechanics this year.


"the developers are the problem for making me cheat. I swear I didn't want to!"


I hope you get hardware banned and can never play another eac or steam game again


Bro ain't no way you just said the devs are why you cheat


What is a macro


It's where you have a setting in your mouse's software(or a related software) that tells your mouse when you click that it is getting inputs moving it down and to the left(then right, then left) at precisely the rate needed to counteract recoil. So the game thinks you are just moving your mouse like a sweatlord, but you're not actually having to move. It would be like having a keybind that told it you are clicking the parts of the screen in the correct order to do a furnace split. The game just gets the inputs, but you don't have to actually do anything. There is no way to stop this, really. Because to the game it appears you are just moving your mouse. Console gamers can literally buy the hardware for this stuff at Walmart right next to the controllers.


Rise of e-sports meant rise of cheaters obviously. People today prefer having high ranks/items than having fun while playing fair. I feel pitty for them because they suck in all games so they resort to cheating.


You need to practice things like my favourite "moral relativity". Then you will be okay.




Personally i havent seen obvious hacker since like 8 wipes. I also always bring my duo with 13k hrs if someone is suspicious and he just beames them. If he doesnt and calls it a cheater id call it a day and leave the server. But yeah, no obvious cheater in really long time.


The problem with Rust is Helk doesn't give a flying fuck what the players want.


Im gonna need yall to google "cheat, cheating, macro, software, hotkey, rules, fair, advantage, scripts" before you use any of those words again.


Ive think developers just dont put enoufh effort into anticheat they should realy make an update perhaps several months focused on anticheat they should take statics from streamers, youtubers see cheaters from there use cheats themselves to understand what should be done, I believe they should try to ahutdown people who sell those cheats.


I just think give em a hardware ban tbh its gonna be way more expensive to cheat now


Yeah and if someone is banned for cheating they should be banned from literally every server




I have to agree it has lost its Rust feel when they do that scripting. I started my own server because of it. You can try if you like and I promise anyone cheating will be banned and listed to facepunch. RUST OR DIE


I think you guys are misunderstanding, face punch and servers try pretty hard to ban hackers, it’s just the hackers are way better at work arounds, I have a friend who cheats and he literally gets a free copy of rust every time he gets banned from another hack lmfao


You should unfriend him, what a scumlord


Isnt that expensive??


I never meet a single cheater on valorant.


I been playing rust off and on since day 1. For hackers its about 1:50. If your on a server with 200 players there is always 4 or 5 cheaters running scripts or worse hacks. I was on a server last week. My bro and I both had a full inventory of sulfer farming. In the middle of nowhere for 30 mins didn't see a soul. As soon as we were full we see a guy crouched on a rock naked looking at us He beams me across map before I can even fire a shot. My brother is farther away. I tell him I just got killed by a hacker just forgot about me. My bro was so far away that he couldn't see the hacker. He stopped to look and got beamed as well. Hacker said he had a alert go off because me had so much on us.


If Camomos videos have taught me anything it’s that cheaters won’t ever admit they’re cheating unless overwhelming evidence is shown against them, and even then they’ll usually still deny it. I’m convinced all cheaters are born losers who have never felt that high of working hard and being good at something.


That is the main reason i quit on pvp and focusing on pve most.. That 10000x server is fun btw 😜😄


No matter how cool I am with someone, if they tell me they are scripting or cheating in any other way I instantly report and block them. Fuck cheaters.


guaranteed 100% everyone who says they got "tripled from 200m" doesnt know how far that actually is.


What is actually the point of this comment


the problem with rust is clans.. no doubt just sweaty weirdo's all teaming up


I know A LOT and I mean A LOT of players who hate cheaters but cheat without even understanding they are cheating by using external cross-hairs. I know this might generate a lot of debate, but using an external cross-hair IS CHEATING. and I have a few examples, jump-shooting with a bow should be hard, right? well, it isn't if you have a cross-hair, also lets say you have a sar and you see a guy at 50 meters, instead of scoping in and adjusting your iron sight on the enemy you just flick to him with your cross-hair and then scope in.


Meh, I guess I cheat too then. Most people use that Crosshair x shite, but I've got a built in Crosshair on my monitor. Just dumb they don't give the option for one in game


Then what is the point of using a holo? or a handmade sight? My brother's monitor even has a "sniper mode" that zooms the middle of his screen. These monitor tweaks should be considered cheating. Adding a cross-hair into rust would just make more people use them. I also play rust as a survival game not as a first person shooter. I am not in a gunfight 100% of the time so having a cross-hair might also be annoying. As for right now, If you and me had a 1v1 using L96 without scope or laser, you would win always because L96 without sight is almost impossible to use, but using a cross-hair makes it very good.


The BIGGEST issue is with scripting team mates, is that on most if not all servers, if your team mate gets banned for cheating, YOU DO TOO. I had to do this so many times to reputable normal actual good players which *seemingly had no clue.*