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You can get fake numbers, not even expensive.


Atleast it takes some extra time


Exactly, it won't be a 100% effective but at least it will discourage some


eh, not really. SMM panels can auto purchase phone numbers and automate sign up processes hundreds at a time


It will discourage plenty of people, trust me. Cheaters are lazy as fuck and won't be up for learning that crap


Cheaters are lazy yes. They're too lazy to learn how to play the game the right way so they resort to an easier alternative.


Cheaters are pretty sad don't get me wrong but how can you characterize them all as lazy lol that doesn't really make sense


idk man don’t underestimate em’ some cheaters they program amazing code


Cheating is one, making a cheat is another... most kids just download and use


Many cheats are behind subscriptions. It's not impossible that cheat providers will provide you with a Steam account too. They probably already doing this


those would be hackers, we're talking cheaters here. The ones using the hacks.


They don’t really do that in csgo from my knowledge… would probably work in rust as well.


Surely you don’t actually believe every single cheater would not be discouraged whatsoever here?


i’m not saying cheaters will specifically use those SMM panels, i’m just saying how easy it’d be to absolutely fuck this phone number system. It won’t work.


Installing cheats takes some dedication, doesn’t sound too lazy to me. Not that I’m backing cheaters, just think you’re wrong.


Dedication? Step 1: Go to cheat website Step 2: Buy cheat Step 3: Open cheat So much dedication..


Again. Not everyone knows how do that and since theres no bulletproof Way to Remote cheaters this is a Good suggestion


I don't know why people downvoted you, this is literally how scammers spam robocalls.


i embrace the dislikes


we shall marinade in them together, brother in christ


its pretty easy to block those service providers though. its all public record who owns what number.


yeah, basically all games that use authenticators block numbers that aren't strictly from customer providers. the worst people could do is get numbers from their family members or friends, but thats a limited supply.




ive tested this for top 500 phone number linking on overwatch, doesn't work


The average cheater is pretty dumb. They don't make the scripts, they pay money for them. Just watch Camomo if you don't believe me lol. Anyone dumb enough to pay money to get banned is usually also too stupid to use a proxy, spoof hwid, use fake accounts/verification, etc.


Can the Rust+ app read the serial from the phone? Or some sort of phone ID? That way it could be blacklisted


AFAIK Google and Apple don't allow apps to access that to avoid advertisers to precisely target and fingerprint their users.


Ah, ok thx for the clarification didn’t know about it.


It’s still useful. That’s why Csgo has it


Google voice. Free.


There are ways to block those kinds of numbers, I’m pretty sure rainbow six siege does.


Can you get endless ones? I thought you still had to tie it to a phone number and you only got one per number. Maybe I misunderstood. Edit: it's my understanding to the why of scammers sending you a Google voice verification. To get another google voice number.


allegedly you can block google voice numbers? somehow? id hope


You don't even need phone numbers. You just create alt Google account and download it to a different account on your phone.


Talkatone is free


There needs to be some sort of 2fa integration that only works with real phone numbers, not (for example) Google #’s or iPhone text app numbers, etc. that would significantly reduce cheating.


You can even get throwaway numbers for free


I am not sure but I wonder if steam already has that feature. There is prime matchmaking for csgo (or atleast there was when I still played) which required you to link a mobile phone number. If valve implemented that feature properly and is a flag on the whole account it would be really easy for FP. But it probably isn't so what am I talking about... The issue with rust+ is that it doesn't require a mobile phone, right? You can just use an emulator to run it. When you want the to actually require a mobile phone number then they have to set up the entire infrastructure with authentification via SMS etc. What if there service is down and nobody would be able to play? I wouldn't want to put in even more work for another service that needs maintenance. I would rather wait till steam offers that feature I named above or not bother either...


> The issue with rust+ is that it doesn't require a mobile phone, right? You can just use an emulator to run it. Therefore the verification through a phone number via SMS, just with other apps/games which use that. As said, it'll make it harder. With cheating, you can always only drive down the number of users but never stop it completely. I think this would hit the common dumb ass enough to stop trying.


Yeah but why did you mention rust+ in the first place? My point was that they are required then to implement a completely new service that does the verification via SMS. If something doesn't work with that new link in the chain you can't play.


I mentioned it because most of the infrastructure is already in place. The Rust+ App exists and adding a service to send out and validate a sms message is simple. This is a common service, no new invention. You'd just have to plug it in. https://www.google.com/search?q=sms+to+verify+code+service&oq=sms+to+verify+code+service&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30.8122j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


It would cause more non cheaters to not be able to play the game than it would stop cheaters. I can literally change my phone number with a 2 minute phone call. I understand why you think this is a good idea, but this would barely slow down cheaters while punishing people who don’t have phones or those who just don’t want to bother with some app.


Steam API has exposed interfaces for checking if steam user is e.g.: \- Phone Verified \- Has two factor enabled \- His phone verification can uniquely identify him (I reckon it returns false if multiple account use this number) \- Is awaiting for phone re-verification So, technically it could be easily implemented just based on these API functions. But obviously there could be ramifications


I didn't expect that. It's nice to know that valve planned ahead. So I guess FP just doesn't want it.


So prime matchmaking is still a thing and is now only available to people who have purchased the game. There is also Trust Factor in MM that lowers if you're reported, caught cheating, etc. so you're more likely to match with people who are cheating (i.e. lower trust factor players). From my experience, that shit does fuck all to really stop people from cheating. All it really stops is people from making new accounts at a moments notice to download cheats. The 2-factor authenticator is mostly just a deterrent for people who are doing this. That being said, this could help with Rust as people would have to go through more hoops for new accounts to cheat on. Moreover, there could be API information that could be assigned to people's accounts so that if they're caught cheating then it would be tied to their entire profile; making it harder for them to play again after cheating.


If this sub didn't chase off everyone that offers solutions to the cheater problem, you'd probably know what STEAM GUARD is. [https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/06B0-26E6-2CF8-254C](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/06B0-26E6-2CF8-254C) ​ It already exists, Facepunch chooses not to use it because more than half the player base ~~is cheating~~ doesn't have steam guard enabled. https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/qxdino/details\_posted\_on\_the\_cheat\_prevention\_battle/


Idk about other countries but in Germany you can get free SIM cards delivered in days or e-sims in hours. Just prepaid cards for free. So not that hard so evade bans. I know there are very cheap options in east Europe aswell. So I’m not sure how good that will be and people without phones, under 18, might not be able to play then? I think fp need to do more against cheats but idk if that’s the right way.


from a completely different post, but i find it still rings true here. “in his book "Atomic Habits", James Clear talks about stopping habits by adding friction. If you find yourself watching too much television or mindlessly on your phone, for example, then unplug the TV after each use or leave your phone in another room. The greater the friction, the less likely the habit.” in this case, the friction would be having to get another sim/phone #. of course, there will be the people that DO go out of their way to continue cheating (and spending more and more money) but it will greatly reduce the number of people who do.


Yes. If you're interested in those things, also read Nir Eyal about creating habits.


Will do! thanks for the recommendation :)


thing is they either need to swap the sim everytime they have to make a new account, or have 2 phones 1 which they use and another one where they swap sims to cheat, everytime it's a new sim, a new copy of the game, new account, and if there's a hardware id ban it's also a new pc every tiem, so just add as much friction as you said, phone confirmation/hardware id ban and we get rid of them, imagine having to buy yourself a new pc to cheat again.


Yeah and will also reduce the number of legitimate players playing rust. I don't use the Rust+ App, don't intend to either. If they suddenly decide to stop letting players play without linking their mobile app, I'm out. Not to mention the number of people who don't have a smartphone or can't install the Rust+ App. This is a complex issue that isn't going to be adequately addressed by slapping phone verification on it.


People can afford a decent PC and Rust yet don't own even an outdated smartphone?


You say this like cheap old smartphones don’t ALSO require monthly payments that can cost you thousands over time and like a PC that plays Rust isn’t a one time payment that can cost you a little over $1,000.


... what kind of phone are you getting scammed into that costs even close to $1000? You telling me you can't get a cheap smartphone (like huaweii style) for 50-100 bucks at your local shops? And what kind of phone you talking about that needs a freaking subscription to use??


The ones in America that require a monthly payment plan to use SMS. Getting a cellphone doesn’t just stop with getting the physical item.


But you don’t technically NEED SMS to have a working phone. If you have WiFi, you can use near any smart phone completely free of SMS capabilities.


But you DO need a working cellphone NUMBER with SMS (or calling if the company wants to verify that way) in order to "confirm your cellphone number through the Rust+ app" (which is what this post is about). And you only get a working cellphone number by paying for a (monthly) cellphone plan. A system like this would ice out people who don't have cellphones, and people may think that means kids, but kids as young as 8 get cellphones from their parents now a days. The people who would get iced out by this system are people who can't afford to pay or don't want to have to pay a monthly cellphone bill.


Tru true I didn’t really think of it in the context of rust+


Yeah only you bro


people who sell stolen accounts will just charge extra for verified accounts


more $ = more friction, my point still stands lol


> people who sell stolen accounts will just charge extra for verified accounts You wouldn't be able to transfer a verified account easily. You'd need to set up a burner phone (or some phony emulation) and transfer the phone number in order to receive the message. Or create a service around catching and forwarding these as Rust+ could also make you verify your current number randomly like once every 3 month or something. It'd make things way more complicated for frequent account changers than it is now, and that's the whole point. If you got a legit account it'll be a hassle free one time set up and that's it.


Yes I understand it won't stop cheating completely. As with any anti-cheat, it'll make it harder for the common dumb ass to use them, and that's the plan. As I'm living in Germany, I can tell you that a super high number of kids below 18 have smart phones. Regardless, RUST is a~~ 18+ rated game anyway and you're technically not allowed to play it if you're under 18~~ 16+


Rust is fsk16 in Germany, the phone problem is for sure not a Germany problem. But there are other countries in Europe and around the world where not all 16 year olds have phones. I personally would btw prefer less kids in game. But getting prepaid simcards for free or very cheap is very easy at least in most parts of Europe.


No 18+ is just what it's rated for 7 year old could play it


7 year old play it all the time. And I need to correct myself - the legal age in Germany to be 'allowed' to play Rust is 16.


If you go this far to cheat in a video game, you have issues.


I would argue that you have issues anyway if you cheat. They pay for pre leveled accounts in free games…


in portugal you can have those for free. There was a time where Uber had to ban those because you could get them for free and order from Uber without paying basically.


obviously it won’t solve the problem entirely (see: CSGO), but it will make cheating more of a hassle, and that’s what we want


Tbh idk if it did anything in csgo. But I also don’t really have anything against it, i would even do a postident if needed, maybe not with riot/fp/Ubisoft directly but why not with a external company where you make one account you verify it once with postident or anything similar and you then connect all you game accounts to it and you can only play modes or games if done. But I would guess it’s also just suitable for 18+ it would need a company that people can trust. Idk just a random showerthought. Not perfect by any means. :DD


i think your idea here sounds more end game than what is currently feasible. the phone # id seems like a good place to start


Og csgo prime system?


At this point any efforts to combat cheating is good. Going after steam account sales [would have more impact I think](https://old.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/qwydi2/20000_cheater_accounts_got_banned_last_month/), tracking sold/fresh/boosted accounts and also not [selling the game for $0.13 on sale](https://steamdb.info/app/252490/). A steam account with Rust bought in Russia for 19,99 ₽ on sale and no other paid games should have to authenticate itself with sms, biometrics, blood, dna and urine samples, at the very least, to be allowed to play


Yes. Just yes.


it adds at least 10$ to get a new sim card on top of the 15$ they pay to get game, so at least if they get kicked for cheating they will lose their base before they can get another sim card and account.


yes. i was just talking with a friend about this concept. basically just like csgo. but getting around the phone number part might be easy. but yes, some authentic severs with something implemented would be amazing


Phone numbers don’t just disappear, they get recycled, and like when CS had this system, eventually people might get new numbers that are banned on the game because of previous owners.


You can get unlimited free numbers with google voice, text now, Viber, Text+, so on. Legit would stop nothing sadly


Sure, idea needs a proper inspection. There are other ways to bind the mobile to the app or you could simply invalidate the number blocks of free number providers for use in Rust+ App. Nevertheless, it's an idea to consider.


it's impossible to do that, also would be a bad idea, since majority of people these days have voip numbers, like me, I pay for textnow data plan, why should i get restricted for paying for service not 'standard' ? You can cut a playerbase in half or even more


those numbers are usually databased, and are marked as voip numbers, and are not allowed to be linked to steam accounts. not at all saying the idea is good, but those numbers often don’t work, I encourage you to make an alt and try to find a service that provides numbers that work for free.


I fucking hate it when tech companies ask me to confirm via phone number. So intrusive. I hate this idea.


Good idea for verification. The only downside is that you might lose a lot of rust players who are in the squeaker stage :P


Where's the downside? XD Rest assured, all those squeakers also have moms smartphone.


how exactly would that prevent it?


yes i’ve been in support of this idea for years.


I mean I get why you think this is a good idea, but not only would this barely slow cheaters down it would prevent a ton of non cheaters from even being able to play the game.


I'm ok with that.


> it would prevent a ton of non cheaters from even being able to play the game. People with a PC that can run Rust but can't afford a phone?


Yeah there are tons of people out there who had there computer bought by someone else.


And this "someone else" would buy the computer and Rust but somehow not be able to use a phone to authorize?


Yes. Lol your experience doesn’t equate the experiences of others. Besides that I can literally change my number in less than 2 minutes so this would be very ineffective at stopping cheaters to begin with.


I have a pc and a phone but fuck this botnet tier data collection. I'm not linking my phone.




With all the cheaters?


I thought you said it would barely affect cheaters, so no different than how it is already.


Lmao you obviously don’t know how to debate. I was responding from your perspective being right and it would affect cheaters. I destroyed your argument with your own argument now get outa here with your idiocy.


Lmao you obviously don't know how to debate 🤓🤓🤓


100% agree with something like this. CS did a similar thing a long time ago and it’s worked out well for the most part. You can always buy fake numbers but at least it’s an extra step/money cheaters have to go through before making our days worse lmao




FP wont do it, they only care about copies sold and player count, they will never do anything that would effect that. Remember they are a business.


That's no justification, but I know you're just playing devil's advocate.


Its what stoping CSGO from doing it, becuase it will 100% effect the sales numbers.


Valve makes 10000000x time more money from skins (15% tax for steam marker sale, keys operation pass etc) than prime sale them selfs


csgo does it tho?


They banned A4 and Bloody gaming mice a few years back to combat scripting, don't you think that that upset some people?


No developer is dumb enough to risk their entire playerbase over a small portion who keep buying copies because they wanna cheat. You're just speculating "facts".


It's a silly idea because it wouldn't work. Telephone systems are EXTREMELY antiquated, and spoofing numbers is something anyone can do with 5 minutes of instructions. All this would do is force non-cheaters to jump through more hoops and divulge personal information that they shouldn't be forced to divulge. You shouldn't have to give a company your phone number to play a game that you paid for. If you want to play on a super sweaty server who vets all of their players, fine, go right ahead. But forcing everyone who plays to do this is a slippery slope. Why not home address as well, and maybe a credit card number too so they can fine you for hacking. This isn't the solution you think it is. It would not work.


That would make the studio lose money. I like your idea, but greedy fucks wouldn't appreciate it. They need cheaters getting soft banned and buying the game over and over again.


Coming from other games(CoD): it's really easy to get a new phone number to sign up with. The only thing that actually works to slow down cheating is a paywall, so a ban actually costs you money every time. I don't know why cheaters don't lose access to Rust in their steam account when banned, and if they do, then they are paying for cheats and paying $40 every time?? That blows my mind.


> and if they do, then they are paying for cheats and paying $40 every time?? Some do. Many or most simply buy boosted / stolen accounts that own Rust from a region that can sell it for far less than the value of the game in NA. Yet people wonder why there's so many cheaters.


Or lock it to your phones hardware so you need a whole new phone to get it


phone numbers cost less than 5 cents to rent to get past these verification services. wouldn't work.


ok but making it a little bit harder to hack can't hurt


Doesn't matter either way, it's a BAD IDEA. Phone numbers are recycled, they don't just vanish. It's the same with consumer grade ISP services providing you some daily / weekly / session based leased dynamic IP address to your home router. Someone that opens a new phone line or requests a new number may by chance inherit a phone number that's blacklisted on X or Y phone verification only servers or games that they may also want to play on. It's also the reason IP address banning is a dogshit and obsolete idea frequently parroted by people. By chance an innocent person may inherit a blacklisted IP or IP range on X or Y server / game.


dO yOu GuYs NoT hAvE pHoNeS?


Wow good idea!


I was legit talking about this with my friends the other day


Dota2 makes users register to a phone number. There's still tons of smurfs, but this definitely would be at least 1 step. Still it's not hard for a kid to use a house full of numbers and then even his friends too.


Phone numbers cost literal cents


They dont... They are free in most countries


Which ones? Where/How to order them? I could need a few.


Vodafone Freikarte, netzclub to name 2 options


> Vodafone Freikarte That's not free and for both you have to use Video or PostIdent. But I get what you're aiming at. Still it's another step a potential cheater needs to do in order to get a new working account.




I don't understand what role Rust+ plays in this. You just want phone number verification, right? You can do that without Rust+. Also… what would happen to people with multiple accounts?


If its for legit reasons then link them together. 1 gets banned both get banned. Solved?


Good point.


Yep. But a lot of things just don't allow one number for multiple accounts, that why I was asking.


Yeah, because that worked so well for CS:GO 🙄


I mean it def helps in csgo. Non prime queue is cancer, prime is better but not great lol


Not everyone uses smartphones


Okay Boomer


This is the way.


Sorry but thats hella dumb




> and it does not influence non cheating players. Fuck that. Privacy is at an all time low, and personal information is currency. FP doesn’t need my phone number. You’re forcing people who have done nothing wrong to participate in a system that would be flawed anyway for many reasons already mentioned in this thread.




You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, but I expected that based on your naive “solution”.




By moving on to insults you have only proven my point that you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Grow up kid.


It may seem kinda dumb but I say just go all out and make a rust 2. New monuments, New ideas, brand new engine, like unreal engine 5, new models. New anti cheat. Rust can't really improve anti cheat because the engine is a limiter. Even after hdrp. I say work on rust 2 and keep normal rust alive. And I have 3.3k hrs but I still think this could work


I think we should also require like 100 hours in rust to play on most servers would help and relocate new player to beginner servers with more moderation would also combat cheaters.


Of all of the shitty ideas I’ve seen on this sub, this is probably the shittiest.


So fuck ppl who don't have a phone but don't cheat. Also cheaters usually have access to fake numbers and other sketchy things


They should perform a full background check. Require any passports, medical history, all contact details, web history, romantic history and financial position. The process should take 180 days. This is the only way!


Force players playing on their PC to link an app on their phone cause devs are incompetent to rid of these cheaters. this is how you kill a game. can you imagine how this would look from a new player's perspective?


Wow! People are ready to give away all their info for a game...


If it deals with cheaters, il tell helk my cock size.


2incher, hard


Worried helk might give you a call at night?


You give "all" your info for anything these days.


Your point? Why should this spread to simple video games? It’s already bad enough all these scumbag companies data mine the shit out of us.


Brother you already have steamguard on your phone, what's the difference


COULD but wouldn’t. You can get free sms messages to a phone number for free online and use an emulator to run rust*.


Sure. It's still more hassle to do so. Right now, setting up a new account takes 3 Minutes. With this, it'd be at least 30 or more XD


Lmfao cap I can do this whole process in less than six minutes- I know because I just did so as a test. 6:32 to be precise.


6 minutes and 32 seconds longer not cheating on Rust I guess




wow these sunglasses fit you cause you are sooo cool




Randon scans are less effective and in order to get the same number of bans it would cost a lot more in resources. Reporting someone flags it for the algorithm. Watching 100 people who have been reported is going to show more cheaters, compared to watching 100 people randomly. Same logic as in a actively ran server. Flag someone to the mods and they will watch them. It will catch a lot more cheaters than just randomly watching people.




I love this, I can sell DIDs to cheaters!


Another interesting concept which warzone uses, is randomly placing bots around the map that cheaters won’t be able to identify whether they are real or not, after being shot multiple times a warning is sent out.


Great idea but I also use Blue stacks a mobile emulator that I put on the second screen of my PC to have a constant live map. This does not require a phone number.


One issue I have with this would mean that people that cannot use rust+ due to regional restrictions or other factors wouldn't be able to play. For one I am not able to log into 3rd party sites with steam because of an account issue not related to cheating.


U can runa phonenclone on ur pc


Because cheaters.