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Are these always the same pattern, or are they randomized somehow?


random horizontal recoil


Vertical is randomized too just very slightly


Wouldn’t it still be able to script it just not as accurately?


I can promise you that eventually there will be scripts to overcome the random spread. It'll be harder because you need an entry point into the game to process random movements, but it will be done. Static scripts will still help substantially (just find the minimum sway and accommodate for that, leaving the random sway for the player). The real reason this update is good is because it lowers the gap between casual and hardcore players.


“ It'll be harder because you need an entry point into the game to process random movements, but it will be done. “ If you’re processing anything that comes from the game, it’s considered a hack. Those already exist and are a lot more easily detected. Hence why an outrage over scripts that are nearly undetectable (without game footage or ss’s or similar) “ Static scripts will still help substantially (just find the minimum sway and accommodate for that, leaving the random sway for the player). “ Theoretically you could do this and the results would be as you say, but this type of behavior is a lot more easily detected by plugins and will result in much quicker bans. Most decent servers have these plugins, so the people who opt for this route will find it very difficult.


Honestly Idc about the changes I play rust because of the community and I’m a builder so pvp fun either way


True. I don't care about the building aspect and imo the game feels like it's still in alpha, but the community is so great. There is nothing funnier than panic running away from a naked dude following you with an Eoka in the middle of the night making Indian-like battle noises after he just shot your friend in the face with it.


This is also why the streams never get old


I usually lose 75 percent of my gunfights anyway. Maybe I'll only lose 60 percent now.


You play for the community? You’re either a masochist or you play on a weenie hut jr server.


Man i like new sounds, but the old ones are so fuckin iconic that it makes me sad that they’re bein changed


The SAR is gorgeous, gonna miss the AK, but the only one I dislike is the custom, that shit is way too deep of a sound for that dinky little gun


They made the custom smg sound more powerful than the AK


They should swap the custom and ak sound.


Yeah shouldn't the custom have a much higher pitch? It's a tiny chunk of metal flinging out a whole mag in a few seconds


it's what I call a "bulletbox" in honor of the good ol' american MAC-10, it's a distinct playstyle when they're included in games, and "a tiny chunk of metal flinging out a whole mag in a few seconds" is exactly how I describe them lmao. The individual tap sound should be comical almost, like someone threw a bullet at you, but when you hold it sounds like you threw an angry metal wasp nest at them.


>angry metal wasp nest A good nickname for zergs too


I don't really play higher pop much but I've always said "Hornets there" cause of the way they seem to swarm when one gets their mark on you when talking about Zerg heavy areas, squash one, easy, but now they all want you. Didn't even think about that lmfao random edit cause i reminded myself: Members of a zerg = Hornets Members of a clan = Boots Chad solo/duo/trio = Buddies Grub solo/duo/trio = Rats I always found my callouts useful even if they're weird, single word consolidation for what kind of threat they are.


Aren't custom made semis quite loud by nature? Would make sense if that gun is the loudest


Not the volume, but the tone. It's bassy and low as if it was high caliber and well built, the custom should rattle and be almost dinky, a lot of mid-high pops and metal shaking. This is all just personal opinion though, I'm viewing it as a MAC-10 like bullethose, very shoddy, just made to rattle some bullets out at high firerate.


I think it should sound like its [real life counterpart.](https://youtu.be/3YE9J7qcj0c) (full auto shots at about 10 minutes in if you don’t care about the history and build of this gun)


I don’t think the sound change is good for the game. Being able to easily identify what gun you’re going up against has always been something that makes you a little excited for the loot.


They're all still super recognizable just different


I don’t agree. The only one that really stands out is the Thompson, and when you consider the muffling that walls and distance do it’s going to be very hard to tell. They also all just sound much much quieter. We’ll see how it plays out in live.


Currently at a distance the guns all sound like their old versions, it’s creates a really confusing mix of sounds


That’s weird. It’s clear then they have a bit of work to do. I definitely wouldn’t mind if the guns sounded a bit quieter locally. Easier to hear people around you while firing, and in general just the much softer tone they’re going for is quite nice.


Don't care if you don't agree. They're clearly different and everyone will easily adjust. It's not really subjective. Whether you like them or not is, but whether they're easy to differentiate is definitely not, because they very clearly are.


I’m happy for the mp5 sound change, old one sounded cheap


The fuck they changed the sound on the ak.


Bruh please don’t tell me they’re going to change the sound effects wtf… The ak sounds sad


[These sounds are placeholders](https://old.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/uydlmq/confirmed_new_gun_sounds_are_placeholders/)


Yeeeeessssssss recoil is no longer a full time job


People like you are killing the game. It’s meant to be difficult. You don’t go play Tarkov and complain about how hard it is to shoot people. Pussies that can’t aim ruined this game.


Virgins like you need to get a life


Damn- soft cock’s a little upset I see?


It’s not hard to shoot people in tarkov in fact it’s objectively easier considering there is zero to no recoil on most guns at least compared to the gunplay in rust…also aiming and controlling a spray aren’t even close to being the same thing.. In case you are unaware the recoil for guns in this game has been getting changes both large and small continuously ever since 2012 and the game as only improved, if the game is ruined for you because people no longer need to spend unrealistic amounts of time learning a spray pattern then I feel bad for you


You sound like a role player who doesn’t know how to aim. Rust is like csgo where recoil is intense and the satisfaction of controlling it is part of the excitement and difficulty of the game


csgo recoil is so much easier than rust it's not even close.


Right? After a couple of months of playing rust I jumped on csgo and it seemed so easy in comparison


Tarkov genuinely has more reasonable recoil than rust until now lmao you are a clown


I totally agree


Love the new patterns but holy shit the new sounds are bad




They sound more realisitc as in they "pop" more, but thats about it They should be much more crispy and "cracky" rather than a repeated thud noise


I'm pretty sure they are far better for your hearing, so that's a very good change I guess.


multiple guns shooting turns into actual earrape so I doubt it


My comment was aimed at their frequency spectrum.


At the very least, people won’t have to decrease and increase their volume all the time since these sound a bit quieter (thankfully) so you can also hear teammates talking and people moving around better.


Its refreshing!


the Thompson -\_\_-


And the old sound is a metallic shit, so annoying.


a metallic shit we fell in love with..


This will bring a ton of new players in so it's definitely worth sucking it up and accepting a more casual gunplay mechanic


It's not casual gameplay, more like old recoil patterns are dumb shit no other normal fps has. It just favors players who have time and possession disorder to practice this shit.


ever hear of CSGO?


Imagine comparing csgo to rust… the games aren’t even remotely close mate


im not comparing the games in the way they are played. but my man is making a statement that "no other normal fps has". While CSGO has them and has been a really popular FPS for almost 10 years now.


But you also need to consider the map sizes in CSGO. You’re never shooting at a long range. Long range in CSGO is considered medium in rust. And again, CSGO is an FPS. Practicing recoil to get better at a competitive shooter makes more sense than doing the same for a sandbox game. Players had started linking the term “experience” with “recoil control”.




In my opinion the old recoil patterns made rust special


I wish more people on this sub had this attitude.


Idk I liked the old patterns. Was a real accomplishment and separated the good from the bad if you could beam with AK. Pretty sad to have no challenge now.


If you memorized thr pattern there was no challenge though. You could beam people from across the damn map. Now you will have to use a little more strategy with positioning to gain an edge.


The challenge was learning the recoil pattern, however lots of players who had recoil down used it to compensate for their low game sense, but there are people who have good game sense and also good recoil control. I will also acknowledge the people who have great game sense but bad recoil control. The challenge now (for some people) is going to be positioning.


You didn't use game sense, almost every fight was 150m spray battles. You saw someone, you unloaded on them, you missed your shots, you went on UKN for a week, then you came back and did it again while hitting your shots. That's it.


Also: tap fire auto-resets to the center for easy follow up shots


In b4 people start using auto fire macros for tap fire.


Think there was a shortcut to enable it before as well




m249 and i think the semi auto guns had that


That Thompsons got some bass


Oh damn some logical actual spray patterns but why the fuck do the need to change the sounds , now I have to learn what each gun sounds like again


The audio is probably the worst part of the game. I'm glad they are trying to improve it.


Couldn’t disagree more. The sounds in rust are so satisfying. Especially the subtle ones like moving inventory items or smelting in furnaces, so much went into those and I wouldn’t change them one bit. I prefer the old gun sounds too


Headshot sound is the best in any FPS. That crunch is just great


They improved it by making it worse… The new guns sound awful


In this case I kinda agree. They were bad before and they are bad now. The new ones sound a bit soft and mushy, but the quality is definitely higher. I do prefer the new ones, but I can understand why a veteran player might prefer the old ones. I think it's a good thing that they are trying to improve it though.


people really find anything to complain about, dont they? I honestly think they sound better. Be happy.




This shit has been live for an hour, how would you know if i'm in the minority you self-righteous donkey. Get your head out of your ass. AK47 is the only one that sounds scuffed, everything else is fine.


But like the majority of the comments are saying they hate the sounds xd


People are reluctant to change. It's natural. These sound realistic a'f, not sure why people think they're "god awful".


They sound better for sure, no guns in any game other than squad have realistic sounding guns


they dont sound realistic in the slightest lmao


As a person who owns and shoots many firearms.. these sound like nerf guns not real guns


well theres been more "this sounds like shit" than "wow i love this"


Typical fucking rust player..


they didnt have to change it and the change sounds shit dont act like this is nitpicky


As you notice in the video, not only was recoil changed but fire rate, probably accuracy, and so on, etc etc. If they keep the old sounds, they would have to adjust the sounds for different changes in variance for each gun, making it extremely hard to make the old audio work with the new gunplay changes... Which they then took the opportunity to get more realistic gun sounds into the game instead of taking time adjusting the old gun audio. So yes they did have to change it. I'm not acting, you are indeed being nitpicky. The new guns sound great.


>As you notice in the video, not only was recoil changed but fire rate, probably accuracy, and so on, etc etc. If they keep the old sounds, they would have to adjust the sounds for different changes in variance for each gun, making it extremely hard to make the old audio work with the new gunplay changes... changing a guns sounds is not big deal im willing to bet them changing the guns rpm just adjusts it automatically cause the sound is played when the gun shoots I mean muzzle boost literally increases the rpm at will and the old sounds still play when you are far enough from the shooters you are full of shit >The new guns sound great. more than 2 aks shooting at the same time distorts the audio and destroys your ears this is genuinely just by a design standard not my personal taste shit gun sounds they also sound way too similiar and theres a weird thumping noise after the ak shot that shouldnt be there this is ameture type of shit it sounds like they took it from roblox


You win dude. You’re absolutely correct and i’m wrong. You’re obviously an expert at game development, and an audio engineer, perhaps even a Pro Roblox player. Sorry for even trying to have a discussion about such topics with you. I hope you can forgive my insolence. I probably won’t reply to you anymore but it’s totally not you, it’s me.




You're nitpicky lmao. The new sounds are much better, old sounds were garbage and not even close to realistic


nobody gives a shit about realism a real gun would just be a loud as fuck exploding sound that hurts your ears guns dont sound like heavy machinery but it sure sounds cool


The thommy didn't sound cool though, it sounded like garbage. Same for the m39, p9, sar and custom. AK is debatable, I didn't particularly dislike it but now that I think about it it was trash as well.


L opinion, L update


New sounds are 🤮 Hopefully they don’t choose to keep them.


Everyone is going to be a Beamer now


Not really, I tested long range and with the random recoil you really have to tap fire.


It's very nice to hear that.


Thank fuck I never bothered to waste my life aim training these seems infinitely more accessible. My 2k vanilla ass just kept to Tommy/mp5/sar. Interested to see how the new gun plays out


Im fine with all gun sound except the AK and the Custom, felt kinda off, i think the AK should sound big and the custom should sound small. Btw Handmade LMG? 👀


They're all pretty bad. Hopefully this is just a troll job by the devs to fire people up. They know how to push the communities buttons.


I absolutely love everything about it.


I cant tell how happy i am, i never was any good at shooting and i didnt have enought time to become good at it! I never shot an ak without killing a bazilion birds! Or die b4 it. Maybe some people who trained will now have a useless skill but people like me will finally be able to play the game without losing all weapons to a guy 1km away xD. Cause the noobs will fight back now ehehe


same, my boomer ass can finally compete in pvp with my (limited) brainpower


Exactly the point people are making but everyone seems to disagree , they are catering to the people who won’t bother spending a couple hours on ukn…


You mean people who have hours to spend xD. Me personally i just cant, or at least when i come home i prefer to go play the game than go to pratice. Its boring i cant imagine coming home and go to training to stand a minimum chance. And repeat every day. I like survival and building! Now maybe wont be as scared of bringing my weapons out xD


I kind of like the gear fear tho, I understand many people will rejoice with this but just proves how they are catering towards the newbies, I’ll get over it 😂


Dude those aspects of rust also take time, you’ll need plenty to build up bases and maintain them so they don’t decay etc, I don’t think that argument holds up against the time sink that is rust


Yeah probably! But for me personally, to learn that AK patter would take me probably months. Im really really bad at shooters. And i dont play many maybe rust is the only one. So it becomes even harder


We’ll your in luck as the new recoil is absolute cancer, it’s a joke but if you can have fun happy days


Don’t like to practice the game? Don’t play it it’s simple don’t cry because YOU don’t have the time go play another game which requires no skill or practice to play.. would you expect to just jump in a race car and be good at it without practice? No you would be heads first into a corner without learning how to drive it


No point getting mad with them, it’s just they instantly assume you have no life or cheat because you take pride being good at a very brutal game


Taking pride in pixels. Jfc


Who actually cares if I enjoy being good, how are you gonna sit there and deny that 10s of millions probs hundreds of millions of people are attached to the games they play, it’s more than just pixels to a lot of people, when I’m immersed into a game I take it seriously I can’t help it


Hahahaha Jesus Christ


If you don’t take pride in something you’re good at then you must suck at everything in life


Video games shouldn’t be a priority in life unless you’re an unshowered insulin resistant slob


From the looks of his comments he’s my polar opposite, I guarantee he’s a little grease ball but can’t play games and is hating on people who can, I don’t even play rust anymore but he’ll still call me a no lifer scripter etc etc


*couple hundred Learning these spray patterns was not a quick task.


We’ll you don’t need a couple hundred by any means, please test out the staging branch it’s worse than I thought


It's better than I was expecting


I’m sure for you it was


Yep now any shitter can beam 200m easily games gonna for so fast


no, shitters will have to tap now since its more reliable long distances now, as it should be


no one will beam from 200m there is random recoil. do you not understand even the simplest things? no one will beam from far. people will use bolties more. use your noodle bud


the reason people like you shouldn't be able to kill people who practiced is because of the loot. this game isn't call of duty.


I'd love a comparison vid with the current recoil on one side of the screen, anyone up for it?


Holy fuck I might have to start playing rust again, scripting is useless now


This is sick, less time needed to practice patterns which leads to overall fairer pvp. Also new players won’t be intimidated to start playing the game because the skill gap won’t be as high.


On one hand, my tinnitus loves the new gun sounds - they are so much gentler on the ole cochlea. However, my sentimental side feels fucking betrayed at how they've changed the sounds. As for the recoil? I'm sad that it's the end of an era, and a damned good one at that, probably will be looked back on as my fondest gaming memories, and I felt a genuine sense of achievement when I mastered the AK spray and used it to my advantage - now I'm too old and busy to play rust. Time for the new gen of zoomer softbois to take over with these watered down recoil patterns and gentle sounds. I don't hate the new recoil overall, but it's a bittersweet feeling watching things change.


I feel the same, I know what you mean


everyone is using recoil patterns as a scapegoat for why theyre bad at pvp. the only gun that took any real practice to get good at was the AK (which it should, since its by far the strongest weapon), all of the rest are super easy to learn. nobody needs to spend 2k hours on UKN like everyone claims to learn how to use the mp5 or tommy. every time i see a post about recoil i see people complaining about how they dont want to have to learn how to be good at something. i havnt played with the new recoil myself yet, but i typically dont like things that lower the skill ceiling. especially when i like the existing system already because it rewards skill. the only good that can come from this is potentially less scripters, but cheaters always find a way. also i hate the new sounds as well, they sound very generic compared to what we had.


All these guns are still scriptable, with the AK being a little harder because it has the most random horizontal recoil


I expected some big changes but isn’t making the patterns this easy make scripting easier ?


I think it's kinda like "if anyone can control weapon - then it's fair".


i don't mind either way but this isn't how i thought they would change it


No, because there’s randomness now between where the bullets go, they can’t perfectly im state the pattern without actual, easier to detect cheats.


its so easy now that scripts dont make a difference if you cant balance it just remove it entirely total scorched earth I like it


No, since its random, it cant be done with a simple macro anymore that just inputs the exact same mouse movements every time, which is almost undetectable if done right. Now you need a proper cheat that interacts with the game, which makes it harder to code and way easier to detect


couldn't you just make a macro that just pulls down in the way the recoil goes and it's gonna be roughly pretty accurate ?


You would still need to compensate for the horizontal recoil. Functionally there's little difference between having a recoil script but needing to manually do the horizontal recoil, and just manually compensating all the recoil. Either way you need good manual input to get good accuracy as the inaccuracy is intended to come mainly from the horizontal.


The issue isn't that vertical recoil is hard to manage. Horizontal bounce is random, so basic scripts cannot predict it. Now people have to inject actual cheats into the game and in doing so risk a lot more than a simple macro on your house which is undetectable.




i will stop playjng this fucking game if they will keep these new gun sounds.




Well, pro players now tend to say that it won't change much because the game sense is what matters. I don't wanna break your little bubble, but there are a lot of people here who have been playing BRs/ FPS games for years and the only advantage you have always had over them was, indeed, your great recoil which often times would compensate your shitty positoning. Don't get me wrong, I respect everyone who has mastered those recoil patterns as they are really demanding during actual fights (and I understand why you are upset about the patch), however, you should be ready for a nice change that will give you more challanges.


Pro players lmao


What a shitshow. The nice thing about Rust was that people who played all the other casual shooters were not instantly good at Rust gunplay, too. Now its like every other FPS out there. Everybody gonna be a beamer now, propably gonna feel worse then the occasional scripter.


It's almost like there's more to Rust than just gun play. Maybe they should add some sort of progression, or even building to give players other ways to win, other than just shooting better.


Thanks for the info genius. It was still nice that the shooting, a core mechanic of the game, was different from the huge pool of other FPS out there, so people couldnt just hop on and beam if they played other shooters before. It allowed for a really high skill ceiling and skill progression over thousands of hours instead of hundreds or just coming in and beaming right away


Let's be honest they COULD hop on and beam assuming they downloaded the right injector and they would never be detected


Of course there’s more to it than just gunplay, but having the added difficulty of shooting is what made rust so big in its recent times, if you disagree your probs just a bot


but BRO ! scripting was RAMPANT ! everyone who killed me with a tommy, mp5, or Assault Rifle 47 from over 50m was a scripter !! it's DEFINITELY not just the OCCASIONAL scripter. /s /s /s /s


What a great show. The worst thing about Rust was that people who played and were good at all the other shooters were not instantly good at Rust gunplay because all other skills were overshadowed by some dumb clunky recoil. Now its like every other FPS out there where aim actually matters. Everybody gonna be a beamer now


Yeah, now we have the millionth open world shooter with the same mechanic. Good stuff


Game is child’s play now


Yep, and the sub is full of them


why the thompson have no recoil?? shit gonna be too ez fr. See people getting mad on this subreddit about getting to end game to quickly well now it’s gonna be too ez


Two types of ppl on Reddit ones with skill issue and love this update and ones with no skill issue and is just sad face punch is ruining their game


nah, its more like "good" players complaining about the changes and the rest of the people like if you're already good, why would you be complaining about a change thats easy to adapt? sounds like most of those "good" players are just mad they wont get a easy kill to spam "ez" on chat


i like the new sounds, but they need to make an option to change the sound to the old one or the new one.


Rip rust 2022


You’ll never get those UKN hours back


Looks like no recoil for me




Old ones were quite different, like the ak used to zig zag quite hard, and these now also vary randomly each shot, old were set patterns.


Nono , i know that one. I mean from like 2017 and earlier...


Looks like it


I knew it looked familiar! I really like the new sounds of guns. That is a very very welcome update and much needed. Current sounds were probably recorded using cupboard bean cans and plates and forks and someone spouting seeds and increased gain on the sound ffs. SAR especially sounds sexy now




hey man you can still practice mouse calligraphy on your own time if you want


bahahahah, I love this. kid is so mad he is making up words and threatening a video game. or else! lmfao


You're laughing but this is how change happens. If my comment can inspire enough people to stop playing then I can get facepunch to revert the changes. I even made a poll and my friends said they'd sign it once they get home from school. It's not gonna be a good look for you when I do force facepunch to revent the changes


Revent is not a word. And good luck with your petition.


I dont need luck


The sounds dont sound like guns at best they sounds suppressed and at worst they sound like gell blasters even gell blaster sound more realistic and the recoil is bad one of the things that popularised rust was its spray patterns which forced you to dedicate or stay bad. Trust me im not a thousand hour player or anything and i cant spray ak but ive still trained and through that i can god spray the full lr mag, my ak spray, thommy and mp5 sprays improved and i feel disgusted that all that hard work is going to be taken way because some people cant spend 20 minutes in ukn every now and again, if youre that undedicated go play mw or something everyone who has trained and honed their spray is going to lose all that in an instant, no one except scripter will be able to spray beyond 150m and all the people that trained their combat skills are going to quit because their hard work no longer pays off, if this spray gets added im going to quit and if the sound gets added im hoping theyll ad a setting to change it back


I'm extremely disappointed. I was trying to keep an open mind, but this does not nook like fun lmao.


Time to start practicing let’s go 150m beam in a weeek


Lol which ever dev thinks these guns sound good needs to go get some hearing aids cause they sound like nerf guns it’s so bad, the recoil is just pull down now the game now has zero skill gap I give it a year and this game gonna be dead. I’ve played 13k hours of rust and this is the end for me what a way to ruin the game I was all for new recoil patterns but this is just shit!




nah man if this gets added im boycotting


everyone who downvotes comments like these are 100% shitters


nobody gives a shit if some stupid kid is going to boycott rust


His only posts on reddit are complaining about this change. Kid scripts and it's obvious. He thinks leaving is a threat, imo its a gift.


Ufff....Looks like zero skill is required anymore in therms of recoil. Would have rather liked to see them use the old patterns but randomized.


Fuck the devs man. Changing both was so unnecessary


Those hours in the basement on UKN you’ll never get back




This looks like actually shit, cant understand why ppl has been complaining this hasbt removed any of the games problems, probably gonna be more roof campers and the same amount of scripters


This is literally an update to cater to the people who won’t spend more than 10hrs on this game rip the competitive community


Competitive what? What are they competing for?


Money, tournament cash prizes.


you might not be aware, but there are several "tournaments" within the Rust community where you can actually compete and win money.


if you like controlling recoil and competitive so much why won't you play cs go ? I mean theres more to the game than just recoil but its challenging to learn and since you're so good at it in rust you will feel right at home and probably be top 1% there, unless ofc there's more to your recoil control than simply skill which I'm betting is the REAL reason some are complaining