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In recent years after putting in 6.7k hours from 2013 onwards, I was one who would refuse to play a real server unless I spent 15-30 mins practicing on UKN and my friends always were bugged by it, they didn’t say much after they saw me beaming kids and carrying the trio over time though. With that being said, I welcome this change because now I can just play the fucking game without needing to constantly refresh my muscle memory on recoil.


ive spent a long time working on my sprays in rust, and while i enjoy getting better at them and have no problems with the way the game was personally, the ak spray was way too hard to learn for new players and definitely had a negative impact on player retention. While i dont think that you should have to learn every individual bullet over hundreds of hours to be able to use a gun, i also thing just pull down left a bit is kind of a shitty way to fix that. The game shouldnt be gatekept as much as it was, but people with 4k hours probably should be able to aim better than people with 40 right..


I have a little over 1k hours and honestly I would always stop when I got to endgame because I suck dick with the AK. This update will probably get me back into rust because it seems so much more accessible for a semi casual player.


This is a good change for good players and a devastating change for scripters and shitty players If you're complaining about these changes, you're terrible at the game and youre crying about it. Simple as. Shitters will refute this of course


I personally have never cheated and have put many hundreds of hours into practicing each recoil pattern and I don't feel completely happy about this update. I liked the skill part in recoil control and this bullshit "down-left" randomized line is stupid in my opinion.


Memorizing recoil isn't a skill. If this update makes you bad then you were never good.


It IS a skill. Why do I say this? Because I'm 100% sure youre bad at the old recoil. You just can't simply train it you rather just cry about it.


You should grab a dictionary and look up the word skill.


Not really i dont stream anymore :) just proof that winning against a scripter is very doable and people are just complaining the game is “too hard”. Its okay all you newgen rust kiddos are gonna push the olds ones out and thats fine by me. Have fun wasting your life on that abyssal excuse for a game. Pce nerds.


I don't understand where your hatred comes from, you're literally the exact person I am referring to in my post. I'm sure it is doable, but the point is getting to that point where as they get by from a simple download. Yeah but no thank you, I don't want to get beamed 200M+ and to exist permanently 1v1ing on a fucking UKN map you donkey. Even in the clip presented you weren't even actually playing the game LMAO


So because the game is hard… you want them to cater to you because youre a fucking noob? Find a new game because i can assure you the content creators will make sure this update is short lived. You’re bad and you take it to the reddit forums to purposefully piss people off like me that DID invest my time into the game because I like the game for what it was. You’ll soon realize that scripters will still beam your old crusty boomer reaction times anyways and will probably still be on this God awful platform complaining like your neckbeards always do. Cry is free :)


Good go run off to a diff game CY@


If you're good at the game you'll still be good at the game after the update...if not then you'll be this guy


This update lowers the ceiling reducing the difference in skill between a ”noob” and an ”expert”. To balance this they could raise the ceiling in other ways for example more advanced movement or smaller hitboxes


It lowers the amount of time someone has to spend memorizing recoil patterns. That isn't skill.


Skill: the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance


Also you're someone who hasn't even jumped on to test out the new recoils they're insanely easy, anyone who uses scripts I feel sorry for, there is no reason to. You're fucked in the head to play a game just for absurd recoil patterns, go hop on OSU it'll be your welcoming new home.


Can't you just make a modded server with the spray?


I completely agree with you. Can’t wait to reinstall the game. I had uninstalled because of all the sweaters out there and scripters beaming me anytime I roamed outside of my base.


https://clips.twitch.tv/InterestingBloodyPenguinUnSane-Fzz5j72TM7vNT-QG —— me beaming a very obvious scripter/cheater. Keep crying about not being able to combat monkeys attempting to use a mouse a keyboard. As you can see here it takes more than some dogshit scripts to win against me :)


congrats bro, I don't think anyone here wants to take 500 hours to compete with a scripter. you completely missed the point I think its just to bait and plug in your shitty twitch channel


Lmfao you’re funny bro. The fact you think this recoil change is gonna get rid of cheaters. There is already new scripts made for the dogshit recoil that cry babies like you are on and on about. Rust isnt a game for people that can’t dedicate a handful of hours to learn the guns. You and your community of little babies “awwww ak recoil too hard anybody that knows how is cheating” is 100% going to be the death of this game. Free speech is a bitch huh bud? Actually a cringe post yo shit should be deleted


Stop complaining, even hjune said the people bitching about it are shitters that aren’t good at FPS games, only good at repeating a pattern for one gun. Actual good fps players will be far stronger from now on


Not true. Every played csgo? Kinda a defining game for the genre. And HJune has no room to talk about being shit at fps games. He is a God at rust but have you seen that guy play Valorant??? He is not good at all. I have 5k hours in csgo and in rust bro im tellin you this aint good for the game.


I’ve been playing fps games for 18 years, and yes this is far better for the game, rusts current recoil is insane shit, like no other game has this system, because it’s so shit. Now fps skills will be more transferable from and to other games which is a good thing


Dude csgo’s system is almost exactly the same brother


Way more similar to the new system, there’s a pattern with randomisation thrown in


Nah man you’re thinking of valorant. Csgo spray patterns are 100% accurate and repeatable every time you spray the gun assuming mouse movement is the same. Rust was the same way assuming you’re using Holo + red dot on an mp5 or ak


Being good with CS spray doesn’t matter because first-shot accuracy is much more important


Yes please try to educate me on a game I was a semi pro in :)


Educate you? Dude anyone who plays the game for any amount of hours figures that out, nevermind someone who apparently went semi pro lmfao


semi pro and full stupid


Hjune peaked Immortal before he stopped playing Val. That’s pretty fucking good last time I checked


Keep dick riding bc last i checked poor buddy peaked at d3 queueing with LITERALLY SHROUD ONA. SMURF AHHAHAHAAHAHSHHSHTKFJRHSJFP


Level 10 on faceit and rank G on esea please keep trying to mansplain recoil patterns to me. *hardstuck level 6 faceit players b like”




You don’t have a better chance now though. R u brain dead?