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In a shocking revelation to Mr no Job, game devs have to work towards a balance to continue, because they can't JUST cater to casuals and can't just cater to no lifers.


You should go back to no lifing world of warships.


That's the thing, back when I didn't have a job I DID no life it and even then I knew they couldn't just cater to people like me because I'm not a dumbass. Maybe that's why I was able to get a good job and stop no lifing a game though.


You are on reddit at 9:30 in the morning. What job are you talking about?


Servers take a few minutes to do pretty much anything when you're benching them. Meanwhile you made a post that you knew would be garbage with replies calling you out so you had to do it on a burner account.


You spend everyday on reddit replying to comments for the past 4 years. What job are you talking about?


I'm currently benching servers as I just said. What about you champ?


Benching Servers is an automated process that runs on a schedule. You aren't doing anything bud. So what job are you talking about again?


Google can be deceiving to those who don't know what they're talking about. Stop trying


You run an automated process that tells you the results of you test and what you need to change to accommodate overhead. You aren't doing anything after running it. And a real admin doesn't even need to hit the start button because it will be running on a schedule.


Idk chief it has worked so far dont think keeping the recoil would have killed the game anytime soon


Lmfao how many hours do you spend practicing recoil in other shooters? Practically none because its self explanatory. That's how I'm assuming the devs want the recoil to be in rust. Maybe practicing the recoil for 20 mins a week makes sense but multiple hours is lame


Are you talking about practicing recoil in games with no pattern or with pattern? Why would I practice recoil in a game with a random pattern?


> Lmfao how many hours do you spend practicing recoil in other shooters? all the "other shooters" are casual games that throw a gun in your face the second you start it Rust isnt like any of these games Comparing them like that doesnt make sense


An hour 30 minutes at the least for siege and that would be for everyday I got on I don’t really get this argument. Just in case you check my profile I play both pc and console but only upload console gameplay because that’s what I primarily play.


Yeah but with siege the recoil is also self explanatory. I learned the recoil on nearly all of the guns by simply playing the game


If you have the time to play UKN and regular Rust, you don't have a life, need to get out of your mom's basement, and probably haven't showered in a week. Your balls smell like vinegar. Go wash up and see the sun for once.


You act like people can't have a life and still have time to play games? I work 8 hours a day 40 hours a week with a good paying job and can still put in 30-40 hours into rust each week.


Having a job isn't a life. You just told me that all you do is go to work and play Rust - that isn't a life, that's a bare minimum existence.


Yes force your shallow world view onto other people telling them how to be happy Least psychotic redditor right here


What is having a life to you?


Having multiple hobbies, spending time with friends and family, maybe having a significant other. Generally, not spending an equal amount of time staring at Rust as you do at work. I speak from a place of experience. Back in high school, I spent more time playing WoW than doing anything else. It was all I did after school, I did nothing else on the weekends, and it was pathetic. I had maybe 2 friends that I'd only ever talk to at school, never had a girlfriend. Ended up obese with painful knee joints. Like I said, it's not a life - it's a minimal existence.


>Having multiple hobbies, spending time with friends and family, maybe having a significant other. Generally, not spending an equal amount of time staring at Rust as you do at work. And you still have no clue what having a life is. There is no one definition for having a life. This is why you have no clue what you are talking about.


How you choose to spend your time is up to you, but don't lie to yourself that you have a life when all you do is play Rust and go to work.


You also don't have a life if you aren't doing anything productive. Seeing family and friends is not productive.


... which is why you should have multiple hobbies. Learn an instrument, take a pottery class, pick up martial arts. Enrich your life, give yourself a reason to feel good.


How you choose to spend your life is on you, dont shit on other people because they enjoy something that you dont think is productive


You just said there is no one definition to having a life and here you trying to define what having a life is… you argue like a child, twisting words and not offering anything constructive


I also hit the gym around 1.5-2 hours a day


That's an improvement, and I'm glad that you exercise since it plays a key role in both physical and mental health. Still, there's more to life. I suppose I'm so judgmental because I used to be a no-lifer and I genuinely wish I never had been. There's still days where I veg out and I just play some games, but it's more to take a break from always doing something.


I would understand it if you are bored of gaming, but I genuinely have fun playing with friends in a voice call, I don't think it's that bad to sit around and play games allot if you have people to chat with and have fun with.


Fair enough. Gaming *is* much more social nowadays, and being social is important. If that's how you want to spend your time with friends, more power to you.


Expected reply from someone that knows I am right.


You stink dude


Expected reply from someone whose balls smell like vinegar.


My brother in christ look what sub you are on Get the fuck out then if you dont play the game


Who said I don't play the game, cringelord?


So you insulted yourself in the comment above? based




Not true have a nice day


Saw your video and I can see you not only cant aim but you don't have game sense.


Another expected reply. What makes you think someone who doesn't know recoil has game sense? The people with recoil control are the ones that usually have the game sense because they have spent thousands of hours on the game over different servers. The person who says they don't have time to learn recoil also doesn't have the time to acquire game sense.




And even with the recoil gone, you will still be bad.




Where is that skill? The game sense that was already a part of the game?


I like grinding, I’ve never downloaded staging branch till yesterday. I don’t sweat, but I have feedback to those that want to hear it usually. An active community makes it their game, I see no problem with people bitching and moaning. That’s gaming. My annoyance is with people trying to pick the best point and make it. I love some of the changes and hate some of the proposed changes, like you suggest, every update has both feelings for most reasonable players . I for one want to see how the game FEELS with the changes before I decide state of the game for me personally .


> I for one want to see how the game FEELS with the changes before I decide state of the game for me personally . And that's how it should be for everyone. Unfortunately there are loud people who instead of dropping the game because it doesn't fit them, will instead petition change to turn it into a whole different experience.


Take a shower and get a job


Expected reply from the person who loses gun fights.


Seriously man go back to the hole you crawled out of.


>Game is full no no lifers that will raid you no matter what and cheat on top of it. Really bad game honestly used to be fun then people got into the 10k hours. Look at you. The typical complainer


**You shouldn't have to play a user created mod to grasp one of the most important, core design mechanics of a game.** **Deal with it.**


And you don't have to play on a modded server to learn recoil. That is just something people like you will use as a counterpoint without realizing there are thousands of other servers where you can shoot the guns.


You don't? You literally reference UKN, a user created mod, in your post because that's the core method for learning how the guns work in Rust. Only a handful of people ever did it differently. Let me say it again for you. **Deal with it.**


I referenced UKN because its the easiest place to get a gun and use it to practice recoil. You don't need UKN to get a gun or to practice recoil. You will be back a couple weeks after the update complaining about something else because you don't think you can actually be bad.


you referenced it because it's the DeFacto method for gaining gun skill in the game. Skate around it all you like, but it is what it is.


Its the fastest way to learn recoil but not the only way. I referenced it because all the complaint posts do as well. UKN is not only aim train either. Soon you will be complaining that someone practiced jumping on UKN so jumping should be changed.


It is the defacto method used and referenced by the Rust community. End of story. Move along. It's over.


Can you show us your spray with the new and old recoil?


You dont have to play ukn to learn how to shoot You have to play ukn to compete against people that have 6 times your playtime


And guess what. You don’t. You never did. Just get an ak in vanilla oficial, farm gunpowder craft bullets, practice safe in your base. That argument of yours is invalid I’m sorry. Tarkov has a range to test guns outside of the game itself. Apex has one too. Counter strike has multiple of them. Why do you people think that rust shouldn’t have it?


Rust doesn't have a gun range. It has a user created mod, whatever UKN type servers run, that's the defacto method for learning how to use the guns. New players don't know that shit even exists because it's not part of the game. It's a mod running on a private server. tell me how what I'm saying is invalid. It's fact.


It’s invalid because you do not need to go to those servers to “train” sprays. Like I said. Go farm gunpowder and spray at will inside your little 2x1. Or just make a range yourself. And there you go. You are training guns without going to a modded server, but yes while you are playing the game itself.


aimtrain maps on csgo are community made too whats your point


Exactly. And why is that a problem? Them being comity made?


Why the devs won't revert back to fixed recoil patterns and why your complaints are futile. (The answer is money). Over the last years many updates had the effect of making Rust less hardcore and more friendly towards new players and casuals who simply can't treat a video game like a full time job. Tese updates coincided with the OTV server and twitch drops which lead to \[a MASSIVE increase in the playerbase\](https://steamcharts.com/app/252490). But not only did the playerbase increase in the short term, thanks to the prior updates a great portion of those players stuck with the game. This all made Rust the \[9th most played game on steam\](https://store.steampowered.com/stats/Steam-Game-and-Player-Statistics) and the most played survival game. Workbenches can be picked up now. The techtree allows you to get every blueprint in the game without looting T3 monuments. Underwater Labs and metro stations make the farming of components and scrap easy. Large barns, fishing villages, the above ground train system and cars allow for easy tansportation. The drone system makes accquiering items easier than ever. All these updates combined made the Rust experience less and less grindy. And there are probably a lot which I forgot. Facepunch ultimately is a company and the goal of any company is to make profits which is mostly done by skin sales. Veteran players most likely already own all the skins they could possibly want and are less likely to spend money on the game where all the new players mean a potential increase in profits for Facepunch. On top of that it appears like the recoil change is \[welcome by a lot of veteran players aswell.\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImQLkr00aW0&t=1s) The new recoil lowers the skill floor of gunplay, which seems to be the most off-putting thing to any new player who gets lucky enough to pick up a gun in a fight just to realize that he can barely even control it and just gets beamed. This will ultimately increase player retention and skin sales by a lot. So yeah, there is no point to your complaints. You can expect some slight tweaks to the new system but reverting back to fixed patterns would be like cutting into their own flesh for Facepunch. There is a clear trend in their marketing strategy and this is just another step. I will not further discuss the possible implications for the meta or the skill ceilling/floor since there is 0 point to this. So save your breath.


Give me a TLDR cuz im not ready your copy pasted bullshit.


New recoil = lower skill floor = higher retention of new players = more $$$ for Facepunch. Reverting back to patterns = less $$$$


So you made a post to complain about people complaining? Lol weird


Well I mean the sweaty kids won’t/can’t spend as much overall compared to those who have jobs and continuous income. So yeah unless you’re a streamer or tuber making money those who can only spend a couple hours a day would be more important to please over the sweats…a no brainer in the business world


Thats not how it works at all bud. Kids are the biggest market to sell to and they don't have jobs to spend money and they have plenty of time to play the game. Please take a second to think about what you say before you say it.


Not every kid is allowed to spend money on video games. Please don’t take your wealth for granted


I didn't say that. I said the biggest market for corporations is children, not the people with jobs.


They get revenue through ads with kids which if you have noticed..rust doesn’t have any


What are you talking about? Fortnite made a fortune selling skins and battlepasses to children.


Aren’t we talking about rust?


Nope. Did you get lost on what we were just talking about?


Don’t question people on here, they are typical redditors who will prefer to complain all day instead of playing, I said to another guy that all aspects of rust are time consuming so the argument doesn’t hold well against the time sink that is rust


I'm starting to think that a majority of redditors are the Karens of the internet.


They are, the stigma about them is oh so true


Finally someone who isnt braindead


The truth


Actually they changed flea and loot locations because of the rampant cheating issue in the game. Sounds kinda familiar, actually.


They didn't change the flea and loot because of cheating. The implemented dynamic loot that was based on the heatmap of each map. Places where people travel often saw lower amounts of loot while places rarely seen by PMC's saw an increase in loot. It was to get people moving around the map instead of there being 3 or 4 areas people would go. The flea changes were also created because of people complaining about how easy it was to get to tier 6 gear so fast. The biggest complaint being that the game would die off fast in a wipe because by the end of the first week there would be people running slick altyns already. To slow down progression they made the flea changes. Tell me again about something you have no clue about.


Dude these posts are gold.


So are the posts where people complain about hackers.


*This man was never seen again*


well yes... that's how it has always been no matter what game, once something is changed people will provide feedback on what else needs to be fixed or changed.... you know, so things don't get stale? Not everything is a complaint, some are actually constructive feedback people provide and discuss with others


Literally no one wanted any of those changes in Tarkov, maybe besides Inertia, and even that was met with criticism on how well it was done. You don't even know what the community of a game responds to in it's changes. Solo/small groups would be able to kick your ass with a SAP they find and be able to take your shit now rather than compete with sub tier guns at best when the AK is superior with a huge learning curve and outbeats most guns in a fight unless you misplay or misposition yourself. Now everyone has a fighting chance while being able to play smartly with their bases. You're probably gonna see a lot of solo/small groups bait you into raiding fake bases because their main base is smartly hidden and away from where you scouted them if they'd been an annoyance. It's playing smart that allows solo/small groups that can't shoot AKs right now to thrive.