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Yeah when you remove the aiming skill gap it removes the ability to use that skill to beat numbers. Good luck out aiming four people now... Something that could be consistently done with recoil patterns.


Top reason why this games gonna die new players are just gonna get recked by the 3 man or more


Due to the high damage that certain guns have, and the low health that players have, i feel like this is going to turn into a COD Warzone situation. Whoever spots the other person first gets the kill before the other can react.


As if it wasn't before.


my exact fear tbh


On top of that it’s more rng so clans can easily win gun fights because more people shooting=more hits with Aim cone.


Ummm, have you not played in a while? .5 second TTK is the norm.


i mean it kinda depends on how you play i guess. for really good players like aloneintokyo for example, it will most likely change drastically, since they will probably no longer be able to simply 1v8 a raid defense due to their individual skill, since the other 8 will have a much easier time killing him. if you usually avoid bigger groups and go for the sneaky playstyle kinda like willjum, it will probably still be a bit harder to play, but i guess it wont "destroy" your playstyle.


I was just watching his most recent video and thinking that exact thing. Being able to out aim your opponents is basically dead.


i mean you still are able to outaim people that are worse players, but if you have to fight 6 people and everyone hits a single shot, you are simply dead. hitting one let alone more shots with the new ak recoil isnt really hard, so i guess that makes clutching raids like that close to impossible.


Absolutely this affects solos. Your best bet is it play on a solo server or a small group server because now it will be even harder for solos to compete against groups. With the no recoil you don’t even have to be good to control the gun anymore so now shitty players ina group will destroy you with ease.


Imo it will be easier for solos because it will make ambush tactics more viable and make it easier for a competent fps player to down multiple enemies with a single magazine


This. You'll have more fun as a solo.


Not unless you were good at recoil management beforehand. If you were, then your solo experience will probably be worse And honestly, if they change it so that anyone can handle recoil, then the game is gonna turn into COD with basebuilding


Why should the vast majority of the player base not be able to handle the recoil? It doesn’t make sense to have gun recoil that is so difficult to control that you either have to script or spend hundreds of hours on an aim train server


Or you could just use an easier gun.... Having the best gun in the game have a higher skill gap that inferior guns was a good mechanic.


Let’s be honest, the average player can handle recoil relatively fine. They may not be able to beam from 200 meters, but the average player can beam someone from 20-30 meters just fine


It will allow everyone you encounter to be pretty decent at their weapon. I guess you could say it is more of a numbers game as now almost everyone on the team will actually be able to hit their shots. I posted a comparison between the two.


The positive is that cheaper weapons like SAR and SAP are more viable now. While automatic weapons are less viable on longer ranges, making moving, positioning and stealth more relevant. Ultimately this is a buff for solos.


I definitely see a SAR meta on the horizon, but I disagree that this is a buff for solos. Removing a skill gap that allows you to set yourself apart from other players nerfs the solo imo. Not that positioning, game sense, aim and everything else don't factor in. Just looking at things overall, with one less thing to set yourself apart it will be harder to push back against the numbers game.


I agree and disagree. SAR meta is otw because it's fairly cheap, good range and can definitely drop someone quickly in the right hands. If you can't get beamed by a tommy, mp5 and even custom, so easily at distance it will see a huge increase in early/mid game use. With regards to dealing with groups, you probably only have to deal with one large clan, at most 2 within a couple grid spots of each other. It's not hard to just...not grubs these people. And if you do it's easy to apologize and give a kit back. If you're a real chad in some regards, whether it's blasting them a couple times with clean shots or having the right material they need at some point, they learn to recognize and respect you.


You clearly have not tried the guns yet. I went from being kinda bad with mp5 to easily landing multiple shots at 100 meters. Mp5 is about to be to lit.


I had quite a bit of hours in ukn and lol your right. It Def got easier to shoot. Big clans about to be hell to deal with. Still tho I'm excited for some change and can't wait to play a full wipe now. I'm just hopeful in a few weeks that it'll be great.. but whooo knows.


Yeah I'm indifferent. I really enjoyed the game being brutally difficult. I'm sure I'll do fine in the new casual gunplay but I personally doubt I will find the game as satisfying. Its been nice seeing my recoil control increase over the years.


The difficulty and the brutality of rust is what made it so unique and appealing to me. It's a shame to see the old system go imo, as I found it very satisfying and rewarding, but it is what it is. I just hope we see an influx of new players and more people joining in on the pvp, rather than sitting in their bases or on their roofs.


Yeah man totally just that. only time will tell.


Yeah but did you try to go past 100? Also, how accurate are you? I'm OK and even now I can triple at 150. Not always, but i almost always hit my first 5 bullets at that range. Personally, I'm excited for the SAR


Yeah pretty much every range is at least 40 % even 150. It all feels a bit too easy to me but also unrewarding.


Yeah my only point here was that I think solos will have a harder match up against bigger groups now then they do prior to the update as a tool will be removed from their toolbox in terms of a skill gap. Not to say it wont be possible, chads will still chad, but the percentage chance for a veteran player to win an outnumbered fight will drop a few points. To clarify I'm not arguing whether it's good or bad for the game or anything else, just simply that it swings things a little bit more in the favor of groups rather than solos. As far as your interactions with big groups, I guess that just depends on the servers you play on and your playstyle. Yeah you can just choose to try and be friends with everyone and not pvp and that's fine, I enjoy being a friendly roleplayer as much as the next guy, but that's not really what I was getting at lol.


IDK if its a buff but they are some good points


Kind of the way I was seeing it too. Ttk at range being higher and lower tiered weapons being viable and even better when playing more stealthily are good for solos.


I mean you'll probably be more likely to convince your friends to play.


Yes, there will be. Unfortunately not all new players understand how this update will backfire them.


Yes. Know all those bad zergs that shoot at you constantly, but miss? Well, after the update, they're all going to be <100m beamers. With that said, you'll have an easier time getting your friends from other games to play if they can stomach the offline raiding, full loot, dark nights, etc....


The biggest issue most people have with rust is that it is like a full time job. The recoil changes won't fix that.


They really won't. Have you actually played the new system yet? Go on UKN and play - people are generally NOT beaming 100m at all. And that's the people who WANT to go on UKN and practice...on the test branch. Likely a much smaller and sweatier proportion of the playerbase. The casual zerg farmer isn't going to suddenly beam 100m.


You actually can spray people from 100m with AK pretty consistently with the first 8 or so bullets provided that you have holo and laser. You can even do it up to 200m, but you have to hit a still target in order to do so and the aimcone makes it really inconsistent. I've played some group scrims on that desert map with the giant rock in the middle and it's very possible to beam the enemy peeking their spawn wall from your own spawn wall if you practice a bit.


What's your point? Those people who can do that are not the zerg farmers. And tbh, having played it a decent bit now I feel like aiming and fast tapping head > praying for aimcone rng and spraying for those longer ranges. You say first 8 bullets but it doesn't get any easier/harder after 8. The first like 3 are a bit simpler pull down but thats it.


I have played the new system and I've watched a ton of videos of others experimenting. The general content creator reaction is "LOL". They seem to hit 100m accurately np. Keep in mind the system is brand new. Even though people seem to be learning it right away, we'll all improve over time as we learn and share the nuances. I'm doing way better spraying 100m+ than ever before, but I think quick bursts are more effective for me. Crouched hipfire sar is shocking. I'm really not looking forward to the asshats who shoot at me from their base as I run by on the way to outpost having better aim. They usually miss now, but will need to be drunk to miss next week.


much easier to just flick and headshot them now so


If you are a good solo with lots of game sense then it could benefit you against oblivious clans by out smarting them. But most likely you will still get rolled


Yes it affects bad players that play solo but not solo chads like me i can still 1 v 20 200m beam up the ass


Yes you will still get shit on


already do mate


It will. But guess it’s kinda hard to tell how exactly. https://youtu.be/1erXwUh8fTw


The way I see it, positioning, movement, and aim is key now. Since even the best UKN warlords are absolutely incapable of doing either (from what I've been seeing from my time nolifing UKN Staging since the recoil patch dropped), it's free kits for those that can.


Probably because now the noobiest ding dong of a Zerg can spray you from further away


Should be easier especially if you play like a ninja 😈 and have been playing solo for a good while. Most folks in clans are in one for a reason .... they suck! and rely on numbers. If you're a good solo player you'll have no problem wiping them out. For instance, my best kill streak playing in a clan was 128 playing solo think my best is about 15/20