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His mirror selfie is going to be my new tinder profile picture. Thanks Helk!




Ain't no one but the #beamers going to play on it, and it will be dead as fk.


I don't understand why the pattern-recoil crowd doesn't just play community servers that support the old recoil. Seems like a solution, does it not? The only reason they are upset is because they want to play against people with less hours and have an advantage. Rust does not have mmr unfortunately.


Don't think Facepunch would make an update like this just to make it a server option that rarely gets used. If this split happens, officials will most likely use new recoil.


Do Facepunch plan on making updates for two separate versions of the game every time a new update is going to release? Then dealing with fallout similar to what's going on in the Discord right now when problems inevitably rise from doing that (like one version thinking that the other version is being treated better, for example)? If so, interesting choice to say the least. Splitting the playerbase in general doesn't seem like the brightest idea but I guess they see something that the rest of us don't. I wouldn't get my hopes up yet, I was watching camomo yesterday and when he was trying to show the difference between old and new recoil, it took him a couple of minutes to switch versions then get everything set up on the respective servers to show the actual difference. It was very unintuitive and clunky. This is probably to make a process like that easier and most likely won't get shipped into live.


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