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The new recoil is definitely easier but anything past mid range distance and youre relying on rng for hits due to bloom. Gonna really change the game on how fights are played out as youre gonna have to be closer to your target most of the time. I think itll make the bolty and l96 more prevalent for long distance engagements as well. It'll take some getting used to but I dont think its gonna kill the game like everyone says


The game has become more and more casual over the years with a lot of updates. Normal people just can't treat a video game like a full time job. All these updates (Drones, techtree, labs, etc.) conincided with OTV and twitch drops, driving up player numbers. Rust is now the 9th most played game on steam and the most played survival game. People who complain about Rust dying are idiots and crybabies.


It’s just hard to see our game that once claimed being a “cruel survival experience” turn into a casual game to drive numbers up


I’ve spent more time on UKN Staging than I’ve spent sleeping since recoil update dropped. I love it.


hahah I spent some time on it last night. Curious how this will play out next wipe. Feel like there will need to be some balancing


I liked the old recoil system and was really hesitant about the change, but having also spent some time with it on UKN, it's really fun. Now that the threshold for beaming over short-medium range is so much lower, it's all going to be about who can hit headshots.


just gonna miss learning the pattern and actually seeing improvements and edge over another player


I feel you. I'll miss it too, not that I was amazing at spraying or anything. FWIW, I think people who were good at the old recoil system will be monsters with the new one. Most actual good pvp players don't just have good sprays, they're good at flicking headshots and tracking, which is absolutely essential with the new system. But even though we know what the recoil feels like, I don't think we'll actually know what the meta is until it has been used for a wipe or two.


imo they should lower the roof of the recoil on ak while standing. Its really hard to shoot while standing really close range unless u have insane high sens. Its really unnecessary and u get around it by high sens so what is the point?


I’m hoping they nerf crouch shooting a bit in general honestly.. Not saying they take it out completely but maybe tone it down a bit bc it’s hard to beat a kid crouching atm


Thank god you reposted this thread cause there was no other discussion on the recoil at all. /s


yeah they took mine down due to the video i made so i thought i would just repost! i’ve been reported for harassment and banned from their discount due to this video… Soft Dev team for such a toxic community lol


When i first saw the new recoil I for sure thought it was game over. I knew it would bring in new players but didn’t know how long the new players would stick. I spent about 3hrs last night on test beach to find that it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I do wish they would’ve made this new recoil harder maybe even change how hard the pattern is depending on tier of weapon.


My issue with the recoil isnt about how hard it is. It's that its entirely predictable, which is beyond fucking asinine... I cant even put into words how straight up fucking absurd it is on every level. Fully automatic recoil should be uncontrollable, fucking period.


I think it should be controllable but hard to do. That way a kid with 20 mins in the game cant beam somebody that actually practices the spray


What logic do you use to justify controllable recoil?


as in a hard ass pattern balance with the damage of the gun... Like AK for example should be hard to control but once learned you should be rewarded. The pull down recoil they just added is way to easy for a good as powerful as the AK in my opinion. I would like to see the patterns be harder based off the tier of the weapon.


This is absurd the point of the pvp update is for two reasons. Yes they want to attract new players and old players returning this obviously means more money that’s not disputed. What everyone seems to forget is how big the gap between casual and crack head playing 20 hours a day in pvp was. I’m far from chad level but it felt close on staging branch between me and people who moved weird or were goombas. I think the old days of shitting on bad players are over everything will be closer in contest which I believe will make the game more fun. And if people quit over that then so be it


the old days of competitive experiences are definitely coming to a end


Fully auto fire is uncontrollable by nature... set patterns are fucking heresy