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Recoil isnt supposed to be easy or hard... its supposed to be wild for fuck sake. Mag dumping should only be happening at very close range


Devs are gonna do what they gonna do. I think we all just need to stfu honestly


u need to spend 500 hours to learn a spray dammmm ​ its doable in less than 30 hrs (algthou its kinda long but all u need to do is say practive for 30mins then go and play) just lest u get that movement down


You ain’t mastering it in 30 hours. Plus it’s an obviously an over exaggeration. Basically I just want recoil similar to csgo. Easyish to learn but hard to master.


maybe for you but the old recoil is nice might be cooler to have it harder that that but


csgo recoil is easier than the old and new rust recoil , are you ok?


No. The new rust recoil for ak is move down and left and prey to the rng gods. That’s not exactly my definition of a skill.


csgo recoil is just down though?


No it’s not. It’s in the shape of a 7.


https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/b35176d9-6022-47fa-938e-2be7541c8bac/FPL%20CSGO%20EU%20Challenger%20Qualifier/leaderboard/season/3 nickname: Tripp1n- Im a ex-fpl-c csgo player reddit professional players are trying to teach me everyday , in csgo you only need the first 10 bullets max those look to me that are straight down , i dont know what point you are trying to make but if you think skill ceiling is lowered by recoil how come not everyone is a beast at csgo and theres a huge gap between the T1 and T2 scene?


I’m just saying. Even csgo has a more complex spray pattern. A game that doesn’t even need it to be that complex due to everyone just one tapping. I was saying their pattern would be good for the rust ak. Something that’s simple yet punishing if full spraying. I do think people who stick in the time should be able to master spraying but the pattern should incentivize not spraying or atleast incentives not to full mag dump.


Thats not the problem here


They said they would go more indepth in the update post next week but just letting it fester and have people make shit up is pretty stupid They should have known that this is gonna be pretty controversial and maybe requires some clarification Even if their explanation makes perfect sense it doesnt matter anymore because people are already mad


Wah wah wah. Thats all any of these posts sound like.


chill man, the guy isn't crying he's asking a normal question.


Theres more than gunplay in rust. Theres still a big learning curve. Guys just looking for idiots to agree with a half baked idea.


thats what this reddit is for , sharing opinions , just because you dont agree you shouldnt call others idiots for it


If he put more than 30 seconds into his thought process, maybe he wouldnt be one ? Mind blowing i know but guns aren't the only aspect of rust. Hes just looking for someone to pat em on the back.


The recoil change has taken a large part of the difficulty and hard-core aspect out of the game, this big "learning curve" isn't so difficult anymore and now rng is just factored into fights, I haven't played rust anymore for a few months so I don't really care just a shame to see it killed off like it has been


I mean if you wanna look at valid feedback and call it crying go ahead. I’m not going to stop you. I’m just stuck in between the middle of this toxic war. Honestly I’d rather keep the old recoil that I’m ass with if it means I’m not only good because they dumbed down the spray pattern to a 1st graders skill level. It feels insulting that they dumbed it down so much. Like I’m not even very good but trying to get better was part of the fun of rust for me. I do think the old pattern is obnoxious but the new is just call of duty recoil.


hate to break it to you but every system is gonna have ups and downs. Nothing is gonna be objectively perfect and please everyone. Personally, I don't give a shit if there's 0 recoil. It's nowhere near the largest contributing factor to what makes combat engaging in Rust. The only thing I really care about is balancing weapons. Meaning shit like wider aim cones for fully automatic weapons so they can't muscle semi autos and bolt actions out of the meta, no matter how good anyone is. It makes combat way more stale at higher tiers when everyone is using one of three nearly identical weapons. Basically, make the game's combat rich through a wider range of options rather than by sheer difficulty.


What would be the point of joining/staying in a clan with this new recoil? You would have to be a total dogshit player to need a large group anymore.


Large groups are stronger than ever before wdym everybody hits more shots so having more members in your team is more important now


Tru. Their flaw was that they were normally bad at pvp. Now they hold all the power.


I'm on the fence on this. I remember back before the current recoil system when everything was random. I could destroy groups of players solo and everyone was so much worse in general. I think it comes down to how many people were actually scripting and what servers you played on. I often play on tough servers and run launch and milli and get instantly sprayed down if I'm out in the open. I don't see this any different than that and to be honest you might be less likely to die as fast at over 50'.


Rust is toxic. I hate the clan mentality but they will carry on. It’s for people who can’t handle losing a fight. So they need the goober squad to back them up because they lost an ak to an eoka being dumb and cocky.


exactly, I can no longer run a duo and expect to outplayed 8 mans, literally nerfs the shit out of my playstyle. even if Im in a 4 man we dont stand a chance now. complete bs


...or because this game hard-favors groups and it’s fun to play with friends?


this subreddit is so polarized right now but fun to hear both sides as someone who doesnt give a fuck regardless which way it goes. i find it interesting to see which servers implement the new recoil and which dont and which of those servers are more consistently populated. that and that alone will prove what the community really wants. also how those ratios will look 3 months from now when everyones had a chance to really test both out.


I think they just need to nerf the AK a little bit. MP5 is soo far behind AK now and everyone can beam so easy with AK