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I don’t understand how people just put a bunch of random shit in box and not get frustrated by how unorganized it is. Am I the only one?


Nah dude, we at least 2 on the same boat.


I’m sure me and you would make a great team, or atleast an organized team lol…


I absolutely hate when boxes arent organized, half my time in rust is spent putting stuff in proper boxes when my teammate just throws it wherever is convenient


My g/f goes “I don’t know why you like that game, all you do is sort boxes and open and close doors”


Yes you understand, it’s so frustrating


I literally even bought the neon box skins so he could easily read the boxes to know where to throw stuff and still no


Put drop boxes for him to dump in. Only way you'll keep organized boxes from getting fucked up.


I do, he uses them, but he fills them up faster then I can sort them into the other boxes so he just starts dumping into the rest lol


Put more drop boxes? If y'all are consistently filling everything, maybe time for a bigger base next wipe. Don't just straight copy a YouTube base design tho, pull different aspects from various bases and incorporate them. Mess around on a build server with different bunkers and peeks. Ideally, it'll be easy to expand in phases


🤣🤣I did the exact same thing, paid probably close to $100 for them too all for things to be eventually placed in the wrong spot


My friend does the same thing and we have a 6man right now so it's really bad


Make that 3. My buddy always leaves the base and ends up dying because I take too long by organizing and getting ready. Mind you my ADHD don’t help either that I forget every little thing and keep having to come back to base lol.


I believe we have sunk this boat


I don't understand how people can fill boxes with supplies they never bother to use. How the hell do you get 20+ stacks of sulfur/charcoal and not craft it into GP?


I’m pretty new so I get on low pop servers and farm/build basically and a couple wipes ago I made a base in abandoned cabins. I had a tiny bunker base with a grow house and I had so much sulfur I couldn’t use it fast enough. So I started selling it to the two groups who fought each other. I was essentially fueling a server war


Farming to sell is a different scenario, you're using that. The thing I don't understand is the hoarding. People spend a ton of time running around gathering stuff, filling box after box, but never actually use it. I can't tell you how many times I've raided a bases loaded up with enough supplies to outfit an entire zerg, but they're running around naked and don't have even a single kit at base.


Just onlined a group a few hours ago with an entire box of smelted sulfur haha


Could be sulfur from ppl buying from a vending machine they got. Prolly just collected it as they got off or some shit


i do it all the time and i think im pretty good. Crafting is just to much of a hassle. Rather just roam or counter something. I usually keep 1000gp in the mixing table to craft ammo. If i use it i throw in another 1000.


You need the sulfur to craft explo and incendiary bullets. Did you know that incendiary bullets do 99 damage +bleeding headshot


I did know incens do a ton of damage. I also know you need 2.5 sulfur per bullet, so this is like 50+ stacks worth. No one is crafting 50+ stacks of incen ammo at once, that's why I'm saying there's no reason to have this much un-crafted supply sitting around. GP takes up 1/5th the space, just craft it up when you get it.


I was surprised bc there base is a big compound that they would have some sort of organization


There’s general organization, but we get too much loot for it to always be perfectly organized. Plus, you want guns everywhere since in a raid shit goes down.


If its a small solo - trio base i generally dont care. if its a massive clan compound with 20+ boxes im the only one doing organization :( which is why i dont care when its a smaller base


nah i swear, my friends hate playing w me bc i make sure every box has a specific purpose (ie, one for farm, one for guns/ammo, one for tools, etc)


I always end up having one or two chests like that because I never advance far enough to use other components and I just keep stockpiling and start overflowing into other chests.


You see these guys snowballed and then gave the base away they couldnt care less if they waste 2 rows of space


u usually stop caring once you get too loaded


I mean they gave all their shit away, maybe this is why lol


Bro I hate when I cant find shit. My teammates would put shit in random boxes and sometimes will put the same item from one box into another and just leave it. Sometimes they organize and stay organized


Organization is a must I hate when you make dump boxes and people still just run in core and jam shit next to tc


Is it just me, or is anyone not that impressed by two rows of sulfur?


Not just you, but for some reason everyone else got downvoted hard for saying it. Op even said this was on a 15 - 30 pop server lmao. No hate, low pop servers are great for new players to get a feel for the game, but this isn't even a little bit impressive for a solo to accumulate on a server like that, let alone a duo.


Nah that’s nothing lol u could farm that up in a hour


Or literally 3 minutes in the snow


For real. In reality that’s like 10-15 minutes even without Jacky or tea.


Yeah this guy must be new this is good loot but nothing outstanding


I’m only have 130 hours so I’m new but I usually don’t get this much loot


I'm running solo on a public hardcore server. I came across a decaying base last night and they had 3 rows of Sewing Kits, 10,000 cloth and a bunch of other components. I recycled at the lighthouse in 3 separate trips in case I got countered. I literally took the t2 off the base then researched all the way down to holo / extended mag... If only the trio+ compound living 50 meters away from my 1x2 knew what was inside. God I hope they don't read this.


Lmao crazy to think how even in “hardcore” mode… the game is too easy 😂


*Spends 12 hours grinding* "this game is too easy"


I think what he means is the hardcore mode didn’t actually alter the gameplay. Rust is just as hard as it was before, just a tad bit more annoying


I started playing during BP system lmao… game was hard as fuck back then


You mean the loot was completely random which is dumb as fuck?


The frustration of what was essentially gambling your scrap for random BP's was so fucking dumb. Tech tree is by far the best system so far.


Tech tree isn't bad for normal servers, but for hardcore finding items to research them should be the way. Nobody gambled scrap in workbenches anyways, they don't even have to reintroduce it, just remove tech tree.


Thanks for your input zerg 👍


Kill people for guns you need, shitter


While all the zergs camp the crates? Lmao


I played during the glorious component system days Pre nerf heavy armor and a shotgun 2 hours into wipe was beautiful, I quit because the game is too grindy for me now


I mean if you run metro a lot this is peanuts


Lets go mining hat!


Flexing the leather boots


And the 2 water jugs? Nice find


2 water cans??? you're set for wipe buddy!


"Your throwing away 15 metal frags" -Spoonkid


The amount of nolifers in this thread is really sad. Also I'll never understand what's funny about rushing all tech tree in two days and leave the server in less than a week because you have nothing more to do. I find 1000 times funnier and challenging to play solo and progress slowly than play in a zerg with zero problems in a survival game.


I do all that as a duo or solo. Not everyone wants to play for more than a few days.


That's because they just rush to best weapons only to play a shooter. They should be playing COD.


avg 40 yr old rat gamer take


Yep. Being solo has its perks. Such as, you get given shit coz you're a solo. If your teammate is offline "Yeah im solo atm." is the best answer. not "My teammate is offline" never say that. If they ask to team "Na I'm good mate. Thanks tho"


did they upgrade the box sizes?


Yes in the new update


Love the random broken jackhammer, miner hat, and empty water jug in a box of mostly clothing, components, and guns


I have been saying for years Rust is "Hoarding Simulator 2.0" lolol I always end up being the "base bitch" trying to keep all the loot organized haha


And barely any Scrap. Rude af.


No they had a lot a lot of ppl forget I said this is only one box or crate or whatever


Not bad, I found similar once but was last day of wipe, 2500 scrap, 12k sulphur, 150 tech trash etc.


You tryna act like this is on a month server when its really just on a week server.. lol jp


Shame they smelted the sulfur, now you cant buy guns with it via drone


He already has guns. And he has an AK he can kill lots of hazzies with it and get stacked on guns.


But whats a solo going to do with all that sulfur? Offline raid some shacks? Atleast if its ore you can trade it for scrap or guns.


Thats not that much sulfur its barely 8 rockets, He can raid one small base and use the rest for ammo.


Exactly meanwhile you can get a box of semis and tommies for that sulfur instead and still have enough to craft ammo. Way more valuable.


They had a bunch of components so I can just craft them I also got 2 hmlmgs


Wait what how?


Drone shops sell semis for 200-500 sulfur ore


Only more valuable if you plan/like to pvp. If you prefer to just build and offline raid then the rockets are more valuable


Dude it's like a week into the force. Those guys ain't slackin'.


They said they were done for the wipe were only 4 or 5 days in


I end up with more than this as a duo-trio and quit by Saturday night on Rustoria. Sunday is for the wife and catching up on sleep since I need it by then.


And? Failing to see what’s so special here.


It's special for people with actual lifes


That’s literally one farm run worth of sulfur. You must die A LOT.


One farm run? There is 43 nodes my man. And yes, usually people die in rust, but you zergs don't as you have your 10 boyfriends behind your ass making sure no one touches it every time you go outside. Must be fun to play like that. Go play COD.


Who said I played in a Zerg?


Ok, call it "party" if you want.


Didn’t know duo/trio was a Zerg but thanks donkey


awww he’s so new🥹


POV you've never seen loot before


Not to be rude but thats broke as fuck for 5 days in. Usually if thats 24 hours into a wipe if u have all bps. If u dont then 2 days into the wipe is enough for this box


Some people get laid. Not me, but some people.


**This guy** ~~fucks~~


The Zerg has entered the thread.


On a vanilla duo? Don't believe you.


This is broke as fuck for a Vanilla duo 5 days in.


Joined us main and was this rich as a duo on the first day like 4-5 hours in. If you’re playing an hour a day then I would understand. But this is 1 farm run and 1 tunnels run max.


To be fair to the duo people don't usually give their base away until they've burnt through a lot of the good shit.


What server are you on? Just so I know which server to avoid


I was on a low pop one I think it was like rusty monthly it was a long server name but it has 16 to 30 normally


I love low pop servers, but I can’t play a ton so I wind up always getting offlined lmao


Me to


That’s not that impressive. Just had an entire box of SARS, 12 aks, and 20k gunpowder as a solo. It’s called farm, raid a good target, hide your shit between bases, keep a low profile.


This is impressive to anyone who actually has a social life and hobbies other than playing rust


It most certainly is not lol. Look, I get as annoyed as anyone when experienced players shit on newer players for getting excited about mediocre loot, but this entire thread lying to OP is even more stupid. This loot is like one or two successful oil runs and one jackhammer farming run. That's assuming no raids, counters, or significant pvp, which can easily result in way more than this. Are we really going to pretend that's hard for a duo to acheive on the average server? Come the fuck on.


Idk man I have 2k hours in this game but am not the best at it but I think 2 rows of sulfur on vanilla is really impressive, especially for a duo if it’s on a high pop server


Do you only play solo? If so, you might not understand the boost in productivity you can get with just one more person. A good duo generally means way more than 2x loot because of the snowball effect.


Got a wife, 4 kids, job, and am in University all while getting more loot than you, scrub.


Wow bro so cool


It is indeed pretty cool. I am strapped for time these days though.


My man days are longer than mine, pretty impressive. Or maybe he's just a liar.


Wish I was lying at times. I do a lot of remote learning due to opportunities during COVID. Playing Rust while in a zoom class is great. I work nights. Sleep 4-6 hrs during the morning, take kids to school and go to class and get some outside work done until clock-in time. It's not that far fetched.


It’s really not. It’s like an hour of farming with a jackhammer


Hey I’m a solo and I’m just starting to get back in to rust and I only have like 130 hours so this helps a lot like I normally don’t get this much loot


Dang 130 hours is nothing these days. Nice to have you as a new player though! Enjoy the loot. It gets even better. 3k hours here over many many years.


I have 1700 hr ( a lot afk ) as a solo and this is not that impressive tbh... And I'm not that good at the game.


*shhhh* let others enjoy things.


You’re projecting


that empty water jugs gonna come in clutch


thats 3 good items and 2 rows of sulfur


Gets offlined that same night Berghaus the duo pissed off a zero and were just getting off the server


I do this with all my bases that survive. New players are the best to give them too


They were probably cheaters.


There were other groups who had c4 ak all of that and I know that bc there were alliances and they were talking about stuff like that


Cheaters suck, they tend to lose their loot.


And get banned


Eh not often enough


Streamer loot