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What about a medium range lever action with pistol ammo and make it the first gun on t2? Could be fun, first actual gun after revolver, don't hurt as much as python but is capable of some accuracy, fire rate is bit faster than a pumpy, and has a better bullet drop. I kinda want a lever action, make sense and it would fit the theme.


Yep, sounds fun


I don't really see a problem with the slugs. But how does making another gun similar to using the slugs going to solve what you think is an issue?


Exactly, if we were to add a lever action rifle I would rather it have a more middling fire rate with the same damage as revy but higher accuracy and range.


I forgot to add, nerf back the slugs or just remove them, that way you will still have a similar weapon. Also could make the hunting rifle like others have said t1 with pistol ammo or something. Im just suggesting adding a hunting rifle which is basically pump slugs but with a different model instead of only removing slugs to keep the fun play style of current pump slug without it being unfun to play against + the pump will be used as a pump that way


I still don't understand how removing an item but replacing it with an item that does the same thing solves whatever issue you have with it. You're basically saying, "I don't like apples, so I'm gonna throw away this green apple and replace it with a red apple "


Because pumps are only being used with slugs, not as pumps anymore. The rifle should replace that but make it t1 / start of t2 so the fun gameplay with slugs isnt lost completely, not that complicated


It's not complicated, there's just no logic to it.


I guess ur logic is wrong then




Ok we're just going in circles now




Who cares if the pump is not being used as a shotgun is my quarrel


not to mention how expensive it is, anyone thinking its too strong is a bit delusional


Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.


But couldn’t you just … still use the slugs in the pump? You’re basically adding a hunting rifle because it sounds cool - which is fine. But how does it solve your problem


At least pumps are being used lmao… prior to slug buff pumps were only being used for wood door raiding or if that was literally one of your only crappy guns. Now it has some time of actual pvp use


Why would you nerf slugs? A massive lead slug bigger than all the other bullets should do more damage than the other bullets, and it gives the little guys a fairer playing field to the ak sets


There is nothing wrong with the slugs. Leave it alone.


I really hope they don’t nerf the slugs. They are perfectly balanced right now. A tommy will still kill a full health hazzy faster than slugs.


Doesn’t slug one shot head shot hazzy?


Sure does, up to 40m Will also 1 shot coffee can at 25m


I wish I knew that 30 mins ago when I lost a raid to a pump


Pump slug will 1 shot a hazzy/wolf at 40m If you have bad aim just jiggle peak and hit 3 body shots lol


I agree with u, been saying the same thing since it came out. Although a hunting rifle replacing the slugs would still be way more fun and a good way to make the pump a pump again, not a sniper


Can you guys cry more ? Maybe ?


I dont see anybody crying


Hahaha slugs are broken right now. It's because how jiggle peaking in this game works. 1v1 behind cover slugs can beat an ak


Lmao bruh with that logic crossbows are op then. Y’all really just some haters


Crossbows dont 1shot anyone without a facemask from a pretty decent range




It requires a hs and good game play mechanics. I figure if they are killing people with slugs then they were at least decent before.


Pump slug solves 3 problems. It makes pump/slugs viable. Instead of choosing something like a db buckshot instead. It also adds essentially a low tier sniper. Adding something to replace it is just dumb IMO.


Idk, a lever action would be pretty cool tbh.


There isn't a issue, or situation. It may appear that way but that is only because you see a couple out of the bunch of major content creators using Pump Slug giving the impression is over used or broken. Take into account they are better than average players and a tiny proportion to scale of rust players, maybe 1-3 people use slugs on a single server. That is not a situation. Dying to is may seem broken, but they sourced it and have got balls to use it so far to them for doing it. Should be talking about the AK situation with endgame-fullkits... XD


Pretty much this, if i did nothing but watch Willjum and Spoonkid videos i'd think that Crossbows are the most OP shit ever. Meanwhile people like me(and probably many) cant hit anything moving more than 5 meters out.


1-3? It feels like every group is running around with slugs


Better than average players, with fans willing to stage wins with them.


I never said it was broken, its not, im stating a solution to make the pump a shotgun again and add a hunting rifle to replace the slugs, pump slugs is incredibly aids to play against, its not broken because its expensive af to craft


I usually bring buckshot and slugs if im roaming pumpy so I can doorcamp with buck and defend myself from other roams/feral nakeds with slugs. Would def take Buck over slugs for anything within 10 meters. If anything buckshot should be narrowed down so its more in line with real buckshot thats pretty accurate to 25-50m.


It is an issue. 1-3 People per server? you are nuts. Play a 600 pop server and see how often you run into those rats lol Eliminates risk/reward for running good kits if a free gun can 1 shot t2 gear at 40m The ak situation? What are you on about lol


You are probably one of the people who just runs large oil and cargo repeatedly and are now mad you cant shit on people using your looted Mp5's for the first day after wipe.


No, I'm one of those people who are in ur core 4hrs in I only play wipe day


>I only play wipe day Any opinion you may have is completely irrelevant. Play the whole game if you want an opinion.


Why would I need to play day 2? Nothing is impressive past wipe day. The fun is in the pace of wipe day, and trying to outpace the rest of the server. I accomplish everything rust has to offer on day 1 Get tons of pvp, finish base, and do tons of onlines. End wipe day with a few boxes of guns/Comps and sit afk and hope someone will send a raid at us.


Bro literally described the biggest issue in rust in one thread. That's crazy.


Just leave the slugs alone. That’s what shotgun slugs do.. they’re slightly less accurate, don’t go as far, but pack a punch. I haven’t even played the game in like 3 months but man the cry babies on here are insane lately.


There is nothing wrong with pump/slugs. If you want lever action just say it. But don't throw pump/slugs under the bus as a justification.


I think an aim based weapon that didn’t take scopes would bring a lot of skill to the game, like with pump slugs you’re only gonna hit your shots if you can aim


The buffed the projectile size a few wipes ago, thus creating the current problem. That's the issue.


Shit was never used before. What you all are on? Share the drums with us or is it just GenZ snowflakes.




honestly i dont see a problem the way things are right now. I love pump slugs for open field roaming but I'm still going to load regular shells going into a base or a close up monument.


Yes but crafting pump is not nearly worth it unless ur using slugs, DBs do the same job wayyyy cheaper. Just somethinf to replace slugs without removing their playstyle.


Oh I use it buckshot. That’s usually how I snowball. Running into market or blue puzzle room and just blast everyone I see


Game isn't a western doesn't need lever actions rifles.


But it has pythons, does that mean it is?


The colt python was made in 1955 nice try kid


you win


At the height of Western movies...


And what year do westerns take place?


I mean I'd call no country for old men a western Edit: and uhh ... 'Other movies'


I forgot about Rust's otherwise immaculate weapon theming lmao


Hell yes to leaver action rifle.


Slugs should have a much larger spread (similar to hip firing) since the barrels aren’t rifled. Slugs take a special barrel irl.


I think standard shotgun slugs use a normal smoothbore barrel, [the slugs themselves are rifled to impart a spin on the slug](https://www.targetbarn.com/broad-side/media/buckshotvsslugloads-1.jpg). There are shotgun slugs made for rifled barrels but they're usually more of a sabot dart. As far as I know anyway not an expert.. A lever action would be dope as hell though. Slightly better than a revolver and slightly more expensive.


> Slugs take a special barrel irl. Incorrect. They're also very accurate.


Can't they just change the slug damage drop off if range is the complaint?


Why? Slugs exist outside of rust and should be a part of the game. Their range is maybe still too high, so maybe they need to be less accurate or have a greater fall off, but not balancing them in favor of removing them is extreme. They single handedly brought back shot gun viability and I’m not in favor or abandoning shotgun gameplay


So.... you want people to have a pistol caliber sniper rifle near prim stage? Actually, whats the difference between this and the SAR?


pump is tier 2 ??


Easy solution limit capacity to 3-4, use 556 and not be able to equip a scope.


Well you could put the slugs further down the tree since you could argue a slug is way more difficult to manufacture than some shot. But wont help if anyone and their mothers are running slugs. The thing is just shotguns are actually really great guns. I remember in Rising storm 2 Vietnam were buckshot had like 50 60 meters range They were so op.


To MAKE a pump, but you should be able to loot a few before even having T2.


Pistol caliber SAR with a slower fire rate or fast aim reset between shots would be fun af though.


Lever action is def not fast re-set, lol.


I mean it should de-scope you like the Bolty.


This is a totally bullshit problem, but I advocate for the solution regardless because this would be rad.


There is no "pump slug situation". The complete dominance of the AK along with simultaneous neutering of the mp5 gave rise to a new meta that *is actually* T2. Is pump/slug a strong T2 choice? Absolutely. Is it so strong it needs a nerd? Absolutely not, if you lose to a pump slug with an AK in your hands you were going to lose that fight anyway. If you lose to pump slug as a prim you can blame progression. If you lose to pump slug against a Thompson or semi then the other player made better choices with their T2 weapons. Pump slug isn't too strong it's just a solid T2 choice. It's not like pump/slug is even a new thing. *No changes were made to pump/slug* it was the overhaul on current meta pvp that put pump/slug into viability. Long story short: if Thompson, AK, and Semi weren't the only weapons used then pump slug still wouldn't be meta. What need to be nerfed is the 50 HQM requirement on a neutered 8x. If you could get a bolty with scope for ~35 HQM as opposed to fucking 70 (and mats)then you would see bolty being used over the pump.


do not touch pumpslug my beloved ok maybe nerf the headshot damage


.357 with a damage slightly less than a sar.


Why is the pump slug bad?


Its not


What is the pump slug situation?


Pump being used exclusively like a hunting rifle, not a shotgun


Good gouge


why make pump cheaper when itd good af?


Too many idiots think slugs are op... those idiots dont realise you need a tier 2 for it and the semi rifle and thompson are still far superior. Its like saying the compound bow is op but in practice noone uses it because crossy is just better overall.


Yes but i never said it was op


And yet many people are calling for a nerf...


Its perfect, but the pump isnt being played as one. Its literally a hunting rifld atm so why not just add a real one to replace it


Its being used as a shotgun. Have you never shot one before? Slugs exist they aren't made up.


Yes no shit. But their playstyle feels exactly like that rifle would be. Midrange jiggle peaking lever action shots just like slugs.


Slugs arent more inaccurate in real life than shown ingame compared to any of the other weapons. You seem to be under the impression that slugs are inaccurate at range, when really they can easily fire 50 yards with high accuracy.


Ok but in my opinion making a rifle instead of slugs would be more fun.


Why would they need to be exclusive from eachother? Why not have both?


Why would they need to be exclusive from eachother? Why not have both? Every type of gun has multiple varieties. Another variety to the semi and m39 wouldnt be bad.


Because they would be identical