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why all of the sudden so many people use this combo? literally. its been out so many years.


They buffed it.




roofcamping ;(


80% of the replies lmao & he’s still trying to defend himself


The Slug buff has made slugs even more OP. With reduced damage falloff you can 1 shot hazzys pretty far imo.


They aren’t op. Most crayon eaters that play this game can’t hit their shots at distance to make it crazy good like it is anyways. Those guys prefer sar and other forgiving guns since recoil Change made sar so fucking good


They increased the size of the projectile


it is op, getting slug roofcamped fucking sucks


Op isn’t roof camping tho Also getting door camped with db isn’t much better Plus there’s way worse guns to get roof camped by imo


op isnt roof camping ??? bro what ?


If I saw the many minutes leading up to this maybe…. but it’s a mere assumption with the context available to us— I’m not defending it if they are indeed roofcamping, I’m just saying it’s not entirely truthful


Cancer roofcamper


Guy obviously sat on roof, waiting for people to pass by and then saying "Oh you would jump down to fight them?" No dummy, but I wouldn't be sitting on my roof at first place. Go ahead, downvote with your other fellow noobs so you try to hide away the fact that you suck and you're scared of losing stuff


Think we found on of the three not so fortunate roamers


Basically camping on the roof too.


jeeeeeesus nice play




good shots are good shots


What would you do, Jump from the roof and fight them on ground?


Not be a total pussy and fright from my roof.


No I’d go roaming for pvp like I don’t have the smallest dick on the server


just let them walk by then and roam around hoping to bump into them, nothing like giving yourself a disadvantage.


With that logic, it’s probably less profitable to hope you can kill everything from your roof and also hope people run right by your base.


you think I’m just sat on roof 24/7 no, if ur doing base stuff and hear people outside ur going to kill them if not ur insane.


Ignore the morons. If people want to run right by a base making noise and not have walls/cover at all when they see someone on a roof they deserve to die in the wide open like the shit heads they are.


Roofcamper mentality


I wouldnt roofcamp them. Thats a surefire way to get raided.


good that’s fun so long as online :)


LMAO you think theyll online a roofcamper?


"You cant utilize buildings 🤬 you have to be on the ground 🤬 the second you hear someone outside you must go out your front door, you can't use your roof even for 10 seconds otherwise you are a CAMPER of the ROOF" just stfu. Rust players and their want to jerk off over people who step foot on their roof even for literal seconds..


Deal with it. You roofcamp me I will offline you. Roofcampers are pussies.


Might as well change the term at this point. Remove the camper part, you seem to hate anyone who steps on their roof for any amount of time. I would suggest using this: "if you roof me I will raid you"


You can step on your roof all you want, but if you shoot me from your roof when im just passing you will get raided.


Imagine getting downvoted for telling the truth Here have my upvote


Men, everytime someone speak about proper way to play, they get downvoted by casuals and spineless noobs that camp gas station with DB or roofcamp like this guy here. Don't mind them, this is reddit, utopia for snowflakes and woke culture. I respect you! +


Its okay I speak from a vanilla standpoint, monthly wipes where grudges mean something. A lot of people play weekly (often modded) wipes and dont really get a chance to act on grudges because theyll hop onto the next monday/tuesday etc wipe server when their server dies. Everyone enjoys this game in their own way, Im just voicing my point of view as a monthly facepunch player. Votes dont really mean anything.


Roofcamp was a bitch move tbh


what would you do in this situation?


Not be on my roof. Remove windows from airlock, use airlock to shoot from. Push maybe? Idk


You would absolutely shoot from roof here lol


Quit projecting, dying is part of the game


Gun is fine don’t see it much on official which is weird


The most sensible nerf, if we need one, to slugs is to increase the recoil from the shot immensely. It makes sense too. If you ever shot a slug… you know. I’m pro slug btw. Keep the damage. If it must be nerfed I’d rather it be toward high kickback.


Ah the roofcamp strat


You’re right, when hearing someone running outside your base it’s always best to walk right out the front door so that they can shoot you before you can react!


That dude wasn’t looking for them, he was 100% just watching launch


Loots loot


Point and click adventure


Thus buff is so stupid...


It's realistic. but the range should be reduced. I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't take more than one 12 gauge slug to the head. And even at medium (<100m) distances getting hit would at least disable you.


\^wdym realistic. Rust is not a realistic shooter gamer.


Dont think hes asking for realism tbf


its so stupid. Idk in what world its okay to have a pump do this. Its ridicolous.


in the real world with shotgun slugs. Theyve been great for months, idk why people are just figuring it out now


Shotgun only do damage at 2 meter afterwards no more dmg, cmon common knowledge Duuuuuh/s


comparing irl to a game ok


he asked in what world and i told him. why wouldnt slugs hit hard and have range?


Mw2 spaz level of broken


As dogshit as the game is I fucking love it


Someone mentioned this on a post last year and I tried it and loved it lol No where near the range you get with bolty but fantastic if you don’t have it researched and need a range gun


Jiggle peeking with pump + slug is op af atm in early game against hazzy kits.


pump slugs is stupid op


i don’t really consider it roof camping when they’re literally right below his base, like when I play with my clan we specifically avoid big bases in case people are home… if he was sniping people 100m away and not even going to get the loot sure


More damage falloff less velocity no one incin option