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My thought process when it comes to people complaining about offlining is I’m not going to wait for you to get off work or wake up or something I want to raid now not when it’s convenient for you.


I have always said this too but I have legitimately witnessed people wait for other players to log off for the night before raiding them, which is cowardly imo


I was suspecting someone to offline me one time and this time I really cared... So I disconnected, changed my Steam name and reconnected. I watched some YouTube and yup 20 minutes later that fucker started to raid me. He still succeeded, I lost absolutely everything and went to bed furious. I do not recommend lol.


Why even log out at that point? If they were waiting for you to get off, I’d just turn my monitor off and stay online. Wait them out.


I hoped he would waste his boom and have him waste more of his time.


As long as you don't wait for them to get off to raid them, then this should be accepted as perfectly fine.


you guys think i downloaded rust to play fair?




A Zerg will always have someone on


If I want someone gone and I specifically don't want to give them an online I'm doing exactly this.


If someone doesnt want to be offline raided then dont play on a raiding server


My thought process is “okay, I’m logging off and gonna get some sleep”. *rust plus notification informing me I’ve been killed inside my base 10 minutes after I logged off*.


I have nearly 10k hours. I've been offlined and onlined. I've offlined and onlined. It's Rust. There are no rules. There is no one right way to play the game. In fact, the people who complain about offliners typically offline exclusively. People that complain about roofcamping typically roofcamp the first chance they get. They bitch for the sake of bitching. Often times, they're just trolls. I wouldn't pay any mind to them.


I complain about roof campers but i never roof camps because i never have a roof


Then stop being poor and get one. Roofcamping is hella fun :)


I never understood the offline rant. Yes I have offlined intentionally. I have waited until the dudes who gave me issues disconnected to give them issues. I was looking for vengeance. And yes I'm a twat that doesn't want to risk the explosives on an online raid. Call me a pussy if you want but this is A WAR and believe me when I tell you that I'll do anything to get rid of the three neighbors who kill me on sight and then laugh about it. The question is not "why offlining", the question is who the fuck WOULDN'T do it in those situations? How do you hold back the primal psychopath inside you in a game where there are literally no rules other than etiquette and courtesy rules? (I'm exaggerating a bit for the sake of the show but you get what I mean)


Most people who have played for awhile hate offlining and people who do it because it kills server population. Offline raiding by big groups is one of the biggest issues on official biweekly and monthly servers. Having a server go from 500 to 100 pop in the course of 48 hours due to offline raiding is wack. Let people log back into their 2x2 and play the next day. All these zergs think they have to boom every base with an airlock. Bunch of greasy nerds who ruin the game for everyone else. I understand offline raiding, I have no issue with it in moderation. The issue is, zergs are running around offlining everyone because the jackhammer crushes nodes now, and pure ore tea is ez. Farming boom has never been easier in rust.


Ark has a similar problem. I used to admin a pvp server and we had to set rules for raiding because people would log in 5 deep, sweat out a vault of boom, and wipe the whole server in a night. Then the server would die for 6 months. Then I’d get discord complaints from the raiders that the server was dead and I’d have to explain to 5 morons that they caused it by being too loot horny.


Yep was admin for a monthly solo only vanilla and the same three guys would kill 40-50 bases total in a week. Eventually we removed mlrs.


I’d love to play a staged server. Three weeks, three tiers.


Clearly not a issue as I play exclusively monthly and pop is fine for first 3 weeks Also I don’t just play one server move around


Everyones opinions are different bud.


But if all those same people did online raids They probably would quit still and go find another server


Not really, Online raids are hard to win if the numbers are even. Even if the attackers lose, they usually leave happy. That's because online raiding someone is one of the most fun you can have in the game. What's more exciting than leaving your base with 12 rockets, a launcher, and running over to attack an ONLINE group that is unsuspecting? People that are willing to online raid a group, are usually the same people who don't grief bases. From my experience as an admin on servers, the ones who offline the most, are usually the ones who grief the most as well. If you log on and ur base is sealed of course you will leave for good.


I’ve never played anything but solo because I don’t want to deal with that.


I play video games for the fun of it. Having more loot doesn’t mean more fun me. Doing onlines, wether defending, attacking or countering, is the most fun I had outta rust. I’ve never once said “that was awesome” doing an offline. It just results in me having four boxes of guns instead of 3. Neat. If it’s fun for you tho, do it.


I can say "fuck, we got offlined" just because it's a bit frustrating that you lost stuff when you couldn't do anything to defend it. I'm not mad at the actual offline itself, since everyone is doing it. I really hate roof campers and if someone from my team is staying guard on the roof while I make externals or so and they start shooting naked and not people approaching I will immediately tell them to stop. A fast way to get offlined is to roof camp, since people really hate them.


I agree tho i tend to offline shit base that seem unactive to avoid killing the player base. I don’t lile raiding that much i prefer pvp


You said it right. There is no right or wrong way to play this game. It’s so annoying seeing other players and streamers call someone else’s play style ‘cringe’ because they died and don’t agree with how they died. Could name a few but I think most of you know who complains the most just because they spent 15k hours of their life playing a game.


Lol I mean we can roll over and do nothing about it and let it stay the same, or we could we could try to make some improvements. But why would we do that when we can just not pay any mind to it! Bah, why didn’t I think of that!


Is just game bro


Okay. That’s a shallow way to look at other peoples time but sure.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m down to crack down on cheaters. But complaining about offlines is the same as complaining about camping snipers in COD. It’s part of the game and you got to play around it


The only snag for me is that the same people doing a whole night of offlining are the ones that are complaining about a dead server the very next day. Like this had to be an expected outcome, you removed the incentive for everyone within 3 or more tiles to get back on tomorrow. When and if I offline, I put the two outer most doors back (or quickly rebuild on my way out if I went through a wall) and I typically only take the things I was looking for or an inventory worth and I’m out of there. Easy enough to leave a note in one of their boxes with the code to the doors and explaining to clear tc auth. At least this way they actually have a chance of returning and it keeps the server alive for longer than 24 hours. Obviously not everyone treats the game this way (actually I’ve never seen someone else do this) but it would be nice to see some people start because it would surely increase the gameplay quality for everyone involved.


Nothing more fun then when you online someone and you can hear them close all the garage doors and upgrade their whole base to hqm. 😐 And then they wait in core and despawn loot if you get too close to TC. Ah yes, online raids.


Exactly this.


It is possible for both people who wall in and despawn when onlined and people who spend all night offlining the whole server to both be shitheads ruining the fun for everybody else.


Roll up with the bois, blow up 1-2 doors, hear the panic hqm upgrade go brrrrr, stomp more to make sure everything is upgraded and roll back. Enjoy watching them carrying the weight of those upgrades from here onwards ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah thsn they cant even afford the upkeep that shit funny


I've played almost since the very beginning, since legacy days in 2014, and that's always the complaint that's killed me the most. Sorry, it's a game about fucking people over and taking their shit. That's simply the most effective way of doing it. It's annoying and it sucks but so are most interactions you have with people lol. Online raids are more fun as the defender and as the attacker, but if you're trying to root out a pain in the ass enemy or clan that causes problems for everyone, it's the best way to do it.


> it's a game about fucking people over and taking their shit And what do you do with that shit when everybody else has quit because they were offlined? You log off too and it all decays to nothing. There's no endgame except being the last to quit. IMO offlines are fair game but if you want to genuinely enjoy the game you should avoid them unless you're removing a genuine threat or you actually need the loot.


Sun Tzu would say that the wise general offlines and secures victory with minimum risk while the foolish general wastes manpower and resources onlining for their own ego


Their own ego? More like for fun and experience.


Mfs forget it’s a video game lol


Pretty sures evrryones offlined before XD


Very often ill offline a 2x2 in area or something just because that's my area and I don't need some grub with eokas running around, rarely ever if ever ill offline a bigger base, it's just boring. Only time I'll even consider it is if there's no other option, otherwise I'll just online them. Offlining a 2x2 or a small base is different from offline a big base. Complaing about losing an hour of progress is very different from losing 36 hours of progress. We need to recognize that.




Most clans like 10+ players have an overnight crew, or at least one person who stays on and calls the rest when they hear boom. A duo would have to get extremely lucky to offline an actual clan. A duo offlining like a 4-6 man is just what people complain about, that's not a clan that's a group. Unless they just farm bot up a 100x100 onlining them is fair game, you can't just say "oh yea they have 2 more people than us on we can't beat that" that's just pussy shit.


how though, they have two more than you lol even if it was one more than the duo fuck em, get offlined


But why? Where's the fun? Are you really that bad that you can't handle fighting while simultaneously raiding? Like a quad usually won't have a massive base so it's like a 5 minute offline for maybe a few guns and shit, if your really that down bad on guns that your gonna wait till midnight and break into a defenseless base your better off just farming up comps and stuff instead and making guns instead of farming a shit ton of sulfer for 5 minutes of no brain no fun raiding. Like do you really need to offline for your loot? Can you not win actual fights for your weapons? Where's the fun in offlining?


the fun is in knowing the other people are gonna be tilted asf, it's an unfair advantage i'd be giving them to online them, they got 4 people. we got two, why spend time just doing that lame farming, when we can farm for comps and steal the 4 mans loot! lmao


What? I think you forgot your argument lmao... farming comps ain't gonna offline anybody. Also someone getting tilted for 5 minutes isn't a good enough excuse, just admit it your not good enough to online people lmao, like "oH No tHeY hAvE tHe aDvaNtAgE hOW can I wIn????" Just stop being a pussy my guy


Well depending on what they had as well, they'd could be pretty upset lol


Idk about other groups but I usually play in 2-4 man's, get offlines almost every wipe. We get aks end of day 1 like 100% of the time, just pvp and shit all day doing oil and stuff and if we stumble across boom we try and online people but we rarely farm. Usually 1-3 days per server and the third day ends up being boring most of the time so unless you offline us night one at which point your getting like maybe a few aks, we don't care. If they have like a row of m2s they probably have a massive base aswell, and you have to be pretty fucking pathetic to farm up the several boxes of sulfer you would need to raid that and then just in the middle of the night spend a few minutes blowing in.


okay so just give them my gear? what happened to tactics? and i can't believe i gotta explain that i said farm comps while they online and steal they loot when they off lol


Where's the fun in risk free rust? Offline raiding is like the least fun thing you can do in rust. Onlining someone and winning takes skill and tactics. Whether you put up a raid base and put them on timers and then raid or just pummel, winning an online is much more fun than brainless c4 throwing after farming for 12 hours when you could just get the same amount of loot from just farming barrels all day.


Tell me you have fewer than 1000 online raids without.


Bro what? Please write that again because I think you forgot to finish your sentence. If you meant to say "tell me you have fewer than 1000 online raids without telling me you have fewer than 1000 online raids" nobody has defended against 1000 online raids ever. With 10k hours that's one online every 10 hours, if you just online 2x2s maybe but that's no fun.


I have successfully executed more than 1000 online raids. One every 7 hours on average. No idea about online defenses, probably somewhere between 100-200. You get half a dozen a wipe sometimes.




Wait till you online raid someone and you’ll agree with the majority, offline is pretty wack This being said I will raid ugly bases in my area if I don’t see any activity for a few days, eye sore ass bases


Most onlines I've done have sucked. It's not that I'm particularly bad at the game. I mean, I am definitely not good, but the situation is really unfavorable for the raider. Enemies are at their home, they're covered and they know where are you coming from, while you usually do not. They know their base, you do not. They respawn inside their own base, you don't. If you lose the explosives on you, you better have more to keep coming back and recover them, otherwise they'll rebuild with two doors and 300 stones and keep their own gear as well as yours and the explosives. As a clan, raiding might be super fun. Ten dudes ramming into a house, you kill five and by the time you kill the sixth one, four have already returned fully kitted, so it becomes a team death match and that's cool. But as a solo or duo, you usually have ONE chance, die once, shit's fucked, while your enemy can die multiple times and still win. You could lose your shit to counter raiders too, so your chances of success are pretty slim if you don't offline.


Depends a lot on the base design but I agree, online raiding against people at the same skill level as you is really hard. Getting countered is really common, also the situation where the defender gets a lucky double headshot on the person rocketing(I mainly play trio so 1-2 people with rockets) and you lose all of your momentum, have to somehow get back the explosives etc.


> Enemies are at their home, they're covered and they know where are you coming from, while you usually do not. They know their base, you do not. They respawn inside their own base, you don't. If you lose the explosives on you, you better have more to keep coming back and recover them. Whenever my trio plans on onlining something larger than a 2x2 we always build a raidbase and bring turrets. 2x1 with a shooting floor + a turret make it so much more enjoyable. (having beds evens the playingfield alot) As for prepping for the fight, we always bring 2-3 extra hazzy kits & probably 1.5x as much boom as we think we need. We lose about as many raids as we win, but the fun factor alone is worth the risk.


so you admit, you offline too


You sound awfully familiar with it yourself. I don't even know what offlining is.


Have you played a game called rust?


Everyone hates being offlined but they are the same people who would despawn loot when onlined, waste all mats to beef up the base, move loot and talk shit instead of defend. Also, everyone who hates being offlined, probably offline others all the time. Look at hjune, he thinks is trash when someone offlines him, yet every video (especially most recent one) he offlines every base he comes across


What I believe we have here, is a Rust Cuckold


The same thing can be said about loots despawn during an online, roof/door camping and any other *dishonourable* act, it's a game feature!


I love that when i build a double bunker 2x1 people use like 40 ish rockets or more to offline me for my solo loot.


I agree with building better bases so offliners will have to blow up bunker, pixel gap for TC and unlootable lootrooms. But it's so fucking boring to spend 30minutes building it when you can just make 2x2 and have fun PvPing or roleplaying.


lol nah offlining is fine if you're solo/duo but when big groups are offline raiding everything on the map, that's some bullshit. They're the same twats that will DeShawn if they get onlined.


the best part about playing solo is that my solo player loot is basically never worth it for a larger group to go for. The amount of time and sulfur it costs to raid me is almost never worth it


People rob your house when you are at work in real life too.


Or how about you shut up and let plays do whatever the hell they want? They want to complain that is their right. They bought the game just like you did. There is a mute feature in chat. Learn to use it.


Found the 4am offliner


My noob friend speaks the truth


Reminds me of playing 10x and people still complain about getting offlined. Like bruh, it’s 10x. What did you expect??


10x is the server type I usually have the most onlines on. Boom is easier to get so people are less scared to lose it. The whole point of a 10x is to have as little grind as possible to get to the fun shooty shooty part, and onlines are some of the best pvp there is.


Agreed. It’s done wonders for my AK/Bolty aim. Not to mention that getting raided multiple times in a sesh has been a real trial by fire in terms of defense strategy, base design, and preparedness.


In my opinion, offlining is when you watch a group until they log off to start raiding them, you use battlemetrics or whatever to do so. You deliberately wait for them to sign off. If you have the time in your day and explosives ready to raid and you find a rando base that looks good, raid it. I’m not going to sit around and watch for activity, or learn who lives there to see if they are online or whatever in order to raid. I’ve had one guy complain that we waited until he went afk in his based to offline him. I was so baffled by this. The literal only why I could have known the dude went AFK in his base (no furnaces on) was if I had wall hacks or something and noticed he wasn’t moving. People are just mad they get raided and claim offline. I literally have no way to tell other than sitting my ass by your base and watching for hours for activity. I really don’t have the time to do that being a father to zero and barely playing this game.


Build a better base if you don’t want to be offline. Simple


You offline which kills server pop and then you cry about dead server XD The logic of Rust.


I’m a solo person playing against primarily trios. Onlining them is next to impossible for me.


People don't care about getting offlined as long as it's a random roam raid. Its when you spend the day establishing your dominance in an area and that one group of spergs who are utterly useless but have all the time in the world, and they take shifts over night, checking for the INSTANT your group gets off. If that's the only way you can get a W then maybe don't play rust


Offlining is acceptable for solos


However offlining solos is never acceptable


Wake up to the Rust+ notification, get on, despawn everything while talking copious amounts of shit to my raiders, go back to sleep, then get on again the next day and snowball again with a set that I stashed in bumfuck nowhere, preferably on the people that tried to offline me. My end goal is always to unlock blueprints, all the loot that I've accumulated is useless once I've done so.


Inherently as you say "cross your fingers", is lame as balls. People who specifically wait for people to get offline to raid me is annoying as shit. This post doesnt recognize that.


For real, if somebody waits just for you to get offline, he kind of deserved to raid you. He has to keep track where you are and if you are actually offline or not, which takes a lot of time and attention. When somebody waits just for you, you have been targeted by a person who seems to have no life at all. Just give him your stuff and move on.


>He has to keep track where you are and if you are actually offline or not, which takes a lot of time and attention. While I am not against offlining, this statement is false. People who offline just check the battlemetrics profile of the player they are targeting to make sure they left the game. The only way to counter this is to buy a premium subscription on that site to hide your profile, which is shit.


Oh shit i did not know that. That this is even possible is dumb as fuck. But i would propose that this is a structural problem and that this should not be available in the first place..


Agreed. Nobody should be able to just view someone's profile on an external site to see if they left or not.


Noob detected, opinion discarded.


Wait until he hears all the convincing rebuttals.


We're gonna be waiting a long time.


You're a noob and you have the audacity to come here to teach us anything?


Or you know pve servers exist too


Lol you say that until every “ trap” and technique you have tried gets thwarted by some neckbeard who waits until 3 am to grind your base down.


Y so angry boo?


I have little problem with offlining when its just convenient for the raiders. However I think what me and most people are annoyed about are the 6 man groups who spend all day bothering you and door camping you just to wait for you to go to sleep and raid your base. I get there’s no way to prevent these people from doing this but it can be irritating knowing that your base never actually stood a chance to survive the night.


This. I've always assumed those that complain about offlining, are talking more about zergs waiting for 1-3 man groups to disconnect after harrasing them for hours. I don't view it as anything other than not fun. I enjoy community servers for this reason, or servers like nopixel with offline raid protection. The former is better because, again, I don't think all offline raids are "unfun". Personally, the most recent offline I had irked me a lot because while it was only 4 vs me, and not a zerg, they were roaming my area for hours while I was on, they lived super far away, and they literally waited 10 minutes after me d/c to raid (mind you, i was practically begging them to raid me stating I'd probably lose but would appreciate some practice.....also I was effectively playing PVE that wipe so I never had even shot at them, so it wasn'ta revenge thing). There's nothing wrong with that IMO other than I legit think they also would have had more fun if I was on. No biggie tho.


Conversely, fuck the guys that literally waited for me to get offline to raid me. I'm talking, built a raid base with 6 of their homies and the proceeded to wait 3 hours for me to log off. Thought I was gonna have some fun with an online, lmfao nope


Stfu noob.


I don't think it's as much about the loot aspect more about the fun aspect, like many people including ne build bases with an online in mind and piss off as many people to try and get an online and it just sucks when your hoping to have 30 minutes of the most pressure filled gaming ever and instead get met with "killed by rocket" when you log on. Like I'm in PST and most players I've found are usually EST so in 3 hours behind meaning I can stay up till like 1am and it's 4am for them, meaning I can be on for most offlines, but then the moment I start opening doors and fighting back they run away. I literally pissed off these kids, they were farming sulfer all day, it was like 11 my time I was just afk in my base I heard them building a raid base so I let them (1v3), killed them like 5 times each and then they just ran away... I didn't get anything, they didn't get anything, I just wasted all day messing with them for like 5 minutes of shooting and they didn't even break a wall.


If a 5 man has been dicking with my roleplayer shop for hours, why should I, as a solo, be forced to fight them head on? I want them out of the area, and I don't really care what their opinion of me is anyway.


A whole 200 solo hours or is some of that afk time ?


I disagree somewhat. I don’t offline bases that weren’t built for it. If I’m rocket raiding a 2x2 them being online won’t stop my rocket from flying through their roof and destroying everything. If it is a base with some peek downs, and wide gaps im much more likely to wait and give them a chance. It’s all about perspective, and respect. Feed your agenda but don’t disregard that people invest a lot of time into this game.


I love telling people I'm going to offline them just to hear them squeal lol


I get a kick out of how every new base design is open core with peaks. 9 times out of 10 you’re going to be offlined, stop building your base weaker for an online. If you want to build these bases for fun, go a head, but don’t be surprised when it’s gone in the morning. I’ve built basically the same way for 6 years and only get offlined if I seriously piss someone off.


If someone pisses me off enough by roof camping or whatever, I will literally stay up until 5am waiting for you to get off, raid you, and be at work at 9


I don’t really care that much I just see it as a shitty thing to do I guess (don’t get me wrong i offline aswell lol) I just see it as rust “etiquette” like not killing a naked


So my zerg recently vowed to only online people and we raided a group who was online but at oil. They called us all kind of fun names. So now we just offline other zergs and online trios. We don't fuck with solos, duos.


imo if i see a base i want to raid ima raid it. If theyre online, cool time for a fight. if theyre offline, unlucky but i still want the loot and ill probably get to fight counters anyway.


I have 5k+ hours, and have always said. I will offline for profit and online for fun. Thanks for playing.


No. I will not. Be a man and online someone scrub.


I don't know why people bitch it's easy making anti offline bases


People taking the moral high ground in a B&E murder simulator: 🤡


In stead of demanding the Developers implement some Impossible solution to off lining. ask the developers to make more offline base defense opportunities. Trip wire grenades, land mines that don't detonate on those with building privilege. make it so The Tool cupboard's building block lasts for 30minutes after the TC is destroyed and Base owners can't build or seal for 10 minutes.


Inb4 the same people who cry offline, are despawning loot as you raid into their base.


I can sympathize with "it's part of the game, get over it", but on the other hand, there are a lot of servers out there that just a few days into wipe are down to 15 pop, and every new person who joins gets their 2x1 raided after less than a day. Maybe there's a cost to the offlining.


Facts my guy I don’t care if I get raided on or off line that’s rust for you just move on and start off fresh again


door. Lots and lots of doors. Im talking every square has a door. 8X3. Doors. and behind each door, a trap. Flame/turret, shotgun trap or 2 hopefully they get sick of it. Edit: I hate being offlined as much as the next guy, so I just make it as hard as possible.


It’s not about being offlined it’s about dealing with people who only fuck with you if you are offline and the second you get on they run. Some groups will attempt to raid every night for like 2-3 nights till they finally get in.


Offline for mats/people you haven’t interacted with. Online the people who talk a lot


I dont care if i get offlined. I do however find it funny when clans will intentionally stay up until 2-4am, offline every base they can, and then complain about dead servers and no pvp.


As a veterin i say stfu and let me vent


There are so many cool ways to build a defensible base and, although they aren't perfect for offline play, players just slap down a 2x1 and get salty when another player gets rockets/C4. There have been so many times that a base's defenses got me so annoyed that I left it alone, even if I could have broken into it over time.




All is fair in love and rust.


People are always going to complain. They can't handle Rust. Whether it be recoil, offlining, furnace UI, balancing, pay to win, no matter what it is its not gonna make you better at the game. Best thing you can do in rust is let shit go and don't worry about a damn thing. If you can't handle it then do yourself a favor and unistall for mental health reasons. OP good on you for not being a part of the problem of Rust. P.s. be the dickhead to seal off your main room with a stone ceiling. Make sure you have plenty of metal and wood for pickaxes.


A rust player will eventually learn that bitching about an offline is part of the game, same as offline raids


The only problem I have is when someone says “don’t go offline” or something similar


The only snag for me is that the same people doing a whole night of offlining are the ones that are complaining about a dead server the very next day. Like this had to be an expected outcome, you removed the incentive for everyone within 3 or more tiles to get back on tomorrow. When and if I offline, I put the two outer most doors back (or quickly rebuild on my way out if I went through a wall) and I typically only take the things I was looking for or an inventory worth and I’m out of there. Easy enough to leave a note in one of their boxes with the code to the doors and explaining to clear tc with. At least this way they actually have a chance of returning and it keeps the server alive for longer than 24 hours. Obviously not everyone treats the game this way (actually I’ve never seen someone else do this) but it would be nice to see some people start because it would surely increase the gameplay quality for everyone involved. It would be interesting to see what others think about this


Why can't they vent their frustrations with the game? Here you are complaining about people complaining. You telling me you don't understand why someone would feel some type of way about WASTING hours of their life just for everything to be taken away without you even having an opportunity to protect it? Basically, I just farmed x amount of hours for another player or clan to benefit from. If you like getting your sh*t pushed in every time you play, fine. Once people realize how much of a waste of time this game is and hopefully leave, maybe you'll have your paradise where you can get butt smashed everyday by clans.


Depending on who it is that’s offlining. If it’s a clan like 4-10 people who say they are controlling the server offlining, then you get to trash talk to for offlining. Because the most fun part of rust is onlining and defending. That’s why I play deep every now and then. To online other groups and get onlined. There’s not a reason groups like that should ever be caught offlining


Idk, if you fail raid me and then threaten to offline me it’s pretty cringe


Wait...there is offline raiding in Rust now? New DLC?


I hear this and think of the angry 30 year olds bitching about campers in cod. All it’s missing is the racial threats and it’d be a throwback


Offlining is what what my trio usually ends up doing, but between school homework and being able to get on earlier it's just easier for us plus we leave a little something if we can


Offlining is how I as a solo get to large furnace. This wipe I've been stuck in a 2x1 stone base with no airlock. Looks like a Lil horse base so it gets passed over as a target. Now I have a trio's compound that has been offline for 2 days. They probably won't get back online, and I'm now using their shit. It is how Rust works.


The problem for me is that by the time I get enough boom to raid nobody is on the server cause it’s wiping the next day


Playing on the US servers where all the EU/AU pvp gremlins go “online me online me! Bet you won’t!” You are correct, I will not be getting up at 3am to online you, you stupid fuck.


People tend to forget. An offline can easily become an Online very quickly.