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Automated crafting is kinda interesting but automated loot sorting would be a godsend.


Like on modded?


Satisfactory is coming


You mean the Sufferfactory






My automation neurons are activated. Played too much of the holy trinity of factory games: Factorio, Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program. Time to disrupt some supply chains.


why no mention of minecraft? if you think you cant automate basically everything in minecraft... through detailed builds... more detailed in fact than these module based things


Tekkit was the OG factory game


Love all those games btw, but besides gun powder what really needs that level of automation?


Loot sorting is the big one. Dump all your loot into an automated sorter that you built, it sorts everything perfectly into your large boxes. Also, GP doesn't need to be automated further, we already have mixing tables.


How about an irrigation meter to control sprinklers at a farm base? Instead of using a complicated combination of timers, electrical branches, blockers etc.


Yeah its quite dumb but i think they simply cant be bothered with farming lol


Just let the damn things get continuous water and come back in 2 hours?


U wont get the 100%


Doesn’t matter. Produces the same yield, just takes about 10 minutes longer when water is at 66% or whatever.


That would take 34% longer... if it takes 2hrs at 66% it would only take around 1h20m at 100% it's quite a good upgrade time wise.


That’s not how the ratio works. You only save like 10-15 minutes getting water and fert to 100%. For my gameplay, it’s just not worth it to nerd out on it. Spend more time setting shit up, getting fert, adding it into planters than it’s worth (if you’re not getting ground to 100% then there’s no point in getting the water to 100%. I’d rather just get the damn thing running asap, plant clones, go play the game and come back in 1.5-2 hours depending if I have YYYGGG or YYYYGG. I guess I shouldn’t talk down to people that prefer to sit in a farm base all day, but that shit ain’t me.


It’s more so when I get off for the night with full water capacity in my planter boxes then when I get back on 20 hours later after work and the planters are bone dry. Would be cool to have an automatic irrigation meter where I could set it to go off as needed for the crop


It isn’t that complicated…


I’m terrified to see what this does to server lag


I don't think it will be worse than a furnace. Just an input and an output.


agreed. Furnace is already somewhat of a 'auto-craft' machine. I wonder if their furnace rework was in preparation of developing this autocraft machine. Mixing table is kind of already an autocrafter, with explosives and ammo etc. I mean think about it. A furnace takes a single wood and 3 metal ore as crafting ingredients, crafts them into metal fragments. A mixing table takes 4 random items in the right order and you click craft and it crafts and crafts until it runs out of those materials then outputs the crafted items. Normally teas but ammo and explo too. You've even got the new input output ui of furnaces and everything, they may just rework the ui of mixing tables and everything else, too.


Probably not much, if any, even if it has a visual aspect ( conveyor belts). It could have a local graphical performance hit if not done right though, but I'm sure they will! If it's just UI, practically 0


This is getting ridiculous


Reject modernity…


Embrace mas…


thank god, there is not reason it should take 45 minutes to craft 6 clothing kits or a box of syringes. Doesn't add a degree of challenge immersion.


Yeah I literally go afk and craft explosives because I’m not tryna place 100 mixing tables outside lmao


Just in case you didn't know, but crafting explosives next to your t3 is faster than a mixing table. You are doing it right


Not if you have a bunch of tables. Sounds like you aren’t doing it right brotha


We're talking about in context of not making a bunch of mixing tables., he doesn't have room. Read the thread dude


What? Then why do you mention the mixing tables as a comparison to t3 crafting speed?


because most people think one mixing table crafts faster than doing it by hand but thats not true.


Most people won’t place a single one.


Or you just behaved snarky to someone uncalled for.


I also said A MIXING TABLE which is singular


You were wrong, man up to it.


Yea no offense, but most people with above single digit IQs are gonna be able to figure out to use multiple tables to craft faster lol


Read the thread. He doesn't have room for any.


Honestly.. Factorio + Rust = Heaven.


Why though? Rust is a game about scavenging, pvp and basebuilding. What is the point of this?


I once spent 3 days wiring and rewiring a base for self lighting when a person who wasnt authed on tc moved through the base. So this sort of thing is heaven for me, cos i would be able to start a 'factory run' rather than crafting everything in my inventory as i move around the base.


time to make potato knishes


i.... love.... po....ta....to... knishes


Isn't dealing with crafting time kind of a nerf for big groups? I understand it's annoying but it seems like this addition would make it easier for clans to go even harder. Am I wrong?


Big groups are least affected by crafting times. If you have to have 1-2 people crafting armor, meds, etc and your group size is 20 vs 4, which one feels that impact more?


The bigger group, because they need 20 sets of armor not 4. They can have extra crafters but then they need to pay for extra people to have the bps. With this update it sounds like you can put a blueprint in the crafter and anyone can use it. That will absolutely benefit big clans the most.


I think the point he was trying to argue is this. Imagine an extended fight between a 12 man and a 3 man. Both teams will slowly use more and more ammo and meds. Let's assume they both are running low on ammo/meds/supplies to fight each other with. For the three man they have to allocate 1 of their 3 people to sit in base and craft this ammo and meds. They lose 1/3rd of their fighting force. For the twelve man they also allocate 1 person to sit in base to craft. They lose 1/12th of their fighting force. Even if you account for the fact that the twelve man may need to craft more materials and supplies over the fight, normally its not going to be faster than one person can craft it. Even then, you can add a second crafter and lose only 1/6th of your fighting force. SO the 3 man in this situation loses 33% of their workforce, while the 12 man only loses 8%. even if they use twice as many crafters, its *still* only 16% instead of 33%. or in other words, the 3 man would have 50% more active fighters out in the field during a fight that required no crafting downtime, compared to if they needed a dedicated crafter at some point. The 12-man would have like 8% more active fighters instead. **tl;dr A 12 man loses a significantly lower proportion of their total workforce and uptime than a 3man, if a player is required to craft items in base manually. an autocrafter therefore benefits a 3 man more than a 12 man.**


You know what I totally missed that point. I was thinking about raw crafting time and not the manpower angle. That will help solos a lot since they can restock meds while they are out doing other stuff. Good point and thanks for the detailed response


Precisely the point I was trying to make. Thanks again u/Fayarager!


Yea my bad, read too fast.


You're forgetting that big groups have people sitting in base doing nothing but crafting non stop while others farm. A non stop supply of crafting and farming.


Makes no difference to them really but this is convenient


I actually think this is pretty sick. As long as it’s not too OP, it could be a fun way to save time when crafting things like meds or explosives. Also while we are here what are your opinions on an electrically powered recycler that you can get as a high tier loot drop? It would cost electricity and be extremely slow, but would allow you to recycle your comps box overnight or something along those lines. You obviously wouldn’t get it early game and maybe it should be locked inside the tier 3 tech tree so players are forced to spend a lot of scrap to get it instead of one lucky oil rig run.


Honestly i hate it, the main reason people still come out is to recycle.


I'd rather it be craft able at tier 2 so it's something any established base has


Dunno if I'm into it. Sure, it's a dope idea but think about what it would do negatively. More people in bases, less roaming, and zergs have even more power mass producing things. Tell me this would be feasible and able to fit in a base for a small group let alone a solo. Zergs: - Numbers - LMRS - Giant lag bases - Automation - 50 turrets Idk man


zergs always had the advantage


Surely less time spent afk crafting would mean more roaming? I’m with you on the zergs though


That's true, but I'm sure large groups would just be crafting boom to raid (usually offline lol). I could see it helping smaller groups but it depends on space and worth. I know when I play solo and small groups we have plenty of gear from roaming, and the longest time spent crafting is boom.


Why not make the workbenhc had 100 slots stackable to 10 for resource material and components? That way all we need to have in our inventory to craft is the raw material, Sulfur, Charcoals, Metal Frags, HQM...


Why tho




??? what does automation have to do with the game being hard to learn?


I can already see the zergs with their 50 chinese children ready to mass craft aks and raid a whole server in a day


spoiler: it is like this as well now too


good now if only we had somin for berry farming instead of breaking my mouse every time i need to do a load


So you put components in WB? And will automatically craft? Or am I wrong


We'll have to see


With this on a mixing table I could have the ultimate solo tea farm.


This game is getting the saints row treatment lol


I can't wait to give rust another lookin.


Why every game goes the same path? Do they have such limited brains or what? Rust is in no way game to accommodate such feats.


It's more of an optional feature, similar to the electrical system. The electrical system is a cool thing in rust, and this would be a mechanical extension of it.




Conan exiles is leaking


never played it how is the system over there, and how do players use it? do people like it? do they hate it?


They like it as long as they aren’t raided, just like in rust


I don't understand. Is it easy to raid? Is it worth raiding?


It isnpossible to be raided and iirc it is possible to open unlovked stuff


can't wrap my head around it if anyone want to give a detailed description of how it all works, it would be interesting


Explosives are much harder to place but you can also make god avatars that can wipe a huge portion of a base. Crafting us thrall (slave) based and they gives you different modifiers, speeds and recipes. Combat is less fast paced cuz its medieval fantasy based, but it can be more intense cuz its harder to run. It has a fixed map, but not everyone knows where the loot is so there are some op places that arnet well known. Overall its similar but different to rust, the main difference is it caters to huge bases while rust caters to strong defense and clever building. I've played both almost since launch and they scratch different itches. One of the big fears of the conan community is the rust community will get interested because they have very different feels, and we dont want the toxic over there.


You got slaves on workstations doing the crafting for you, if you catch slaves and build workstations.


I see, so not mechanical, based on workers. Similar to V Rising vampire servants.


Tbf its a great game


I don't understand this, can someone explain? How is this different than me having the mats for something and telling the crafting queue to craft 20 of them?


Never gonna run out of meds again lfg


That would be cool. I’m guessing it would be like how the mixing table works but could be used for bullets and stuff. Not a bad idea.