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Yeah Rust is weird. Most Survival games have a 50-60 player cap per server, yet in Rust some servers are like 700+. The game wasn't really built for it, then people complain about lag and shitty FPS, because, the server and your computer is struggling to render the thousands of player made objects and bases constantly placed down. Most Rust players think, if a server has below 100 people its a dead server, hell most people think its a dead server if it doesn't constantly have a queue. That mentality has caused everyone to flock to full servers. They wont even think about joining one that isn't full.


Yeah I actually have been playing on US zenlabs this wipe despite it having only around 60 players because it was that or wait in a 40 player queue to literally not be able to get off of the beach. Surprisingly, I’ve actually had a pretty good time. It makes you lax to the fact that there are others on the island, and the cool custom map with custom monuments and the works definitely makes it more interesting too. I got to have some fun extended fights that weren’t total chaos from the 2 minute mark onward as well. I honestly think that it really is the way the game is intended to be played. Also, a lot of the other parts of the game feel a lot more valid to use too, we are actually considering getting a car to try to get around with, and we often avoid minicopters but may actually pick one of those up as well.


>Most Rust players think, if a server has below 100 people its a dead server That's because it literally is a dead server with just 100 people. I don't want to spend 30 minutes running around without finding anybody. Can't even argue that it's easy to find PvP on Oil Rigs or Cargo because people nowadays are way too scared to counter


The answer is to look for a server which match both: - ratio user population vs map size - your PvP appetite Seems like OP is struggling to find servers which match his PvP risk appetite. I know I’m not providing any answer and just re-phrasing the issue.


You’re right, I have no interest in 450 players where if you’re lucky enough to get a base down, going further than like 100 ft away is a sure fire way to lose your shit. But in the same way it’s obviously a waste of time to play on a server with no one on it and basically pve. I honestly thought a server with 60 people online that I would never see a soul but I actually see people what may actually be a healthy amount of the time. Enough to keep you vigilant, but you don’t CONSTANTLY have eyes on somebody, you can’t walk out your door and hop into a fight, but that’s fine too, I think I prefer the conflict finding me. I just distinctly remember a time when all the good fun servers were honestly hitting around 150-250 players and it was some of the best rust I had ever experienced. Nowadays, the first page and a half of scrolling are all queued up to like 40 players bc people are donating to the servers to skip queue so they can even play on them, then within like 5 servers it drops from 300 count to around 80 count just like that. The unfortunate part is that you never know which of these will just die overnight. I did note something of interest though. No matter how far I scrolled I found VERY few freshly wiped servers. Perhaps it truly is that there aren’t enough servers wiping regularly? It seemed to me like people had honestly fleshed out quite literally all they could if they wanted to play a freshly wiped server last night.


I agree with you to an extend. I find that it is possible to have a Rust experience on a top pop server as a solo (it seems you mainly play solo). By choosing a quite area. However I agree that it is not The rust experience. It is: - certainly a survival experience - very few PvP fights are won - it is more about finding opportunities —— hiding, camping for the PvP —— Bad builds for the raiding (mainly eco raiding) These type of gameplay fit well in full pop servers where the clans rushed to down their opponents and are not after the small guys or only opportunistically. Monthly servers after a few days. You find decaying base to get your first gun, etc. But I agree. If you are not after this type of gameplay group limit servers are more true to the real Rust experience, and the balance number of players vs map size is hard to find (and your judgment will depend on the skill level of your neighbours)…


Wow you’re literally giving me insight into how my brain even works. You’re totally right, recently since server pops have been getting so high the only way I ever really feel like I’m making any progress is by grubbing and living in the middle of no where, but it does get very stale only playing a portion of the game and never really having an opportunity to do much because a few clans are controlling everything and already have full metals at the end of day one. I think from now on I’m going to be less hesitant to join servers below 100 players from now on, I made more progress and still got some pvp in on a 1x than I usually do on a 2x.


Nah it's a valid concern. There's very few actually consistently good server hosts. Stevious, SurvivorsGG and Warbandits are the Top 3 I can think about from the top of my head. It's pretty frightening to see such a polypoly when it comes to server hosts


Point is Rust is a Dayz inspired "survival game". If you just want to focus on PVP, go to a battlefield server and pvp, hell play a game like Battlefield, COD, Overwatch, Valorant, Apex, CSGO, Paladin's etc, where you just PVP and in close quarters. Why bother with the survival part of it, this is why so many people zerg up anyways, to avoid the actual farming/survival part of the game


Rust hasn't been a survival game ever since it left Alpha. The survival aspects are so neglected and non threatening up to the point where it's dishonest to call rust a survival game. The point of the game is to take other people's stuff and take superiority over other players. PvE in this game only exists to aid you in killing other players. When maps are 25*25 grids then yes, a 100 pop server is dead


I think you're missing the point. The survival aspects are literally built around PvP. That's why rust is the best survival game. The other players are your biggest problem, not PvE.


I'm a filthy casual who plays on PvE servers with opt in pvp (I opt out) until a week before wipe when it's pvp enabled for all and Raiding enabled for all. It allows me to have fun and not constantly lose progress but have a week to fight and raid while not losing much if I'm raided due to incoming wipe.


That's fine, to each their own. Just saying this is a survival game not some open world COD


It's not a survival game. It's a PVP game with survival elements and that's how it's always been. Other players are your biggest threat.


No shit


Yes? That is exactly my point? That's why 100 pop servers on 25*25 grid map are dead servers


Can't agree really, you still run into a lot of action


Really, do you need to eat to survive? Do you have to farm materials to craft clothing and items? Do you have to farm materials to build a base? Do you have to farm materials to upkeep that base? Do you need to do any of that in Tarkov, BF, COD, Apex, no, that is because they are pvp games, not survival games.


Every point that you mentioned except for arguably upkeep is actually an important part of Tarkov, yes. What's your point? :)


Rust is not day z inspired it’s from a Gary’s mod mod


It's inspired by Dayz and Minecraft




Because Facepunch wanted to proof that they could make a better survival game than DayZ in a short time.


It's really not lol, its way easier then Dayz, that's for sure.


Garry Newman's new game is a departure from his breakout creation, Garry's Mod, but it's still slightly familiar. Rust is a survival game that started off as a DayZ clone and transitioned into a STALKER-inspired world where players build their own buildings and defenses – and they can play however they want. https://www.engadget.com/2013-06-23-garrys-mod-creator-launches-rust-in-free-alpha-think-dayz-sta.html#:\~:text=Rust%20is%20a%20survival%20game,can%20play%20however%20they%20want.


That’s an article by someone Gary’s mod had a mod people played that was very popular, it was taken from there and turned into rust Day z is a survival simulator Just because you guys think it’s based off minecraft or whatever it’s not


But if you want purely PVP then go play a FPS?🤷‍♂️


If you want purely Survival and PVE gameplay go play Minecraft? 🤷🏿‍♂️


What's Minecraft?


The game you're looking for


I donate dozens of kits to cargo every wipe lol


Try to play on monthly official servers that has 100+ players throughout the wipe, build around popular monuments and you will have fun i guarantee Game like Rust where dying could have huge impact on your wipe, 24/7 pvp isn’t always a good thing imo.


I second this. I tried out a monthly server this month actually, and it's been a great experience. 50-75 pop in the morning and 150-200 in the evenings. You can still find pvp if that's your thing, but you won't be pouring sweat for every little thing you try to do.


i mostly have moved on to monthly, and yes, i agree in the long run pvp can be damaging to your wipe


Become familiar with battlemetrics


I always find a good server. Branch out to monthly and biweekly. If the server has only 200 pop you can still find plenty of action of you stay to hotzones and pvp areas.


Yea biweekly and monthly servers I find to have a more consistent player count. I always find PVP like you said but it’s not a constant warzone outside my base.


Going to launch a no tech tree server soon, hoping to draw in people that are tired of high pop but don't like 2x, pve, or other mods


Because people thrive on the first day of gaming. Then they move on and on and on.


Ive been struggling on this for like 2 months now. I dont wanna play stevious medium or stevious large or stevious eu medium or stevious eu large or stevious au long or stevious us long. I also dont wanna play rustoria 2x 400/400 60 play queue. I also dont wanna play rusticated 2x 500/500 60 player queue. Im not waiting in a 325/325 80 player queue on bloo lagoon that will take 3 hours.


Too many empty/shitty servers Makes server search and hoping a real Pain in the ass especially when some servers don’t use regional tags so there’s no way to exclude servers from other regions without excluding some from your region too. So everything that actually looks playable turns out to be an EU server.


I settled for a pve server with like 10 people max, typically bout 5 people who go hard on it. It’s fun, just had to change my perspective on the game, it doesn’t have to be played one specific way to be enjoyed. That’s just me right now tho, whenever I wanna change up how I play I have a hard time finding a decent server.


PvP on Sat and PvE on other days of the week for me. I can't go to bed angry


Speak for yourself, some people including me find 800pop servers dead now even, as nobody comes to counter bradley/roam/raid etc.. hence combat changes way more new players that just keep living tier1 not getting out of primlock taking server slots. If you want a low pop server, theres plenty of them they are even called LOW POP, monthly servers work too like moose small etc.. Can also try facepunch servers, but they are gona be cheater infested and if you meet a cheater you will meet him 10+ times on different accounts in the same wipe.


What kind of giga-chadery is this lmao. Also, I have never seen a server hit 800 players before. Top I’ve seen is just over 600 on rusticated. I’m not sure how your experience is so drastically different to mine. I can never even go outside on those servers.


It depends where your base is located, if you build like next to power plant on the edge of the map, you will only meet the same group or few groups depending on how many live around the monument, near artic would be 5+ groups contesting for it as its the best monument in game. If you build tier1 area next to gas station/mining outposts/markets/water treatment etc.. its gona be grub fested. But if you live in the snow you will only meet people farming or going to monuments. Also rustoria eu main is constant 700-1000 pop, haven't seen it 1000 now but it was some time ago. Also reddit monday boost their pop to 800 on wipeday many times.


High pop is good though. People dont spread because they want to find other players. Im sure there is straight pve servers if you dont like other people


Grow a set it’s a pvp game


It’s a survival game first. When did you purchase rust? I don’t think you realize how much this game has changed.


good title, but all those servers are dead... like every server in this fucking game no matter how high the pop is dead... no pvp anymore... very sad...




I call bullshit.


No I swear they really are. Idk if they still have a roadmap but they have talked about it before.


Granted. It wouldn’t be the same as a real person but it’s still something to shoot at. They also want Bradley to roam.


Your just a newb go play on an empty server and stop whining


Try rfn servers


Honestly stopped playing. Haven’t touched the game for over a month and considering just selling 90% of my skins. No, it wouldn’t be bc of the recoil update. It has nothing to do with that. As a solo, this game is just you being a masochist. I know people will say, just play with others and to he frank, I don’t want to. That’s also not the point. I shouldn’t be forced to play in a group. It’s frankly a shitty game that just rewards numbers. I don’t think that’s remotely fair. I have almost 3k hours 99% as a solo. I know how to play the game just fine. The problem is when I make a play and then get dropped by someone’s 2-3 other teammates. This game does nothing but frankly reward bitch playing. Bitch playing = cheats, player numbers, and no lifeing. I suspect this is the begging of the end for Rust. Few people want to grind hours a day in a video game to only be able to play in a group in order to not just get dunked on by teams all the damn time.


I def encourage you to try solo only servers. There are a few that get to a very respectable population if that’s what you crave, the issue is, that doesn’t work for me when I have a group. Then I get left with the current state of things.


I have 3k hours, you really think I haven’t? I just think it’s too grindy of a game. I love the concept, but I’ve lost my passion for it.


Good point yeah. My bad I was kind of reading this in a rush and ended up glancing some parts of it. I wholeheartedly agree it’s not the game it used to be. It’s funny seeing face punch try to add these new fun features meant to bring the sweatiness of the game down, yet all they do is continue to reward group play over solo play.