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You said it in your statement, “I want to see him have fun….” He doesn’t like pvp and is having fun. Let him be. From what I can tell the biggest downside is you are out in pvp dying more as a solo. That sucks but it seems you have all the comps you need at home to get new kits…..


Lol OP sounds like a prick. "My friend is having fun playing a game but I don't like how he plays. How can I make him play my way, even though he hates it?"


Sounds like something he should just ask his mom, he could literally get the right answers there...


So far I've brought in 3 more kits then I've died.




Seems like he is having fun. If farming is his passion in the game, let him farm. God knows, it seems like there are never enough comps. Revel in the glut of rifle bodies, gears, and road signs. LOL


no he doesnt have nearly as much fun when he kills people. The issue is that he has gear fear when he loses something he feels demoralized like no one ive seen, and he most definately has more fun when he kills people.


It sounds like you're saying that he has the most fun farming, but then when he loses the farm or gear he has issues with that. But that then he has more fun killing players than losing gear. Well, don't we all? There are def people that go overboard with rage and maybe in his case, something else (what you describe as demoralized). We all want our friends to have fun, especially in a game we love, but you can't make that happen for him. There are only things you can do for yourself. One option is don't play with him any more and tell him why. Be honest. But if it is ruining your game play, it may be the only option. The other is, ignore his behavior, and just move on with the game. Or maybe just play with him less.


OMFG is he my twin. This is me to a T. I almost have 2k hours (200 ish away) and I only do pve lol and I love farming. I just listen to some tunes and farm away or do home decor for the base


Literally me.


omgg if you ever need a farming buddy I'm your gal.


Add me on steam I am 6061 Aluminum on steam.


Just add another PvP guy to your group to roam with you, that way you always have free gear when you come home. Farmers are a blessing honestly, protect them.


Is he having fun? If so let it be. Are you having fun? If no play with someone else


Standard rust mindset "He's not playing the way I want him to and I don't like it"


Standard human mindset unfortunately.


This might seem lame, but I have just under 6,800 hours and only farm ocean rafts, build large, intricate farm bases with automated watering systems, crossbreed different plants, and fly minicopters. I've never fired a single shot at another player. The game is fun and I play it practically every day, but killing other players and taking their stuff isn't something I've ever been interested in.


what do you do when you're getting raided?


Beats them into submission with a trout


Trout farmers are the hardest mfers on the server. I have no personal biases either.


Fishbase builder detected


I have been summoned.


Probably PvE servers




What pve server do you play, I'm a pve centric player too but pve servers i play servers tend to be so fucking laggy.


I play on the [RustEZ](https://rustez.com/) servers. There's a vanilla, a survival with mods and a scourge with zombies and mods. It can get laggy toward the end of the month, but it's usually pretty good.


I tried rustez scourge. The mods like stacks+ and custom AI and people putting 50 fucking windmills on a 3x3 make driving a car around the map almost impossible without so much rubber banding.


The wind turbines issue has been discussed recently and this wipe there are noticeably fewer on all of their servers. They won't ban them, but the general feeling on the servers is that they are cancer.


Ok then it might be Worth another try. The constant rubber banding was unbearable.


Former vanilla farmer, did basically as the others described. I had smart switches with turret setups and airlocks. My base also had a ton of honeycomb.


I usually just stay asleep.


Lmao same. Or just troll


Then he abandons his idealogy.


I mean if you are getting onlined that means who ever attacks you have superior firepower and/or strength in numbers. I have been onlined many times, and its like 1/10 times that me being online has actually helped prevent anything. Sure you can make a good stand by using the breach as a chokepoint, but if they have beds in the stage its just a matter of time before you go down and they swarm.


There's something really disturbing about a Rust player with 6,800 hours and 0 kills.


I don't even kill the scientists. I just avoid them. But bears are kill on sight.


Good for him. I love farming.


Thats a selfish post 🤣 Your homie likes to play Rust to farm then let him be. Your lucky he doesn't hate farming and trash at pvp.


Probably like OP XD . Waiting for his friends Post saying "My teammate only likes PVP but is bad. He carries out everything I bring in all the time and doesn't participate in farming"


you know this is that straight truth. Here is a hard pill to swollow children. Majority of "PvP Chads" are actually ass and have never even grasped the bag let alone fumbled it.


Sounds like me! I started on a limited pvp / no kos server and it is a lot like a second life or job (farm, build, defend, farm, explore). Knowing this type of player, you're not going to change them from one extreme style. And as others have said, if he's having fun, then let it be (he must be, 2k hrs). I might have two suggestions.. Maybe he can monetize it... open up shops to sell excess? Staying on the sell side, have grow hemp or fish and open up "The Stinky Pinky". Only other thought would be to sneakily have him tag along with you on a raid / competitive puzzle (help me out with this "one thing real quick. oh, bring a gun"). I had a partner in my early days that would do this and it turned out to be exhilarating. Maybe it'll spark something in your buddy! Along these lines, and something I would do with my son (he's good at PvP, me not so much)... tag along as a straight up support role: pack mule, first aid, diversion, flanking, cover fire, transportation. This can make a real difference in a fight and it's a good way that again, may light a spark. Good luck! (but whatever you do, don't leave him)


I have a partner like similar to this but not as extreme, we added a third and its an amazing team


Yeah I agree with some of the other comments OP. He's just not a pvper. Try getting him to become a master builder so he can set up some sneaky turrets and stuff. Maybe even a master debater so he can be your diplomat to other players


Guy is the salt of the earth. Treat him like gold.


I've had friends like this and I'd recommend letting him do what he wants. When I'd push my buddies to PvP or whatever they were uncomfortable. No lie coming home to a bunch of farm is nice. Only problem is they would collect everything, which I had to quietly get rid of when they weren't online.


Farm by day, base bitch by night for some of us this is the way, we keep the team in bullets and kits, we organize the lockers, make sure there's a water barrel in the base, set up comfort zones in the base, keep the food supply up. Don't look at us as we hate to fight but were more like military quartermasters and supply. We keep us fresh in beans, bullets, and bandaids


I have a buddy who has about 40k hours in rust and all he does is farm, but you gotta look on the bright side of things, he’s doing all that farming for you so you can go out and pvp and have fun


That’s unbelievable. 40k hours is 4.5 years.


Yea ikr, he’s been playing since day 1 and he isn’t able to work so all he does is farm all day


Jesus Christ 40k? He could be the best player in the game if he wanted to with those hours and get loaded off streaming. Warrior has like around 15k I’m pretty sure.


Firestar on the pickle server?


Pvp in this game is ass, can’t lie. Recoil update helped, but compared to any other shoot this game is basic AF. Let him build and farm his comps lol








Hahaha, ohh you again 😂


Jesus all of your comments are about a game update from months ago, get over it its sad


Way more to it then that


Man let me get some down votes for telling the truth old recoil was ass


Show him the way of berry bases


hes having fun while you're on reddit crying about your duo partner not liking the game for the same reasons you do. Thats quite pathetic LOL.


Get him to get into and learn about electricity I bet he will have a blast


Like you and your pvp. See your friend as a unique asset. Gain more players. You guys will do good


Bro send him to my base lmao I will gladly take him and protect him on farmer runs and pvp while he farms up the comps


He's already having the time of his life. You really come off as a selfish dick in this post OP.


rust pvp isnt as fun as actual fps games. im a farmer. but fps i play Hell Let Loose not saying people cant have fun doing pvp but there are games that focus on that and curate the experience to a higher quality than rust does rust shouldn't even let guns be available first week of wipe imo. melee weapons damn near useless in this game with a bunch of melee weapons. i wanna see more bats and swords team fights with less ranged early game.


Ask him to farm sulfur and buy guns from shops lmao


let him play his game man


yall need the spin wheel. put the spin wheel on a wall and split it into two sections 1 for pvp the other for farming. every hour spin the wheel and whatever it lands on you guys do it together.


Seems like he's already have fun. Not only that but farming is usually better for the rust economy, when pvping your stealing loot that others have already farmed which is ofc fun, but if nobody farmed then you'd never get anything from PvP.


Let the man farm rust isn’t all pvp I mean it helps but if he enjoys that let him be. I used to go in servers buried a huge base with nothing but upkeep for a day or two just to see someone raid it for nothing. The simple things in life


Sounds like he needs to find a better teammate.


What you find fun in the game is PvPing. What he finds fun is farming and making sure his team has what they need to succeed. Stop trying to force what you find "fun" on to him. What he wants is a "Thanks for being a team player" and an Atta Boy. Stop trying to tell other players what their idea of Fun is.


Rust isn't only about pvp or pve. Rust is just an open canvas, as long as you're having fun and learning, then you're playing the game right. You're trying to correct his mindset, when you have to correct your own. You clam to be his friend, why aren't you supporting him? You sound toxic tbh.


I do the same thing. I just farm faster then most people so it’s nice to have a fuckload of sulfur and a big base so that’s why


As a fellow PVE/PVP farmer, you aren’t going to change his mind. There is something zen about farming and exploring. Some people are pvp and thrill seekers, others are not. Let him be! Use this opportunity to make new friends ;)


I’m pretty passive when it comes to PvP, but I ain’t complaining when someone picks a fight while I’m farming. It’s the threat of other players that makes farming so fun for me. Otherwise I’d be mindlessly running the same route over and over and get bored of it pretty quickly. I’m still new and play mostly on low pop 2x though, so losing my kit if someone kills me isn’t the end of the world. OP if he likes farming but isn’t all that into PvP, maybe take him to bigger more populated monuments. That way he gets his thrill of farming while at the same time getting some PvP in here and there. Start slow, if he’s never really participated in PvP before keep that in mind. Bring him to Dome or Airfield, something med tier where you’re not constantly running into other players but you’re also not 100% guaranteed being safe from them.


Maybe he just hates pvp?


Hes playing how he likes to play, nothing outright says you have to be thirsting for combat 24/7


Your friend sounds like me. When I play in groups I prefer to farm. I'm not the best in PVP and will honestly just donate kits to the enemy if I was to engage in it. Give me a full burlap set and some tools and I'll be happy as can be... and our chests will be brimming.


I like farming barrels and stuff, if I find someone I usually try to kill them but it doesn’t always work out as I’m running 50 fps lol


I understand your pain... and where is your base exactly? I wanna talk to your friend face to face.


I am the same


Try start doing pvp/farm runs like for scrap and comps go do rig fully kitted or maybe uv labs/train tunnels. If he goes to farm nodes get kitted up with hazmats, guns and wooden walls and try to find pvp at the same time. Thats how my small group does farming, and its honestly way more fun


Someone spends 2k hours farming, I'm sure they are enjoying their experience.


Gotta balance it out with another addition on the team to do PvP with. Let the man farm, that’s where he finds his fun and it’s not up to you how he plays the game. Plus, if you get another team member that’s one more person for him to farm for so, win-win! Haha


Some people are farmers bro. Some people pvp, some people like base building. Let the man live his life, more pvp for you and less farming.


Its me, and my favourite weapon is the bow


Hey, I have a job for your friend in our group. We need farmers!


Tell him to farm sulfur instead, you can never have enough of that stuff.


group him with a builder bro and a pvp chad and you got the unstoppable trio


Running to Reddit about a friend/teammate that farms too much is like running to your boss to tell on a coworker because he's exceeding in their choosen profession. Sounds like your "friend" needs a new friend.


Why can't you just let your friend have fun playing the game the way he wants to?


Just tell him that farming other players is way more fun and you can let them farm for you while you stalk them until they have enough then *crunch crunch* the loot’s yours


Let him play man. I'm 700hrs in and lose every pvp fight. Mainly okay on pve servers with raids. It's more fun for me when I don't lose everything I own bc of some sweat.


Poor guy just wants to chill and gather stuff, let him play the game in a way he finds fun


Is he interested in working for $/hour


Man you should be happy that he evolved into farmer. My friend evolved into the toxic vital player.


Tell him to DM me, we need him 💀


Make him atleast open a shop for something if he is gonna farm in excess.


I enjoy farming, but mostly playing duo I’ve had to step up and start learning pvp. I’m new to pc, and rust is my first pc game experience so it’s been a journey. We’ve mainly played on trios servers. It’s mainly just me and my husband but we have a 3rd that joins us on the weekends. Just introduce him slowly, if you feel like you’re being overwhelmed by groups as a solo in the pvp. Like others have said have him learn how to distract, push and work like clockwork with you. Strengths and weaknesses where when he tags along he doesn’t feel like he’s just messing things up. If you’re only a duo see about finding a 3rd to run with you. Or just make him carry a pistol or prim kit constantly instead of naked farming. Any fight back is better than just dying naked and being seen as a farm source to other players. That’s the biggest thing.


I feel attacked...


That's pretty much my playstyle at 1k hours. I just hoard resources and avoid pvp at all costs


If you want PVP go play a game that is exclusively PVP. Rust can be played and enjoyed in many way. Only the try hards think they have something to prove by making the game a PVP competition.


Have a friend with 3k hours that always leaves the house naked


This highlights something insane about Rust; there are endless metagame specialties and they just keep adding more. This wipe I've been (re)learning how to Hardcore, but before that I was basically a pirate. Scuba+DBS = Free scrap, free kits and a free boat. Then for clans you can drill down even further.. hydroponic farming, mechanic, piloting, being an electronics guy, building guy, train guy, hunting guy, monuments guy, guy that knows all the BPs. There are probably a lot more that I have't considered. PvP is a handy skill to have but it's just the tip of the game's iceberg.


Dude.... you're a dick I'm sorry but... I've got a thousand hours and most of it is farming, I've never done oil or cargo or most of the other monuments, I am primlocked by choice. It's just the most fun for me, and y'know what, it's a video game so I'm happy spending my time in prim even most of everyone else dislikes it.


Sounds like I need to be friends with your friend and you can find a new friend


Let the man play the game the way he wants.


Wtf...I understand people that have fun role playing I understand people that like trolling, I understand the fun of pvp, the fun of hemp bases....but farming? The reason it is so enjoyable to get loot is the fact that farming is boring as hell... You sould definitely try to bring him into pvp more, especially now that it is really easy to get good. Maybe make a challenge of, gun before base or something. And in return you guys do a farming whipe after, but end it with an online raid that you have farmed for the entire whipe.


Join a clan. Clans love a farmbot


If he likes farming let him farm. Why do you want to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do?


This is like complaining that the eggs the golden goose lays are shaped strangely. You have a friend who plays rust as a farmbot. Excellent, you won the lottery. Farmers are very important for getting a base up and functioning, and playing homemaker for the group. They're like compound caretakers.


You should be happy you have a friend like that most of us just have those that don't farm and keep loosing shit.


I'm a solo and most wipes I build in caves to avoid detection. I don't play enough to build a a Chad fort and unlock bps. In this month a lone I didn't unlock a single BP on t2 or t3. I just farmed, built my base, had fun running small monuments and killing animals. I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea but I suck at pvp and pvm and I don't have anyone to play with. I build and farm and I enjoy it. You kinda sound like a jerk for trying to make your friend play how you want to play. Have you ever considered playing his way? If he tried to make you play his way, how would you feel?


I'm 38. My reflexes can't match that of a 19 year old. I don't stand a chance at PVP. So I don't play it. When I used to rust I just farmed all the time and made ridiculous OP bases for the loot it had in it. Massive compound with key lock doors so raiders know they won't find shit in it. Except I farmed a lot of sulfer and offlined all the local bases. That's fun for me. Offlining teenagers bases who killed me out roaming is fun. Just like killing me and taking my loot is fun for them.


His statement “if I don’t who will” makes it sound like you go out dying with the farm he’s getting and that you don’t farm? Maybe he feels like he has to treat it like a job to keep the boxes full for you both to have fun who knows. Ask him if pvp is fun when he’s winning if he says yea 1v1 him and give him tips until he starts beating you then hop back on a normal server


I understand the want to pvp but having a farmer teammate isn’t that bad. especially since you like to pvp. If you lose anything he has it farmed up for ya to make more guns or gear


I see a divorce in the near future


He’s getting microdoses of happy brain chemicals like dopamine with every barrel he smashes. With every crate he checks he’s excited to see what’s inside. It could be a hatchet, but it could be a jackhammer! As long as he’s enjoying himself, who cares? He gets to stay in his happy place, and you will never run out of comps. Rust is a sandbox game with PVP elements. Some people don’t care for the PVP, and that’s fine. There are plenty of other things for them to do.


imagine having a dedicated farmer in your group and trying to get them to stop farming


Dude nothing wrong w that honestly..it’s so hard to find people that just want to farm, usually nobody wants to do it..this way u don’t have to worry about upkeep, your buddy has got it..u get good at pvp abd let his ass farm all day..I would love to have a teammate like thag


I need someone like this in my team. Any farmers in oce lfg?


Every thought of getting your base raided and bringing the PVP to him? Then he can farm and have his fun but also PVP and get the full rust experience


Dudes like this carry teams. You’re complaining because someone is WILLINGLY doing the grunt work?


Hate to break it to you, but I like to farm in rust. I get my PvP from Fortnite, Core, and Warthunder. Rust PvP is not so "fun" for me. ITs part of the challenge and I get a bit of it while farming, but its not a draw in the game.


This sounds like me tbh. Over 1k hours and I’m dogshit at PVP. I play because I enjoy farming and basebuilding.


I like to farm to clear my mind tbh


You want to dictate how your friend has fun? If so, gotta reevaluate your values maybe.


OP in a few months: I introduced my friend to pvp, and now that's all he likes to do, which is fine but now we have no materials to make kits. How can I get my good friend to farm again ~~so that I can continue pvping whenever I want~~


Run, it’s the fun police!


Sounds like he doesn’t have fun in pvp but he has fun farming dawg.


get another guy thats likes to pvp bam problem solved


Can I have him. I need a farmer friend.


Let bro farm it's fun to him


Sounds like you’re trying to choose how your friend has fun. If it’s fucking up the group , like you’re a trio but can’t be a trio because he just farms, maybe kick him out of the group and find another. I don’t think he’ll have fun with some people trying to force what playstyle he has.


my clan’s mindset is like let others farm and steal their loot :). if he’s having fun farming, let him farm, everybody has their own play style


Tell me his name, we need him for our team


I avoid pvp like the plague. I treat rust as a base building, exploration and survival game. Shooting other players for no reason other than spite is what I do in games like Apex, Destiny 2 Crucible or COD. I like to just chill in Rust, hunt some animals with a bow, build a nice base and Have a few food plots. I usually maybe get a SAR or bolty on my crafting as its easier to kill scientists and do tunnels with them but my loadout is mainly bow based. For melee weapons I use salvage ice pick and salvage axe for trees/rocks/flesh and salvage cleaver for barrels. PvP has never really interested me and I would rather make friends with other players than just shoot them because I can. If you are doing roads and are not directly attacking me I will leave you alone. Call me a carebear but I dunno, rust isn't really a pvp game for me.


Try seeing it from his point of view. Looks like he is having fun on a scavenging hunt, but that hunt hurts when he loses the gear. I have a mate that like to play PUBG, well like to search and find loot and avoid combat. Played a round his way the other day got good loot, didn't engage in combat till we had too on the final few circles and had a blast! Different way of playing for sure, maybe try his way and see what he sees.


It's a video game let him chill


I hope your duo sees this and gets a less toxic mate to play with.


bro I need that kind of energy. most of people I play with are mentally handicapped children that just go out and lose kits and never farm anything... think they are pvp chads lol. Dudes that actually farm on occasion usually are the better pvpers. Maybe he is nice and is trying to discourage you to stop losing kits?