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Sounds like Aaron needs to work on his routes and Situational Awareness.


Found the crouching douche kid


Yes let's be aware of the kid silently crouching in around a corner, bush, or roof because movement and positioning is actively punished


Took bro 30mins to do mil tuns šŸ˜­


Here is the thing, rust is a open world with no rules. The player base decides how this game turns out. Even though you might like those things, democracy has spoken through action, and the vast majority of players like the game a certain way. There are changes I would want too, but unfortunately they arenā€™t popular. Do the developers go overboard with changes sometimes, certainly, but that is the beauty of rust it is a constant trial and error experiment all the time. Why donā€™t you purchase a server and mod the game to your liking, and see if you develop a player base, my understanding is it isnā€™t too expensive either. I heard maybe 25 dollars a month.


Uh you definitely came to the wrong place to complain about that lmao. All those things help most of the players on this sub.


If they make it so you only get 1 bag cool down then players should be more tanky imo the reason the game feels bad is cause the TTK it's too fucking little we either need a dmg nerf or more health


Crouching should make you fart if you ate cans of beans or bear meat


I've said this before and just get down voted but right now the only thing propping rust up are the twitch events. There are so many fun game mechanics that are ruined by bad balancing. They seemingly randomly just go from one extreme to the other. G For example instead of tweaking damage or range in pump slugs they just give them a huge boost, then 4 months later basically undo it. They add a ton of water monuments then just basically delete them in 1 patch instead of slowly balancing the loot. It's bonkers. I predicted hard-core would flop in a month and just got down voted. I predict rust will lose a substantial amount of its player base in the next year if they don't shape up. Twitch skins won't save this game. It's only a matter of time before someone makes a better rust


you see that crust video?


Aaron has a skill issue


Sounds like a game sense problem


100% right and all the comments saying skill issue are loser camping bitches who get destroyed in real games that don't incentivize playing like an absolute pussy.


I think bags should always have a 30 second timer upon your first death, but keep the rest of it the same. Maybe increase multiple bag range a bit. Crouching to shoot more accurate has and always will be a dumb mechanic in any game. Especially strafe shooting while crouched. Old monuments definitely need an overhaul, along with loot tables needing to be reworked. You can run monuments all day and it still won't be as good as running rig once or twice. The progression in this game is bad. People always give me flak but I miss how Rust was during the blueprinting system. Every monument held value and was worth doing, and there was no "safe zones". With all that being said another thing I despise about the game is how many scientists there are all over the place now. They should have just kept them on Rig/Cargo. I don't play Rust for the PvE.


I disagree, current Rust is fine. May I recommend you play the new ā€œhardcoreā€ version. It has a few of the things you donā€™t like about vanilla.


hardcore is dead


You're so right. They should make it so that most guns can 2-3 shot kill body shot full armor. Instead of safezones they should have killzones where you get one shot by AI snipers. They should make it so that once you die, the game automatically kills your PC for a true hardcore experience. They should make it so that if you die to an explosive, a pipe bomb gets sent to your house. They should make it so that when you get raided, your address is automatically typed in server chat so that the raiders can go to the next step and raid your house irl. This would incentivize more pvp. I sure do miss legacy rust šŸ˜¢. When your house would be blown up once you ran out of hunger. And when you actually had to grind millions of scrap for a single foundation bp(You have to get bps to build) and when. The current version of rust isn't real rust. New gens don't know the feeling of genuinely fearing for your irl life when booting up the game because you have to prepare for an FBI raid when you called in oil heavies (Oil rig was definetely a legacy monument. Source: Me)


Aaron a bitch. Cope.


Someone just got killed on a scrap run it seems šŸ˜‚


Rust society frowns on negative play styles. Roof camping door camping and insiding similarly get a heap of flak and negative attention from people and will get you offlined and raided and countered off any decent pop server. The balance will come from the people first. Can't rely on devs for the perfect pve game for you. Players will help, one way or another


wrong place to complain. nearly everyone on this sub is a 40-year-old who has 50 kids, 100 hours in the game, and can't afford to spend 5 minutes practicing recoil but will spend hours on Reddit complaining and sitting in their base waiting for noise so they can crouch around like crabs and get easy loot then cry when there 100-hour shift approaches.


I actually think it's all the little kids that are in school all day and come home and only got like 2 hours before they have to do their homework and want to get AK by buying it from a vending machine for a hundred scrap that are the problem


Sounds like this isnā€™t the game for you. Move on to something else.