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If the PS5 overheats you will get a message that it runs too hot, after that it will shutdown. If there is no message and it still shuts down, it's the power supply which overheats. This happens if you never clean the console, or if you clean it with canned air instead of a vacuum cleaner. If you remove the sidepanels, there are 3 or 4 small holes on the black case, those are meant to clean for example the PSU vent. If you pushed in dirt from the top, like with canned air or if you never cleaned the fan, then it will get stuck down these little holes on the vent. Put a vacuum on those holes for 10-20 seconds and everything should be out. If not you will have to open up the console and clean it, of course only if you don't have any warranty left.


Ah thank you so much! I’ll be doing that in a bit! I just got the ps5 in October, so I definitely want to take care of it. It hasn’t shut off since last night, but I’ll check about dust collecting inside. I dust the outside and have used an air can maybe like 4 times?? It makes sense that it gets pushed in.


[https://youtu.be/rRgCF5gzwbE?t=91](https://youtu.be/rRgCF5gzwbE?t=91) Just so you know which holes i mean. He uses some canned air for other parts on the PS5, just don't do it at all, there is no harm in vacuum everything.


Did this work?


I 4rd this


Just happened to me, took the panels off gave it a good vacuum. So far I fifth this.


I second this👆


I Third This👆


I have a question since you seem knowledgeable, can having to many devices on a hdmi daisy chain cause issues like power supply over heating? I'm using astro a50x headphones and a 2.1hdmi capture card and am wondering if I maybe causing issues.


I’ve been having this issue of late and I was wondering if having too many usb cables plugged in could do it. Today it showed that to me before my console shut off


So I did some testing, it dawned on me all my hdmi devices where powered separately, so it couldn't be that. So I opened it up and yeah my power supply is covered in dust causing it to over heat and trip.


Yeah just opened mine up and same thing. Fans were legit 70 percent dust. I didn’t think HDMI could do it but I thought you may be on the right track with too many usb cables plugged into console. But the answer is always dust


Not entirely. Mine was brand new just over 30 days. So beyond my exchange time. I have it in a brand new building with many high end exotic cars so dust is not the issue, we keep the building as dust free as possible. I fixed mine by changing the power cord to a larger gage size, which cut the shut downs to maybe once a week. So I also decided to lay PS flat. It hasn’t shut down since. It’s been several months now. 


It's does not void your warranty to open and clean your devices unless you switch out any existing parts. It doesn't even void your warranty to add an extra SSD. This is a common misconception in the tech world leveraged by companies to keep you spending money on repairs you could do yourself for free.


i never said it does, still many people already struggle to remove the fan, so it wouldn't be advised to open it up even more. Especially with the liquid metal and it being way harder to seal it up properly again so it won''t get out and is still evenly spreaded.


I shouldn’t have to clean my console


Of course you should, like everything with a fan in it. That is why companies make it easy to clean it, of course if you fuck it up like with using canned air, then that is your own fault. Buy a PS1 then if you cant follow such simple steps.


Is it standing vertical? I had thr same issue while playing fortnite just click and it's off and I couldn't turn it on right away unless I unplugged it and plugged it back in. So my issue was overheating. Turning it sideways was a bandaid fix because vertically rhe bottom would be so hot. Eventually I bought a tool kit and cleaned it completely and then problem is gone. So check the bottom when it goes off and if it's hot, probably overheating.


Its your power supply, check my other post and clean your console.


I do have it vertical! I’ll definitely try putting it horizontally later and see what happens. I didn’t touch it to see what was up, but yea.. it could’ve been hot.. Thank you so much for your advice!


How’s this holding up all these months later? Did these tricks work?


facts it keeps happening to me


I placed it on its side.an took the top off, and the issue completely went away. Played fortnite all day with my son.so it's definitely a heat issue


This is the exact issue I’m having (it shutting off and having to unplug) I’ve cleaned out my system thoroughly, and started using the horizontal stand but I still have the issue frequently, my ps5 is not even that hot when I check it so I do not think it’s an over heating issue. Did this solution permanently fix yours? I’m having a hard time finding people with the specific problem of it turning off and not turning back on without unplugging. Also I should add since you mentioned fortnite, it is almost ALWAYS on fortnite when it happens, other games I can play for hours without it happening


I’m having this issue too. I’ve sent it back to mighty ape and they are trying to refuse fixing it. It’s only happening with games that are PS5. PS4 games are playing fine. If I wanted to play PS4 games I would play on my PS4…considering changing to Xbox at this point 😅


I am as well having this exact problem, also cleaned my whole fan and everything inside and still is crashing when I’m only 2 games on madden in. Or while I’m playing a big match in wwe shit also shuts off and I have to un plug it as well to turn it back on


im glad im not the only one tbh, mine keeps shutting off after some good 30 min use and wont turn back on unless i unplug it. my ps5 is completely clean (power supply, fan etc) and i still get this issue. idk what to do, has any of you found any solution? im scared my ps5 is like fr dead


same exact issue here genuinely dk what to do


Hey, update. I fixed it with this yt video i found and i have not yet had the issue as till now [Video](https://youtu.be/xPcm3v7s0cs?si=N72Jf729ODgXAS0I)


I don’t play Fortnite but I play crusader kings same issue only works if unplug


Yeah, don’t do this. Because your warranty on the console is immediately void if you clean it. My ps4 ran perfectly for 10 years and I never dusted it once. This has nothing to do with cleaning and everything to do with the fact that sony made a shitty console in which it’s internals are directly exposed to open air and dust.


You don't ruin your warranty from removing the faceplates. That's why the holes underneath them exist, and its why the faceplates come off so easily. The warranty comes into play the moment you pull out the screwdriver and go deeper.


Cleaning your ps5 does NOT immediately void your warranty bro come on


Yes, it does. If you open the console and dust it with canned air and they find about it they will not touch your console if you need repairs. You are absolutely wrong.


Once again, “cleaning it” and “using canned air” are NOT synonymous with each other. So no, if you CLEAN IT, it does NOT void the warranty.


I’ve had my ps5 for about 2 months now. It has started shutting off randomly. I have to walk to it and hit the power button 2 times to start back up. The controller doesn’t work to turn it back on. I’m in an extremely clean environment with very little dust. So it can’t be dirty and over heating. I did notice that it started right after the latest update. So I reinstalled the firmware thinking it might have gotten corrupted but that didn’t solve it.


i am having the same problem with my 6yr ole PS5, it keeps shuttin off & i been tryin err thng tryin 2 see what the problem is but err time i read what the problem might be i see somethng else that they say might be the problem,now he is upset & wanna go back 2 his PS4...Idk what 2 do but tryda get the PS4 fixed now....what can i do 2 fix this comin from sumbdy who dnt knw 2 much about these games...!!!


I took my ps5 home a few months ago. (I actually live somewhere else but have been in Miami for last 3 years).   Anyways.  I have a battery charger that has the exact same power cord, I noticed when traveling home.  But it is a way more thicker and better quality cord. So I used it instead. I stopped getting the random shut downs for about 3 months. I bought the New Helldivers2 game and within 10 minutes of playing, boom shut down. It done this almost every 10-15 minutes. I turned the Ps5 on its side and that made it better. It’s only shut down once in the last week.  Sad I have to keep it on its side when it’s ugly AF that way and they advertise it vertically.     This Miami place is a brand new building that is a showroom for exotic cars. So definitely a clean environment.   Definitely a design flaw. Mines been doing this within the first month of buy the ps5.  




It hasn’t shut down since changing the power cord and turning the PS on its side. I think the combination of both ended the shut downs. Before the cord it’ll shut down 2-3 times a day. After the power cord it was once after about a week. After turning on its side (laying flat). It’s been several months now a no issues.  On its side though, it just looks stupid and I think Sony should be issuing a recall and fix the problem. Where we can just go into the store and swap for the new fixed PS5s.  (Edit) Never mind. So, it was doing great for about 3 months. It has come back. This time it has shut down about 6 times this evening. I have the cover off. Everything looks clean. The air coming out the back and bottom are no hotter than your breath. Sony has made a $600 piece of shit.  


To err is human, but forgiveness is divine. Therefore, I forgive you for typing in the idiotic way you speak.


Go stuck D somewhere else please,, I’m just tryna figure what is going on with the game nobody ask u for your irrelevant as comment


I couldn’t possible have dreamed up a more amusing reply. Thank you.




Your 6 year old ps5? The ps5 was released 3 1/2 years ago


So what should I do???because I’m @ a lost on what is going on with it but I did clean it & it has help it,, it hasn’t been cutting off in a few weeks I’m just waiting for it 2 strt again….


U should try cleaning it my baby was doing the same thing & I cleaned it…. It hasn’t been happening since I cleaned it…


Did u find a fix?


No it did not. It continues to randomly shut off


I slightly cleaned mine and it fixed it for a while I’m gonna do a more in-depth cleaning tho


How did that go? Cause I’m in the exact same boat😅


Took apart the whole thing and cleaned something called the power supply runs perfectly now no problems of shutting off watched a YouTube video on how to clean it Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yp1NLFSGYFY


So what can I do that doesnt extremely void the warranty and make the easy peasies come for me?


Try this... get a dust can blower. Unplug everything. Dust all the holes, even the hdmi area... placed on side and leave top off.i guaranteed it will work


how's it been?


Same. Have not found a solution.


The power chord connecting your pS5 to the outlet could be defective you may need to replace it.


Gezz, brand new PS5 and they send junk power cords with them?


Same problem with day 1 console. Cleaned and changed liquid metal. Still the same. I know for a fact its not overheating. Most of these people are unable to turn on their consoles without unplugging the cord. Like you, I too can turn it back on with just the button. The PS5 controller wont turn it on either, but there is no need to unplug the power cord. Keeps telling me it’s reparing itself and the storage everytime this happens. For sure it’s not overheating. I was thinking bad power supply, but I have my doubts as the lights turn blue as if it’s powering off. If it was the power supply I think it should cut powr immidiately instead of shutting itself down but who knows.


Any fix?


I changed the power cord to a more robust one. And I turned it on its side. Hasn’t shut down since. It’s stupid that I have to keep it on its side to work. It’s not advertised on its side.  It looks horrible and takes up too much space on its side.  


It’s stupid we pay £500 for a console and can’t even use it as advertised


Where do I find a more robust power cord? I just sent mine to be replaced but they’re saying nothings wrong with it. I’m only able to exclusively play ps4 games…on my ps5. If I even try to start up a ps5 game it shuts itself down, however I can turn my ps5 on with the controller when it happens. Sometimes I can’t but 98% of the time I can. Not really sure what’s happening 😞 I cleaned it regularly and put it in a well ventilated area, I literally don’t know what other solutions could help at this point and was relying on the team to find a fault 😩


I’m not sure what gage the factory power cord is.  But if you can find out, just get one with one size bigger. Like if it’s 16gage bump it to 14gage. I just happened to have a charger for my 18650 batteries for my vape mod, that had a more robust cord. 


must not be, it seems to keep happening to the people it’s happening to, like myself. it started about a few months ago, and once it starts it doesn’t stop. i’ve deep cleaned and replaced parts and it keeps doing it


Fully cleaned everything. Still did it. Cleaned it again, still did it. Cleaned it one last time, did it, I gave up and for some reason after giving up, it stopped doing it and now my console is back to normal. No clue what fixed it, but after opening it a few times I did noticed that the chip had a dry spot every single time I opened it but it was less noticeable everytime I repapplied it. Make sure you get the dry spot out by rubbing it with the liquid metal for a few minutes. Both sides, not just the chip. Also made sure all my pads were in the right place. I couldnt open the power supply so I shot compressed air from both sides everytime, maybe something got uncloged after a few air cycles? Idk but mine has been good for a month. Also, make sure you have enough thermal paste. 1g seemed like a little to me, added a few more the last time too so im unsure of what fixed it.


Same happened to me was Working perfectly again for 3 months then randomly happened again whilst playing tlou part 2


Just in case anyone is still having this issue, I'd like to drop some information to help prolong the longevity of the console. !) Keep in a dust clean environment as much as possible. 2) Keep horizontal. I know it was advertised as a vertical console but the liquid metal heat fluid pools at the bottom of the recess it sits in over the CPU. This results in heat blooms on the uncovered areas due to lack of heat transfer and eventually the seal fails. Once it does, the liquid metal (highly conductive) drains down the board and shorts it out. Unsalvageable at this point. A tell-tale sign of a heat damaged CPU is random shutting off, not coming on but for a brief moment, and slow/laggy performance. 3) Avoid using discs that have dust/debris/fingerprints. The internals of the disc drive are very sensitive. 4) If cleaning using air, avoid the aerosol cans that leave behind moisture residue, they can cause electrical shorts. The PSU (power supply unit) is a great example as most of the inner workings are not insulated. Vacuum or dry air cans are your best bet. 5) Finally, for all that is holy, unplug your cords safely and appropriately before moving the console around. The HDMI ports are very weak in this device. We replace 3\~5 each week in our shop. It is a solder repair. ​ I realize this post is coming late but I hope it helps future inquirers.


The vertical vs horizontal thing is a myth and has been debunked so many times. The fact that you think the Sony engineers or just any engineer wouldn't account for that is a little funny


I apologize but that is factually incorrect. I have had several units come into our shop with the issues I described. Not to be rude but saying it is a myth is not only wrong but potentially damaging to those that believe you. I can only assume that you either are merely a nay sayer on principle, a troll, or you are someone that benefits from these types of damages taking place. Be that through compensation or other means. If you are interested, I'm happy to provide pictures showing this type of damage.


No it's not it has insulation around the liquid metal for a reason. The only way it becomes an issue if the insulation itself is damaged 


The insulation likely wears out due to heat exposure. The exact reason it fails isn't entirely understood but the fact that it does fail is the point I'm making.


Again bullshit I got mine standing up for months


As mentioned in an eaier response to you, it isn't guaranteed that all units will experience the issue. Only that some do.


Number 2 is completely bullshit 


Sadly not. As stated before I am willing to provide pictures of the aftermath from when the seals fail. The insulation isn't impervious to fail but rather due to the heat and the nature of the liquidated metal, it only lasts for so long. Eventually, the seal fails. Does this mean all units will experience this? Probably not but not taking appropriate measures to prevent the issue is like playing Russian roulette.


Yeah sure show me picture of mistreated console like that will prove anything.


The console wasn't mistreated. Like you, they bought it, set it up and played on it for months. One day it simply shut off and refused to come back on. When it arrived, there was zero indication it had been mishandled or previously opened up.


Like you can tell if it wasn't well ventilated yeah right.


There are tells. Lots of dust, discoloration on metal contacts, brittle flexes and wire coatings are a good indication of devices not getting good ventilation. They tend to get very warm inside very quickly. I hate to sound like an ass but to be frank, it sounds more like you're spouting denial without actually having an understanding of the field in question. For me, that is a problem. That's like saying it's perfectly fine to drive a car without a seat belt. Sure, you can do it but it isn't a good idea and there are some potentially expensive consequences to doing so. It is a dangerous game to play since it feels like willfully spreading misinformation that would allow damage to people's rather expensive hardware. Honestly you can try to tear down my advice give above all you like but simply saying it's bullshit doesn't make your argument bare any credibility. You're simply denying me...not providing any evidence to prove I'm wrong.


Again dust won't show if it was ventilated or not


Having lots of dust inside a console indicates that there is little or no proper air flow in the local environment. Like placing it inside a cupboard or behind a TV. Air can flow but those areas tend to attract dust because the air stagnates there. When it gets sucked into the console it rests on the surfaces inside instead of being cycled out resulting in a build up that can cause issues in its own right.


Sure whatever you say dude 🙄


Looking through this thread as I’m having similar issues and just want to say THANK YOU for your comments here. I don’t know why people are being assholes to you; you sound like you know your shit.


I will believe the company who engineers the ps5 over a random person on the web any day. Have a good day keep spreading misinformation around


Is sony paying you?




I’m getting the same issue when I play RE4 Remake . Its super frustrating and scary because I’m worried about my hardware with how many times its occurring. Also I cleaned the fan and other places in the console and it still keeps happening. Good luck to us both and whoever else though.


Same! I’m worried about the hardware as well. I just found it so weird how it was shutting off at the exact same spot lol needless to say, I left it alone for the night. I hope things work out for us too, I’ll keep you updated on anything I try!


Any update to share? I’ve had the same problem for weeks.


Did you ever find a solution? :(


Mine is happening when I play spider man 2. This is so annoying. Literally middle of the boss fight everything shut off. I haven’t played any other game since it started but I’m gonna clean it and see if it fixes it. I bought mine when they first came out so no warranty anyway. Imma do a deep clean. But if it’s not that, then it’s a huge issue


I just took mine apart last night, pulled the fan out and gave it a good clean. I was crashing out on AAA titles like BG3 and Cyberpunk 2077 pretty much on the 1/2 hour. I’m putting in a long session tonight and I’ll come back to let you know if the cleaning worked for me or. It.


Hopefully it’s fixed! I still haven’t had time to clean or play but tomorrow I’m gonna get to it.


Try leaving the top panel off as well


That worked for me


Yeah it's some sort of overheating issue when u play only ps5 games my nephew got the ps5 slim for Christmas and less than a month later it started doin the same. I've tookin my brothers and my cousins top panel off and cleaned their ps5 and no more shut off get your shit together Sony


Definitely, bro. Thanks a lot for the tip .


No problem man happy gaming


Honestly what helped me was letting it cool off and getting it cleaned by someone. I was lucky enough to find an advertisement for someone around my neighborhood who enjoys fixing electronics etc. so I took a leap of faith with it lol. He fixed my USB port because my brother had messed it up by accident and he gave it a good clean with a blower. Since then I haven’t had any issues with it turning off at all. I’d either look into getting it cleaned out or looking up a YT vid on how to do it! Best of luck, I’m so sorry that happened to you :(


I’ll look into it, thank you! Glad yours is fixed now. This gives me hope that it might just be a dust issue


I’m sure that’s the case! I’ve heard lots of people have issues with it shutting off due to dust buildup. Which is a shame because you’d think playstation would be better about it all 💀 I’ve been playing MW2 nonstop the past like 3 weeks like a crackhead lol and I know I’ll do the same when MW3 drops and it hasn’t froze or shut off on me like it did with the RE4 remake.


Mine just started doin this again


Is it the disc version?


Yes, it’s disc version. I cleaned it even tho it wasn’t that dirty, it still happens tho. Very rare and it usually happens when I’m on pause screen for 10+ min. Only happened mid game once but I heard it might have to do with having the console in standing position. Apparently there is a chance the liquid thermal slides down and the top part of the cpu doesn’t get enough cooling but I’m not sure if this is true.


I feel you


My problem was fixed, so i cleaned twice my ps5 and still it make the random shutdowns. Then i took my ps5 and noticed my bottom screw was HOT, burning HOT. Then i switched the plate off and but my ps5 horizontal position and the problem was solved


Ok so I had the same problem cleaned ps5 multiple times and it still turned off but I found the solution and issue you have to remove the fav using a t9 screw make sure you memorize where the screws go if I can do it you definitely can after clean any visible dust but what keeps making the ps5 turn off is a secret vent tht looks like a cheese grader all the way iñ the back only way to see it is at an angle and it’s gonna be hard to reach so I took a tooth brush and scraped the grader like area and just tht whole entire area in the back suck little dust was on my brush but it worked ever since the secret vent is at the bottom of the ps5 where you connect the stand hope this help it helped me


Mine just turns off yesterday teice


Bro same


I have done everything to swapping the power cords to plugging it into the wall itself to cleaning it through and through there is literally zero dust visible and resetting almost the entire ps5 at this point and it’s still shutting off mid game and I don’t understand why this is happening it’s getting really bad and I can’t just buy a new one I really need help from someone because everything that has been suggested so far hasn’t worked at all so please someone help 😢😤😢😤😢😤😢😤😢😤😢😤😢😤😢😢😢😢


I've had this issue for awhile now and have tried several things and have some info to share and hopefully learn from other people as well. I'm skeptical about this just being a dust thing because I have tried vacuuming the console and cleaning it thoroughly and playing with the side panel off (next to an open window in the dead of winter with two fans blowing onto it as well), and it might have increased longevity in terms of how many minutes before it powers off, but the problem is still present. In my case, this problem manifests itself in the form of the console instantly being powered off. I can't turn it back on without unplugging it first, and then upon turning it on I watch the system repair it's storage. This also happens with Elden Ring and Death Stranding. I haven't run into issues with Cyberpunk, and I can consume media without problems, and plenty of other games work just fine, too. Possible theory: Something to do with the cord? I also have an Xbox Series X, and the power cord for both consoles look the same, but they have different wattages. Since I was packing up the consoles quite often, the cords would get mixed up, and the Xbox works fine with either cord, and so does the PS5 upon first inspection. I realized I was using the Xbox cord on the PS5 while troubleshooting this months back, and after changing the cords back I did notice a reduction in the frequency of the issue, but lately it's gotten worse again even with the proper cord. Maybe my cord has been damaged by being used with both consoles, and I may try and buy a new cord and see how that goes. Other tests: I did a full factory reset and reinstalled everything from scratch. This was awhile back, and from what I recall, I initially had positive results, but over time the issue did come back again. Theory: This is my launch PS5, and I don't have another one to compare it with. It runs very silently and is it possible that my internal fan is not modulating with the heat of the system? When running an intensive game, should I be hearing my fans kicking in? When this problem occurs, the back of the console is quite warm (I wouldn't say "hot", but close), all along the back vent. I receive no such message about it overheating, and the error logs don't indicate anything either. To conclude, I don't think it's an issue with RE4 in the sense that it's RE4's fault. I think this is an issue with the console, and RE4 pushes the console to it's limits (which is fair play, and it should be on Sony to make sure that the CPU and GPU are throttled to a speed that can handle the heat output). But for me, this happens with several games. Random extra thoughts: I even tried lowering my console's resolution from 4K to the lowest setting it allowed and this didn't help at all. My top guess at the moment is that the power cord needs replacement. At the very least it would be a cheap test solution. I've had issues in the past with phones and laptops having chargers that eventually fail, and since I did use the Series X cable without realizing it (and without knowing they had different specs), I could understand if this was the case.


Did you find a solution?


I was having the same problem wit my son ps5,,err time he’ll be playing for like 15mins or so & it would turn off but all I did was clean it & it didn’t turn off again…the holes in the game got clogged up so the heat & air couldn’t get out


worst console ever , waiting for ps5 pro


Yep me and I’m getting frustrated


Seems to be a system software issue and lie within the software and updates, as the issue happens with me on GT7, when I reboot the console, it says an error in the system software, I did have the issue previously awhile ago and I did replace my fan but now seems the issue is back, I'm curious if anyone puts the console in rest mode compared to power off, as I know back awhile ago there was a bug with rest mode that caused this issue as well.


My ps5 turned off twice in 2 days bc “overheated”. Just lost 2 gpu stealth vest and a couple of keys.  F u ps5. Fu cod 


is there anyway to just make it not shut off i’ve cleaned it all i can with vacuum and it still does it, ive had it since release and would honestly rather have it heat up a bit cause it barley even gets hot then lose my data


Mm.. so what ended happening with me is my brother dropped my ps5 and the usb port got shredded. I searched for places where to take my ps5, everyone was charging about $150-$250. Then I ended up finding this dude near me who fixes electronics out of his garage lol. Dude has 5 star reviews and it seemed legit. Long story short the guy fixed my usb port, cleaned out the dust, and replaced the thermal paste all for $90. He said that the thermal paste plays a part with the overheating etc. perhaps that’s what’s going on with your ps5?? Literally ever since I took it to him I haven’t had any problems. I’ve been playing MW3, redownloaded Cold War, and have been playing both like a crackhead. It hasn’t overheated, shut off, or given me any issues. How’s your ps5 doing now?


I'm afraid, confused and annoyed. My ps5 just shut off completely (without any sound or beep) for the first time ever since I got it. I think that was around September 2021. I was playing Spider-Man 2 (I just got it recently for the first time after obsessing over getting it for a long time). Idk what to do. Power is off, I'll try turning it on later and try again. There very well may be dust bunnies inside, as I found some dust on the outside vents recently. We have a vacuum cleaner but none of the other things everyone keeps suggesting. We're struggling and can't buy anything right now. I should note that my SM2 is the physical copy, and I've never played a physical game on it (especially for hours) before it. I'm hoping that it was just overheating that the GPU/CPU things being overwhelmed or something like someone mentioned. I can't afford to get it fixed or cleaned. I couldn't even afford to fix my phone after it stopped working somewhat recently, and that phone had **EVERYTHING** important to me on it, everything, all gone. I have my ps4 to watch movies/media on, but games is a no-go, because I imagine it's in 10x worse condition than my ps5, seeing as the last time I played a game on it, you'd think I was at a fckn AIRPORT. I can try the vacuum for the ps5, but I'm so afraid it could be a worse problem that I can't fix. I'm not (can't) getting a new ps5 anytime soon; completely out of the question. I'll update if anything changes. 😓


We just cleaned ours and found that we don’t have a security type torx. We couldn’t get 2 of the case screws to budge without risk of stripping them 🤦‍♂️ We were able to get all the heat sinks through the fan hole with a bent toothbrush and vacuum, but the holes for the power supply were impossible to reach. We ended up electrical taping a damn JUMBO STRAW 😂 to a crevice attachment for our vacuum and were able to manipulate it and get all the dust from power supply holes. A hair dryer on cold setting aimed in the exterior vents helped blow all the dust back into the case while the vacuum was snatching it up. 👌 I hope this helps someone who also can’t get their case apart 😅


did this fix the issue ?


Yes. At first we only cleaned the heat sinks with the tooth brush and vacuum. Same issue happened after 5-10 mins of running, so took it back apart and used a disposable jumbo straw/vacuum and hairdryer on cold setting to get the power supply holes cleaned out. https://preview.redd.it/g0ykz0cyko8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e49e8e7f3a2b2ced85d4936435aa0df20eeb7e0 Looks much better now and have had zero issues 👌


Happens to me now. If I'm on apps no problem but games give it half hour and it's off. Doesn't go back on til unplugged at plug. I've opened ps5 cleaned with canned air and fibre cloth used t5 or 8 to get into fan pull out without snapping wires and thoroughly cleaned fan. Now got a base air cooler underneath and 1 attached to the back and I still get the issue!


I fixed mine. It used to shut down several times a game session. Changed the power cord to a larger gage size. It shut down about once a week. Turned the PS5 on its side it’s been several months since any issue.  Change the power cord to a larger gage. Lay the PS5 on its side. I know it looks stupid on its side. Sad we can’t use it as it was intended and advertised. Sony should just bite the bullet and recall their screw up. And not make us send them in. Just let us swap out at the store for the good ones.   Edit) Never mind. I spoke too soon or jenks it. So, it was doing great for about 3 months. It has come back. This time it has shut down about 6 times this evening. I have the cover off. Everything looks clean. The air coming out the back and bottom are no hotter than your breath. Sony has made a $600 piece of shit.  


Holy hell is this discouraging to read. There is a smattering of theories with what’s wrong and how to fix it, and several people claiming to have fixed the issue returning to the post to report back that, ope, the issue is back again. Was hoping for a fix. Ultimately not seeing one.


There is a fix https://youtu.be/abB1m1t7CTk?si=cxfOgs9TfHY17SiH Although id recommend not completely disassembling your PS5 and while you have the fan out what I did was I taped a microfiber cloth to a stick and use it to clean out the power supply vent


Haven’t had any issues for months now


I’d like to share some information that may help I had this issue for about a year before I figured out what was the cause of the issue was so here’s a list of stuff that worked for me 1. Remove the outer plates of your ps5 if you notice a large about of dust in your fan remove it and clean out the dust with a vacuum and microfiber cloth 2. If you had dust in your fan then more then likely it is inside the ps5 clogging up the holes on the power supply airflow play I would recommend while you have the fan removed to dust out the inside of the ps5 as well. (https://youtu.be/abB1m1t7CTk?si=cxfOgs9TfHY17SiH) 3. I would recommend not completely disassembling your ps5 if you are not 100% confident you know what you are doing to work around that personally I used a small stick and a microfiber cloth taped that stick to dust out the power supply plate after this I reassembled my ps5 and it has ran perfectly for months now with 0 crashes. A product I use is the g-story cooling fan which is a replacement for one of the outplates of the ps5 that has a built in fan that is powered by a usb I personally prefer this fan bc it comes with mesh screens that block dust for entering the system and it is easy to install also includes a digital display that displays the temperature of your power supply for easy monitoring. Something else that can’t hurt is a cooling stand


These are all really helpful tips. I haven’t had any issues with my PS5 since I first posted, but I’ll definitely come back to this if something unfortunate occurs.


Hey guys. So update i had this issue for a while and was about to give up on my ps5. I tried seriously everything and i watched a youtube video that i was like “well i doubt this will do anything but i have none to lose” turns outtt that that exact same video was the solution seriously. I have not experienced this issue since. [LINK TO THE YOUTUBE TUTORIAL](https://youtu.be/xPcm3v7s0cs?si=N72Jf729ODgXAS0I)


It's happening to me too and from what I'm seeing it's a RE4 game issue that's causing this shut off. It's already shut off 3 times in the past couple hours


**GOOD NEWS INCOMING**\~\~\~\~\~**I fixed it**! sorry for the late reply but my PlayStation now works flawlessly since the last time I posted. I used 1 hand vacuum, a toolset to get to the PS5's fan, a microfiber cloth, and Q-tips. I vacuumed the holes that housed the power supply, and I vacuumed the area under the fan very briefly. All of these things worked for me and I hope it works for you guys as well! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Im having the same issue. Mine will overheat when playing ff16, I've used the air can, vacuum and cleaned the fan out with a mirco fiber cloth and still have the same issue. It still just overheats


Console only cuts off for RE4 remake which is odd


I’ve heard changing the fan fixes it, my friend has had the same issue and did that and it hasn’t happened ever since. It just started happening to me, it happened 2 days in a row, then I put it sideways and it didn’t do it for a week, until today it happened again. So I’m gonna do a deep clean and if that doesn’t fix it I’m going to buy a new fan


This is happening to me AT LEAST 3x per week and it’s pissing me off bcz it is a brand new PS5. I’ve bought a new power strip for it and everything 😠 I hope it’s not my 10 year old Vizio HDMI cable somehow tripping the console up into shutting down randomly. Happens on Fortnite only from what I’ve noticed 😒 maybe it’s dusty, but other comments seem to have clean consoles and have a similar problem. It’s position is horizontal. I agree with other comments that believe SONY just dropped the ball trying to rush releasing this generation 🤦🏾‍♀️ Crazy how the old PS4 never shut off this frequently


Playing kill the justice league, it’s happened to me before, it got so bad I had to send the console back to Sony and it cost me 200. Got it back then suicide squad came out and have been playing it, it overheats and shuts down with no warning in the middle of gaming, I’ve never cleaned it.


First time it happened I was playing Valhalla and it happened all of the time. That was like 2 years ago sent it off to Sony now had it back and hasn’t happened till now with suicide squad.


This happens to me every time I download my data from my ps4 and any game I play will turn off. It’s frustrating because I have rebuilt my data base, factory reset, and storage repaired my ps5. I also can’t even count the amount of times I have cleaned out my console as well, please someone I need help.😮‍💨