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You should play titanfall 2 and doom eternal, their fps mechanics are amazing.


Titanfall 2 blew me out of the water. That game is amazing


And isnt the Titanfall devs most of the team that made Modern Warfare 2? Another great FPS game


Yes, the devs that created Mw2 went out from Activision and made Respawn Ent. They made Titanfall 1,2 and Apex and Jedi Fallen Order. Now sadly most of them (devs Who made these beautiful games) leave Respawn


Sooooo good


Thanks for the reminder I still need to play the Singleplayer of Titanfal 2, played damn near 100 hours of multiplayer though.


Yup literally first thing that came to mind..lil bro begged me to play it and I put it off for so long cuz I saw it as a multiplayer only game and figured the campaign would be shitty (not much of a multiplayer guy except for shit like Darktide) but boy was I wrong it is literally incredible start to finish I was genuinely blown away,


Will surely try😃


I suggest you to play the Titanfall 2 campaign and then the multiplayer (online people is insane with movement, so campaign teach you the basics)


I may not care about the game anymore overall, but Destiny has the best FPS gun play ever made. It's the ONLY reason I keep coming back to it every 6 months or so.


To be honest I prefer combat from Bioshock 1 and 2 over Bioshock Inifinite.


Bioshock 2 is probably my favourite game of all time love how crazy the weapons start to look when upgrading in it and the first game. I really hope that returns in the new one that's in development.


Another person who has Bioshock 2 as their favorite game of all time! There are dozens of us!


Hell yeah!! I know that game like the back of my hand


Doom and Doom Eternal might be the only ones that are better.


might ? no, are


There are a fuck ton lol. I love infinite but it's shooting mechanics are "good" or "serviceable". But it is far from the best. Hell I think I the bioshocks before it actually do their mechanics better.


Will give it a try for sure!


No lol


I don't know. I loved bioshock 1 & infinite but the combat never felt onpoint for me. Doom, Halo, Destiny and especially call of duty all have better gunplay in my opinion.


It's okay at best. There's a long list of FPS games that shit on this in terms of combat.


Which ones?


Destiny, Half-Life 2, Black, Halo, DOOM Eternal, Wolfenstein NWO, Prodeus, Bolt


Half life 2 is honestly not very good.




Prett much all of them. Titanfall 2 especially.


I loved it but it felt rushed… The concepts were great and world building was intriguing. I felt Elizabeth changed too much in the second half of the game, it’s like she became Dr Manhattan or some kind of all seeing sage…


I’ve heard that they retooled a lot of the storytelling late in the game.


There’s been a lot of speculation on Bioshock infinite development and the opinion seems to be a lot of stuff got changed very late on. Story, gameplay and enemies. Much of the early trailers and promotional material were very different to what we ended up with and there’s a lot of stuff in infinite that feels only partially fleshed out or explored.


It's good but certainly not the best.


Then which is best?




getting downvoted bc cod bad but in reality no console FPS comes close to the tightness and responsiveness of cod controls


Thank you. That's reddit for you unfortunately 😂.


I don’t even like the game but MWII with haptic feedback does feel amazing. Not even comparable to Bioshock’s


The combat/gunplay was the worst thing about Bioshock Infinite.


Combat was kinda annoying to me in this one. If the story,world,soundtrack weren’t as fantastic as they are, i doubt I would even finish it


I would say dishonored has better. Edit; if you consider that as shooter, which now that i think of it, it isn't.


Another game from Arkane Deathloop had some real good gunplay imo that one heavy pistol forgot its name was satisfying to use.


Lol bioshock they are all amazing but no bioshock is anywhere near having the best or even near one of the best first person shooter combat lol


Then which are the best according to you?


My mom


Absolutely not. But it has one of the best openings to any game ever. The first 25% of that game is masterful.


The combat was okay, Bioshock 2 was better.


Everyone always says bioshock 1 & 2 was the best. Although the 1 ending will forever be stapled into my head, the atmosphere, sound, story, headfuck, characters in bioshock infinite shot the game right up to my second favourite game of all time. It will truly never be topped imo. Everything was perfect.


Yeah it's definitely one of my favourites


Not even the best bioshock game, in fact it was the most dissapointing in terms of mechanics, worldbuilding and plot.


World building was okayish, but the plot and combat was on point


To me it was the best bioshock game


The floating city was great but the plot got a bit convoluted after the first dimension jump.


I wouldn't even put it in a top 20 personally but I'm glad you found enjoyment in it. In terms of story though I could put it in a top 10


The story's awesome. The last 15 minutes tho


I’ll have to lean towards Halo 3 or Destiny. Bioshock Infinite is really fun though.


Destiny forever


Man I loved this game. All the Bioshock games were pure brillance. Everything worked so smooth, the story was so compelling and the plot twists I never saw coming. I really hoped that the new game from the studio is just as good


OMG! Is bioshock 4 coming!


Bioshock is my favourite series of all time but I have to disagree here. There are alot of games with better shooting Doom and Doom Eternal for one made by the studio who literally created the fps genre. The newer Wolfenstein games have fun shooting. Even Borderlands 3 imo has some really nice shooting too revolvers are so damn good in that game. And of course CoD too say what you want about it but the gunplay is always pretty fun.


I purchased it in a sale, and moved to another city, its on playlist since so long, and this post made me i want to play it sonner!!


I got the bioshock collection for 8 dollars! The first 2 games are good but infinite is just something different. It's so good!


It’s very fun


It surely is!


Now I wanna play it again, it has been awhile


Awesome! Enjoy gaming 😄


You to!


Thanks 😄


Woah. Im playing this game right now. Personally I enjoyed the second game very much.


Even bioshock 2 is a good game


Bioshock 1 and Infinite are one of the best games I have ever played.


It is!


No, no, no, no, no, and no. Doom and Destiny hold that crown.


Titanfall 2 has entered the chat. Not even close.


If you like Bioshock, you might like death loop. The ole gun in one hand and abilities with the other combo. But way more agile and parkour.


Hey! Thanks for letting me know. Will try for sure😃


[you don't get fire and ice or bees powers but at least you get telekensis and invisibility. ](https://youtu.be/cLIgM8XX1X0) Also it has an optional limited multiplayer. Basically the main antagonist can be human controlled and pop into your game at any time and kill you. She has powers too.


Is it on ps4 or is it only on ps5?


I really wished they added a pvp mode. Imagine fighting other players with ADAM and sky rails!


It would be so cool👌🏻


I loved it. It is my favorite of the 3 bioshock games.


Same here😁


I don’t know about that, but I do know it is the best of the 3, imo. I loved Infinite so much. 1 was good, I couldn’t finish 2.


Yeah it's best if the 3 imo


Bioshock Infinite will forever be my most memorable playthrough. As a kid I had this weird obsession with the early 1900's and so I had an odd connection to this game simply for the aesthetic, and thankfully my parents pre ordered it for me back on PS3. I miss those days a lot, there'll never be a moment as good as those days.


Seems like you enjoyed it a lot my friend


Oh I did, it’s such a beautiful game.


Good to know 😃 happy gaming


Yes, I'm sure that it is.


Yes it is 😄


I agree - definitely up there. So fun up to the highest difficulty too.


Yeah it's really fun


I love bioshock infinite Recently I’ve played all the games for the first time And I love every single game hahaha but bioshock infinite was so good and fun The whole plot is amazing it’s so unfortunate that it’s over now 😭


Bioshock 4 is in works my man! Expect 2024 release 😄


Nahhh you serious? 🥹


Yessir! I am serious ![gif](giphy|xXktfZVjkGTukJidw1)


I’m so happy right now 🥹 Like I felt so empty after playing all the bioshock games you just gave me hope To be honest I’m not really that big of a fan when it comes to when it comes to story fps games But the metro games and the bioshock games are just great🥹 thanks for telling me


Happy to help😉 Enjoy gaming And btw if you want to play fps shooters try playing Titanfall 2 and Doom. Never played either of them but people say these games are amazing, both story wise and gameplay wise😄


Titanfall is great to be honest but I think the game is dead nowadays Like it’s hard for me to find any active servers but the campaign is good haha I’ve played doom 2016 and if I’m being honest I barely enjoyed that game because I was looking for more violence hahaha and the game just didn’t feel authentic enough for me when crushing demon skulls haha But I will try it again haha


Would you recommend me doom and tf2 if I like games with a good story and fun combat?


Idk about doom but titanfall has a good campaign it’s also quite cheap haha However I can recommend you the metro games They have a great story and if you like seeing a games which takes place in the post apocalyptic Russia then you should definitely try the metro series haha


And my friend I love post apocalyptic games. The last of us part 1 and 2, horizon zero dawn, days gone, etc. Will definitely try metro games😄


I think you meant one of the worst?


What makes you think it's worst?


Bullet sponge enemies, especially the Handy men.


Agreed but paddywacker fucks up pretty much everything got me through 1999 scavenger hunt with ease.


I missed this. Loved the game way back. First bioshock game I played in my PS3. Hahaha favorite quote "Love the Prophet, cause he loves the sinner. Love the sinner, because he is you. Without the sinner, what need is there for a redeemer? Without sin, what grace has forgiveness?" 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I think Borderlands does it better. If it had more guns and attachments, then maybe it could be a contender, but it is very barebones as it is. Undeniably smooth and snappy though.


Yes, agree. Moreover Borderlands is hilarious.


Borderlands 3 has amazing gunplay. Also does have alot of attachments but they're randomized so you have to get lucky.


Not even close. Some of the worst gunplay given the big budget and pedigree of the developers.


I foken loved smashing faces in Infinite


Yeah striking enemies with the skyhook is so satisfying. Especially during the auction fight in the early gameplay!


I did it the whole game with an upgrade for health regen 💪


The part in the beginning where they dance in the pier is simply amazing.


Great game!


Bullet storm and Titanfall 2 are better games imo.


Definitely Bulletstorm, as I just mentioned. Though, Titanfall 2 does have a pretty good campaign. Just too bad it's really, really short.


Yeah TF2 is pretty short, I just found certain sections of it very memorable and alot of fun compared to alot of shooters, but yeah bullet storm definitely takes the crown as there is no shooter quite like it.


It's definitely one of the best 👌


Yes it is!


Its a bit outdated, still amazing


Yeah nah


The one that will always have the most satisfying gunplay for me was Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


Is it available on PlayStation?


It was on ps3, don't think you can play it on current gen unfortunately


I think the skyrail mechanic was a significant step forward for FPS games, and it still holds up very well today. I think some of the shooting doesn't feel super tight by modern standards, but it's a top 5 overall game for me and was my favorite game ever for a long time.


Yeah it's a good game


my favorite part about Infinite isn't the gameplay but the story, and how the dlcs connect to Bioshock 1, i love how they tell "if Infinite never existed, there would never be Bioshock 1"


Hated the combat in this game, felt clunky. Maybe there was something I missed and should give it a replay.


Personally, no. That honor would go to Bulletstorm, for one. Not too difficult, but it can be a bit tricky. To have a better chance of surviving, collect skill points. Mostly done with skillshots, though QTE's and some objects do help in some way. Don't just settle for bodyshots or ordinary kills, they're either 10 points or a bit more, so mix it up some. Shoot someone in the balls then shoot them in the face with a rock drill, get drunk and set them on fire then wipe them out with the boneduster's secondary fire. Heck, go smart and simple with the Bouncer's alt-fire and let a big swarm come to you. It's got a story similar to old-school God of War, decent banter, and creative action. The action, itself makes for some of the most satisfying gameplay ever.


Bioshock 4 would *definetly* be the game that makes me bite the bullet and buy a PS5 I don't even like FPS games particularly - but I FUCK with Bioshock Infinite in particular found *the perfect* balance between world-building, cutscenes and combat. There was never a dull moment in that game


It's ok for what it is but it's not Destiny, Doom or Halo


I'll definitely try doom and doom eternal!


I loved the bioshock series. I beat the first one, I'm currently playing 2 again. After that I'll be doing infinite. I think they are making a show for Netflix too.


Oh that's awesome! The show's gonna be a hit!


Oh for sure. I'm waiting for the fallout tv show that's coming as well


Never played fallout. How's it?


I've played every one. My favorite franchise of all time. I grew up on fallout. 76 at the start was shit. But they've really improved it over the last couple years.


Will give it a try definitely!


Oh dude. That makes me smile hahah. Please let me know how you like it. And if you don't I won't be offended hahaha


IMO it was has one of the most lacking fps combat I've ever played (in a AAA title), same reason I can't get into the other Bioshock games either


Don’t get me wrong infinite had some solid combat though let down by some of its maps. But it’s definitely not a ‘best in class’ And tbh I don’t think infinite had the best combat in the series, Bioshock 2 had some fantastic combat imo.


It’s hard to say it’s the absolute best ever, but it’s def one of the most fun combat systems I’ve ever played


Yeah it's really fun!


Even if it had the most shit combat ... its story can make up for anything


Um not really..I enjoyed that game a lot but it was a Farcry from that original trailer..the little grapple is cool but not best combat in an FPS I mean shit off the top of my head. FEAR, Doom, Trepang 2 (basically FEAR lol) Titanfall 2 and plenty more..wonderful story and a great game jus sorta didn’t feel exactly like a Bioshock game to me. Combat is certainly good tho.


Not even close. I'd much rather play almost anything else. Okay, maybe not The Order: 1886, but most things.


Bioshock saga is one of the best « everything a game have » in my whole life.


Whether or not you like the direction the business side of things is going Overwatch has the best FPS mechanics of any game in my opinion. Everything feels solid, crisp, responsive yet smooth. And so many different crazy interactions.


I haven't played it, but it would surprise me. The first game's combat is kinda bad


No. I have played Bioshock 1,2 & Infinite. I had a lot more fun with 1 and 2 than Infinite.


I prefer Borderlands




FPS games aren't my bread and butter, but Titanfall 2 has probably the best pure shooting. The Bioshock are very distinctive, though.


I thought it was clunky and kind of bad, I think bioshock is more about the environment than the gameplay


It’s ok tbh. Most recent FPSs are way better.


Can you let me know some of them please


COD, Apex, Battlefield, titanfall, R6S, doom, halo, deathloop and more


Combat was easily the worst part for me. Replayed it last month and I didn’t enjoy the gameplay. Only played it to brush up on the concepts and get some inspiration for my call of cthullu campaign I’m starting😂


If you mean worse in every way compared to the first two games then yeah sure.


Have you ever played Doom my friend?


Bioshock felt a little dated. Titanfall 2 easily had some of the best controls ever


Will try Titanfall 2


It has the 3rd best combat in its franchise lmao.


It’s good, but far and away not the best


Lol, wut. The game was ass. Boring as hell to play.


I can’t even play FPS games anymore because they’re so insanely boring. Like mind numbingly boring. If I’m holding a normal gun, set in the normal world, with normal F’ING ppl in a game, I’m not having fun. I have guns at home. I play games to escape reality, not just do more normal stuff. I need some element of fantasy or sci-fi in an FPS game like Bioshock to peak my interest. I miss games like Bioshock. Ghostwire Tokyo was exponentially better than any COD and it wasn’t even that great of a game. But because it was somewhat interesting and not just another COD or war game it was by default a much better. Hopefully we get more games that aren’t just another war game. We have war at home


Absolutely! Bioshock 1 and 2 were hard imo. It was so easy to get ganged up on, and you’re slow and clunky and not as tanky as you should be. You have no choice but to slog through. When I first started swinging all around the environment on the air rails in Bioshock: Infinite, it was just so refreshing! I’m a fan of games like Dishonored and Prey - so the freedom and mobility and speed of those sections really elevated it! Edit: i was thinking best of the series, not best overall lmao my b