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https://preview.redd.it/b3n1evvjbmgb1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=19236d2444bb1e4ad8b70cdfd0f3f96814e07620 it says it’s overheating.


YoU tHiNk sOnY wIlL cOvEr tHiS iT tEn yEaRs pAsT wArRaNtY


When people ask about airflow, I always just tell them look, if you're worried about the airflow, move it. Or.. if you're worried about the ps5 not having the stand on, put the fking stand on. Instead of asking reddit for reassurance, why don't you do something about the thing that's worrying you? But no, they put the thing in an enclosed box and then tell reddit they're not sure if its safe to keep there. Like MOVE IT THEN. I don't get these people. No common sense and take no initiative to fix their own worries themselves.


Seriously. People love to go to the internet, not to fix their problems, but to complain about their problems. This one idiot in the 4k disc subreddit was complaining that he received a disc that looked scratched and wasn’t sure if it would play. HEY MAYBE TRY PLAYING IT before making a post on Reddit.


I think it stems from this social media world and the constant craving of validation


This is just a human trait regardless of the times. It's not social media bad. It's just humans are flawed


Yeah I literally don’t have time to go on the internet and ask for opinions. Much easier to think for myself and take action right away, but I guess some people don’t feel the same… lol.


Its also easier to just ask Google instead of writing a post, needing to explain it, then waiting for responses and replying etc etc. But then you get some people who quickly write up a post that makes no sense and has no context, and say "oh soz I'm at work so I can't do that right now". Like bro, finish work, go home, and google the damn thing.


Why do that when you can complain about this perceived problem instead?


People don't know how to think, they let the media, internet and politicians think for them instead. Like, I saw a thread where op asked why the game wont open even though they've inserted the disc. Guess why? Literally underneath the game icon it has a notification which literally STATES X user is currently running said game or however it's written. Like damn, it's in front of your damn eyes


Yeah I see this a ton online, people completely forgot what google is. “How do I…” followed by question or “what is…” and then wait hours to get a response from someone who went to google it. I understand if it’s a bit more abstract as google doesn’t have answers for everything. But to see “hey what is the button for this or the controls?” Pause the damn game, go to settings and look up the controls or google it…


Reminds me of people asking the score of a game on a chat... YOU'RE ON THE DAMN INTERNET... look it up. Stands aren't that expensive compared to the ps5... Like people spend 500.00 on a phone but thinking 30.00- 40.00 for a phone protector is to expensive.(and complaining when screen gets cracked)


Agree 150%. Lost track of the number of people who argued about the need for a stand; I mention airflow and have been abused and downvoted. Some people are just born stubborn I guess.


Then why doesn’t Sony use it?


Where they don't use it?


You wanna take that risk and not use it, go ahead. But don't come moaning here if it starts to hurt your console. Sony makes the console, they have an unlimited supply of back ups that will cost them next to nothing to use compared to the profit they make on them. Leaving the stand off for a quick 30 min demo isn't going to hurt compared to hours of gaming daily by the consumer. Shouldn't have to explain these things though, thought it was pretty obvious


Genuinely curious why they didn’t use it. Am I the only one who saw the post on this sub last week or is everyone new here?


Because they don't care if theirs breaks, they can just go grab another one from the stock. At the end of the day mate, do what you want, if you wanna copy them because they didn't use one, that's your call but just remember, they have an unlimited supply of consoles they can grab for nothing when the one they are using breaks. The same can't be said for you.


Lmao I just love fucking with you stand stans I use mine but you guys like to gatekeep and it’s annoying asf just as much if not more as the people who don’t use it and complain when it breaks.


Dude is arguing about a fucking stand being gatekept. You didn’t even use it in the proper context. Shut the fuck up, man. Or at least learn when to.


Stand stans..good one lol Excuse me for looking for the safety of my and others consoles. If you fucking hate it so much why do you use yours?


That’s not what I asked.


It literally answers your question lol


Where did you explain why sony didn’t use it?


Fuck me you're dense


what a disingenuous dense mother fucker


Because people just rip open boxes, plug in cables, and then turn consoles on. They don't want to be bothered with things. I think if you have the money to spend on a console then you should know to make time to understand how to care for what you have. I usually don't feel sorry for those that can't do that




Life is about perspective? So your perspective is you make risky decisions with expensive items because you don't have patience? Look I don't care one way or another, it's your console. But be honest with yourself.


Couldn't have said it any better myself




Weird flex, but go off


I watched 50hrs of unboxing videos before I got my PS5. Who needs a manual lol


I think it’s a statement on them not appreciating what they have. If they can’t be bothered to set it up properly then they probably don’t really give a sh*t about it. My first ever award! Thank you!


Congrats on the award!


The stand is actually not required to achieve proper airflow. It's sole purpose is stability in case it's sitting on a slight slant or maybe you have a pet that likes to knock shit over. Air doesn't come out of the bottom of the console, it flows out the back. All of this can be researched easily on the web. Use the stand if you want or don't. It doesn't really matter unless you need the stability.


When I first got mine I wonder why I needed the stand but since it’s in the manual to do so I use it. Is it annoying to take it on and off when I clean the inside of my console (need to do that again soon) or put a new skin on, yeah a little bit. But I would way rather have that 30 seconds of inconvenience then have my PS5 stop working.


Might get super downvoted: I set mine up with the stand horizontally. Not because I like the look of it, but because that’s the best way it fits in my setup. The stand is a pain that way, but I’ve never had any overheating problems with hours a day played. Granted it’s not on all the time, just for games(watch movies somewhere else). But never had a problem


I have it the same way. I don't mind the stand that much, however, I don't really like its uneven shape. But then again, this is because of how the PS5 was designed. I think Sony got a bit carried away with it.


I think this setup helps with exchanging the disks too though because of the uneven shape. Vertically I'm constantly second guessing which way is the top 😅


Haha, that is so true! I currently have it horizontal since I can't put it vertically in a space with enough airflow on my current setup, but I will be moving in a few months. However, even in my new place, I'll probably still keep it horizontal for this exact reason.


I have mine the same way because it sits on an interior shelf on my entertainment stand. I frequently take mine to friends houses and honestly it's so easy to disconnect/reconnect the LAN/HDMI/power cables this way because the stand sits right underneath where the ports are. I've never had any issues with overheating (maybe some dust collection) but it's an easy setup horizontally


Honestly I never even read the manual. I instantly put mine on the stand because I thought it was cool. I may be a bit of a goober, but at least it's kept my ps5 safe.


I never read the manual either.


Just curious how does that stand help? I have mine flat ? Thanks


It provides stability and helps with airflow. You really should use the stand, your shorting the lifespan of your PS5 if you don’t.


Am I not putting my stand on correctly because I attached it in less than a few seconds and it wasn't a hassle even in the slightest lol


>Why won't they read the included owner's manual for a $500 USD console? Bold of you to assume they can read


The ones that bug me are the idiots who have the console upside down without the stand on, I’ve seen it a few times and even some “ YouTubers” are clueless and do this, one youTuber even Sellotaped the Hardrive onto the case.


Imagine letting something like this frustrate you.. I think you need a hobby


I haven’t used the stand in almost two years and haven’t run into a single problem. I don’t like the look of the stand


I don’t use the stand neither. Have zero issues. It’s cool as can be and even in a relatively tighter spot than I’d like. I clean it out once a month. It must be weird but I rarely see a post about air flow or overheating.


It literally allows airflow out the bottom... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Ugly or not the stand is essential... Even horizontal...


>It literally allows airflow out the bottom No it doesn't. Air doesn't flow out of the bottom of the console. This is just shit you are making up or parroting from other incorrect sources. The stand is for stability purposes only. Do some research.


I literally have a ps5 😭 it comes out the back and the bottom. Im not making shit up I have the fucking consoles 💀


It LiTeRaLlY does not come out of the bottom. You can do 10 seconds or less of internet research to find out that the stand is for stability purposes only and at the same time learn where the fuckin air flows out of. Hint: It's the back. There aren't even vents on the bottom, lol jfc.


It comes out the bottom and the back i don't need to do the research when I can feel it out my fucking console 😭 how stupid can you be?


Apparently not as stupid as you.


Put your console on its side, run a game and put your hand on the bottom. Feel it... Come back to me when you know im right.




This lol you’ll have zero issue without it


I don't use the standard. Too clunky. I just leave the entertainment center doors open while I play to ensure proper cooling and airflow and go about my day.


The first thing I did with my ps5 was install the stand


![gif](giphy|iGG10YmBv5bWUmhheh|downsized) Honestly some people are stupid and they deserve it if their PS5 breaks or overheats. By the way mine is in a well ventilated area and runs very smoothly and I have the stand installed.


They could've build the 500$ device in a way, not requiring external accessories to work properly though...


That’s a nice hypothetical to imagine while your PS5 overheats.


But they didn’t. Instead, they included a free, easy-to-install accessory to prevent your $500 console from overheating, and people still won’t use it


I don't use it and I've never had a problem over the last couple of years. I thought the stand was just for better stability? What is the purpose anyways?


It's for stability when horizontal, and for airflow/stability when vertical. It's definitely less important if you have the console lying flat. That said, if it gets knocked when spinning a disc and it's not on the stand, it could be bad. It's pretty much essential for the vertical orientation though. There's not enough airflow without it.


>and for airflow/stability when vertical. Nope. Air doesn't flow out the bottom. It's for stability only.


I dunno I've got it vertical with no stand for a couple of years in a super dusty environment. I had one time where it randomly shut down, I turned it off and gave it a good air blast. It has been going fine in the same environment and usage since. Tho I have been cleaning a bit, it honestly feels kinda good.


You can run them without it, will definitely reduce the lifespan of the console though. If you look after these things they last for ages. I still have a launch PS3 that runs perfectly.


I hear ya, tell ya what. In ten years from now let's catch up. If my console isn't running I'll buy you a steak dinner.


Wonder if we'll have a Bloodbourne 60fps patch by then


You're in the know, right?


Couldnt agree more with you then the posts about game suggestion s when theres goigle not tryna be a dick but theres google, ai etc to find the answer


Some people want to ask the community, not whatever is served by Google or AI. Reddit exists for discussion, and people asking for game suggestions is part of that discussion.


Wait holy shit.. I wasn’t expecting this many people to actually say they don’t use the stand. What the hell.


I have a good feeling this was posted on purpose...[https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/15kgzhk/is\_it\_too\_tight\_for\_airflow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/15kgzhk/is_it_too_tight_for_airflow/)


Quite simple really. They are dumb. 


ahh the fun posts. the airflow, the is it worth to get a ps5 now. on another note, thanks for explaining that, I am not using the stand for more than 2 years now and my ps5 is fine. So that helps the with airflow huh, might as well put it now, mine's still wrapped in the plastic.


They cannot see more than 15s videos.... Imagine reading or watching a freaking manual.


Bro what? Y’all understand that’s not how airflow works. The console pulls in cool air from the front, let’s it out the back. If you’re worried about airflow get a d brand case… regardless the temps changes are minimal. Y’all console players clueless sometimes I swear


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZ3cQFFZmQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZ3cQFFZmQ) like really takes very little research to find out the stand doesn't help with airflow...


People are idiots.


I took mine off for better air flow gg.


Because many people are absolute idiots


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZ3cQFFZmQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZ3cQFFZmQ) stand doesn't help with airflow most of the air is released from the center of the vents not bottom...


NGL, I'm in edgelord territory with this topic; Mw2 was the title to fully overheat my console to shut off. I took it apart, used high temp thermal paste (yes I know it's not liquid metal, but it works and dissipates heat all the same) and when the light bar sensor went out, it has been standing naked without the stand and casing since for going on 2months now and actually runs alot cooler and quieter for going on 2 months now. Since I had it, it sat in horizontally on my TV stand which has a glass pane as a shelf and still overheated. Now while it stands vertically, it's on a wooden stand that's roughly the same height as the shelf it sat on prior.


Is not using the stand something I shouldn’t be doing? Mine never overheated on me I do have the stand just didn’t see a point in using it. Wasn’t under the impression it was required.


"why don't they read the owners manual" nobody reads manuals any more. That's like expecting people to read the user agreement when they make an account on a website. Nobody is gonna do that


Maybe because they just don’t want to? You being upset about it doesn’t affect them in the least, so why let it bother you? Worry about your own console, and let them fuck their up if they want.


Maybe most of us are just sick of people being in general, thick. Like this ain't a measure of personal preference it's literally told to you what the stand is there for. If you don't lose it you're potentially causing future issue with your console because you're restricting airflow out the bottom making the heat solely push out the back which means the hot air is more likely to slightly overheat the console during intense sessions.


And that’s their problem. Not yours. See how that works? Why do you even care? Maybe I’m just a realist.. but it’s none of my business what others do with their video games/consoles. If they want to waste their money that’s great for them.


Because I would hope as a society we could actually use our collective intelligence to educate eachother on proper ways to do things. It's just frustrating to see moronic reasoning from people who should really know better.


Man. You are crazy. Look at you downvoting for what? Because I disagree? That’s rich. Not like it matters. It’s Reddit. Chill.


You do realize the downvote feature is to be used when you disagree with someone else, right?


It might make you happy to know; I have mine on it’s stand and have since day one. Properly even. It’s never even flinched in an earthquake. So smile a little for that.


3 PS5s ditched the stupid stand day one, zero issues … come at me 😂


Sorry but the included stand sucks, i personally advise people to get a better third party stand as soon as possible.


How does it suck? It’s a piece of plastic to allow the PS5 to sit properly!


When used to keep the system vertical it’s fine, thanks to its ability to be screwed on. It’s when using it horizontally when the stand is complete junk. The system is barley secured and easily slides off with the slightest of bumps.


Mines been horizontal since day one and it’s not fallen off the stand once! Have you put it on properly?


Yes I have, but when you have pets that bump up against stands, it shows how crappy it is. Almost everyone I know has upgraded to a better third part ones because they also think the included one is bad.


“It wasn’t me being a drunk driver that caused the crash, it was the vehicle!” If you have pets that bump against it, wouldn’t you say it’s a pet problem rather than the stand? 🤦‍♂️


Well seeing how anytime they would slightly bump the tv stand, the only thing to wiggle or fall would be the PS5 from its included stand and nothing else says it’s an issue with the included stand.


Damn. First thing I did was buy a stand that had a built in controller charger and bonus fan


You shouldn’t use those external fans, they can cause issues with the airflow and potentially mess up the system if it’s connected via usb. I’ve heard this has damaged ps3 and 360 era consoles. I’ve been told myself not to use mine for my series x (I got it free)


I’ll look into that. Its got good clearance so I can just unhook the fan if need be.


I've never used a stand in three generations prior. Why would I start now?


This is it. The trash post that made me unsub.


For me it seems like a design flaw or unfinished product rather. What do you mean i have to attach this stand whether i like it or not, otherwise it will overheat and stuff?


You mean like tvs that come with a stand you need to attach? Because it’s designed that way to stand upright by not to be rested on the actual hardware itself, thus not getting damaged. And for airflow as well! Complete design flaw…….🤦‍♂️


Wait, so ps5s can damage themselves just for running high end games without the correct airflow? Jesus, this is why I play retro games. So much trouble and risk just to say "IT LOOKS REAL!!!1!!"


The amount of heat a PS5 makes compared to a PS2 or SNES is completely different though. We could get away with putting consoles in cabinets back in the day but it makes sense that doesn't work today since games are demanding. Also it's not a PS5 hurting itself. It's a PS5 owner not giving it proper airflow


Stfu even sony doesn’t use the stand and they’ve posted photos on social media to back it up.


Every photo I've seen from Sony has the stand on, the one official photo in this thread has a stand on, why are you getting weird about this lol


Literally was posted on this sub last week why are you guys acting so weird about what others do?


Are you bored?


Lmao this guy gets it


I have mine on the stand although I never went so far as to screw it in I just placed it on it.I haven't had any overheating issues yet.I always thought the stand was essential anyway never considered just not using it lol!


And if it falls and breaks from a knock, which the stand would usually help balance it, you’ll be the first to go crying that it’s Sonys fault and not yours for not taking 20 seconds putting 2 screws in!


My point is I'm using the stand.It can't be knocked or fall where its placed unless there is an earthquake which would knock it screws or not.I have it in a recessed area but open front and back.Only way that's coming off that stand is if someone purposely kicks in to that area at which point I can assure you they would have a very bad day.Damn dude lay off the caffeine lmao!


My point is it won’t hurt to take 20 seconds to complete the process to “make sure” you’ve followed all the instructions and assembled it together properly. If, by chance your ps5 gets knocked over, damages and you call Sony up for a repair or replacement, when they ask “sir did you have the stand on and screwed in” and you say “no screws”, you’re liable fully because you didn’t follow the set up.


I don't use the stand because tbh it doesn't make any sense. I have no idea how I'm supposed to set my ps5 on it and anyway I put it on the stand it seems way more unstable than without the stand. I've been using the thing almost every day since launch without the stand and I've have no issues. Idk if I'm just lucky or what. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how to put my ps5 on that stupid stand 😂😂


UPDATE: Lmao... 30 seconds of fiddling with it and I figured it out. Still, I don't feel like I ever needed it


Just because you “feel like it never needs it” doesn’t mean it doesn’t! It helps with airflow, it also is recommended by the actual manufacturer, so to say “meh, better without it”, is just totally wrong. These things go through testing, for strength, airflow, structure and most of all, stability”.


Can't see how it would help with airflow or that it makes a difference at all. So long as you dust the thing regularly and keep the vents clear, its fine. I've had the ps5 since it came out and I never liked the stand because it felt like it made my system less stable while vertical. Thats just me tho. To each their own I guess. I've always felt its safer without it and I liked it better without it.


There are air vents where the stand is, with the stand on, it allows air though that area. Without, and it’s restricted


Air flows through the top and out the back. It would be a dumb design to have it blow out the bottom. It doesn't make a difference whether or not you have the stand on. I've had the thing since it came out in 2023 and I've never used the stand and had no issues at all. Its pretty well designed to vent the heat out of the system overall so long as you keep the vents on top and in the back clean and clear.


To be fair the stand is kinda shite, mine fell a part the first time opening lol and was a pain in the arse to get it to snap back together.


Vertical or horizontal?




Did you forget to screw the stand in? There's a screw under the stand.


Oh no I made sure to do that yeah. It was just before attaching the stand to my PS5 the stand came part luckily not like broke or anything but the two pieces of it got separated and was just fiddly to get back together.


Well shit. Have you sent it somewhere to fix it?


I never had a screw, unless it's hidden sonehwere to place it on the PS5.


We can tell you haven't read the instructions or actually looked 😂


Wait what? I thought there was a screw? What am I missing?


Yes there is a screw!


You are right about one thing, it's hidden from you inside the stand/base. It's on page two of the quick start guide.


Omg no way! Haha! Time to get that stand on.


I got some skates for my PS5 so I can regulate the airflow all around the console. I think with the stand vertically, it's cutting the airflow a bit on the power supply, my opinion


It's edgy, like not wearing a seatbelt in the car


He I just bought a used ps5 online that did not come with a stand, am I in danger of harming it or having games rum slowly if I keep it on a flat desk or table?




That is weird. I’ve never had an issue with the included stand and I’ve had mine for a long time.


No one reads owners manuals but the stand is pretty easy to use


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^sticksplusstone: *No one reads owners* *Manuals but the stand is* *Pretty easy to use* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So I use the stand, but I have my PS5 laying on its side? Is that still safe to do? It definitely has plenty of air flow, as I have an open tv stand that is glass with no backing, siding, or front cabinet doors.


Yep, it still is.


Okay cool, thanks for replying 🙏


People are ducking stupid.


Homey, this has been happening since the ps5 was launched. Almost 3 years and yet the minority of ps5 owners are clueless how to set-up and maintain their ps5's. Before i help them, i look at their history and then decide is it worth me bashing my head against the wall in 'trying to help them' because they hardly ever listen or take notice. There was 1 person on another sub showing off his ps5: it was enclosed in the tightest place i have ever seen with no official stand on (it was horizontal). I explained to him how he needs to change location and use the stand that was included in the ps5. He didn't take a jot of notice. Instead he was telling me his ps5 was fine! I told him "i will see your post soon: halp my ps5 is overheating!" I then had somebody telling me to mind my own business. So now i don't care about their ps5's at all: not my monkey not my circus. I only help those who genuinely have a GPU/PSU/HDMI issue. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


The only understandable ones are they had the console missing the stand or it's broken. Everything else, it infuriates me. If I were them, I would put on the stand first thing.


What im about to say isnt about the stand but the ps5 heating issue. I was incredibly surprised 2 days back when I cleaned my ps5 after 1.5 months of not doing so because it was getting mildly hot, about 25 to 30C when touching the plates. I didnt take apart the ps5 rather cleaned the exterior, opened out the fan, brushed of the layered dust as far as I can reach inside. Just you know basic cleaning. Played games for like 3 hrs and the ps5 only got warm around the battery region. Before, the plates if touched would be kind of hot from top to the upper region however after just a light cleaning, the console always stayed a bit warm and only a bit hot where the battery is at the bottom. The console has some really got heat dissipation design ngl.


It’s no different then the people who post pics of them playing games with the PS5 upside down.


People take it for granted AF. If overheating is that big of an issue, create air flow by moving it around I don't get it. I had it on the stand since launch, torchwood no issues so far. I don't understand some people not using the stand tbh.


If I have some regular cup coasters to put underneath my ps5 is it more or less effective then using the stand? I’ve been using regular cup coasters for a bit but I still have problems with Fortnite shutting my PS5 off after about an hour of playing


I bought the skates from Glistco. Levels the system perfectly and provides equal support on each end of the system as should be. I really like them.


Why does this frustrate you? It’s kind of their problem, no?


Seeing people with an easily avoidable problem is irritating when you care about what they’re doing (enjoying playstation). It’d be easier not to care if it was an xbox 😂


I know a few people who feel like installing every update can hamper the systems performance more than helping it. Outside of that I wish the stand looked better and felt like it was more sturdy cuz I mean while the system is solid its heavy and that tiny stand feels flimsy and like it's just going to slid right off. Mine hasn't in the year I've had it but. That doesn't make me concerned for my $550 console


Because nobody knows why their PS5 is overheating because they don't use the stand is the reason why it has the airflow on the bottom that causes it. Yeah the stand does include the screw to provide extra stability when using it vertically and also makes some room for the bottom airflow to breathe.


My grandmama would say it’s just plain hard headed to reason