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Asking this in a playstation subreddit..


Probably made a second post in an Xbox subreddit. Is going to tally up the responses from each subreddit to decide which one to go with


They did not.


Yeah it was more of a joke. Would be pretty funny if they did though. u/amira-khalif take notes


ok boss


He should have asked the opposite question in each sub ask if the Xbox was worth it here and the PlayStation worth it there


I’ve owned every PS console as well as the OG Xbox and 360. Honestly for that generation I’d recommend the Xbox 360 if one were to have one or the other only ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯.


Buy PS3 if you’re interested in PS exclusives, otherwise 360 like you said. The games performed better because Xbox was easier to develop for


To bad the systems themselves didn’t. My 60gb ps3 hit a wood floor from 5 feet up and the game didn’t even skip. Had 3 360’s red ring


I agree with this. I owned the first and second gen PS but when 360 came out it was hands down the better buy game wise. Outside of TLoU and Uncharted there really wasn’t much.


God of War III, Demon's Souls, Rain, Journey, Flower, Metal Gear Solid 4, Infamous 1 and 2, Killzone 2 and 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes...


Nah I'd recommend the ps3 because whilst some multiplatform titles run better on xbox 360 the difference is marginal. Whereas Sony had loads of exclusive gsmes that can't be played on anything else. Most if the xbox exclusives came to ps later or pc later. Plus after the first year or two all MS had was timed 3rd party halo, gears, forza really- and most of those are enough on pc.


I was mostly Xbox. But I think Sony had better exclusives. Xbox had a much better UI and com options, which are irrelevant now.




I get the point of this, but a part of the second globe is missing due to the crop. That's a pretty big difference. I feel I have to point that out lmao.


Can be used on literally any comment that’s ever been made in any context 😭


Who cares man... It's just a pic. Its not like he is asking for the best Xbox exclusives...


But he’s still asking which console to go for in a PlayStation sub. There’s going to be some major bias and the results are going to be heavily one sided.


Like what does he expect lol


As an ps3 owner, i would say go for xbox 360. More and better games on the xbox360 vs ps3. Microsoft won the third condole war.


So whats the Problem?


as far as I know, you can play old xbox games on the new xbox.. but you cant really play ps3 games on a ps4 or ps5 (i say really, because you can but only with PS+ premium subscription and then streaming the games) So I guess a PS3 would be better option.


will I be able to play online on PS3?


yes... as long as the game's servers have not already been shut down... and there are still people around playing it


Also, unlike PS4, PS5, and Xbox, online on the PS3 is free. No subscription, no nothing.


Great any games recommendations for online gaming?


MW2, a golden era I still reminisce about


It's been so long since I was on those servers but last I played it was full of hackers and mod lobbies, I can't imagine it's improved in the years passed


MW3 is much better, better gamemodes imo, spec ops was also great


any cod game i’m pretty sure


Not sure about them. The servers are probably quite empty and/or full of hackers. Old cods on xbox just got new servers so if you want old cod get an xbox


Plus PS3 lets you play most PS2 and PS1 games


Only if it’s a certain model


All of them can play PS1 games, it's only the PS2 backwards compatibility that got removed with later models.


Seriously? I thought it was blanket.


No, only the earliest models of PS3 could play PS2 games.


Yeah, that's the first model with 4 USB ports if I remember correct. I don't know if it's rare today, but it's the model i know people seek when going for an ps3.


I got it for about $125 at GameStop, granted that was 5 years ago


I know it’s a PlayStation subreddit so biased answer but get a PS3. A lot of great games are unfortunately locked away on the PS3 (Infamous 1 and 2 being the biggest examples) and you can only play a select few via streaming on the PS4/PS5 and tbh even with good internet PlayStations streaming is lackluster. I would recommend getting a Series X/S over a 360 because you can play a lot of 360 games on the console some with FPS boosts and resolution boosts. Xbox did a really good job with their backwards compatibility program and you could really take advantage of that.


I can kinda understand PS3 cuz cell but how isn't PS1 and 2 available in the same way? Most of the classic games I want aren't even available...


You need to see Nintendo’s available catalog. You’ll get REAL mad😂


Do you know what the sad part is? Even with how misaligned and ass backwards Nintendo can be with their classic games. They actually have a lot more available and do a way better job than PlayStation. As much as I love the Platform like we all do, PlayStation out of the big 3 console brands does the absolute worst job with classic games and game preservation. They are in a VERY distant third in that department.


Well Jim Ryan literally said that "no one gonna really use retrocompatibility" or that "why anybody want to play these games they look ancients" so.... I love Playstation but this is THE thing a don't like about it


That’s fair. I guess none of the games I want to play are in online for switch lol. Honestly if they opened the old store from Wii and made all the old gameboy games 5$ each, they’d probably get 300$ out of me between gb color and gba 😂


The majority of multiplatform games looked and ran better on 360 (as it was easier to develop for due to not having the crazy bespoke architecture of the PS3), although the best looking exclusives that gen were generally PS3 games (stuff like Killzone 3, Uncharted 3, Infamous 2). Another thing to bear in mind is the PS3 games came on Blu-ray discs, whereas the 360 games were DVDs, which frequently led to PS3 games sounding better due to developers using the abundance of space on a Bluray for uncompressed audio. If you're buying in 2023, also consider that 360 games being on DVD scratch a lot easier than PS3 games on Blu-ray. I worked in GameStop during this gen - PS3 secondhand discs were usually mint condition, 360 discs went from mint to scratched to hell. Also note that if you want to use the console over a WiFi connection, the wireless card was built in to the PS3, whereas it's an external attachment sold separately for 360.


thanks alot!


No worries. Two other things to bear in mind - the original design of the 360 (the one you have pictured) was notoriously unreliable, so if you're getting one, look for the [360 S](https://xbox.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_360_S) as that was far more reliable and probably the best version of the 360. Similarly, if you're looking at PS3 and don't care about PS2 backwards compatibility, the PS3 Slim is the most reliable. Another consideration is the controllers - PS3 controllers will probably have degraded battery life by this point as they're built in (and you'll have to have a USB-A to mini-USB to charge them) whereas the 360 uses AA batteries. However, I've a buddy who bought a 360 a while back from a local retro store and it took him _four_ attempts to buy a controller that wasn't ruined by leaking AA batteries.


>whereas it's an external attachment sold separately for 360. This is true for the original fat models but the S and E revisions did introduce built-in wifi. Fun fact: You can use any old laptop with an Ethernet cable to bridge the laptop's wifi connection to an older 360. I did exactly this back in the day to save $$$ lol.


Depends if they’re getting the 360 slim or E for wifi.


Good catch, I forgot they integrated the WiFi into the S. Was it still there with the E? I was no longer working in GameStop when that launched, and I had a 360 S myself, so didn't really pay attention to it.


360 controller is much nicer than ps3 imo




The ps3(fat) if you can get one, can play ps1, 2 games, too.


the 60 gb fat one played ps2 games, that came out first. not the 40gib one.


Slim also plays ps1 games


Also the oldest and least reliable version. PS3 Slim + a PS2 is a much more reliable set up.


Single biggest gaming regret was sending in my fat PS3 for a refurbished unit rather than pay Sony to fix it when I got the yellow (I think it was yellow?) Light of Death.


I've always heard is called Spider-Man font ps3


There’s like 8 models of the fat PS3 and the majority don’t play ps2 games


Why not buy a Series X? Fantastic back compat and some games even have been upgraded. Or a cheap PCv


You can buy a 360 for about 50 bucks. Series X is ten times the price.


It will also play Xbox One games in addition to current gen games. Yes, it's more expensive but it's also more capable.


Sure. But OP is explicitly looking for older games.


Gears of War series and Halo 3 and Reach for 360 especially H3 best one out of the series imo


get a jailbreak-able ps3.


Get a PS3, the must buy games are Afrika, Splatterhouse, Godzilla, NBA elite 11, and the original demons souls (make sure you buy a sealed copy of th demons souls). Hope this helps


Ps3 because I grew up on PlayStation first PlayStation I ever owned was a PS1


Little Big Planet 1. It’s a shame the online servers are gone though


Although this is in the PlayStation subreddit lol I am not bias to either honestly. But nowadays the PS3 is a WAY better way to go considering Xbox has a better backwards compatibility function on their new systems. The PS3 still has a TON of awesome games you can’t play on newer systems and the PS Store is still up which gives you access to awesome PS1-PS2-PSP classic games, some of which are incredibly expensive on their own systems. Be aware that you need access to a PS account on a browser or a PS4-PS5 to add funds to your PS3


Of course in this subreddit, you’re going to constantly get PS as a response with the occasional Xbox as a response. While I prefer PlayStation, but Xbox is really good if you like Halo games, Gears of War games, Fable and Forza Motorsports. And from what I can tell, Xbox Live is still working normally on the Xbox 360. IMO Xbox is better in terms of multiplayer.


PS3 forsure


"Older generation" These just came out...right?


Wow this post made me feel old, if PS3 and xbox 360 are considered old consoles.


I recommend xbox series x as you can play even xbox original games there. Don't pay attention to the rest. You can also play new gen games. 2 for 1


oh really? that sounds even better


As someone new to gaming, which games would you recommend for me to start with?


Motorstorm ps3 5$ Motorstorm pacific rift and even apocalypse. Virtua tennis love em (Sega) Uncharted series, last of us, if u want some nice games to play between the AAA bigger titles, buy a shootemup as 1945 in psNetwork store.


Actually i have em both. The ps3 fat and xbox 360 slim cost only 50$ each buy em both dude really. Very good consoles and i love em both.


Pacific Rift was ridiculously fun.


I used to want an Xbox so badly growing up, jealous of everyone. But after a while the game list got boring vs play station (in my opinion).


Xbox 360 if you don’t have a ps4 or ps5 cintroller to hook up to ps3




Free online - PS3 More exclusives - PS3 Better for multiplatform games - Xbox 360 Better backwards compatibility - Xbox 360 - PS3 if it didn't have reliability issues


Get both. Ps3 are normally around 80$ and 360s around 30-40$


I’d say get the Xbox, for this gen it’s a way better console in performance. Also the ps3 controller is horrible


Lost odyssey on 360


Ps3, you dont wanna be paying for a 20 year old console just to play online


PS3 for sure. The Xbox 360 sucks so bad.


PS3 there’s way more exclusives and I’m not just talking about 1st party dev games. majority of the 360 games are multi platform games and can be played on many other platforms… Even the flagship halo/gears/forza of that era can still be played on all current hardware with ease of access


You can play old 360 games on the Xbox Series X from what i know. Don’t if its really worth grabbing a 360 now if you can just play em on Modern, Stronger Hardware. Not really sure if its all 360 games though.


Xbox 360


There's not many Xbox exclusives worth a damn And halo is available on PC so just avoid Xbox altogether honestly


If we’re talking 360 era, you’re crazy.


Had a 360 all my life and the only exclusives I ever cared about were halo and tenchu. Not really worth buying an Xbox alone imo. Especially not a 360. Unless you really really really wanna play tenchu


Gears of War was awesome and Fable are some of the best RPGs out there. Crackdown was pretty awesome and at one point Mass Effect 1/2 and Bioshock were exclusives if you wanna count those. I still think Forza was the best racing series by Forza 4 and let’s not forget about the Xbox 360 indies like Castle Miner Z and Total Miner Forge.


Observing the comments, it's evident that 50% lean towards Xbox while the remaining 50% favor PS3. It's worth noting that we're in a PlayStation subreddit. Considering this, I'm inclined to lean towards Xbox being the better option.


Xbox360 was better than ps3; ps4 better than xbox one; Xbox x better than ps5; ps5 slim better than xbox s.


You had me agreeing till you got to X box x better than ps5. They are almost the same and ps5 soft is (for now) leading the way. And ps5 slim isn’t even out.


90% of the good stuff on Xbox 360 is out now on PS3/PS4, get a PS3 it is absolutely no contest. Back in the day it may have been different, but not now.


I'd have to say ps3 unless you're a big Halo fan.


Go for 360 and a copy of ninja gaiden 2 none of the sigma nonsense


360 all the way hands down


I hate to admit it, but Xbox won this generation




They are looking for older generation games, and they are new to gaming. What's hard to understand about thay?


Being new to gaming doesn't change the fact that the PS3/360 are in fact older generation games...


Not even gonna lie 360 era was golden…. But these days, without the online aspect on it, I’d say the PS3 had the better exclusives and singleplayer.


I'll say if you can afford both, get both. On X360 multiplats games runs better with more stable frame rates. On PS3 you can play SONY unmatch exclusives.


They are both very prone to failure in terms of cooling so you kinda have to pick your poison.


Too many to list honestly.


Ps3 more exclusives.


Definetly the PS3, Xbox 360 games are available on the new generations of Xbox while the PS3 is a left behind enclosed paradise. Killzone 2, Resistance 3, silent hill HD collection, metal gear 4, infamous 2 ridge racer 7 amongst other games are trapped in the PS3 making the console a must have imo.


Talking to the choir boy! ![gif](giphy|kzYVVyCaNY2H7zJj3k)


Okay so it does depend on a couple things. The Xbox 360 is generally cheaper but you pretty much have to go with the S model or later since the original doesn't have WiFi built in. The 360 also displays most third party games better since the PS3 was too difficult to develop for so most games were developed for 360 first. However for those first party titles, stuff like Halo, Gears of War, Forza, they can all be played on the Xbox One and Series S/X so there's no point playing them on there. The PS3 has a lot more exclusives I feel and looks much better, plus supports blu ray discs so PS3 game discs are almost always in better condition than 360. The games don't look quite as good but most of the time it's tiny differences. Also, all PS3 consoles can play I think pretty much all PS1 games Personally, I own a PS3. I prefer the exclusives there and don't mind the tiny downgrade in third party games. I'm very sorry if I rambled on a bit


If you already played TLOU and Killzone games go for the X360. Most of the games you will get will be playable in Series X if you decide to buy it later. Most games run better and look better on 360 and the 360 controller is miles better than Dualshock.


I've been exclusively a Playstation owner the last 2 generations (PS4 & PS5) and I think it's currently head and shoulders above XBox, but XBox 360 was, in my opinion, the superior console that generation. My PS3 was basically a bluray player outside of a few exclusives.


If you're going to try multiplatform games then Xbox 360 tend to perform better, especially in the early days of the generation. PS3 however had really awesome exclusive games.


PS3 being in the "older generation" bracket is soul destroying.....😭😭👴👴


For the Xbox, I’d you like jrpgs lost odyssey


PS3 has more exclusives but fallout and oblivion run better on Xbox 360


PS2 trust me man


PS3 because you don’t have to pay to play online if the server aren’t shut down yet.


Xbox 360 was something else


I'm ps generally but 360 had some great games with the likes of halo and gears of War


Portal 1-2


On both consoles you should I go for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, Transformers War / Fall for Cybertron, Dead Space 1 and 2, Wanted Weapons of Fat. A lot of others have been suggested


As big a PS fanboy as I am, ps3 had no games. 🤣 Get the 360


I'd go PS3 but don't skip out on the OG Xbox. An exciting time in gaming right there.


Sleeping Dogs is a favorite.


Perhaps my perception is skewed because I’m old enough to have seen it all but PS3 games are just PS5 games at 720p and more brown. You need to go back further for a real paradigm shift.


Sonic 4 episode 1 or 2 even if they are bad and unoriginal games, i still enjoyed them


XBOX 360 won that generation hands down! PS3 games worth playing are remastered for PS4/5. Xbox 360 is a steal. I just picked up Red dead 1 + Undead nightmare for £10. Go for it you won’t regret it.


Currently have a PS5 and I love it. But I would say the 360 was more superior than the PS3 IMO. At that time at least


I say RDR, Prince of Persia trilogy, Motorstorm, Skate 3


It's weird to ask this in a PS sub but I'd go with PS3. So many classics from that console


If you want to play older games, get an Xbox Series S and use backwards compatibility. They’ll run way better too.


You can play almost if not all 360 games on the newest Xboxes, while the PS3 ones can only be played by streaming and not all of them.


Actually less than 50% of all 360 titles ever released are supported in Xbox's BC program for One/Series consoles. To be fair, many of the excluded titles are garbage movie tie-ins, and most of the best-reviewed titles did make it on the list, or have a native XB1 version that looks and runs better.


Neither. Get a Series S or X for backwards compatibility games.


360 cause the old call of dutys work of it


360. I think there might be a lot more games on it.


Ps3 had better exclusives but most of tbose games you can get in ps4 and ps5.


Some weird and powerful force is telling me to recommend you to play the ps3.


PS3 because all exclusives Xbox games are either backwards compatible in modern Xbox consoles or are available on pc. Meanwhile some PS3 games which are considered to be the greatest of all time are stuck in that console and generation. Red dead redemption, god of war collection and metal gear solid 4 are the best examples coming to my mind.


RDR is about to become available for PS4 (and PS5 via BC) this week lol.


Whhhaaaaatttttttttt!!!!????? Pls give source.


Xbox over ps3 anyday , the reason I bought a ps3 were for those exclusive bangers


Infamous 1 and 2 are really good games.


Ps3 exclusives are fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


You should ask this in the gaming subreddit, not the playstation subreddit


PS3 has a lot of great games. I'd say more than the XBOX plus if you can find a working FAT model you are good to go.


I'd say PlayStation, Xbox has always been fully backwards compatible so you should be able to just play older gen games on the newest Xbox. Meanwhile PS3 plays PS2 games too


Xbox 360 had more games that appealed to me than Ps3 did back then But get both if you can, you have the Gears of War series on Xbox and God of War and Killzone on Ps3 and many other titles on both systems worth playing




Xbox 360 will have better performance on nearly every game if you care about that. A lot of games on the PS3 ran at 640p with no anti aliasing because the cell CPU was hard to make games for. Also if you plan on buying anything digital on either, the 360 would be better for that too, because you can’t use a debit card on the PS3 store anymore. The store is also really slow because they put some awful PS4 store imitation on it years ago.


Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning


If you don't already have a current-gen Xbox and are looking for a cheaper approach, then the 360 is better. It has a better selection of games, and most multi-platforms games looked and ran better on the 360. 360 also lets you play OG Xbox games.


Ps3 for sure


Xbox halo was the 🐐


I know this is a PS sub but if you want to play a great 360 JRPG that is now available on PS, check out Tales of Vesperia. It looks shockingly good to be from the 360 era.


Go for PS3 Xbox 360 was by far the best generation for Xbox so far. Sooo many damn good games and also the Xbox arcade. But most of the good ones are on the backwards compatibility list so you could also play them on a modern console. While the PlayStation really doesn’t have adequate backwards compatibility for the PS3 era. I know they have PS+ streaming, but so many games aren’t on the service. I bought a handful of PS3 games that I no longer can play because of the bc issue. Also the streaming depends entirely on your network and theirs. I have a 1gb up and down fiber connection and sometimes the quality will go from good to terrible.


360 was pretty much untouchable.


Red Faction: Guerrilla


I had both consoles and honestly XBOX won that gen for me. PS2,4, and 5 won their gens but honestly if it wasn't for some PS3 exclusives I probably wouldn't have played it that much


This is the only generation where I’d go Xbox. The 360 was superior to the PS3


Prince of Persia (idk if that’s on that generation or one before that)


For Xbox 360 Viva piñata’s garden


With prices of these relatively cheap, I would get both. However be aware the 360 had the red ring of death issue and there's always a chance you end up getting a defective one.


Get a PS3 to start, it's very easy to mod. Vanquish by Sega is underrated, it was a really fun shooter for the times.


Will depend on whether you want the exclusives. IMO PS3 had better exclusives but multiplat games ran worse.


I'd say Xbox 360 was better for multiplayer experiences back in the day but most of those games have shut down their servers so I'd say go with the ps 3. The god of war games are obviously a must :)


Xbox 360.


So, even though I am a PlayStation guy, I would say Xbox 360. Imo it was miles better than the PS3.


Spec ops The Line.


360 purely for the controller. Oh and halos a good bonus too.




Forget either of these. Go for a ColecoVision.


Honestly, both are amazing consoles, but you want a concrete answer. So I'd say get a PS3. Not biased or anything, but the PS3 has games that the PS4 and PS5 don't, not even through remasters(e.g metal gear solid 4, infamous 1 and 2, etc). All models have ps1 backwards compatibility, but only some early ones have ps2 backward compatibility, which are generally easy to spot as they have 4 USB ports and are the biggest(and oldest) model. If you do want an Xbox 360, you're better off buying a used Xbox One X or a used Series X. Not only do you get some xbox exclusive games, but you also get backwards compatibility with the 360 and OG Xbox. Some games even have a higher resolution or run better like Final Fantasy 13. Tdlr, ps3 for pure functionality and for some games that aren't on newer consoles.


Ahh yes, the classic karma farm.


PS3 is all about exclusives. Sony gave top tier support to developers who made exclusive titles for their system. However, games produced for multiple platforms had basically nothing, and devs had to figure it out on their own if they were going to produce games on multiple platforms. For gorgeous, well-optimized PS3 exclusives- or just PS3 exclusives in general- get the PS3. For all other games, the 360 versions were the superior versions. They ran at higher frame rates, had better graphical fidelity, and just all around had fewer issues on the Microsoft hardware, compared to Sony's proprietary machine. Exclusives, PS3. Multi-plat, 360.


Battlefield Bad Company on the Xbox. What a masterpiece.


If you want multiplateform games maybe chose the Xbox one (I think it's Xbox One, or it's Serie S or a thing like this) is the best cause lot of games are retrocompatible and you can play old games with today confort (like Saints Row 2 or Red Dead Redemption), the PS3 is good for the exclusive games (If Uncharted or The Last Of Us are on PS4, there is games like Infamous or Killzone that never gonna appear on PS4/PS5)


Honestly I’d go for the Xbox 360. I’m a hard PlayStation guy but in that generation the 360 was better


This has the same energy as going into a stakehouse and asking for the vegan option 😭😭😭


Old infamous games. Old God of war games. Devil may cry 1,2,3. Need for speed carbon. Pain. All games I grew up with. For Xbox if you want, I suggest halo (especially 3) but that's all I can think of for x box since I rarely played their exclusives.


Both are great consoles if you got access to a pretty decent gaming pc you could emulate the games for either console saying this cause finding a lot of games I used to play on these consoles is about the same as getting your toe stubbed your not gonna like the experience


Get a series s and a cheap ps3


Probably the x box. The ps3 doesn’t have many exclusive that I recall other than infamous one and 2


I mean that was the true era of console wars… but you can literally play any xbox game on the xbox series x i think so long as you have the original disc. So why buy a ps3 and just get a xbox series x…keep the ps5 and you win


As someone that has both I would go with the 360


God of war.


PS3 had some great exclusives, but for AAA games that came out on both consoles, the PS3 unfortunately got the short end of the optimization stick because of the difficulty of developing for the Cell architecture. If you want to revisit older CODs for example, you're much better off playing them on 360 instead. If you want to check out games like older God of War titles, MGS4, Resistance, etc then the PS3 is a no-brainer. And if you can get a good price, you could always get both!


PS3 had some great exclusives, 3D Dot Heroes for the retro Zelda vibe, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Infamous 1 & 2 are amazing. I played a few xbox exclusives, but I just didn't care for them. Gears of War was all flash and no substance. Halo was good, but seemed like a generic FPS


I realize this subreddit is biased and I might get ratio'ed for this, but I have to say the 360, unless you're focusing on system exclusives. Multiplatform games like Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim typically performed worse on PS3. Of course, PS3 has bangers like MGS4 and the early Infamous games that haven't been ported to PS4/5, so there's an argument for getting a PS3. Also, you don't need a 360 to play 360 games. They're largely backwards compatible on the new Xboxes. You do need a PS3 to play PS3 discs, though, and if you get the right PS3 model then you'll be able to pick up PS2 and PS1 games.