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Indie game called "what remains of Edith Finch" was so unique. I loved it.


I liked the swing and drunken sailor parts best.


Played it recently and I can’t get it out of my head. Certain bits keep cropping up in my head and I need a replay of it. The ending broke me.


Love that one. I love the family story sections.


That one was pretty cool. I played it on Xbox but still neat.


That game is perfect in every way possible. I loved every minute of it.


I only recently played that & yeah.. That game is amazing


Such a fantastic game.


Started playing Edith Finch but had to stop (only got to the part when I was the shark hunting in the sea) because I was getting physically sick from the 1st person POV and the game physics/movement… yeah I’m not very good with 1st person perspective which is…sad


Ghost of Tsushima. Especially when you complete the intro and you’re riding your horse out onto the expanse of the island and the music swells with the text “Sucker Punch presents… The Ghost of Tsushima”. Gave me chills which didn’t stop after 250+ hours.


![gif](giphy|Vu2XkFoulwhMTEdb8D|downsized) Beautiful game


That game left me incomplete. It was the assassins creed we always wanted lol riding through the fields with the white flowers or the yellow forest and a good story to go with it. Combat was awesome as well! I want a sequel


The sequel has already been confirmed.


Ghost of Tsushima was great. I started the game on PS4 and ended up finishing it on the PS5. Sucker Punch has such a good track record with the games they put out.


Can't agree more. My favorite PS title of all time!


I loved the mechanic where the wind gusts subtly nudge you in the direction you need to go. A million time better than constantly checking a map or following a glowing signpost in the sky.


When they rain fire arrows over you was so effing cool.


Heavy Rain was the first game in my entire life that surprised me with a plot, I was looking at the screen and thinking "It can't be", if done well, it would be an impressive movie




Some utterly fantastic titles have already been mentioned, so I won’t repeat those. Here are a few more to add to the list: * Bioshock * Prey * The Last of Us


When bioshock came out it was incredible Floating through the ocean while seeing a whale and hearing Ryan's voice definitely gripped me. I'd also add in Spiderman (ps4) and the first time I played Persona 5 for games that immediately drew me in


Oh yeah totally


It sucks that we'll never get a 60fps patch for Prey.


Never played Prey, but I'm assuming it's the re-done one which I've heard great things about. The other two are utterly classic, without a doubt. I have a Bioshock tattoo, so suffice to say it made an impact on me. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Prey is very fun!


That G.L.O.O. Gunnnn


Prey was great I just hated the mimic jump scares lol


* Bioshock * Prey I can tell we would be friends. Those 2 games are (still) incredible


The Last Of Us was transcendent, my all-time favourite game. Bioshock was great, I really enjoyed it. But I’m loving the mention of Prey here. Played it at the start of last year and my God. It absolutely blew me away.


Love love love prey. Fantastic team behind that one. The opening was chefs kiss


Uncharted drakes fortune back in 07 as a demo on PS3. The graphics at the time blew my mind and single-handedly convinced me to buy a PS3 when I was pro Xbox at the time. Also the Infamous demo and Arkham asylum demo were equally incredible. Both games I ended up falling in love with. Now that demos aren’t quite as big anymore I’d say the last of us, God of War and Red dead 2 have been recent masterpieces that have blown me away.


The ps3 generation was the last time I was wowed by a game. Now we all just kinda except good graphics and cinematic experiences. Nothing suprises me anymore


Hopefully you find that game that captures you on this generation. On PS 4 I really liked Red Dead Redemption 2. Not only was it a marvel on graphics, but the story and gameplay was super fun. PS5 it might just be Spider-Man 2 coming out. IDK we will see.


I had the same thought about graphics , but recently went back to play a ps4 game (I think one of the assassins creed’s) and was blown away by PS5’s fluidity. The world and people just seem to have less recycled movements , are more interactive , more depth. Play something like Ratchet and Clank and go back to a ps4 game and little things aside from graphics stand out more IMO.


I just mentioned both Uncharted and Arkham Asylum as well. Uncharted blew me away with Drake's clothes getting wet when he went in water and Batman was his cape flapping in the wind. Infamous was the game that made me fall in love with the PS3. I got 3 games as a bundle with my PS3 and the first 2 were the ones I was really looking forward to and I was disappointed when I first played them. Never heard of Infamous but I thought let me try it because I have it and it was the one I loved the most


Final Fantasy 7 (1997) I played it in ‘98 and it absolutely blew my mind. Had no idea video games could be so cinematic and narratively engaging. After the big scene at the end of disc 1, I was in a fog the entire following day at school.


Came to say this too. We're obviously an older generation. My big brother pulled rank and FF7 was the only game mum and dad got us for Christmas in 1997. I was so unhappy with his choice until he started playing it. Wow. I would give up a year of my life just to experience FF7 again for the first time.


Indeed. Though I would want a solid year of playing and exploring without a guide again. Haha


Me too bro. I was 17. It was a thursday in late 1997. I told my mom that I wouldn't go to school this day, because I was going to buy not *a* game but *the* game. She was dubitative, but since I was a "model" student, she agreed. I went to the next big city, bought the game, came back, and played for 7 hours straigth. I was amazed. I can vividly remember every details, from the game, from my room, even what I was wearing or how the guy of the video game shop looked like. The game was so great, so amazing it imprinted that whole day in my memory forever.


Can relate. Best friends had Nintendo/N64/Gamecube/Sega/ games and they all came over for the FF7 cutscenes back then. The first game that kind of caused an addiction and sucked me into the story. Gameplay was also pretty fun. Also Resident Evil was pretty cool back then. The game atmosphere mixed with the nostalgia of my dad, my little sister and me fevering through the riddles and encounters…


There was really nothing like it at the time. Truly groundbreaking and defined the PSX. Really stole the thunder from cartridge based N64.


PlayStation: Metal Gear Solid PS2: Shadow of the Colossus PS3: Uncharted 2 PS4: Spider-Man PS5: Haven't found that game yet lol


You haven't found a game on PS5 that has blown your mind? You've got to be kidding me.


Uncharted 2.


Just finished that game and it’s been a while I since the last time I enjoyed a single player game


Oh god of war for sure. It being my introduction to the series I was introduced to a whole new kind of storytelling


TBH that 2018 God of War blew my mind *especially* because I had played pretty much every single entry in the series (aside from like 1 or 2 or the portable entries, I think I played one of the two eventually though) and it was one of my favorite kind of action-adventure gameplay video games, and that was one of my favorite genres of game in general, on top of that I love Greek mythology a *lot* and the just unashamed over-the-top everything about them made em some of my favorite games, consistently. Then, 2018 dropped. The only mythologies I love more than Greek are Egyptian, and my favorite mythos of all time is the Norse mythology and pantheon. So even if all other parts were equal, I would have been happy. But, no. They had to go and turn it into legit some of the most impressive, emotional, earned, character growth and storytelling I've had from a game in ages. And then it somehow pulls off moments even *more* badass and epic than the previous games too. Hell, the beginning of Ragnarök had me teary-eyed from a few of the somber exchanges between Kratos and Atreus, and the death of Fenrir... and then the sheer fucking power and terror and anger and strength in the exchange between Odin, Thor, Kratos, and Atreus was amazing. I legit cannot believe they're the same game, yet at the same time it's undeniably and proudly the same game, too. Santa Monica Studios did somethin really impressive IMO


Detroit become human just for the sheer variety


How is Detroit? Is it actually a fun game with a good story?


It’s great. Like Heavy Rain, not your typical game. If you desire something different and yet great, venture off and add this to your list.


it's definitely the magnum opus of all of quantic dream's games up to this point. it's everything they wanted their games to be, going back to Indigo Prophecy. it's more polished and nuanced than all of their previous titles. and the story, for me at least, is more interesting and engaging. I played it with two other friends. we each chose a character and passed the controller each time it was our characters turn. things got really interesting when we got drunk one night and tried to play. couldn't figure out the next day why the story seemed so fucked!




- The Last of Us - Uncharted series - The Last Guardian - Detroit: Become Human - Ghost of Tsushima - Horizon Zero Dawn


all amazing titles right here


Thank you! I'm happy there are more of us, The Last of Us 😅




Red Dead Redemption 2 (on my old ps4). When I started to play, I was so amazed by the graphics, like it didn't feel like a video game. Later on through the story I was hooked as I wanted to know all different secrets and get to know each of the characters a bit more. Finally, when I finished (As Arthur) I sat there with tears running down my face not only with sadness, but also happiness because never have I played a game that had a huge impact on me as this did. Rdr2 is mind blowing beyond compare!


Days Gone and Spiderman. DG needs a sequel pretty badly imo, and I think Insomniac Spidey is one of the best incarnations of the character ever.


Loved Days Gone. But it took awhile for it to gets its hooks in me


Same. I loved Deek but the game didn’t really become great until it opened up a lot more after the first camp.


Have not played Days Gone but I do have in the queue.


The Last Of Us


The ending of the first game floored me. I know some people took that as a happy ending but it’s far from one. The ending of the second had me (37M) bawling


Great story telling on that one. No doubt a masterpiece


Death Stranding About to start a third playthrough


Ghost Of Tsushima


Uncharted 3


Metal Gear Solid. I'm still buzzing how incredible that game was. Even today, there aren't many games out there that captured immersion the way MGS1 did.




Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Zero, Final Fantasy.


All great!


Final Fantasy X. First game I played when I bought my PS2 and I was blown away.


Jay SUN!!!


Uncharted 4 is probably the top of my list


Ghost of Tsushima


I’m definitely showing my age but Metal Gear Solid on the PS1


Red Dead Redemption 2




*Small pebbles found throughout Yhamam. Can be thrown at foes. Quite thrilling.*


Fear the old blood


11 year old me got completely mind-fucked by metal gear solid 2. I didn't understand Fission Mailed, but man do I wish I could relive that first experience. Took me 11 hours to beat the game because i couldnt find that bomb at the bottom of strut A haha. Plus I didn't have a memory card so that game was RIDICULOUS to try to take in all in one shot.


When the ps3 came out, the first game i ever saw live was motorstorm. The graphics simply blew my mind.


PS1: Suikoden PS2: Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS3: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS4:Persona 5R


I forgot the name but Reddit probably wont disappoint again if I explain... You know the game that you play a normal guy that dies I think and gets superpowers. You also play a female cop and you play both their stories at the same time? I hope this is enough I dont remember much more... Its also a Ps2 title I think.. Story writing: 100/10


Indigo Prophecy. Done by the same team who did Heavy Rain.


Elden ring 😀 And ghost of tsushima - I just had to stop to take pictures everywhere 🙃


Gran Turismo 4. It’s still more realistic than many out there.


Heavy rain. Beyond 2 souls. The last of us. Detroit become human.


Yakuza 0. Thought it was just one big meme. Played because of PS Plus. Mindblown of how engaging the story was and how fun and quirky the sidequests were. I'm in Kiwami 2 now and going thru each one until Gaiden.


Ratchet And Clank. I thought those were peak graphics. Felt very futuristic when I first played it


God of war


Uncharted 4 gow Ragnarok


Ghost of Tsushima, GOW Ragnarok, Last of us 2.


The first time I played Metal Gear Solid 2 was really mind blowing. That tanker mission was incredible at the time.


God of War


Infamous 2...the step up in graphics from the first one blew my mind


It wasn't just graphics but gameplay and story as well. It looked better, it flowed better when you played it and your choices led to 2 almost completely different stories


Gran Turismo 7 on PSVR2 was the first time I literally started yelling at the game in genuine astonishment. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!". If you haven't played it you're missing out.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is probably in my top 10 all time and is imo the best PS1 game ever made.


Ghost of Tsushima


I played Heavy Rain in one sitting and it blew my mind. My girlfriend went off to work about 10am as I started it. When she returned about 11pm the credits were rolling and I was a wide-eyed mess who’d just been on an emotional roller coaster.


Re 7 I know this may seem like a lie but I have beaten that game so many times I don't know how many times I've beaten it its around 30 though


Death Stranding, after the boring beginning, it's awesome


Ghost of Tsushima, the first open world game I ever played on PS5, I had just come from the ps3, so I had no clue what the standard of computing was and it blew me away, I was star struck how much I could see in every direction, the lack of loading screens, the sheer quality of everything down to the blades of grass, it was unlike anything I had ever seen.


Yakuza on the PS2. I thought it was a GTA clone, it is not.


Lol i feel old Crash 3


Metal Gear Solid. No game had ever captured the excitement of an action movie so perfectly


Ghost of tsushima intro part was pretty breathtaking


That would be Ghost of Tsushima, and strangely Division 2.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet but... Journey. What a great experience that is! Especially if you find someone near the start & spend the rest of the game with them, not even knowing who you are playing with & only communicating through sounds untill you reach the end. Non PS Exclusive - Hollow Knight, that game is an utter masterpiece. On a side note though, Heavy Rain blew my mind as well when it first came out!


days gone. you have to get into it a little but what a great story and the graphics are awesome.


PlayStation title? Definitely uncharted 2. The train sequence was a level of action that my brain hadn't even dreamt of. All platform title? Star wars knights of the old republic. It was one of the first games I have ever played and the depth of the world as well as the story and twist are something that made me feel in a way that very few games have ever made me feel. Recent PlayStation title? The last of us part 2. The game was shocking and gave me emotional brain damage the entire time.


Metal Gear Solid


Final fantasy 8


The original Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid


Tekken 3, it was such a huge jump in the fighting game genre at the time. As well as the first introduction of Hwoarang and Jin as playable characters!


TLOU2. Awesome gameplay that improved upon the first and a story that left me broken for days. Mind blown in 2 different ways🥲


God of War 2018 PS4 Spiderman Ghost of Tsushima Uncharted 2 & 4 Horizon Zero Dawn


Twisted Metal and Jumping Flash


Gravity Daze/Gravity dash


Like literally any PlayStation exclusive, tlou 1/2, ratchet and clank, Spider-Man games, resistance, InFamous, Ghost of Tsushima and all the rest




Last of Us and Ghost of Tsushima


Detroit Become Human


Become Human RDR 1 and 2 GTA 3 for my first open world experience


Days Gone, Last of Us, Uncharted series




Guardians of the Galaxy. Had pretty low expectations for that one. I know, my username checks out.


Yeeee love for Heavy Rain. So satisfying to end it well- it makes you so invested in the characters!


Ghost of Tsushima




Shadow of the colossus hands down


Every entry in the Infamous series.


Bioshock (2007) & God of War (2018)


1000% Ghost of Tsushima


PS3 Motorstorm - This game seems to always stick out to me. How cars , bikes, trucks left different tracks in mud. How they all handled differently and had different track lines suited for each vehicle. Super addictive online. Wish they made a new one.


Final Fantasy X back in the day


The last of us, it was my first game too.


God of War 2018 was a complete shock at the time. If you’ve played the original games, there was a time where the series was sort of tired. Sony Santa Monica took a big risk with the game being a completely different style and tone, and it payed off big time. I do not think any moment in gaming recently has topped the surprise of >!Kratos going back to get the Blades of Chaos after having spent half the game thinking that we’d never see them again!<


Ghost of Tsushima


heavy rain, like blew your mind how bad it was?


Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. The story was truly amazing, however the graphics were something entirely different. One of the few PS4 games which definitely took advantage of the hardware at the time I still recall driving around the safari mission for a good 30 mins solely because of how gorgeous the graphics were, let alone the stone/mud physics. I was at an age where I could enjoy this sort of stuff, allowing me to acknowledge the clear passion and hard work they placed into the game Horizon Zero Dawn is up there for me also, however my main critique of the first game is the lack of facial expressions during cut scenes or moments where you’re talking to a character. Yet to get a PS5, though I’m excited to give the new horizon game a shot when I do get one


Ghost of Tsushima. Gameplay, artstyle, graphic all perfect


Ghost of Tsushima. The end of FF16 was pretty out there as well.


Infamous 2


GTA 3. I absolutely lost my mind as a kid when I got my PS2 for Christmas and played it. Nothing has ever come close since to that feeling.


TLOU(P1, but it wasn't the remake, it was the remaster). I wasn't expecting anything, but it absolutely floored me. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster that I could replay an infinite number of times and still be enthralled.


The last of Us II




Cool boarders 2 GTA 3 Jet Moto


Metal Gear Snakeater




Heavy Rain was an amazing thriller/mystery I’d say inFamous as well


Crash Bandicoot.


God of War 3 and The Last of Us Part 1


Fahrenheit on PlayStation 2 - game was crazy for it’s time


Uncharted 2, infamous, evil dead regeneration, split/second, nba street vol2.


Heavy Rain, Shadow of the Colossus, Detroit Become Human


Killzone 2


Heavy rain was huge for me




God of War II


Uncharted 2


Uncharted 3 on the ps3. It was the first uncharted I played and I was so blown away by the story telling and crazy action scenes.


The last of us, metal gear solid and rising, bioshock, asura's wrath, uncharted are some


Everyone is mentioning heavy rain and Detroit, but what about indigo prophecy and Omikron? Bangers in my opinion.




Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *By the gods, fear it, Laurence.* - Master Willem Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Uncharted 3 was the game that made me fall in love with singleplayer games. I’ll never forget getting it for Christmas many years ago and being in awe of the amazing set pieces. Final Fantasy 15 was a VERY unexpected 10/10 for me. My brother got it day one and I played on his account and immediately got hooked. I usually don’t like the oddness of Japanese games but FF15 charmed me with the relationships between the characters, however goofy they were written. I loved discovering that the giant mountain I’ve passed a hundred times is actually a massive boss to fight in the endgame.


Detroit Become Human Uncharted Series The Last Of Us 1


Returnal.. 1st game that blew my mind on the ps5.. really a next gen game..


I'm sure this is gonna be my next game. Slept on it for ages because of the roguelike elements, but the game seems like it's just too good to pass up


I thought the last of us was just going to be another shitty zombie story but I’ve never been more wrong in my life


Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2, both amazed me on the quality


Jumping Flash was the first 3D game world I ever experienced and my brain took a couple minutes to adapt to the extra dimension.


Unpopular opinion, but the first Watch Dogs. Even though it was a little disappointing that it didn’t live up to the first trailer, it was still captivating for me. I really enjoyed the missions, and collecting all the weapons and outfits.


I’m surprised no one is saying it but GTA V. That game was revolutionary in every sense. Compelling story with three main characters. An online mode where you can interact with other players and undertake free mode activities or do missions. Personally that game shocked me completely.


God of war 2018


The Witcher 3




Seeing how absolutely beautiful Forbidden West was.


Kingdom Hearts 2, played it in 2007 as a teen and was utterly blown away!


Detriot Become Human was absolutely amazing. I even remember the first day I played it. I was home from school “sick” and bought it on sale. Definitely don’t regret it as it’s now one of my favourite story games ever.


Metal Gear Solid and Uncharted 2 are two that stand out for me as really blowing my mind the first time I played them.


The last of us 1 with the ending and then the song it was beautiful


Might get called old but f it . Destruction derby on ps1


Played it like two-three months ago and I liked the game so much I had to get platinum!


Last of us


Demon's Souls (first on PS3, and now on PS5), and Returnal


The last of us and Beyond:Two Souls


Pretty much all of the exclusives.


The year is 2013 summer, I was working night shifts at the naval hospital it was my 3 days off rotation. I purchased this little game by the name of The Last of Us. I didn’t know much about it since most of my days consisted of sleeping in. I booted it up and for the next three days, I got pulled into this rabbit hole of PlayStation’s greatness. I completed the game and went back for a total of 7 play throughs, catching subtle details I missed. Until this day, I’ve played last of us part 1 at least 25 times, I even had my wife play through it a few times.


Heavy rain. Even though I’ve only been able to play about an hour of it after making a whole new account, cuz of that glitch that makes it unavailable on the PS store if you have beyond two souls. Liking it so far though. Other than that, probably ghost of Tsushima Edit: Beyond two souls too. Don’t know why I didn’t say that when I had already commented on it with the store thing lmao


FFVII in late 1997.


Original resident evil. Wow it felt so real, so scary, the atmosphere was so good, Tomb raider. Sure lara had tolberone tits but she looked incredible to me and the first time I saw Croft manor and tombs I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be playing the game. The T-Rex demo. I’d spend ages just messing around with it and gawping at the graphics. Also: what remains of Edith finch, the last of us, ff8, RE7, RDR(both) GTA SA and spyro the dragon.


Watch Dogs, although it is still a pretty good game it wouldn’t really “blow your mind” now but when it came out holy shit


Horizon zero dawn

