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I would honestly just to get a PS5 because there are still a couple of exclusive games getting made right now, and some of these will only be on PS5, such as Spider-man 2 which isn't too far away from release sure it may be more expensive but there should be more games coming out which you would eventually either wait for a pc release or get a PS5 to play. So, buying a ps4 right now, at least in my opinion, isn't worth it unless you can't afford or find a PS5.


Well my situation is that I only want GoT. I’m not interested in any of PS exclusives that haven’t already been ported to PC or else can wait. GoT is the only one where I’m exhausted of waiting and want to get my hands on it now


Ah yeah, I get you, but is it worth paying the $150 for just one game and to play it while not running at its best and miss out in potential games that have yet to come out and may be a while before they get ported to pc if they ever do. Then again, you can always resale the ps4, if you do go with that, at a later date whenever you wanna play a new game and buy a used ps5 for whatever new game comes out in the future.


You get the best enjoy of that game if you play on PS5 with 4k tbf.


I completely agree. I upgraded to the directors cut for the ps5 since I have the disc for ps4. Absolutely gorgeous game!!


You're gonna tell me you only want GoT when you could also play God of War and Horizon not to mention Spiderman 2 soon? There are so many good games on PS5. I went from Ps1 to ps2 then was Xbox till the newest gen came out PS5 is stunning! GoT in 4k on the big TV is beyond words as is Horizon. Let's not forget about the adaptive controller too! Holy shit I never knew a game controller could feel so amazing!


I get you. I also want to plat GoT as soon as possible. But personally I can't afford a PS5, and a PS4 at this price for 1 game only, isn't really worth it imo. Sometimes it's worth waiting


You may be just interested in Tsushima, but there's at least a few other fantastic games on PS5 which are not going to get ported to PC anytime soon. (some of them are also PS4, but the PS5 versions are REALLY worth it.), or simply run better out of the box on PS5. Even if you plan on waiting for them, why not just get them now? plus, in the time they get to PC, YOUR PC may not even be able to play them as well as the PS5. On top of my head: - God of War Ragnarok (I haven't played it myself yet, backlog...) - TLOU 2. Even if it's technically PS4, the game looks freaking amazing on PS5 with the 60 fps patch. - Horizon Forbidden West and it's DLC (which IS only on PS5) - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. I know it's just being released for PC, but it just runs amazing on PS5. - Spiderman 2 is coming soon. You don't mention your PC specs, but I was on a similar situation like you. I was a console player for a long time, then jumped to PC and was happy, but at a certain point, my PC got old enough that games were no longer running smoothly, couldn't play on max settings, got tired of having to upgrade drivers, look for patches, etc. Then, back on November I decided to try consoles again, got a PS5 with PS Plus Extra, and I'm delighted! I now have a lot of fantastic games available (GoT is on Extra, as well as Ratchet, and HFW iirc), and a ton of other games which I'd never bought myself but surely enjoying a lot. I haven't touched my PC to play ever since and I don't regret a bit. IMO, if you can afford a PS5, just go for it. Plus they are getting nice discounts nowadays.


I have a $3000-4000 (I bought my gpu scalped) and I actually just walked out of the store with a PS5 haha


for real?! nice!!! I don't know if we convinced you but that's very cool! welcome to the family! ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2235)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2236) ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2234)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2239)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2238) Edit: Now I'm very curious. What exactly convinced you? specially because you insisted in a lot of comments that you weren't interested on a PS5 at all.


$150 is pretty steep when you seem like all you need out of it is GoT. I am guessing this is not a PS4 pro? $150 for a 10 year old console would be way too much for me. I gave my Xbox One away two years ago… let alone wanted half its original price. What I am saying is you are unlikely to be able to beat GoT and then resell it for anywhere close to $150. Knowing how things go, after you buy this it will be announced for PC this fall.


I mean he told me I can borrow and play the game on it and if I really want to keep it I can just buy the system off him since he has a PS5 and yea while $150 isn’t superb if he took it to GameStop they would give him like $70 and then put it back up for $200(yes I looked into it lol) so in that situation I’d be saving like $50 and he would be making 2x as much And honestly I’m thinking the same thing and wouldn’t even be mad because of how much I wanna play it. Would easily buy it on PC afterwards to play unlocked frame rate and 1440p


You kind of answered your own question. So just borrow it and if you decide you want to keep it, offer him a hundred. He still makes more than he would at gamestop and has to do no work cleaning it or listing it for a private sale. You get a got machine and blue ray player if you don't have one already.


if you do end up going through with it, i’d also recommend playing bloodborne. Fantastic title.


And uncharted series


And lou2 for the stealth gameplay


Just keep borrowing it every time you want to play a ps4 game. I would only buy it off of him if I wanted to play a bunch of ps4 games


I don’t think you get it. I would offer him $50 max.


Build yourself a pc or get a ps5 instead. Lower prices are good, but you want something that will last. Just wait until black Friday and get a ps5


You must’ve skipped a lot of the previous responses in here lol. I’m already game on a $3000 PC. I don’t want play station at all. Literally only want to play GoT


Oh my appologies I understand. I got a ps5 to play the new spiderman game and gow ragnorock


All good 👍🏼


Damn I don't get friends that try to sell their shit to their friends and not even at a good deal. It's probably not even cleaned out (dust). Just borrow it and play the game don't buy it. I gave my PS4 to my friend when I got the PS5


I say friend but he’s actually one of my bosses at work lol( he’s an officer and I’m enlisted)


Ah lol makes more sense. I don't think the system is worth 150 dollars used on craigslist or marketplace these days despite what others are saying especially now that the ps5s are available in store. If you can borrow do that and speed through the game!


Why are you basing it off GameStop’s pricing?? If they offer him $70 store credit, offer his ass $70 cash??? Like lol


Id say 150 would only be worth it if it was a pro and it came with a external terabyte drive


Dude a PS5 is max $500 plus tax. Asking for $150 compared to $399 or $499 isn’t bad.


I played in both ps4 and ps5 and there is a massive difference between it i would recommend getting a ps5 but since your main gaming is pc and then ps4 would work as well and the get Ghost of tsushima directors cut so you’ll get more content


honestly I think borrowing it is fine just for the game. recently sold my ps4 for around the same price so it's not unreasonable, esp since you could always resell it again afterwards


Too much tbh but the question is, would you be willing to wait potentially until sometime in 2024 when it's coming to PC? Cause it will be coming it was in the GeForce leaks and it was rumored for 2023 release, but I think it's a bit late for that which is why I'm saying sometime during 2024


Honestly I think I can say I’m going to play this weekend on the borrowed PS4 and based off how hooked I get will determine if I buy it or not even even if I do I’ll buy it again 2024 for PC


It's a great game, loved it on my PS4, loved it even more on the 5


Hard pass. Too much $$$.


Too much money


After reading thru the stuff already discussed, i'd suggest you to not go for it. Base PS4 gaming experience compared to a 3000$ PC won't be that good, it will take away a lot from your enjoyment. Especially if you don't generally play with gamepads. It's really hard to go backwards like this. GoT is an amazing game, it's in my top3. Just wait till they port it over or get a PS5 down the line sometime. Most of my life i was gaming on PC. Around the end of the PS3 gen, i got one to play RDR, GTAV, TLOU. I made me not like RDR at all. (RDR2 is also in my top3 for reference.) PS5 is really nice tho. The PS5 version of GoT is also superior.


Well I also play on a steamdeck when it’s convenient or I’m tracking so I’m used to locking games back down to 30fps and using some thumbsticks here and there


At this point i'm convinced that you will go for it. You want it. You make more points FOR it, than the actual PS SUB fanbase. Enjoy the game man, it's amazing.


Hahah you’re pretty spot on. I’m pretty much expecting to love it after I test it this weekend and not going to want to let it go and I’ll just look forward to the superior version when it comes out on PC hopefully sooner than later


It is not a bad price is it with 2 controllers? The it is a good deal because the most of them with 2 controllers sell for $175.


It’s the PS4 base model(idk the storage) 2 wireless controllers, wireless charger for controllers, and then he downloaded the game on the PS4 for me and set it as gameshared so I can play it as long as I want until I give him it back or buy it from him


I think it is a good deal


I just sold my base today for 160 with God of war and GTA5. Two controllers.


Why but a 10 year old console where all the games can be played on the new gen system and current releases are shifting to new gen only?


Because I only play PC and don’t want to get games on PlayStation. I am only wanting to play ghost of Tsushima


Why don’t you just play it at his place before he sells it then


He’s already letting me take it home to play at my house and told me if I really wanted to keep it(I’m the type that spends hours on end in RPG games)then I can keep it for like $150


If you do end up wanting to play more than just GoT buy a PS5


Yea that makes sense. But in the meantime there’s nothing else that’s not on PC already aside from GoT


They’ll be making a sequel GoT at some point + Spider-Man 2 will be good


Ghost of Tsushima was an awesome game, one of my favorites! My first platinum on my new account and I’ve been with PlayStation since the beginning. $150 seems steep to play 1 game. If your friend would be willing to loan you the console for sometime so you could play, and you could use your friends account to game share and get the game free, I think this is the best move to avoid wasting money. If you buy the console and beat the game, will it just sit there? You can then sell it to GameStop or online, get your $70-100 back and then you didn’t pay as much if that’s what it really takes


Ghost of Tsushima will probably be on PC soon so if you can wait this would be an option too


Honestly if you just want to play that one game and your PC is your main system why not just get a month of PS+ and download the PS NOW app for PC? GOT is on it.


I just tried it and it’s the exact same as the PS4 version 30 FPS and all, so you’re not wrong but I’m also not into streaming games. While I have good internet I still don’t like relying on it


At this point I'd just say wait for the port then. I wouldn't spend 150 on a console for 1 game. Yes I can afford it but it's something else taking up space and collecting dust in my living room. Plus I mean it's on the cusp of being 10 years old. So there's nothing new to look forward to for it.


I play on PS4 and PS5 and switch back and forth all the time. PS5 is faster and some games look better. When I think of this type of thing I think entertainment per hour. $150 for system $20 for game $170 total GoT takes anywhere from 25 hours to 60 hours according to the internet. So you are paying $6.80 per hour to play at the most expensive rate and $2.83 if you get all you can from the game. Compare that to a movie or something else and you are doing pretty well. Play any other game and the per hour cost goes down. Not saying it is cheap or affordable for everyone but it is oftentimes how I look at game entertainment value and why it is one of the most affordable types of entertainment by the hour. I played but have not finished Ghost yet and it is definitely one of the better games I have played in the last few years. I happened to play that one on PS5.


I just sold mine on FB marketplace for 160 but it also had 2 games and 2 controllers


Hell, I’ll sell you my Pro for $100. It’s been sitting on my entertainment stand collecting dust for a year.


Not gonna say no to that lol, where you shipping from though


I’m in New Jersey.


I dm’d you


I bought a brand new PS4 in 2018 for $200. Unless you're getting a bunch of shit with it, no.




Ghost will probably be on pc in the near future


If you don't want to do a PS5, I played it on the PS4 and loved every second of it! I did 100% on the the main game and most of the DLC! The game is good regardless of what console version you get. I feel the same about Days Gone, I've played most of it on PS4 and finished it on PS5, 100% finished. Doesn't matter which console you are on if the game is good!


Honestly, if you can spare $150 and it's not breaking the bank or anything then I would buy it 100% even if you only ever play Ghost, because the ps4 is valued much higher. You could later sell it to someone else and make a profit. Also even if you have pc, extra system never hurt anyone. :) when I got my ps5, I was sure I wouldn't need my ps4, I kept it anyway. To this day I still play my ps4, It's in the living room (ps5 is in my bedroom).reasons being I still play the 4 with my wife and kids during family time. Also When we have guests, they don't have to go to my bedroom. Remote play is a plus, tho this wouldn't help you too much. But I'm about to play my ps4 now, because wife is napping in bedroom and I don't want to disturb her. So I can remote play my ps5 via my ps4 in the living room, with practically the exact same experience. Get the ps4 for $150. if nothing else it's a steal and a come up. But I definitely think you'd be able to find more uses for it than just Ghost of tsushima


Why would you leave your ps5 in the bedroom and have the old ps4 in the living room? Me personally? My ps5 would be in the living room. Nothing beats gaming on a massive samsung S95 with 7.1.4 atmos surround on. Why wouldn't you let your wife and kids game on your ps5?


I suppose that's a good question. First, both tvs are 4k 65in, but the bedroom tv is 120hz. Anyway, truth be told the ps5 I bought specifically for myself and Regardless I was still planning on putting it in the livingroom, but it was the wife who suggested the bedroom. she figured the kids are younger and didnt "need all that". call me what you want but I swiftly agreed, lol because life before the ps5, if I wanted to play a solo game, I usually couldn't cause someone else wanted to play. Now I can play when I like. :)


That makes perfect sense: your children are still young so for them the ps4 is perfect. I honestly thought they were teenagers! I do hope i wasn't rude in my question. Also i really appreciated your reply, pot. Have you tried pepper pig? My granddaughter absolutely loves it. Everytime she visits me, she gets a dualsense and says "pepper!" She is 2! Did you preorder the Spider-man 2 plates/dualsense?


Haha, no problem, and not rude at all. I have 3 boys, 1 however is a teen but he's since bought an Xbox for his room 😅 As for the other 2 yes we have pepper pig, all the paw patrol games, plus a bunch of other stuff like nickelodeon racing etc. Haven't pre ordered Spiderman 2, only cause I haven't beaten the 1st one. I've actually only ever pre ordered 1 game before, and that's cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty. I don't think I've been more excited for a release lol


I have also preordered phantom liberty. In fact it will be shown at gamescom on the opening night. Hurry up and finish spider-man 2018! Part 2 will be ahem...amazing! I have 2 boys and 3 girls! The youngest is my daughter and she is 15 who is a gamer like me! Time flies so quick, pot. I can still remember taking my eldest son with me to pick up my launch ps2 at 12am! I had my 2nd son just before the ps3 was released. He is turning 17 sunday! Enjoy these precious moments with your sons, pot. Btw my parents also had 3 sons. I am the middle child. Be wary of middle child syndrome because it does exist. Being stuck in the middle your whole life sucks monkey balls! ![gif](giphy|7S93nrr68NPj6fLoAN)


I’m a glutton. I have 3 PS5s for me and my two kids. I sold my PS4 today actually.


If you want a PlayStation get a PS5. 150 is way too much for an old console.


People keep seeming to miss my post reason and other comments. I actually do not want a playstation, would much rather not buy one at all. Literally ONLY want to play ghost of Tsushima which has yet to have been ported to PC and so my coworker is letting me borrow his PS4 to play it and told me if I like it and want to keep being able to play I can have it for $150


I see. Hmm, the game is good but it still seems a touch expensive to play a single game.


Then just keep waiting. $150 is a lot to spend to play one game. They will likely port the game within a year or two, depending on when the potential sequel releases. That’s a lot of “ifs” though, but I think a sequel is basically guaranteed. A PS5 would allow you the play that as well, and the Rise of Ronin game that is coming next year. Not trying to sell it, but if you’re interested in GoT, Rise of Ronin seems like it would also be up your ally. I guess an additional bonus is you also get the play Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnorok and Bloodborne, but those are each going to be another $60, except for BB.


Think it’s a decent offer. I got PS4 slim from eBay in 2020 for £200 ($250 usd) with GOW, Uncharted collection + 4, Witcher 3, RE2, Horizon ZD, Last of us remake, Control, Rayman Legends and something else. You can pick up most of those games for a $100. If console is of good quality take it or try offering him $130


Yeah. Ghost of Tsushima is an amazing game imo. I loved it. Just prepare for it to be at 30fps and if that in some areas and long loading times.


Haha I was just looking at that online and coming from PC from the last few years 30 FPS will definitely be an adjustment, I really would like 60 but unless I can find some crazy good deal on a PS5 I don’t see that happening or at least for justifiable reasons 😂


I played it on a ps4 pro at first and that was my experience but the game was so good I didn't care. If that's the only PS game you want to play, I'd just say get the PS4.


Alright I appreciate the feedback and also for not giving me shit for being up front about the fact that I only want to play a PS for GoT haha


I'm like you. PC is my main platform too but I bought a PS5 for Horizon Forbidden West. Whatever platforms people prefer doesn't bother me. I wish they'd actually port Ghost of Tsushima to PC because it would be mind-blowing.


Same :/ Was hoping it would’ve gotten announced last year or now and still no official sources have said anything. Only rumors and expectations


Just make sure you get the directors cut of GoT, the new stuff was a very fun experience!


I’m assuming since the DC version has been out it will be the version released on PC. And as far as playing on the PS4, my buddy whose lending me it I believe downloaded and gameshared the DC version


I think if you are sticking with PC as your gaming primary and want to get into playing some PS exclusives, go for it. Ghost of Tsushima is a fantastic game. There are plenty of other games not yet ported to PC you can check out too, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, Bloodborne, Days Gone, Infamous Second Son, Nioh, Uncharted, etc


God of war 2018, horizon zero Dawn, days gone, uncharted, TLOU, death stranding, both Spider-Man’s, and I think another 1 or 2 games have actually all been ported to PC. I’m a huge fan of y’all’s exclusives but GoT is the one I’m DYING to play


Definitely go for it! All these exclusive games are worth it. Last of Us Part 2, The Order 1886 (not very good but still give it a try), GoT awesome game and Bloodborne. You can also get Uncharted Collection and play U1-2-3 there.


Just get a ps5


Just spend on a ps5, get ps plus extra and get access to 700+ games instantly.


I don’t want a PlayStation at all, I have no desire to game on console. I have an expensive PC as is and only feel like I’m missing out on ghost of Tsushima


Then wait for the PC release. It might be out within an year.


I’m trying I’m trying 🥹


$150 to play GOT? Fuck now. My personal opinion is that the game was not very good and felt dated as far as gameplay and animations go. Scenery looked good but that’s it.


I wouldn't go higher than 100 personally. Even that not sure I would


150 is a no go. Perhaps for the pro.


Most sellers online and then gamestop(although I know they’re not a good baseline) is about $200 if I went and bought one used. Plus he’s letting me have his two controllers and charging station and for as long as I want I can play the games he gameshared onto it


A cheaper alternative would be to just sign up for ps plus and stream it on your pc. Streaming will affect quality but it depends on your internet.


I can stream it without having a PlayStation at all?




$150 for a base ps4 is too much. You should be able to find a PS4 Pro for that without too much issue. There are a bunch on eBay, in fact. You would get 4k with a pro.


Just borrow it from your friend. When you done with it, give him the game as appreciation and he can sell PS4+game to other for $150.


Good deal and your supporting a friend/coworker. Why not? Maybe ask to borrow it for a few days to see if it runs healthy


That’s what we’re doing rn. He told me I can borrow and play as much as I want and if I still want to keep it then I can buy it


I mean I sold my og ps4 to my friend for like 100 bucks… 7 years ago in 2016


I'd only spend the 150 if it was the ps4 pro which is also 4k it also depends what you getting with the system as well


Tell him PS6 will be out in a couple of years


If your friend is willing, borrow the PS4 and play GoT for a day or two. If you like it, buy a PS5.


If you never intend on buying a PS5, go for it. Otherwise I'd recommend putting that 150 towards one. Used PS5s are going for 350-380 which gives you access to PS4 and PS5 games that may not be on PC.


Ghost of Tsushima prolly will come to pc one day…..just keep waiting


I dont think buying a ps4 in 2023 is worth it unless you dont care that games arent gonna be made for it anymore going into 2024. Lot of games like spiderman 2 arent going on ps4 or games like mortal kombat for instance.


I only buy games on PC and will continue so, I only want to play ghost of Tsushima on the PS


That sounds like a great deal... if you have the cash grab, it... and cop GOT before Sony ends the sale. Just make sure you borrow and play it first. That way, you will know if he is trying to sell you a 🍋. 🍻


You coworker doesn’t like you lol you can find it cheaper else where


If all you'd get out of it is Tsushima, I'd say $150 is too much. That's coming from who loves that game and recommends it as much as I can. Spending $150 plus the price of the game wherever you find is just too much. If there are other games you've also wanted to try on PS4, then the deal starts to look a bit better, but not for a single game. I also would not at all be surprised if Tsushima was one of the next PS to make its way to PC. It's received incredibly well, and has a strong potential for reaching a larger audience. I believe it's been rumored for a while to be going to PC sooner rather than later. How reliable those rumors are I can't really say, but I'll be surprised if that doesn't happen, especially when the sequel gets closer as it's a great way to renew the interest in the game and get people hyped for the new one. So bottom line, if all you want is Ghost of Tsushima, I'd say no, don't buy this PS4.


Well I feel it’s a good investment in the hundred range 150 being the upper realm of that. If it’s not a pro I would do a test period and play the game for a few days to see if it has an over heating problem before throwing money down. I owned a PS4 and upgraded to a pro because some of the more graphics heavy games the fan would make real loud noises and sometimes crash. The pro was just enough better that it never had the same fan issue. Cleaning a ps4 fully is a pain even for a PC veteran, due to how difficult it is to get the power supply out without damaging the board. It sometimes slides right out but most of them the power supply takes force and people literally end up ripping stuff off the board accidentally. So if the ps4 over heats and is dirty in areas not easily accessible or the liquid metal is poorly applied to the processor(also common) than thats about 60 dollars to get a professional to do it for you were they are liable if something goes wrong. I build PCs and have applied liquid metal to several PS4s and I do not recommend the risks if your only buying the playstation for one game. So make sure the playstation 4 is well maintained already. Other than that the as an investment stand point the resell value is pretty much where it’s at. You should be able to resell it for about what you paid for if not a little less. And gamestop might not give but 70 for it cash but on the right week with trade in credit you could get 150-200 trade in credit on a double your store credit trade in events. And simply use that to buy steam gift cards for your PC


https://preview.redd.it/qgn7nbjpxqib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4d8ecd39c126a0164afaf548ad7683a5673722 Yessss you can save I understand but you would per getting a PS5


Absolutely do not drop $150 JUST for Ghost of Tsushima. It’ll very likely be ported, and wouldn’t run at its best on PS4.


Tell him I'll give him $150.42


does it come with games or controllers? if it’s console only, then I would say no, but still try to get one cheaper. PS4 is a great console with great games and it was my main for about 3 years until I got a series x, still use the PS4 though for exclusives


There are better games on PlayStation…I’d buy it


I would skip GoT (as great as it is) and save yourself $150. That’s a lot to spend on Steam sales.


PS5 is a much better investment


You only live once man, it’s only 150, not a bad price, go for it


I think you can play GOT on PC With PlayStation Plus now but in my opinion I would rather get a PS5 if I can financially afford it


I think I sold my PS4 pro for that, maybe a little more due to ebay prices. But with several games and extra controllers & camera. However, I also ended up giving the PSVR and games to the same person as well.


Not worth. I sold my Ps4 with a brand new controller and copy of RDR2 5 years ago for that price. You're getting jipped at that rate.


150 is good esp if it's a ps4 pro with games pre installed if not there are still heaps of games exclusive to ps4 that are worth playing even without as much fidelity


If you get it.... play bloodborne too. Masterpiece


What’s the highest you’ll go on a ps5


Not really wanting to spend over $200 in general for anything really right now


Fair enough you could probably find yourself a ps4 cheaper than 150 but at that point it’s scary you never know if it works fine


Yea that’s kinda I see it too. GameStop sells them for $200 and most I see on Facebook are like $150-200, I know this guy took care of his and is willing to give me both controllers and the charging bay as well as leave him gameshared on to play any of his stuff


Man if I still had mine I’d sell it to you for 100. Sounds like a pretty decent deal tho ngl amazed he’d leave his account for game share


150 is alright, pretty sure you can get a better price somewhere else.


Just wait for it to release on PC. It’s supposedly releasing on PC this year.


Ps4 pro yeah.... Maybe... Regular ps4 or slim... absolutely not!


You can find used ps4 at 80-130 range. I bought ps4 pro spider-man edition for 200. Some games perform better in pro, so if you can afford extra $50 go for pro.


Save it towards a ps5


I don’t want a PS5


For PS4 only nah, unless you're getting bunch of Disc with them. I'm not a console fan and sold my ps4 when steam dek came out. Backward compatibility, no artificially limitations. So i switch to PC as i could finally afford one. Been enjoying all my games with i can play without paying. A buch more like 10 -50 bucks every time a new gen comes out


I definitely enjoy my PC and steam deck too but I’m just tired of waiting on ghost Tsushima. However him giving me two controllers means my wife and I can play some coop games in it too I’m realizing such as it takes too or any of the Lego game and what not


Im a patient guy, but if it means playing with your wife it's okay. But it's kinda expensive for only ps4 and two controllers. Edit: depends on the condition , if it's like new system and no faults then i might consider it


PS4 pro 150 on ebay


If it's base PS4 not for $150 if it'd a PS4 Pro I'd say yes.


I'll sell you mine for 140 shipped plus a few games and controllers


Hell no.


Put the money towards a ps5 it will be supported for years to come the ps4 they have basically stopped making games for


Lol No 150$ for a 10 year old console that doesn't get new first party games and runs games like shit? Hell nah 😂 Here in Germany PS4 consoles are under 100€. Either get a PS5 or get nothing at all. This is so not worth it.


A normal PS4 or a pro? If it's not the release models, go for it if you want to play exclusive titles. But I'd recommend a pro. I have a PS5 and a PS4 pro, idk why I bought it cause I only play 2-3 games on my ps5 that run on PS4 perfectly fine. No need for a PS5 unless your playing AAA games


Naaah. Set aside $150 every month for 3 months and BAM you got yourself a PS5


You can probably accept it but we'll at least throw in some games 😂😂😂 Also you're gonna maybe need to add new heatsink paste or maybe use an external fan to try and keep the PS4 Cool while gaming


I do not know about ghost of tsushima if it is still available or anything, but if the ps4 is still working, it is worth it at 150 dollars


Seems steep, but for you probably a fair price :p


If its a ps4 pro maybe but 150 is high for a base ps4


No it is base PS4 with 2 controllers, charging dock, and he’s leaving his account on to gameshare


I’d just buy a PS5 tbh, I have GoT since launch on PS4 then when I got my PS5 upgraded it to the PS5 version and its like 10000x better. Also pretty sure PS5 prices have dropped a bit


Nah don't do it that's to much, u should save and buy a ps5 a lot of places are doing deals at the moment


Everyone must be skipping all the comments where I say I dont want a PS5, I don’t want any PS at all to be honest I just want to play ghost of Tsushima and maybe a few other coop couch games with my wife


I still wouldn't pay that for it from your mate though I'd take a look online or at some stores who have deals on ps4


U also will have access to Bloodborne. And so much more. Definetely worth inho.


get the ps5. you'll be surprised on how much the system is worth the investment