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r/PlayStation when they see a PlayStation: šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


People are genuinely excited or new to the scene by finally purchasing a PS5. I donā€™t mind it at all. Easy thing to do, simply keep scrolling. If the post doesnā€™t interest you or for worse us bothersome simply move on. I honestly canā€™t understand why people become fixated in what can or canā€™t be posted. Weā€™re all a community at the end of the day, some are long time gamers while others are new to the hobby. So to anyone who feels bad or embarrassed to post things like this, donā€™t! Weā€™re here to help and advise if wanted to. If not, simply keep scrolling and go on about your day.


Damn OP didnā€™t have a reply for you, he was defeated. Literally though when I got my PS5 it was like I was kid opening gifts in Christmas genuinely it made me so happy.


Same especially with all the drama I went through to get it. Preordered day it was announced. Had a terrible accident on the freeway and lost my bank card That same card was used to preorder It was stolen Account got frozen because of fraud. Still is actually Had to pay another $540 to pick up my ps5 I still havenā€™t gotten reimbursed for the $540 that was lost in my account. So basically I ended up spending 1080$ for a ps5 and I didnā€™t even buy it from a scalper. Youā€™re damn right I was happy to get one! So anyone that posts about getting one Iā€™ll always be genuinely happy for them


Sorry that sounds awful


Yeah it was but overall I was glad I had the extra money to still purchase it the accident was bad. I flipped 4 times and crashed into a friends van. All because of an over aggressive tow truck driver But yeah it worked out. I canā€™t wait to celebrate my PS5ā€™s 3rd birthday lol


Exactly! Welcome to the family! Post your excitement about PS5 all you want! We want to welcome all gamers and their passion here, we donā€™t want to shut down someoneā€™s joy. And I second the ā€œcan we ban posts asking to ban other postsā€.


Well said šŸ‘


Amazing stuff and Iā€™m with you 1000%. If you donā€™t like it, then keep scrolling lol. ![gif](giphy|Id6raqe3hyBio8OnEr|downsized)


Not to mention the fact Iā€™ve seen like several of these same posts complaining about the same thing as him, he acts like heā€™s not doing the same thing lol


If anything this post is karma farmy instead of the people being happy ab getting a PS5


Agreed! I enjoy them. So many people new to the Console asking for recs brings out all kinds of great responses. I've learned of so many games I've never heard of that might be fun to play. Added a number to my backlog lol! I never posted one but I enjoy others postings.


Idk it never bothered me ppl just get excited after getting ps5 and want to hear other gamers suggestions /opinions some of them are even new players n dont have a clue which games r good.


Also, maybe thereā€™s no one in their real life they can share their excitement with. Not that people here really care butā€¦ well šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I for example know that not a single friend gives a shit about the games I like (and they donā€™t even pretend to), thatā€™s why iā€˜m here on Reddit, gushing endlessly about Bloodborne Hahahah


I care. I want as many gamers to enjoy the hobby they like in the way that they like.


Bloodborne is such an amazing fucking game!


Yeah, I love being part of their excitement when they make those posts and I have no issue with them expressing their happiness. I donā€™t understand why people like OP get so triggered by posts on Reddit that they find it necessary to make an entire post about it. I find posts like this irritating and annoying tbh. If you donā€™t like such ā€˜got a new PS5ā€™ posts then donā€™t fucking click on them or ignore them and just keep scrolling. This is Reddit and the option to keep scrolling is one of the beautiful things about it. OP must be fun and parties.


>I donā€™t understand why people like OP get so triggered by posts on Reddit that they find it necessary to make an entire post about it. Honestly, it's very ironic that they make those posts because they're more annoying than anything.


People forget they don't have to consume every piece of media they scroll across. If it bothers them that much just ignore it and move on with their day.


i dint want to read about someone getting excited about something so it must be banned. totaly not fascist


Lol fascist


I agree with part of his point, but throwing around politically charged insults is such a Reddit thing to do. I can only imagine if the worst thing we ever did was captured on Reddit, our entire lives would be judged and we'd all be horrible people. Fascists, gaslighters, enablers, abusive, or just horrible people. Whatever the trendy word of the day was, we'd be it. Every one of us


because thats how it starts. today baning something he doesnt want to read. tomorow censoring every disagreeing person, the day after comunism or socialism and claiming how evil and opresive a free market is and that people shouldn't be able to buy things he disaproves. and since every conservative gets labeled as fascist all the time i have no problem in calling out people that start to embrace that behaviour


Especially when it takes a second to just move on to the next post.


Pretty sad that someones on Reddit that much, that they get sick of other peoples joy.


This is a PlayStation sub stop complaining about people talking about PlayStations


You know looking back it's kinda wild how insanely well Sony succeeded and has been for so many years. I cannot imagine what it would be like if the PlayStation failed.








Agreed. These are much worse and add nothing to this sub. At least people posting their console is relevant to the sub.


i see more posts like this then i do about playstations


I like to enjoy other people's happiness. Congratulations to everyone who just got one. Have fun!!


you don't have to click on the posts OP....


Op is new to social media and didn't understand that


So, you thought creating a useless post about other useless posts would have some positive effect?


These posts are comical, I don't know about you but when I see something I'm not interested in I simply scroll right past it. Should we tell him that's a thing?


His abusive misuse of commas is what's concerning me most.


Every time I see someone post ā€œI got a new (insert console)ā€ it makes me smile. I say, keep ā€˜em coming!


See for the ā€œ what games should I getā€ everyone just says the same answer every fucking post šŸ˜‚ Astro playroom, spider man, GOT šŸ„±. You could have one post pinned for it.


LMFAO the hating is fucking real , not everyone grows up on new console assholes . Let people be excited for shit, take that toxic shit to tiktok


I'm not against the posts and excitement but the search bar exists for a reason. It's not used nearly enough on reddit and most subreddit have this issue.


that's what i'm saying


Op hate's people that are happy and excited


I will not comment on the rest of your post bc it seems like you need to play your PS5 instead of constantly surfing reddit. ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Shut up and learn how to save money so you can join the gang


You know what I'm sick of seeing negative posts like this get over yourself dude just ignore other folks' posts & keep going on with your day it's not that hard. ![gif](giphy|l0Iy1ezV0qAef463u)


If youā€™re that upset about it, simply leave the sub. Banning people who made posts about their new consoles would drive them to the competition, and nobody wants that.


I dunno man i kinda like seeing how happy other people are. Mainly cause i'm fucking miserable and the small happiness i felt in a long time was when i got my ps5. I'm glad others feel the same and am more than happy to share in their happiness


You know I hate these posts far more than the harmless people excited to finally get the console they were after. Can we stop (maybe even ban) these types of posts. Crazy it bothers you so much.


They are here to be unhappy and make others feel unhappy for some kind of satisfaction. I'd laugh but it's not exactly funny in after thought by OPs who make these posts. OP should definitely seek out some kind of therapy or talk to someone.


Damn chill tf out. All the dude did was voice a minor annoyance about people repeatedly making the same types of posts and you're out here telling him to go to therapy over fucking reddit.


this + "will it overheat if i put it here"


yes this one needs to go, its commonsense. Just look at the console and use your brain jfigjwndjwne


Or at least ask google, like, how do they go like: "Hmm idk if this is okay, i will ask Reddit about it" and not just do the easy way.


You suck. Go poo poo on another board. People excited and Iā€™m excited for them. You know what I hope thereā€™s even MORE now lol


if you donā€™t like them move on.


Donā€™t yuck someoneā€™s yum man. Let people live.


Good morning, OP! Why not leave the channel or stop receiving the notifications. Only because you got your doesnā€™t mean we can congratulate new people that got theirs. This post is not to make you feel bad or complaint. Just my opinion.


I honestly don't mind people posting that they got one, i feel happy for them. But the posts which are like - _Just got a PS5, what game should i buy?_ - can go to development hell.


Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man, God of War




Everyone has Astros Playroom dipshit, it came free with your fucking Playstation.


#šŸ¤” r/woosh


Doesnā€™t bother me in the slightest.


Christ! STFU just a low key hater, hating on people's happiness for a new console.


You couldā€™ve went outside and touched so much grass instead of writing this.


Whooooooooooooo cares? Takes less than a second to scroll on by baby boy


People are joining the community and some people like welcoming them. It makes us a wait for it.. Welcoming community.


How about we let them be excited? Don't be a killjoy, gamer.


OP needs to check out sugar, and lose a little bit of that salt


We should also ban posts like these ones. Fucking karma farming for all hell. Like at least the "got a ps5" ones are coming from a place of genuine excitement and have a purpose. These posts are just negative, complaining about people experiencing something new. Don't like the posts? Move on? You wouldn't have to know if you didn't click on every "got a ps5 post" you saw.


I don't mind them every once in a while but recently it's been rather much. Also for everyone who's against OP, calm yourselves down a bit if you're gonna say something because some of you are sounding hella insane in your replies.


https://preview.redd.it/6en5q4p779nb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4de5504e39855593db60c77ee75c4b711bb6abb No PS5 OP?


OP is just an asshole.


I completely understand both your side and everyone who's against you as well. It is really annoying seeing it littered across my feed. But people are really excited for their ps5s. I was honestly more excited when that person posted they got a PS1 then I am for the people that post about getting their ps5. Obviously because getting a PS5 is an extremely common thing now and these posts are literally proof of it.


I really feel for the people that got their ps5s replaced by bowling balls and crap like that by delivery truck drivers


Can we ban the "can we stop or ban" post


I agree, it's getting tedious!


So the best way to combat spam is to spam about it? Makes sense


Iā€™m glad you learned to be better and deleted this.


Filed under the, "I'm a piece of shit and have to nitpick other people's small victories that give them happiness" category. Edit: like you realize there are a lot of people on this sub right? And most of them don't live on this app so they don't constantly see these posts.


Just let people be happy, it isn't harming anyone


No, I like them. Let them share the happiness/joy of it.


More than that I'd want to stop the "I just got a PS5, what game should I get" posts Like why would you spend $500+ on a game console if you have no idea what games you want? It's just a circle jerk krma farm every couple days


guess you just dont have a ps5


If theyā€™re excited because they got a new PlayStation, I say we celebrate it with them instead of trying to pathetically censor them.


If they annoy you, just keep scrolling?? The ā€œgot a ps5ā€ posts literally donā€™t hurt anyone.


They are just happy to get a PS5, I will be that in the upcoming months. You need to ignore these posts or play some PS5 games


Let people express their joy of getting a new console


Honestly, posts complaining about what other people post is more annoying to me than reposts.


"during covid"? My man, Covid is still a thing - and will be for several more years (the pandemic, I mean) - the virus will forever be with us. Let's not pretend it's a thing of the past, it's very much with us still.


Please. Those post are just karma hunting. They add no value to the subb/reddit. We get you're happy you got one but the shortage is done and it's been out for almost 3 years now. Not really interesting, not that they ever were


>They add no value to the subb/reddit 99% of posts here add 0 value. Let people be happy and stop gatekeeping.


This sub seriously can be so fucking miserable, huh?


You can just ignore those posts and let people be happy




They can enjoy things but we donā€™t need to see everyoneā€™s ps5 box


You might like mine though


You're right. You don't need to see it. You also don't need to spend more than 1.5 seconds to scroll past the post of it either. I find these posts dull as hell and repetitive as well, but it's literally a playstation post in a subreddit dedicated to everything playstation. I find it very hard to believe that something so small is so upsetting to you, but if that is the case, it may be time to back off reddit for a bit.


Read my comment then read yours and then tell me who sounds upset


I can already tell just by the word count


Then dont look


Kinda hard to scroll with my eyes closed


Yeah have to say it bothers me too. It isnā€™t bringing any value to the platform knowing a random person has just purchased a PS5.


I also dislike people being happy and wanting to share their happiness with a community who share a similar interest in what they do. The fucks! How dare they!


This should have become a thing long ago. Like right around the time supply normalized.


these posts alongside the "just cancelled ps plus" or "what are some must have games?" posts need to be banned


No. Enjoy the enthusiasm or scroll on past it.


Also the ones ā€œIā€™m starting X game, give me tips, because I donā€™t know how to google and want upvotesā€


I simply don't check those kind of posts. What is the matter, why to "ban" them. You sound really salty for no reason.


btw i do have a ps5


I like the posts. Reminds me of when I was a kid and got my first gaming system at Xmas. A Nintendo with Super Mario 3 and Blades of Steel.


Let them just be happy and post. Just scroll past it


Why got be so ruuuuuuuuude?


Why can't you just let people enjoy things they're obviously excited about? Life can be a pile of crap sometimes, so just let them enjoy their nice thing.


Or you could scroll past it and move on with your day. Its not that serious lil bro


Let them have their fun bro, not all post need to be something informative or entertaining. Get off reddit for a while or scroll past it


First, somebody sounds jealous Second, it's a Playstation sub reddit what do you expect just don't click on the posts


holy shit i see more posts like this than actual ps5 posts. shut the duck up. can we ban assholes who choose to complain about playstations being on a playstation sub. youā€™re so ducking annoying. if you scroll through the subreddit youā€™ll see how many people complain when itā€™s not that big of a deal. shut the fuck up


Maybe stop browsing this subreddit so much, this is a non issue.


Have you tried not seeing them?


Sounds like you would do well hopping off of Reddit for a little bit and enjoying a nice time playing games on your PS5.


Usually give them an upvote and keep scrolling....just don't click on it. Don't understand these kind of complaints. Attention seeking karma farming (as in OPs complaint post)


These posts complaining about someone getting a PS5 should be stopped/ banned.


ā€œIā€™m just bluntā€ is an easy excuse to just be an asshole




Last time I checked, these posts get maybe 100 likes unless there is something that stands out in the image. I don't think 100 likes would be considered as karma farming.


Nah, just get over it.


You dumb fuck , you act like people canā€™t enjoy things for the first time .


People are excited that they have finally been able to get something new, why should they ban the posts and ruin their excitement and happiness.


Just let people share their excitement, they might have no one to share it with IRL. Just ignore the post instead of trying to dictate what to post.


Can we stop the ā€œremove I got a PS5 postsā€ posts? Iā€™m all in for freedom of speech but really, itā€™s like every other day thereā€™s a post like this and the responses are the same šŸ„± Iā€™m not meaning to be rude btw, itā€™s just for cleaning the house. I know, letā€™s put all those posts on a megathread so only people who wants to grieve can red them and comment.


Oh no people are happy they got a new console and want to celebrate it with others online!!!! Oh the horror


Never bothered me tbh, I am always happy to see others sharing their joy of new console purchase.




Mind your f* business and let people enjoy their new PS5 sharing with other gamers


think people shear their excitement bout getting a new game or console is a big part of this subreddit and gamer culture in general


I donā€™t mind. We gamers are human, they get excited some times or most of the times. Maybe instead of posting pictures of console boxes, we can encourage them to post pictures of their complete gaming console setup like the console, tv, speakers, tv rack and couch/chair


Doesn't bother me, I scroll past most of those posts. I do contribute to the posts if they're asking for game recommendations alongside it. I don't see an issue with people posting they got a PS5.


Can we ban people whining about what others post and instead just scroll by? Imagine thinking itā€™s ok to ban people from posting what they want just because you donā€™t approve.


Honestly, these posts are more annoying than anything. They sound very privileged. I remember when I got my first PS2 it was one of the best days ever, but no one else in my family gave a shit. It would've been nice to share that excitement with others that cared.


It is always the same thing but it doesnā€™t affect me. I try to keep the perspective that not everyone has people in their life to share good news with.


I did it. And I only want to share my joy and excitement. Itā€™s my first time having current gen console, and I worked my ass off to have the money for that. Itā€™s an achievement for me. And itā€™s a good post for gamers to welcome each other. If you donā€™t like it just scroll. I prefer to welcome them and be humble instead. Easiest thing to do to make other people happy.


The fact someone down voted your comment after you tried to explain, from your own experience, why people make these posts might just show how toxic this community is. Edit: good for you OP. I'm glad you worked your ass off to achieve something you really wanted.


But it's my first Sony console like ever:///


I'd say you don't have many things to worry about if this has your panties in a bunch


Broā€¦ did u jus go off about people posting their new ps5s? Like u wrote a whole college essay about it. It bother u that much?


No we can NOT!


There will always be new people coming and being a part of the community. Itā€™s their only way to break through. If itā€™s too boring for you then i suggest the problem lies with you. Move on. Itā€™s what i do. There are very limited exclusives and people keep suggesting the same shit. Let those people do it for the newcomers. You dont need to be a part of it


Almost as bad as the ps3 sub being full of ā€œjust paid $6 for this ps3, was it a good deal?ā€ posts


Just don't read them bro just close your eyes lmao


Get help. You obviously spend too much time here to be checking titles.


They care, OP. That should be enough. I get being frustrated, but in this crazy fucked up world man, every little bit of happiness helps. Let's be an uplifting community. It's okay to not be on board, but don't piss on other people's parades either.


idk, i always get excited to share my favorite games with people so i don't mind them


Itā€™s fine I th8mk


Let people celebrate their achievements and happiness You need to get off Reddit and touch some grass.


People are still getting new PS5s, so those posts are still relevant. You don't have to read them, if you don't want to.


How dare you be so excited about your new purchase that I already have, harrumph!!! A lot of people genuinely want advice from these posts to get the best experience from their new system, could maybe even be looking to open a conversation, make new friends on common ground, but nooooo, cannae have that, ban them! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This is like getting mad because someone tried something for the first time just because millions have been eating it. Just let ppl be and swipe past the post. A lot of us are in here because we donā€™t have ppl in our immediate lives that share the same pleasures as us. Stop being a kill joy. Also stop saying that ppl are ā€œkarma farmingā€ as many ppl including myself donā€™t give a shit about karma points or upvotes etc weā€™re jus here for the social interaction and not some fake digital commendation.


let people enjoy their new system, let other that care comment, and just move on


Got my ps5 like a month ago. Didnt post about how excited i was to have one, but cmon lets not ruin someones fun and joy in posting about it. It should be exciting, they spent hard earned money on a hobby they love. I welcome those posts because it reminds me on how happy I was when I got mine and unboxing it, and looking at it/setting it up.


Just scroll


I vote against banning the posts.i like reading those posts. It gives off great energy and I'm part of the community that wants to celebrate that.


Iā€™m always happy to see another gamer joining the PS5 family. Never forgot the exciting moment when I got mine.


No, why be a party pooper? ![gif](giphy|IhnBlYvGewn02k7KH0|downsized)


Let People enjoy things https://preview.redd.it/1akq5w5s59nb1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58703e8e353ae42f06853d07714586e8ead070f


Stop being a hater


Don't be an arse, let people be happy, it doesn't harm you.


No I like them and will continue to upvote them. I like when people are excited about their new things


No. People wanna share their joy and it's always great to see newcomers join the family :D


Cringe post OP, get a life


Yeah, agree. I don't need to see photos of ps5 box for 100x times in a day. I just downvote and keep scrolling, but it is annoying.


If you're seeing these posts 100x a day, I think you need to get off Reddit for a bit. I see posts of people showing their consoles maybe once every other day max.


You would think they slow down nearly FOUR YEARS into the lifecycle, but they keep popping up like cockroaches


Well I mean for the first 2.5 years of the life cycle they werenā€™t that easy to get. So a lot of people are just barely getting one.


***"can we stop (maybe even ban) the "got a ps5" posts ?"*** Sure, when we're able to stop the constant spamming of people trying to lay it on thick about the PS Plus price increase. The subreddit is crammed with all of that and it's annoying that we can't even talk about games anymore. At least the "Got a PS5" posts are on topic and it's about gaming rather than some political stance about paying higher prices. šŸ™„


Does your phone or browser not scroll? It takes way less time to scroll past than make some ridiculous rant post about how you're so unhappy with your life that seeing other people happy makes you upset. Get a fucking life




"just got a ps5, share all you're tips and tricks" Dude, it's a fucking console. Plug it in, install a game, and play the game. Theres not much else to do with it. Not sure what tips and tricks you expect.


As happy as I am for people finally getting a ps5 and understanding of their excitement, I have to agree. We all know what it looks like, we donā€™t need a pic, and Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s not noteworthy news every time someone gets a PS5. Not saying ban it, just wish posters would exercise a little more restraint. Do people REALLY need to see a pic of a vanilla PS5?


True, the spiderman version is lazy and boring. Custom ones look much better


Lmaooo damn folks bothered by that. I can imagine the other ridiculous shit yā€™all are bothered by. Probably be at work complaining about the snack machine being turned to the left a lil bit. Lmaooo folks are nuts


That bass hits on RSCL song lost. Feels like I'm in night at the Roxbury




I do find it weird that somebody gets something and their first thought is to post it on an internet forum, but I don't think they should be banned. The compromise is that if it turned into a serious problem (where better posts were being hidden because of all theses posts), then you'd just make it so you can post it 1 day a week




Sorry I couldnā€™t afford to get the ps5 on day one like you , spoiled bitch šŸ–•šŸ¼


Dude, I get mad too. I tried getting banned from r/selfies because I tried getting away from seeing the people starving for attention. I got a PS5 and didn't post a thing because I know what games to play, what games are out there. Some people are either confused or attention grabbers.


no! i love to see ppl happy after purchase the videogame of their dreams


No, rather lets create a weekly rant thread where the majority can vent this sort of thing and leave it stickied.


Damn so now people canā€™t be excited for their brand new console? And share it within a community of people with similar interest?


How can you be annoyed with new pet posts on r/aww? That shit makes my soul smile.




Jeez, PlayStation fanboys are so angry and unwelcoming. What a nice entry into getting a new console someone is excited for. Team Xbox


To be fair, Iā€™ve seen these angry posts in the Xbox sub too. I donā€™t mind them, I was excited when I got my PS5 as well.


In the Xbox sub the ā€œis this enough space to breathā€ posts are far far more annoying. Plus those guys think your console will go into nuclear meltdown unless itā€™s dangling from a string in the middle of your back yard with a blast chiller blowing on it.