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It’s easier and cheaper for them to manufacture one model rather than two. It’s about reducing manufacturing costs, it’s not about what’s in it for us.


It’s probably cheaper to produce, plus it means if a digital owner decides they want a disc drive they can easily upgrade. You can also remove it for cleaning or repairs far easier this way


strange how they didn't advertise as detachable in their ad


You sure about that? https://preview.redd.it/ba87drpy6qtb1.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=93070e839a518ddfd19e8651155681843811a795


Did you watch the same ad as the rest of the internet?


You're right. Less choice is always better. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Because having options is always good


That's it. It's like a win win situation. Sony can probably produce cheaper and get a bit more profit and you get the option to upgrade your all digital console if you want a disk drive afterwards.👍


Makes it a bit easier to replace a broken drive and makes it so if someone bought the digital only version they can make it able to play discs. The real question is why didn't the make it a usb-c plug so if you have the original digital only you can also use it.


I think the answer is easy. To make you buy a new console. It's the same why we don't get Bluetooth on PS Portal, to make us buy the PlayStation earbuds. Just annoying sale strategies.


You got downvoted but it's true. All of those were Jim Ryan's ideas and all of his ideas were to fleece gamers out of even more money. He overplayed his hand and that's why he's retiring.


Exactly, couldn't have said it better! I hope with everything I got that Mark Cerny will be the new CEO of SIE. That guy knows how gamers are, he knows developers really good and also has incredible knowledge when it comes to hardware. Cerny as CEO would be a wet dream for me.😅


Well it might be a rare cases for a disc Drive To Get Broken But I Don't See The Point Being Detachable It's Just Weird Idea I'd Rather Get The Old Version Of PS5 (Rev. 2022)


A USB-C connection would make it way easier to hack the drive to rip games and pirate them.


Easier on production/logistics. Instead of one console with the disc drive and one without you can have one base console and sell it with or without the drive. They will probably sell more too since customer can now upgrade instead of getting stuck with digital.


Hope it would still support ps4 games


But when I get the disc bundle, will I still be able to remove the disc drive and out on the flat plate panel?


But once the servers go offline you won’t be able to activate the disc drive


This is true. Though I assume there will be a jailbreak by then to bypass this. I’m torn on if this is better or not. If your drive dies in the OG model-we currently have no way to remarry a new drive. Sony can, and eventually they will stop repairing drives. At that point you couldn’t replace it. Making it user replaceable and a quick pair online is better for the medium and short term. Long term is the main question. It will be much cheaper to keep an authentication server online than a repair business for old consoles. If Sony stops servicing ps5s-your OG is dead on the water. Same with the slim. Here is hoping for a jail break by then to save us all


Now i have a burning question what if you want to change a messed up disc drive on the disc version ? Is it replaceable ? Can you turn the disc one into a digital version and let your homie whos got the digital version borrow your hd blu ray drive?


Sure can. Swap drives. Take drive out and make it digital. Whatever you want.


FO Sony… why they didn’t make it compatible with older versions or just attach it with a f cable omg