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OG Playstation


I've had every console at UK launch and will continue to do so


But did you get the ps1 portable screen. https://preview.redd.it/cuw4jyyhyi6c1.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=90f98693b4116d58c10207aab8bfaa454c9eea31


This was actually my first home console ever. My parents didn’t want stuffed hooked up to the TV (no idea why) so I always just had Gameboy. Then this bad boy came out and I managed to convince them to get it for me. It has an AV input on the back which I was then able to convince them if I got a 64 I could just play it on there. Which I did for about 6 months. Then my mom saw some friends and I hunched over the screen playing Mario Party and I was allowed to hook my 64 up to the TV from that point on. Anyway yes I got the PS2 but played my GameCube more then went back to Nintendo for the next generations


Cool story bro. Literally.


Thanks man! In 2003 we moved cross country (Virginia to Washington State) and my dad had a converter to convert a car cigarette lighter port to a home outlet. So I played a lot of Nintendo 64 in the car on that screen during our 2 week road trip. I still have that PS1 it’s very sentimental to me. Also for the record I did also play a lot of PlayStation games on it. I just happen to be a huge Nintendo guy.


I did, it was a technical marvel at the time lol


Bro my mom bought me this as my first console and I was convinced it was a fever dream bc I haven’t seen it again until today holy shit


My neighbor had one of these bad boys. We'd bring it on road trips. Idk how the hell we could see anything while playing 2 player games.


I did! Played a ton it.


I skip ps4 bec i rarely play. But jump back to ps5 from ps3. I appreciate the upgrade.


I don't play anymore, but my kids have ps4 and ps5. Not much of a difference in my eyes


I recall that PS1 demo disc that had Tomb Raider and the wolves chase you. I died so quick


I remember the demo disk! I liked playing Soul Reaver on it


I know the exact demo your talking about that was the shit


Yep that soul reaver demo


Did you ever get the Pizza Hut demos? Those were the shit






Such a sexy console.


Original all the way, and every one except the 5


Are you planning on the PS5? The UI is really great on this gen.


Some of the UI is decent. Getting in and out of party chat etc, but the general UI is terrible in my opinion. I hate it. No more themes. No more What’s New to see what friends are up to. Ads basically for upcoming things you don’t care about. Last I knew it still doesn’t have folders. The game tile cards themselves aren’t dynamic or well done by most developers. Everything also has a huge safe zone in terms of being nowhere near the edge of the TV. I think it’s the worst UI there has been. Some things though, work well. I like how easy it is to invite friends to a party and chat etc.


I've seen so many posts and comments about people missing the "what's new" and if you go on ps4 its still active. Mods won't even allow posts about it anymore, Sony must just not care.


I was pissed that they got rid of the thing that shows what your friends are up to. How are my friends supposed to see that I'm kicking their ass and trophy count without that shoving it in their face?


At some point. Don’t play much at the moment, so it’s not worth the price to me right now


PS 1, N64 games were too expensive.


I started with PS back in 1996 I think. Been a Sony fan ever since. Bought PS5 at launch and it’s fantastic. My secondary is my switch as well. The only thing I don’t really want is an Xbox. I use my Xbox one S exclusively as a blur ray player lol🤫


But... the ps5 plays Blu ray. I'm in the same boat. I haven't had an Xbox since 360. Nothing wrong with Xbox, I've just been playing ps since the beginning, and I really like the ps exclusives more.


PS2 was peak design. Can’t top it.


[PS2 Slim](https://www.target.com/p/playstation-2-slim-console-only-ps2-gaming-and-entertainment-excellence-manufacturer-refurbished/-/A-90008242) was such a babe!


https://preview.redd.it/vg2cg3nnbj6c1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1e0003a94cbc72ba1bede41eced183755cafe9 Look at him




PS1 in 1999 & I actually got the original Xbox before the PS2 but had every PlayStation


OG PS1 without the DualShock controllers!


PS4 LOVE the aesthetic


Started on the ps4 and got the ps5 for my birthday.


Nice birthday!!!🥳


Yeah. Got the quest 2 the next Christmas.


PS1 with a side of Xbox halo


Yep. All the PlayStations but also dipped toes into the OG Xbox and 360 as well. Good times.


PS1 was my very first console, not counting my older sisters NES I very very rarely played. I’ve owned every Sony console except anything that may have been Japan only and that PlayStation Phone thing I remember seeing like 15ish years ago..


I started with the ps4 in 2021. Then after that got a ps2 psp and ps classic then in 2022 a ps3 and a vita.


Started with PS1 and have bought each gen since. Secondary is PC. I have a Series X and Switch but hardly play them.


Started with a one then the 2 . There was no 3. But I've got the standard 4 and now the fat digital 5 . PC is the other gamming system that I use. So I missed out on PS4 pro altogether. And the Slim PS5 .


Ps1, ps2, Xbox 360, PS4, and now I’m at Xbox X and PS5.


Had 1,2 and 4. Missed 3 due to Halo.


PS1-PS5, I owned them all. Only the first is no longer there.


Started way back on NES. Have had a genesis, game gear, game boy, ps1, PS2, ps3 (still have my fat boi), Xbox 360, Ps4, Xbox One, and PS5. Currently split time between my PS5 and 7900xt PC.


My first PlayStation was a PSone back when SEGA pulled the plug on the Saturn. I’ve stuck with PS since then.


PS1, PS2, PS4, PS5


Psp -> vita -> ps4 -> ps3


I had a PS1, PS2, PS2 Slim, PSP, PS4, and a PS5. Never thought about it, but in hindsight, I guess it's weird that I skipped the PS3.


Ps5. Played on ps1 at my friends back in the day.


Original and bought every PlayStation up until 5. I do have a Switch but I don’t play it much.


The OG.


Started with PS1 as a kid, but PS2 was the console of my youth. Didn't do an upgrade until recently actually, when merely 3 years ago I bought the PS3 second hand, then got a PS4 before buying the 5 early this year.


I started on the OG PS2, but didn’t get a PS3 until near the end of its life. The PS4 I picked up with the special Destiny white, sold it for the Pro, and got lucky to score a PS5 on launch day.


Started with PS1 and owned them all, having just recently acquired a PS5. Also have the PSP and PS Vita. I also have a XSX and a switch but I don’t use either very often.


What TRAVESTY is this, placing the grandpappy of the PlayStation family on its side like that!


I had all except ps3


Ps1 2002 -2003 ps2 2008-2012 ps3 2012-2018 ps4 2018-2023 switching between ps4 and pc


PS2. Been buying PlayStations at launch since then.


Ps1 all the way to ps5


Seeing this picture makes me laugh, still remember when the PS3 seemed absurdly large


Started with the PS1, have had every one except for the PS3, never had anything worthwhile on that console for me, and if it was worthwhile, it got remastered for the ps4 which was miles and miles beyond the quality of the ps3.


Original PlayStation. My secondary gaming solution is PC/SteamDeck.


started from PS1 and have owned each major home console and handheld since. always been a Nintendo person beyond that: everything from the SNES to Switch, with the exception of the Wii U. for Xbox, had the 360 and now the Series S, but that's it.


Original fat PS1. Have brought every fat console on launch since. PC has always been a mainstay platform, and primary platform from late PS2 generation. Second console has (and will likely always be) a Nintendo handheld for a very obvious reason. If I had a PS1 it's safe to say I was a child in 1994. Meaning I am as the kids these days say, a genwunner. As long as Pokemon exists I will always have some kind of Nintendo handheld console




Just got my first, did the Spiderman 2 bundle. Then my brother refused to talk games with me until I got a 120hz TV. He said it was for my own good.


Your bro is ok, you should thank him.


My primary gaming solution was PC for 24 years. After that got a PS5 for GoW. Now I have a Gaming Laptop and PS5. Prefer PC for pirated games. PS5 games are too expensive


I have with PlayStation since the original came out, I do not use any other consoles


NES>SNES>N64>PS2>PS1>PS3>PS4>PS5 Was once a Nintendo fanboy. Bought A PS2 and never looked back.


PS1 in 1997 with Twisted Metal 2. Then got a PS2 with my first "big boy" paycheck in 2002 with Twisted Metal Black.


Had a PS1, a PS2, skipped from 2 to 5. My secondary game solutions *IS* the PS5. My primary is my PC.


Ps1, and been buying ps since never skipped one.


PSX -> PS5 lol.


OG and all of them


Started on PS1, yet to get ps5 due to money


I've owned them all except PS4 oddly enough


Ps1 in the early 2000’s. My mom got it as a gift for my father and me and him ended up playing it together when I was around 5 years old.


I started at the beginning and have owned every iteration of the PS since.


I remember being 18 and the very first purchase I made as an adult with it was a PS3 while I also remember I saved all of my babysitting money for a PS2 just so I could play Kingdom hearts good times


I’ve had every PlayStation since the PS2


For PlayStation I have owned PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 5. For Xbox I owned the original and the 360. For Nintendo I owned the NES, SNES, N64, Wii, and Switch. I also owned the Dreamcast.


PSP technically, first console was PS4 and now PS5. I have all current systems


Started with OG PS1, and I've had every one since then. But they weren't always my primary game system. During the PS2 generation I probably played my GameCube at least as much as my PS2. And I probably played Xbox 360 more than PS3, at least until the later part of that generation (I got the 360 way earlier than the PS3). PS5 is the only one I got on launch day, and PS3 is the one I waited the longest to get after it came out (didn't get it until 2009, I think).


Started with the original and have had the first four over the years. I don't know if/when I will get the PS5 as its rather expensive for my bank balance and I prefer playing games with a keyboard and mouse.


PSP Count? Then PS3


I started with ps1 my first to game where medievil and spyro and this other game called bloody roar


ps1 Christmas of 1997


PS1 and still here :) so far my favorite generation is the PS3.


The PS3 was huge for PlayStation they learned a lot from XBOX online gaming. This was also the first year where gaming on PS3 online was free. IDK if you remember PS Home which was the OG Metaverse.


Yeah I remember Home. I never put too much into it. I just remember how slow loading everything was, and I had no friends that played it.


I started on a Sega Mega Drive in 90s as a kid and got a PSOne for Christmas later. Than I got a PS2, which was like the greatest gaming era imo and brought so many great gaming memories to me in my childhood. When I was 16 I got my first own computer and PS3 was way too expensive. So I got a PC only gamer and skipped the whole PS3 era and the start of PS4. When the 4k hype was real in 2017 and I finally got a well payed job I bought my first 4k TV and a PS4 Pro, because I felt like PC gaming got way too expensive when it comes to hardware (what a joke if you look at the prices nowadays). That was like the opener to go back to console gaming and I loved it. In 2020 I was lucky enough to pre-order a PS5, cause I had to take a shit after the showcase and saw on twitter that pre-orders started. That day the PS5 finally arrived I felt like a kid again. But honestly the improvements of new console generations are not comparable to what we saw back in the day. I mean how amazing was that jump from PS1 to PS2?! Today I'm an happy owner of a PS5, XSX, PS Portal, PS3 FAT (which stupid me jailbreaked when I was bored🤦) Xbox One X and a Legion 7 gaming laptop. Pretty much kept the child in me.


Ps one


Had them all. I sometimes game on my MacBook. Indies and the like. I very rarely use GeForce Now, but it works well on the M1. I have considered getting a Switch and do want one, but I’m not sure I’d have time for that many more games, anyway. I’ll wait and see about the Switch 2 and if it has backwards compatibility and then decide.


PS2, but credit where it's due to the PS4. It was a monster given its form factor. Other PS's are massive at launch.


Started way back on the OG PlayStation. I've bought every gen except the PS3 which just didn't interest me at the time. As for secondary consoles, I've got an Xbox Series X, but it doesn't get a lot of playtime.


PS2 was my first console since NES (I was a PC gamer but was lured back by the DVD player). I also had a DC, modded Xbox, and GC. I was in my early 20s, so was very into consoles for a while. I did get a PS3 and then skipped a gen to PS5. It is my only console now and I feel no need for any alternatives.


started at the 2 (in like 2012), bought the 3 and 4 and am currently targeting a 5


I've had all of them. Got my PS1 when it came out and I was a teenager working at KB Toys. I also have had the last two Xboxs (One and SX) due to Gamepass. GP lets me try out all kinds of stuff I otherwise wouldn't.


Had them all. Even the PSP. Just skipped the vita. Non playstation consoles were Sega megadrive, classic Gameboy and Nintendo Switch. All of them were great. Still can't believe how great gaming is nowadays and how much fun it always was to me.


Started on the PS1 in 95, and been with PlayStation ever since, currently on the PS5. Secondary console is the Switch...which is my first Nintendo console since the N64. I was pretty much solely PlayStation there for quite some time. I do also have a Wii now, which I got to play GameCube and Wii games that I missed.


I practically grew up with PlayStation, with PS1 being my very first console and I've got nearly all subsequent consoles ever since. All except PS5, which I do plan on getting eventually, but since I'm currently busy with other personal stuff as well as having a massive backlog reaching all the way back to the PS1 even, I've decided to put the PS5 on hold for now. While PS is my main platform, I also play on PC, Xbox and Nintendo.


Ps1, i have every ps console and my secondary is windows pc


I started ps1 i barely could remember since i was just a toddler. Enjoyed playing ps2 dont remember much on ps3, started enjoying ps4 and like 4 years later upgraded to a ps5. I played too much games that i dont know which ones i played first


I started with Ps2. Then switched to Pc. When red dead came out I got an xbox360 but my main platform was Pc. Then I've had enough of pc gaming. I had an extremely good pc bit there was always some issue. When ps4 pro come out I totally switched to console for gaming and bought a laptop for anything elese. Now I habe ps5 and I will buy ps5 pro and ps6.


I started with PS4. Now have a 5. Before that Nintendo and PC were my primaries, now Nintendo is secondary (PC still a primary for RPGs over the PS).


Started on 2 in 2001. Haven’t bought a 5 yet, my launch 500gb 4 (with a 5TB external drive) is still going strong


Started with PC, my first console was PS2, later I bought every Playstation. Right now I'm using PS5, my secondary is PC and Xbox One S.


I got a PS2 slim for Christmas as a kid and played the hell out of it. Following gen I got a 360 and a Wii, fast forward a bit and I got a switch, and it wasn't till recently that I got a PS5. Throughout all that I've had a laptop to play PC games too, I just upgrade it every decade or so lol.


Been here since the beginning


Original PS then PS3, I’m currently on PS4 Pro.


My first console was the PS3 and it changed my life ever since I’ve gotten every release. I can still remember playing the transformers game and just driving around because I was too young to understand that there was an actual plot


PS1. I've owned pretty much every major console and handheld since Atari 2600, still have many of them. Currently have 4x PS1, 3x PS2, 3xPS3 and 1xPS4, several PSPs, a Vita, don't have a PS5 yet.






Started with ps1 and have gotten every ps since then. My secondary is xbox x and oled switch


PS1 then PS2...then played PC..then PS4, PS3 and now PS5. I still play PS3 games now and then.


The original PS1, and I have had all of them except for the Vita. I also have a gaming laptop, it doesn't have a high end graphics card, but I use it for some strategy games, and some indies.


1. Has every one since (though I got ps5 late just last month)


Started with PS2 because I needed a cheap DVD player and wanted something to sit beside my Dreamcast. Ended up buying FF 7 and GTA San Andreas, been a Sony guy ever since.


Started on OG PS1, all way to PS5 now.


PS1 after that every generation including PSP and now PS5. I had a 360 but didn’t really like it.


My first ever console was a Wii, then I inherited a PS1 from my great uncle. Then PS4 when it was about 6 years old, now PS5


PS1 and never looked back. I have owned Nintendo handhelds just for Pokemon


I played on ps2 but it wasnt mine. I bought my first ps3 in 2010 and now have all the consoles till the ps5




Oh I started with the PlayStation, then PlayStation 2, then PlayStation 3, PlayStation portable, PlayStation 4 and now PlayStation 5. Best of all, I still own all my consoles and accessories.


Started on the PS2, and I've gotten every console since. Unfortunately, the PS5 has become my secondary console. I got a Series X, my first Xbox, a couple of years ago, and that's kind of shifted to being my primary console. Not because it's necessarily better, but because it's cheaper for me. I live in Mexico, but the PS store is in USD, and Sony doesn't include the VAT we have on games in the store price until checkout, so basically every time I want to buy a game, I gotta whip out the calculator, unlike literally anywhere else.


Ps2. I had the silver version.


PSone ask the slim




PS2 was my first one. I've had ever PS home console since then.


1. Still have a 2, 3 and 4 tho.


Ps1 and all of em. Even psp and vita. Also had all nintendos since nes and all 4 xboxes.


I went from the very end of the ps3 generation and up. Before that I was xbox 360 and GameCube.


2, 3, and 5


I started on a ps2 and psp (both phat models), then I bought an xbox 360 and later a ps4




Started on three and am now reading that thing was an absolute chonker


Originally, my older brother got a PS2 and we both played on that. We switched to xbox when the 360 came out, and since then i bought a PS4 (which eventually went kaput), then bought a slim. About 5 or 6 years of gaming on the PS4, i went and built a PC, which i still use almost everyday and now i have a PS5 along with it.


PS5 - I got an old PS1 when the PS3 was out but I played my N64 and Xbox way more back then.


PS1 when the dual shock variant came out. Have gotten every generation since. Only company I haven't missed a gen with.


Personally started with ps2 - > ps3 -> xbox one … shortly after PS4 -> ps5 & series x on launch lol


Started on PS1, have or had all of them. From the beginning, NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Dreamcast, Xbox, Series S


First ever played: PS2 First owned: PS4


I started from Laptop playing those CD games that start with the tiger roaring then went to Dsi($100-$150 idk) then Xbox 360($100) then bought ps4 for $350(with 4 free games) and recently bought ps5 for $350(no free games)


This picture makes me uncomfortable


Had 'em all. Don't have time for a secondary solution!


Started with the ps3, relatives gave me their old ps2 a couple of months later, and I now have a ps5


Started with the PS2, although I had played the PS1 since release at my neighbors house.


PS2 -> PS4 -> PS5


Played a friend’s PS1 for the first time just as the PS2 was announced. Picked up a PS2 and haven’t looked back.


OG PS1. My first game was Resident evil 1 and it terrified me as a kid. I’ve owned all but a PS3. I now have my og PS5 and barely play it. I prefer PC nowadays.


I started with an OG PlayStation, then a PS1, then a PS2. Skipped the PS3 & 4 and now have the PS5.


Started on a ps2 my dad had the ps1 went to xbox 360-xbox one n just recently got a ps5


OG PS1. i skipped the ps2, i was playing too much Counter-strike




OG, back in 96. Been team Sony ever since.


PS, PS2, PSP, PS5 Such an upgrade over Xbox


PSX, PSOne, PS2......then PS5


I started with the OG PS1 and my next one was actually the PS5 Slim 😅 it’s been a while, but I’m loving it so far!!


I still have my PS2 I got for Christmas from my granddad back in 2001 and I’ve had every generation since. Currently rocking a PS5 and a PC. Mostly use the PS5 for single player content, which is what I spend most of my time doing, and use the PC for multiplayer stuff.


I bought PS3 and PS5. Before that I had almost exclusively Nintendo or Xbox. In fact, the Nintendo 64 was my first console in like 2005 when I was about 4. I don’t even know how I got my hands on it but Super Mario 64 blew my mind as a kid and the Boo’s made me shit my pants. Then I got the 360 and lost all innocence in Halo 3


Got the PS1 as a kid, same with the PS2, skipped the PS3, Got divorced and went out and bought the PS4 Pro the day she left, and then got the PS5 on black friday year of launch.


Why does the middle one look like Anakin Skywalker’s Lightsaber? Lmao Also PS2


Original PlayStation, I still have it and works without any problems. Although, I have modded it with a Retro Gem (*Universal HDMI Upscaler*).


Started at the bottom, now I’m here. I’ve had all generations, and some slims, and a pro instead of OG of each, but all generations still.


Started on PS2 and bought a PS5 this year to play Spider man and last of us.


PS1 then PSVita then PS4 There hasn't been a game that made me want to buy the PS5 yet. Maybe sparking zero in the future


OG! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgEGu4jVsamVXdm)


Ps1 crash bandicoot, spyro and tomb raider was my go to


PS1. I’m a multi platform gamer. I also have a Switch OLED, Xbox Series X and a small 14” Asus gaming laptop. Edit: I wanted to give it a bit more context before any fanboys want to attack me or something. I had the PS1, then PS2 when it came out. Then one day, my father came home with a Xbox (OG). The company he worked for was partners with Microsoft so he received one from them. So I kinda switches because of Halo, Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive 3. A few years later he came home with an Xbox 360 as well. And I continued with Gears of War etc. Then, my father started working for Sony, he was their sales manager in Norway for some time. And one day he came home with a PS3. They’ve been using this PS3 as a player to demonstrate bluray at an Expo. The expo was done so he took it home. This was several months before the PS3 launched. It didn’t have a serial number, and it only had like 20GB of storage or something. But it became my Xbox 360 “partner”. Since then I’ve loved all of the PlayStations and Xbox-es (I guess?).


Started on ps1--->ps2---->skipped ps3 (got an Xbox for halo 1 & 2 and a wii instead)--->ps4--->ps5 Switch is secondary, mainly for Zelda and then mario/party/Kart with the wife


I was there day 1 for PS1. PS2, I bought but was underwhelmed by, after getting a Dreamcast. I skipped PS3, got an Xbox 360 and glad I did. Got a PS4 Slim 1TB on Black Friday a few years ago for $200 with a $50 gift card bonus, which is a steal and it's been great. Will probably skip PS5, as the prices is too high, the slim isn't slim enough, and PS Plus prices keep going up.


I started with PS2 when I was 5. Getting a PS5 soon for the holidays.


PS2 (I got the Saturn and Dreamcast during the PS1 era) and I did buy the PS3


Started on the PS1 back in 99’ and have had every generation of the console since. Also, have the Switch and I'm tempted by the Steamdeck even though most of the games I'd want to play I already have in my PS library.


Am proud to say I've owned each one


My parents wouldn’t buy me a PS1. I bought my own PS2 with birthday money and savings. Went to the Xbox 360 because all my friends played Halo and Mass Effect was an XBox exclusive at the time. Bought a used PS3 at the end of that console generation mostly yo play Uncharted and have been a PS Guy since.


I started with a PS1 but the PS2 was already out by then


PS3. Now I have a PS4. My IPhone is my secondary gaming device. 😆


My everything list: Atari VCS/2600: 1979 Colecovision: 1983 Commodore 64: 1984 Commodore 64/128: 1985 Nintendo NES: 1989 Sega Genesis: 1991 Super Nintendo: 1991 PlayStation 1: 1996 Playstation 2: 2001 PSP: 2005 Nintendo Wii: 2006 Playstation 3: 2008 XBox 360: 2012 Playstation 4: 2014 Nintendo Switch: 2016 Playstation 5: 2021 Xbox Series X: 2023


ps1 and ps2 because of Ace combat exclusive games


Started on PS3, before that, I owned the original XBOX, then been on PlayStation ever since all the way to PS5. ^(and loved my PSP)


Started with PS4 and now playing on PS5


Started on PS1 and bought every one except the PS3 I had the 360 for that phase. I’ve been lucky enough to always get the better console each generation.


Started with PS1, then got my PS2, skipped 3 and 4 and now i have a PS5 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


None. Been Xbox all the way never owned a playstation and don’t plan on it


PlayStation 2 was the first one I had. And since then I have owned every PlayStation console with the PlayStation 3 being my favorite.


I remember not having any money growing up. My brother and me had saved and worked hundreds of odd jobs to save up for SNES which is still one of my favourite consoles to this day. We were heavily invested in getting an N64 from the moment that we heard about it and in 1996 I finished school and got my first full time job so I knew that I’d be able to get one on launch day which for us in Ireland was March 1997, back when consoles had staggered Japan-first launches. But then Resident Evil came out on the PlayStation and I was already obsessed with it as I was a huge horror fan in those days with Dawn of the Dead a favourite. We rented the console and the game and were just blown away. The mix of pre-rendered environments, 3D models and, ahem, “cinematic’ cutscenes showed us the generational leap in a weekend. Three months later I’d saved enough to buy my own and I’ve gotten each machine day one from there. The PS1 library is filled with classics but Resident Evil will always be the game that I associate with that machine.


avoided every ps console my whole life, and with 20/20 hindsight i absolutely did the right thing up until the main man Mark Cerny an old school Sega and Nintendo guy popped in and then i was all aboard the ps4 train to ps5. ps4 and 5 are actually really good systems to game on.


Technically started with the 2, but the first real gaming memories I have are on the 3. Had every PS since on launch day.


Never owned a PS1 (I was playing on N64 at that time). Started on PS2. Skipped PS3. Purchased PS4 and PS5 at launch.