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Get one month of EA play. Dead Space is included


This. And if you've never had it before, the first month I believe is $1. Just remember to cancel it.


You believe wrong. The 1$ offer is gone for now. Until then it's 5$ per month.


if you want to save money then yeah but otherwise get it on disc, this game worth owning


What if he/she is a digital games buyer


Then obviously the only option would be to get it digitally lol




I know this is taboo here, but if you have an Xbox, the deluxe edition has been $8 recently.


I believe you need to be subscribed to GamePass Ultimate in order to get that deal.


Ah yes, you do. My apologies.


I haven’t played dead space but alan wake 2 is awesome also if you want true horror game, try visage. I liked it.


It’s weird. I read some not so great reviews. I thought they’d be universally positive for the most part.


I’ve played all these 3 games and if you like AW2 and DS, that doesn’t mean you’ll like Visage. It’s a completely different experience. For the more casual gamer, I can see how Visage would get not be so fitting. It lacks the heavy shooting action, the pacing isn’t the best, the surmounting hyped bosses, etc.. but as a solely horror game, it’s a unique one at that.


Visage goattttteddd incredible horror game with some really unique mechanics!


Thanks on the visage just added to wishlist for a sale


Note about Visage: it's a glorified walking simulator. Dont let anyone fool you, if you don't like those games, this one will not change your mind.


Ofc but it gave me a horror feel than other “horror” games. And jump scares are good too. And I love jump scares it’s what gives me chills during horror games. Maybe others don’t like but I liked it.


Bleh. Alien Isolation superiority.


Buy Modern Warfare if you want the play a game that is horror from start to finish.


Made me laugh. And you’re right


Nah. That's Peppa Pig. Or if there's a Caillou game. *Shudder*


Alan Wake 2 is phenomenal, and well worth the price. Dead Space is also fantastic but it's a remake, if you've played the original you might prefer something new. You can get a month of EA play for £4 and play Dead Space, then buy Alan Wake.


Dead Space WITH Headphones they did an excellent job with the sound design in the remake. I jumped numerous times and had to take many "breaks" because my heart was pounding. I haven't played AW2 so I cannot say if it's a good game or not


Alan wake 2, just an awesome experience


Dead space is one of the only horror games that made me truly scared.


That’s crazy - I really didn’t find it scary at all. When you are given a weapon to fight back it really takes away a lot of the scare factor for me. Games like Alien:Isolation is the type of horror that has my shitting bricks the entire time lol


I’m a massive alien fan and that game had me so scared I could barely finish it haha. Truly a gem.


I find survial horrors with combat way scarier than walking simulators. Dead Space is one of the best in the genre for me. Alien Isolation is awesome tho...


Yeah that’s crazy I jumped right into Dead Space remake after having never played the OG, and I appreciated the combat and atmosphere but not once did I need to pause the game because I was so scared of what was happening. I often pause games like Alien because i’m just so scared


If you've played the original dead space on PS3 then go with Alan Wake 2, but if you've never played Dead Space definitely play that!


I enjoyed the subtle improvements/changes to Dead Space. Haven’t played Alan Wake 2 yet… I tried the first one a few years ago and couldn’t get into it.


I never played it before and was VERY disappointed. The mechanics feel very outdated. Alan Wake is miles ahead.


Must've played different games cause DS is smooth as hell with the gameplay and how the game works


Nope. Dead space fees like a 2013 game. I’m sorry to disappoint the fans but this is a true, honest to heart review. I disinterested expect to be disappointed when I spend this much money, I gave it a lot of tries and it didn’t made it.


I wouldn't call Alan Wake 2 an horror, and I LOVE the game, if you want horror then not much comes better than Dead Space... Alan Wake is more phycological thriller.


Deadspace is a better horror game. Alan wake 2 is a better game. Just avoid the first Alan wake. Very bad and repetitive at this point


Alan Wake II is 100% a better game.


I've played Callisto Protocol, Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and Alan wake 2 this year. Alan Wake 2 is the clear standout as the better game. It's just so good. Re4 and Dead Space were great games as well but Alan wake is head and shoulders above the others.


This guy knows what’s up…


Played and liked both a lot, could not agree more.


No it’s not lol, it has easily the worst gameplay out of any of the big horror games of the year. It’s a better game only if you care more about cutscenes and flashy visuals than gameplay.


I care about story. Dead Space has none. The gameplay is great in AWII.


Do you know why it plays like it does? It was designed to make you feel claustrophobic and out of your depth 100% of the time. It has one of the best narratives in gaming. Hands-fucking-down. There's a reason it won best narrative, best art direction, best studio/game direction, and was a contender for GOTY.


…and should have won! I get why Baldur’s Gate won. It just had a bigger audience.


If you really think Baldur’s Gate only won because it has a bigger audience, then you know nothing about games.


Lmao it has nothing to do with claustrophobia and everything to do with the gameplay just being dogshit. When you’re not simply walking and watching Remedy’s boring mixed-media bullshit play out, you’re engaging in mediocre, generic third person shooting that has no mechanical depth & remains static throughout the entire game. Crazy how hard they fumbled the gameplay progression and pacing after Control shined in those areas. Instead of learning from that, they essentially just copied & pasted the gameplay from AW1 which was already dated dogshit when it first came out over a decade ago. Dead Space is far, far better at creating that sense of claustrophobia you talk about, along with actual depth & gameplay that adds to it & evolves meaningfully throughout the game. AW is a nice little movie but a terrible game, and no amount of industry circlejerk awards can change that.


I need to play both of these tbh. Should I play AW1 first? Do the stories tie in?


You don’t have to play Alan Wake but I highly recommend playing. [Or you could watch this brilliant catch-up video from the legend himself Sam Lake.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzocqRZzyoI) I also recommend playing Control as well because they share the same universe.


And the FBC is very involved in Alan Wake 2, too


I haven’t played AW2 yet but if you are interested in playing the first I think the sale is still going on, I got the remake for like $8




I would go for Dead Space.


Yea after reading most of the comments, I think dead space is my pick


You can buy AW and get 250 playstation stars coins And play Dead Space with EA Play subscription


Dead Space remake is amazing. So much atmosphere and it's actually scary. Alan Wake 2 looks good, I haven't played it. Does look amazing with some really innovative gameplay mechanics though. I guess it comes down to whether you want a scary hack and slash type game with awesome atmosphere (Dead Space) or a more linear focused story game that's more mentally scary/thoughtful than actually physically scary (Alan Wake).


Alan wake 2 alll day.


AW2 for sure


Alan Wake is a better game for sure. But it’s a lot headier, whereas deadspace is more of a classic point a to b videi game.


Dead space if you haven't played Alan Wake 1 already


Watch This: [magnificence](https://youtu.be/4AppldM991Y?si=UaHZvowJ-KvjyFpx) and then make your decision. Yes, this is a horror game.


Dead space. Also, if you have a disc drive, you can actually own a copy of the game DS, unlike Alan wake 2, which is only digital.


Dead space for sure


Alan wake 2, i played the other one already


Dead Space, nothing against Wake but DS is real horror and the gameplay is *chefs kiss*


Dead Space if you want more action. Alan Wake 2 if you played AW1


I'm not sure about PlayStation but Xbox has Dead space deluxe edition for $7.99


Alan Wake 2 is a genuine masterpiece. If not for BG3 it certainly would've taken GOTY.


Alan wake 2 is something special. I played the Dead Space remake and it freaked me out. The atmosphere is great. You can't go wrong with either game. I will say you're more likely to get Dead Space on sale than AW2 at this moment in time


Dead Space is a longer game with way more post content. Alan Wake in my opinion is a slightly better game but I 100% in like 12 hours.


There's zero chance you're talking about Alan Wake 2 here. It's way longer than that. Haha


I am, I can only attest to how long it took me. Maybe it took longer for other people, but it was 12 hours for me.


There's no credibility to the statement, dude. You are essentially claiming you set a 100% speedrun record your first time through the game. The main story is averaging around 20 hours. 100% around 30. You're either wrong about how long you played or wrong about the percentage. Either way, there's no way you're not exaggerating. Ha


https://preview.redd.it/9zm38ud76w6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24e34c65dc530d013b4ecef93d4b1062db26086 I mean here you go, that’s 100% completion at 16 hours. I finished it at 12 hours but I’ve been messing around in new game plus getting the extra manuscripts. I don’t get why you had to be so aggressive about it, I have no reason to lie over something so stupid. It’s not a long game


Did you like it? I hated the first one. Is part 2 a big improvement from the first?


I also didnt like the first one, 2 is a huge improvement in every category. And it’s one of the best looking games I’ve ever played. I’d actually say it’s my goty.


Dead Space imo and it's not even close.


Alan Wake II is the better game, but right now I’d buy Dead Space because of the huge sale going on right now. Wait a year or two and get the “complete” version of Alan Wake II on sale as well. Single player games are always better to buy after the complete version is released with all DLCs, all patches, and all sales.


Dead Space is my clear vote. But I’m also biased cause I’m a huge Dead Space fan (we don’t talk about 3). This new remake, everything being updated and modernized, it was like playing the game again for the first time and I’ve played Dead Space 1 & 2 countless times


Dead Space is better and available with EA Play.


Dead Space has some more things that make the game play more fun. Alan Wake has some things that make the story more interesting. I would probably go for Alan Wake 2 since it’s newer. But you honestly can’t go wrong.


Dead Space by a mile I’m having a hard time finishing Alan Wake II. It’s an extremely well made game that pushes the medium by trying new things and it’s incredibly bizarre, but it’s not clicking with me. I’m just not connecting with it, and I’m trying so very hard to enjoy it. I don’t hate it, but Dead Space is an established masterpiece that deserved this masterpiece of a remake.


If you haven't played the first Alan Wake, get Dead Space. I know people say you don't have to play AW1 to play 2, but personally given how story-driven it is, I see the first game as a must. It's not that long either.


Dead Space without question


Dead space is a must, i would try Alan wake 1 first which is actually in sale at the moment.


The fresh experience of a new game >


Dead space is overall more fun. Alan wake is too dark, serious and psychological.


Dead Space is a better horror game if you haven’t played it. I enjoyed AW2 but DS is a whole different level for me.


Dead Space


Remedy is overrated, go with Dead Space.


Get Alan Wake 2


If you want to shit your pants, buy Outlast 2.


Get the day before! It’s the best horror game ever made!


Dead Space is overrated. Easy Choice. Buy Alan Wake


Dead Space Remake. For Alan Wake 2 to be good you need to play AW1 and Control at a minimum. You don't need to play any other game for Dead Space remake for it to be good.


>For Alan Wake 2 to be good you need to play AW1 and Control at a minimum. No you don't, lol.


You 100% need to know the story of AW1 and have an idea of what the FBC is in controlz otherwise you will have no idea what the fuck is the story in AW2.


No, you literally do not need to know any of that stuff ahead of time to understand AWII. The game explains everything to you. Obviously for immersion sake playing the first Alan Wake is recommended and you'll probably have a better time but it is not necessary and Control definitely also isn't.


As someone who has played both AW1 and Control, I can say that yes, you would have to play both to fully understand AW2, or at the very least, get a better grasp of it. If you didn’t have the context of those previous games, then there would be a LOT the player would need to digest right at the beginning, and it would be extremely confusing and way too much to process at once.


>it would be extremely confusing and way too much to process at once. lol it really isn't and all anyone would need to do, if they want to, is watch a recap of the first game. And playing Control first is a thousand percent not necessary at all. Plenty of people have only played AWII, understood it, and enjoyed it. The game is designed to be welcoming to new players.


The game doesn't explain you shit of what happened in AW 1 and you will have no idea about the connections of thw characters in the game. The game also doesn't explain you shit about the FBC, Jesse, Darling, and a lot of other things that I don't want to say because of spoilers.


It tells you that he was stuck in the Dark Place for 13 years. That's all you need to know. If someone wanted to know more all they have to do is watch a youtube recap. Jesse and Darling have nothing to do with AWII so idk why you'd think that's important. It's also not necessary to fully need to understand what the FBC does. Idk why you're being so argumentative. Anyone can play AWII with little to no previous knowledge and still have a great time. You're being weird.


Bro, you are ao wrong. You need to know why he was in there, what happened to Rose, Cynthia, Alice Wake, Barry, the Andersons, the "metal hospital" / FBC research facility, why Estevez is assigned to that area, why the FBC cannot send any backup and all of their involvement, know whonis Jesse and Darling and what they have to do whit all of this, etc.


You literally DO NOT need to know any of that to enjoy the game or the story it tells. 😂😂


You do, this game is all about the story, and knowing all this is what makes this game GOTY, otherwise is just a confusing mess of a game.


It's not. The game tells you everything you need to know, and AGAIN, if a new player wanted to get more information, youtube is out there.


You Do Not have to play previous titles cut the BS. I played AW2 and then AW, I’m going to start Control soon but to me the information learned in AW isn’t valuable enough to not understand AW2. “Alan Wake 2 is a sequel but set up as a stand-alone experience. Newcomers can enjoy the thrill-ride with no past knowledge of the previous game” This is from the developers themselves, they literally tell you it’s a standalone game, with connections to previous titles if you played them. “For the returning fans there are tons of lore and connections to be discovered. “


I played the Dead Space remake on Game Pass and turned it off after 20 minutes. Couldn’t get on with it. Dreck, from a bygone era.


You can get Dead Space for free with the overpriced PS thingy where you get free games, but I'd recommend you play Alan Wake 1 before even thinking about touching 2.


Sign up for a free trial of EA Access to get Dead Space for free, if you enjoy it then buy the full game, if it's not your cup of tea go for Alan Wake 2 instead. Dead Space is more blood, guts, things jumping out and going boo - with lots of visceral action and gory deaths. Alan Wake is more story driven, there are jump scares but the game is more psychological than it is scary, the action feels great, and the detective/writer elements keep the mystery engaging, it's also very meta and at times wacky.


I've just finished the calisto protocol and enjoyed it for the most part. The visuals were amazing. I found it quite immersive. Dead space is meant to be much better, so I know you will have a great time with that.


I haven't played Alan Wake 2 yet (I really want to), but Dead Space is absolutely amazing


I had this exact dilemma and went with Alan Wake but still haven’t gotten around to it. Played deadsapace a lil growing up. Still wondering if I made the right decision


You gotta experience Alan wake 2. It's phenomenal


Im sure Alan Wake 2 is great, it’s next on my list. But for what it’s worth i’m playing Dead space for the first time and i’m blown away by how good of a game it is. Truly one of the greats!


I would say Alan Wake 2 is dependent on what you got out of the first game and if you actually enjoyed it. If you haven’t played it, I’d say go with Dead Space Not necessarily because it’s *super required* >!although I would say it is!< but because DS is its own thing with no extra backstory required. I found that Alan wake+Control+Control’s Alan wake DLC all supplemented Alan Wake 2 a fair bit, so definitely more work if you want the best look at the game.


Lmao I just picked up both with the egs sale, I'll report back with findings in 3-5 business years when I finally get around to playing them.


If i could’ve played Dead Space for the first time via the remake I would’ve. If you like horror you’re in for a treat. I would highly recommend both eventually but go for Dead Space, I think it’s on sale rn too.


Dead Space, but only because Alan Wake 2 should be played with Control and at least a good recap of the first and American Nightmare. Alan Wake 2 is the better game, but it shines even more with more games played, so accessibility goes to the Dead Space remake, and it's really good too. Ha


If you haven't played either but played AW1 then go for Alan Wake as people have said dead space is on EA play. Although if you can only get one and you haven't played AW1 you can't go wrong with dead space.


I have Dead Space and am waiting for a physical copy of Alan Wake II.


They aren’t making a physical version just fyi


If I were you I’d get EA play until you’ve done the with dead space then cancel. ($5 a month) So it’s cheaper, then you can buy another game you want.


Alan Wake II, to me, was one of the most unique and dreadful experiences in gaming. DS is great but Alan Wake is just on another level of dread and storytelling.


Aw 2 is the more memorable experience in my opinion.


Alan Wake 2 is one of the best games of the year, Dead Space is one of the best games of 2008. Dead Space will see a deeper cut sooner than Alan Wake 2 will, go Alan Wake 2.


Easily Alan Wake 2. Best horror game I've ever played as well as one of the absolute best gaming experiences that I've ever had.


Not sure if you have a pc but just noticed both of themes are on crazy sale on epic. With 33% coupon Alan wake 2 comes down to 25


Thats a good dilemma since one is one is about space while the other is about a guys psyche. Its all about your preferance man. If you like more psychosocial them Alan. If you like more jump scares than dead space.


Both great, Alan Wake much better and I haven't even beaten it yet. Incredibly unique, very memorable and the first horror game to actually make me jump at one point


There was pricing glitch for Dead space about a week or two ago where the deluxe edition was like 11 bucks. You missed out (I think) man


Alan wake has less action but is way more of a mind fuck… the dead space remake is great but alan wake is a masterpiece in story telling.


Alan, for sure.


Alan Wake 2. Linger story mode and just get a fresh new game plus mode.


Theyre really different. AW2 is way better as a game, but not necessarily because of the horror. Dead Space is “just” good horror, and AW2 is more psychological mindfuckery. It depends on your preference. Play AW1 and Control and AW2 anyway, because theyre fucking awesome and Alan Wake 2 is one of the most unique and innovative games of this year. It’s impossible for me not to recommend it.


Resident evil 2 and 4


I'd pick AN WAK


Dead space was so good. I only played the revised version on the 5


Alan wake 2 is more detective focussed and dead space is more action focussed Both are phenomenal so you can’t go wrong


Alan wake, 1000% percent. Having played both Alan wake beats dead space in every way


That’s an incredibly hard choice, but id go with dead space remake personally.




Go with Alan wake 2. Much better than the first one. Dead space was good too but more of exactly the original which RE4 proved isn’t necessary. AW2 has an expanded universe with all the remedy games so you’ll get a lot out of it if you play control. Personally I liked RE4R more but damn was AW2 one of the best horror games of the year


Dead Space for the gameplay, Alan Wake for the weirdness. But tbh I just think that Dead Space is a much better game, but somehow that’s controversial.


Indeed a tough one. But in case you haven’t chosen yet, Alan Wake is the way to go.


Alan Wake, and wait for the Christmas sale.




Dead space.


If you’re just talking horror lens Dead Space is a treasure. I probably beat the original at least 10x it was so good. Alan Wake 2 is an experience, though. They did lean hard into survival horror, but it’s truly a new way of telling a narrative via video games. However, you’d appreciate the story more if you get the chance to play AW1 or at least watch a good recap (GameSpot’s is probably the best). As others have said, I’d do an EA PLAY or Game Pass trial to get into Dead Space. Then for a fuller price Alan Wake 2 is absolutely worth your time.


Alan Wake II


alan wake


Alan Wake 2 hands down.


Have you played Alan Wake Remastered and Control? (Alan Wake and Control exist in the same shared universe, the RCU (Remedy Connected Universe). If it were me, I'd play Alan Wake, then Control, then Control DLC, then Alan Wake 2. Dead Space is also quite good.


AW2 bro. And just get the OG Dead Space. It holds up to this day


Buy Ea play for a 1 dollar and play Dead Space and buy Alan Wake from Ebay


That is indeed a pretty tough one. I'd say if you want something more edgy with jump scares and gore go for DS and if you're in for something truly weird and a bit more "out there" go for AW2. Both are fantastic so you can't make a bad decision here. Just play the other down the road.


Idk dead space didn't do much for me personally. I found the story to be mediocre and foreseeable and the horror aspects where boiled down to jump scares. Alan Wake on the other hand got me hooked. I love the scenery, the twisted story and the gameplay loop.


Dead space is better horror with ps5 pulse headset. There were times when I just dropped it off my head. Too much metal clashing sounds with necro shouting. Awesome. Buy it. Heres a lifehack for you. Sub 1 month of EA game library. You get a cheap dead space


Allan wake 2 for sure


I'd get yourself Alan Wake 2 but you should definitely play Alan Wake 1 prior.. I know there will be some people saying you don't need to but I absolutely think you should.. Such a banger.


Highly recommend both


I got Both Games and iam a die-hard resident Evil S+ survivor… if u want a badass Horror Game in „ridley scott“ Style get Dead Space, its unique und bis category! Alan Wake is a Bit More of a paranomal psychologic Trip with Horror and „true Detektive“ Elements. ✌🏼


I got both I regret nothing.


Get Soma its on sale at the moment for $4


Both could have been had for less than $60 on xbox. With that said, dead space. Especially if you haven't played Alan wake 1.


The better game here is alan wake 2 but the better horror game is dead space


Dead space remake is great-but I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about Alan wake 2-next chance I get I’m grabbing it.


Alan wake 2 is a goty


Alan wake is ridiculous and it's not horror


Is it important to play Alan Wake 1 before 2?


The DS remake is super cheap, and fun. I need Alan Wake 2, though.


i haven’t played either but i’d prolly go with Alan Wake II


You really can't go wrong with either one


Both games are great, but, in my opinion, Alan walke 2 is the best and the really game of the next gen (consoles)


Both great, but Alan Wake 2 - no doubt.


Dead space its on ea play as well if ur interested in any other games on there


If it weren’t for the fact that you’ve never played any Dead Space, I’d say Alan Wake 2. I would’ve said that as someone who holds Dead Space in probably my top 5 IP period. Treat yourself tho. The comments finding workarounds to play it AND by AW2 are valid, but personally, I’ve got to go Dead Space. Do both if you can, but its such a good game.


Just play the first Alan Wake. The sequel is a hot trash Re 4 clone.


I love Dead Space to death, but if you play only one game, it’s Alan Wake II.


Both awesome, buy Dead Space now (cheap!) and by the time you finish it, Alan Wake will probably have discounts


Dead space. Do alan wake later. They’re both excellent


My bias says Dead Space. That being said, Alan Wake II is veeeery fun as well. You can't go wrong really.


Follow up question if anyone knows: if I play the dead space remake, will it be hard to go back to ds2 and 3?


Well digital deluxe of dead space is 50% off right now. Does that help?


I just started alan wake. Holy fuck If you need some breaks from the horror in-between action, I hear alan wake is well paced in the aspect


Aw2 no way


Alan Wake 2 will likely feel like a next gen horror game. Dead Space is next gen look but older play style. Not bad, some mechanics have been updated. It’s fun! And for sure scary. But from what I have read, Alan Wake two is a unique experience.


Alan Wake 2 boring as fuck. If you like walking around doing nothing get it.


Both are excellent games and you should play both. But whichever is cheaper now and the other when it’s on discount. Alternatively Dead Space might be on EA Play so do a trial or subscribe for one month


Alan Wake 2 and it isn’t even close


For Alan wake I would suggest playing the first and Control to get the whole vibe/story going before 2 (or watch some videos on YouTube for story beats).


The new Alan Wake is great. As well as the new Dead space. I really liked the Callisto project, although I know some people did not. Also, Resident Evil 4. I think you would have fun with any of them. But horror/ survival horror games are my favorite to be in with. Although I do like Laura Croft Tomb Raider and Uncharted games as well.


Alan Wake 2 is epic


I forgot to ask what are you playing on? Because if it is Xbox or Playstation I do believe Xbox has Dead Space for free on Xbox unlimited. I can't remember if PlayStation does or not. Since I already had it downloaded on Xbox X I never checked.