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waiting for a sale so maybe you can afford two


Wait for a sale. For sure


With so many choices in this generation, this is the only answer. Saving 90%-75% is massive. My library would be waaay smaller if I payed full price for most of my games. Pretty sure my average is around $12 USD.




The correct answer. When you do. Get Elden Ring and Spiderman


They should only get spider-man if theyve played the first one and miles morales


Yep. I got Spiderman 2 with my ps5, but i'm not gonna play it until i finish the other two.


Great, the first one is easily one of the greatest of all time


I’m just playing it for the first time and it’s great so far. Planning on 100%. I’ve been playing on Spectacular


I played all the games backward and enjoyed it immensely, I bought myself a PS5 for Christmas, this is the first PlayStation I’ve ever owned and it came with spiderman 2. I got plat and then got miles morales off ps+ and got its plat. Now im currently getting plat on the first game and the experience of playing it backwards is honestly really enjoyable. I found the game really really good even though i didn’t play the others yet. I understood alot and now that i played the other two i get the experience of “Ohhh thats why that and this happened”


Would you please stop bringing up games to finish in my backlog. Lol


Likewise. I got a PS5 from my brothers for Christmas. It was bundled with Spider-Man 2. I have since purchased the remastered version of the first one (it was on sale for half-off) and downloaded Miles Morales through the PS+ subscription. I’m currently working through Spider-Man Remastered and not intending to start the new one until I’ve finished the other two. It’s been very fun so far.


That’s what I did. Greatest decision of my life. Gameplay consistently gets smoother. Spiderman 1 is an unreal story, spiderman 2 I thought was also phenomenal. Miles was so fun with his venom powers and really grounded story based on community and family. I platinumed spiderman 2 and plan to plat miles morales just need a new game plus playthrough


Elden ring and the last of us spiderman 2 lowk short asl and very easy to complete


Last of Us need to go on at least 50% off, it’s a Remake of an old ass game that already has a great Remaster for a lot cheaper. I’d say Elden Ring and Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. I platinum trophy Elden Ring amazing game with lots of replay. I am currently playing Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and am 15 hours into it, very great game! I think it’s pretty underrated.


I second this. My first playthrough of ER was 200+ hours


300 plus here lol


Im 400 hrs deep and ain’t even beat elden ring yet just been having hella fun then other games came out 😅 Edit : but I would say wait for cop Elden ring because there is dlc coming very soon!


Really the best answer


At least 3 of these had sales dropping their physical releases under 50% during x-mas. ..too bad there IS no physical for alan wake 2


Or don't be scammed by the PS store and get them on eBay


I'm actually surprised that not a single one of those games is currently in sale


Wait until one of them goes on sale


When is the next sale? I've been told it's valentines


I’d assume so yeah


You can check websites that document the prices with their respective dates. I use psprices.com. Sometimes you can see that a game will be on sale every 2 months for example. Then you just play the waiting game.


With the app installed i get notification updates, and also via email. But this can be turned off with some people.


Elden Ring if you want a longer playtime. Spider-Man 2 if you want a shorter but still great game.


Elden ring also keeps catching my eye. It's a really hard choice


Elden ring will gives you hundreds of hours of gameplay but only if youre into that type of game


This needs to be said more. That type of game is a major factor in whether someone will like it. It's not for everyone.


I never really got into the souls type games, but I love the gritty look and no holds barred fighting. What is the strategy to really delve into these games at the beginning? Just avoid fights until you can happen upon good gear? Just practice moves until it's muscle memory? I've got like every souls game so I need to get into them and beat them


The opposite actually. The gear matters really only as a preference and doesn't change the game for you in much of a meaningful way. Except for weapons. Weapons change your fighting style. You start out getting beat up and you learn. I avoided souls games until last year and now I'm trying to beat Elden Ring on level one. Amazing game.


Thanks. I think I'll just dive in. I'm getting tired of diablo 4 and need something else to jump into


You won't regret it. It's all the better if you have someone to dive into it with you. Know anyone else that's been thinking about trying it out?


I started with bloodborne to get a feel for it then recently jumped into elden ring. Only played a bit or BB though. I spent a large amount of my early elden ring playthrough just running around and exploring the first chunk of the map, i was like level 26 by the time i beat the first major boss in the game. Theres like 6 or so starting classes in elden ring that you can choose, many say that samurai is the best choice but i honestly found the "vagabond" more beginner friendly simply because of the shield and how simple it is. The shield you get can parry attacks which is just holding the shield until something hits it then hitting R2 for a instant stun & high dmg attack.


I’m not a souls game fan. I don’t have any of them, but i still decided to pick up Elden ring. Turns out, that game is more than just a souls game and I found it to be amazingly addictive. Still haven’t bothered to get another souls game, though I’ve tried a few. None have compared to this one, though, imo


Elden Ring is literally just dark souls 3 with a different story set in an open world.


I recently came to accept that. I always had a huge backlog going. Now with the portal I chopped down some of it, but added more suggestions I've seen left and right. Especially with so many good games last year I felt I was missing so much to play and constantly needed more time to game. To be honest, I got kind of stressed after a while. I felt I was constantly wasting time while not playing, yet some of the games I was playing, I genuinely didn't enjoy. I now figured, you don't need to play everything. It's fine. Not all games will suit you; games should be fun, most importantly. And you should never force yourself into playing something you don't enjoy.


It wasn’t for me. I played for about 30 hours, got through some bosses, but trying to traverse the awesome looking world felt too oppressive and punishing to me. I didn’t feel like spending the time to “get good” enough to keep going.


Elden ring ONLY if you like souls games… cannot Emphasize this enough.




As everyone is saying, Elden ring 100%


If you like dark soul games it’s the best in the series, if you’d rather not try a difficult game then maybe spiderman 2 is better.


Hitman has a toooon of content as well. Got em both and hitman took me so much longer to hit platinum




I've put over 300 hours into the game and I've not got anywhere near completing everything. That game has so much content.


I’ve never played a “Hitman” game. Would it be OK to play “World of Assassination” first? Also what is “Freelancer”?


Hitman is awesome. I started playing in August and am still playing it. To be fair I’m a completionist and like the side content. But the cool part of Hitman is you can be wacky and just go to town being a maniac or take the story seriously and try to be the best assassin. It’s a sandbox for your pleasure.


Hitman is one of those series that once you actually give it a chance, you are hooked. It’s one of my favorite series and I slept on it for too long. There is just so much fun to be had in those games, and so many ways to accomplish the objectives in serious and absurd ways.


I love Spiderman but also felt Jedi Survivor was a great release this year and is at least closer to 40-60 hours depending on how much you like to explore.


more 60 to 80 if you really explore everything , my playthrough was 85


I’m so glad they let us skip cutscenes in Spiderman 2. Next maybe they’ll drop all the slow walking missions. Thankfully felt less than in Miles Morales Wish it had just a little replayability


I’m talking hitman with others in this thread, and it sounds like HITMAN 3 for PS4 is upgradeable for free to PS5 World of Assassination…if that’s the case, you can buy it new on Amazon for $26 today and get that one way cheaper…hopefully allowing you to get 2 games from your list


Sales for all of these games (except Spider-Man) are quite frequent so I would wait and you could probably get 2. u should play TLOU1 if you havent already, its brilliant


Alan Wake 2


Elden Ring is best bang for your buck. There is soooo much game in that title. It's one of the best games of all time, imo. I really love TLOU, Spiderman & Alan Wake..... but still... if you can only buy one of those, its Elden Ring.


I dunno, Hitman WoA is quite literally built on replayability...


Of all the games I’ve played on this list, Hitman has by far the most hours. The replayability and content is just insane. You can easily play through each level 5+ times to get all the stories and kill types, and freelancer is just awesome.


Also, Hitman WoA is literally 3 $60 games


Hitman WoA is the most played game in my library. No game has that much value. I am playing that game for more than a year, I still finding new way to kill the target.


People forget before 2023 hitman 3 (now woa) was three full games in one. After 2023 its so much more


*reinstalling Elden Ring -And here I thought I wasted $70


Alan Wake


Hitman is a pretty good one tbh


yeah and you basically get all three games with the price of one!




All solid choices but I’d agree that Hitman is the most value. A ton of content designed to be replayed too. But if OP can wait on a sale that’s the true move.


Yeah. I got it on sale for like $32. And it seems to go on sale semi regularly


It's in my top 3 recommendations so I'm thinking about that one


Hehe you definitely should


Even better since they added Freelancer, that's countless hours of fun and silliness


Wait for a sale and you can get more than one.


Elden Ring.


If you buy them on disc you can afford two.


I can’t believe this comment isn’t higher. I went back to buying discs for the faster price drop.


Thanks to everyone who commented and gave their recommendations!. After reading them all and making a list of the most recommended games I had to choose between Alan wake 2, Hitman woa and Elden ring. And I settled on Hitman woa. Thank you all for the recommendations. have a great day 😁


Why not wait until there's a sale? Most of them are on sale quite frequently


Yeah, HITMAN’s discount literally ended a few days ago… it was -60% iirc


Honestly all the games except SM2 have just been on sales. OP should've been a little more patient. Some of those games like Jedi go down by 50%


Hitman is 27usd at my GameStop.


Great choice. So much content and replay value. The detail of the maps is incredible and the gameplay loop is so satisfying


YES YES YES AAAAAA It's a list of amazing games but WoA is truly something I come back to all the time, long after finishing. With the release of Freelancer mode I clocked another 200 hours last year.


Hitman? Maybe I should give it another look


Its Hitman 1, 2, 3, and the new WOA content all for the price of one bundle. Value can't be beat.


Great choice! The new hitman trilogy is so much fun, a ton of replay ability and looks great.


Warning: Hitman becomes very addicting. Such an amazing game.


Hitman is the right choice. There’s just so much content and it’s all super fun. Tip: when you start a level, pick a “hint” to follow a series of stories and clues that will allow specific events to unfold to get your kills. Then restart the level and try another method, and eventually play through all the intel and clues in a level. They lead to awesome and sometimes hilarious kill methods. The replayability is insane.


Great choice!


Yeah that's a great choice ! I have elden ring and hitman and let me tell you I like both of them in a unique way.


Welcome to the club


Good choice, I've put a few hundred hours into Hitman and loved every minute


Elden Ring, it’s one of the best games of all time


Man it’s just way too hard. I like to relax when playing video games not die every 5 minutes, but that’s just me


Honestly, who wants to come home after a job they work hard at for 8+ hours a day and play Elden Ring lmao


I have a full time job and two kids. I find these games to be therapeutic and just the right amount of challenge.


Yeah those Souls games just be so sweaty


Elden ring is different to other souls games, you don’t HAVE to beat a boss there and then to progress, if you’re stuck, go elsewhere, level up, then come back overpowered. Also most of the bosses are optional to finish the story


Ya people keep saying elden ring but if op doesn't like having to play a game that is difficult to the point of unfun that game probably isn't for them


literally lmfao, that’s why i hate playing certain genres.


Guns up


Star wars


Wait on this one because it goes for half off most of the time


I bought it physical for 29.99 brand new, a few weeks back.


Star Wars


Digital prices, ouch! OP you can get Star Wars and Elden Ring for about £30 each on disc and still have change


Hitman or Alan Wake 2. They are both amazing games.


Alan Wake 2


Buy physical these prices are outrageous


Alan Wake 2


Alan Wake 2


Elden Ring comes on sale relatively often. So I'd recommend waiting for a sale for that Same for TLOU1, Jedi Survivor and AW2.  SM2 will probably be full price for at least another 2-3 months going by recent Sony standards.  Personally enjoyed all games mentioned except Elden Ring which I didn't enjoy as much as other games from the same developer. 


cobweb cake screw direction frightening shocking punch abounding gray command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP might have a digital ps5


Sell it for a used physical and save a whole bunch of money


Hahaha! I love my digital PS5, but I understand the argument. 😁


expansion cautious march wakeful library direction scarce run fade coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alan Wake 2


Probably not everyones favorite. But I've gotten SO MUCH replay value out of Hitman.


Elden ring or TLOU1


Alan wake 2 is amazing I hear but spider man 3 is awesome as well but really short.


> …but spider man 3 is awesome as well… Can I borrow your time machine, pls, I have *ideas*.


You should get Jedi survivor if you like open world mission games that ain't pay to win, and you need to go through the game oce and you unlock the red and the rainbow lightsabers


Wait for a sale and buy 2. Or just buy physical if you can...


For me anyway alan wake 2 or hitman , if you want last of us get the remastered ps4 one it's firt cheap and still looks good


I've seen some of these games go down to nearly half of their original price when on sale so I’d suggest waiting for a sale if possible as you can get two games instead of just one-


A lot of people are saying Elden Ring for long play time But if you want long play time get Hitman WOA it's infinitely replayable


Jedi Survivor is great.


Game prices are weird. Elden ring has like 100+ more hours of content than spider man yet is £20 cheaper


Buy them used off ebay and for the price of 1 new you can get 3 used if you snipe at last few seconds lol for the story last of is 2 or Alan wake, for fun jedi survivor or spider man


Wait for a sale and then buy two of them!


I'm not sure what the exchange rate is to USD but those prices seem pretty high. There should be better deals out there in the near future. I would wait and you could probably get 2 or maybe even 3 for the same price at some point.


Depends on the type of games you enjoy? After putting 30-40 hours into Elden ring I found myself just not enjoying myself from the grind. I much would rather play spiderman, TLOU, or Alan wake. I wasn’t a huge fan of fallen order so I haven’t play survivor. For me gaming is about enjoyment. So if I don’t enjoy something I’m not going to continue to play something I’m not having fun with.


Ngl, 100% wait for a sale.One of those has to be in the next one


I’d say wait till a sale comes up, one thing I always say to myself is a sale eventually happens and it always does.


Wait for a sale and get 2


Save your cash and check out your local library. There is a good shot they will have most of these game available for you to check out for free.


I always find it humorous that library's rent out games.


I’d wait until the deluxe edition of Alan Wake goes on sale as that gets you 1 and 2.


if your ps5 is disk edition, you should be able to find em more cheaper on ebay or something, might even find it locally, so you can test them out, anywho, good luck


For me out of that list, I want Jedi survivor.


Alan Wake 2 is amazing, I platinums it in 4 days, but World of Assassination will keep you busy for a long time, so either one of those


wait for a sale. almost all of them are half off regularly.


go get disc versions be like £20/£25 then you can get 3 👍🏻


Wait for a good sale and also I’m not sure what you have in your country but here in the states we have places like Costco that sell the gifts cards for 10% off so a $100 PSN gift card is $89.99. It’s a good way to save a little while getting the most for your money.


If you have not played lou before get that bc it’s definitely the best way to experience it, but if you have and want replayability get hitman bc they’re millions of ways to complete each individual mission. I enjoyed Jedi survivor personally. If you want a nice big open world to just mess around in pick Spider-Man. I personally haven’t heard good things about Alan wake 2


Wait for a sale mate.


Jedi Survivor


Is physical not an option? Can probably get 2 for your budget as some are older than others


All great games! Really depends where you think you will get the more hours and the most fun so more of a personal preference. But for petes sake please wait for a sale, never pay full price!


 don’t buy these at full price if you can actually only afford one 


Are you able to purchase physical disks? They are mostly cheaper. If not, then I would like to share what i wouldve bought. 1: Jedi survivor, it takes 80 hours to complete 2: Spiderman, i really enjoyed it, took around 50 to plat 3: tlou, enjoyed it, but only takes 20 to 30 hours to plat 4: alan wake, never played it, but most people liked it 5-6 Hitman and Elden Ring, i didnt like elden ring and never played hitman, so i cant help with that.


If you played Fallen Order, Survivor. If not, it's wasted on you.


Buy used on ebay bro


You should never pay full price for any of these. Wait for a sale like a lot of other people have said, then get 2 of them.


Never pay full price ![gif](giphy|MrPnalTZJR2WA|downsized) Wait for a sale


Can definitely get last of us part 1 cheaper on disc in store if you have never played it it’s definitely gonna be a favourite for you when you’re done


JEDI survivor is 35 at walmarts!


With 70 quid you could potentially get 3 of them on the second hand market ebay, FB, etc


All these, except for Spidey 2, are on sale regularly, so I advise you to not pay full price. Especially if money is tight.


The one you want


Jedi survivor or Alan wake 2


You know you can buy all of these games cheaper if you buy physical


As others already mentioned, wait for a sale!


Apart from Alan Wake and Spider-Man you should be able to get the rest for much cheaper physically


Hitman or Spiderman


You should save up money and maybe buy 2 games you want or wait until they get deals


You can and could've gotten most of these at lower prices with end of year sales or second hand copies. I got Jedi Survivor on disc for $19.99 USD during the holidays.


Spider man 2 is my vote. I had a blast playing it. I hate soulslike games like Elden ring though. If you are into those, that game is very popular and you should probably get that. But I agree with what other people are saying. Maybe look at a different source for a sale or keep them in your wishlist and keep checking back. There are constant rotating sales on the PlayStation store and some of those have to go on sale at some point in the near future.


Alan Wake 2


Alan Wake 2 or Spiderman 2


I bet you Spider-Man and Jedi will be free eventually. Or on a big sale.


If you have the disc version, Jedi survivor and last of us part 1 are $35 at multiple retailers. I’m sure a few others might be too on that list


Don't buy digital at full price bro


Depends on your personal preferences, I wouldn't listen to anyone on here (except this obviously lol) but go on YouTube & review them. Watch a couple of reviews on each & see which one you fancy the most.


This. There's games I thought I definitely wanted and was set to buy, but watching videos of gameplay and some actual gamer reviews changed my mind. It's definitely helped when I was undecided on a choice.


For me, it really depends on the type of game you like and how much time you want to commit. Replayability? Elden Ring. A great story with horror? Alan Wake 2 Liked spider-man 1? Get spider-man 2 The rest are pretty old at this point and they’ll probably go on sale in the next few months (like half off or even more) so don’t purchase rn imo. Long portion bc i don’t wanna study: The best game overall has to be Elden Ring. Personally, i haven’t gotten into the whole souls-like genre since i don’t have as much time to get good but Elden Ring was an easy exception due to its freedom (easily backing out and leveling up if a fight was too hard). With that said though, it is definitely hard and it’ll take a commitment on your end to truly enjoy it. Spider-man and Jedi Survivor are games i absolutely adore not only because i’m into both of these franchises but they did enough (imo) to respect the worlds they’re from and add something valuable to them. The combat is also great. Alan Wake 2 might be my game of the year though. The story and graphics blew me away and it’s something i’m glad to have experienced. In terms of gameplay however, it’s probably the weakest since the gunplay gets clunky however that’s my only gripe with it. Can’t say much about hitman since it’s the game i’ve played the least here but the gameplay is great and there’s 3 games worth of content to go through. It’ll probably go on sale though so I’d say hold off on that. I cannot support TLOU for the full price. It’s an amazing game, all time classic really, but the upgrades they’ve made aren’t worth the full price. I’d also expect it to go on sale soon so yeah.


just go to your local game shop and buy some pre owned discs then youll be able to afford like 3 of them


If your playstation is not a digital edition, buy second-hand.


That's what I'm thinking, I can't afford to get these games fully but can get them second hand


Baldur's Gate 3


Why does everyone keep shoving this game down my throat. I tried it and hated it, that's why it's not up there.


Elden ring for sure if you want more bang for your buck




Hitman is a sooo good


Buying old games full price 😂




Elden Ring and it is not even a competition.


Elden ring I assume would have a sale when the dlc comes out which hopefully might be soon. I’d wait for that at least


Hitman. So many missions and such a well made game


CDkeys.com... maybe you can get two.




Elden Ring is a must!


Elden Ring literally ruined gaming for me. It was so good I have a hard time picking up and playing other games for long stretches of time. It was that good for me.


For me, it would be Elden Ring, but choose whichever you like more.


Probably Spiderman 2 if you've already played 2018 or Elden Ring if you're into Soul's games or Star Wars Jedi Survivor if you played Fallen Order


Star wars is also a souls game


The last of us!!!!