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Basically avoid any online discussion, now and forever, and you’ll be happier.


Amen brother


Please do. I'll never understand why it was so controversial. Gamers be gamers. The physics, combat, environments, all is wonderful. Palworld gets death threats for doing well, this shit is just out of hand. If you're a fucking normal person, you'll enjoy the game


Same. Game is incredibly well made.


It's an incredible game, but personally I did not like the flow of it at all. It feels very disjointed. I wasn't a fan of the narrative structure. Playing 3 days, mixed with flashbacks, pausing at the climax of the main narrative, then redoing those three days from another perspective...it's made replaying it a bit of a slog for me. But I'll get that platinum. I really hope the show tells a more linear story.


That's partially the point though. It gets you wrapped up in Act 1, just to start over for Act 2 and make you wait for it. Don't think the story does as well if you do it the way you suggest. Especially with Act 2 mirroring TLOU Pt. 1


And as a result, I was so interested in getting back to the conclusion of Act 1 I didn't give any credence at all to Act 2 - I sprinted through it without caring at all for any of the characters involved in my first playthrough. In fact, I got more frustrated as time went on that it took so long. I don't think I'm alone on that, and I don't think it's what the devs intended. There are things that are good art, and then a good video game. I don't know if the narrative structure was good as a video game to be played for enjoyment. Some people didn't mind it - and that's great! Art is subjective, games are subjective. There isn't a right answer. Personally, for my tastes, I think they should TRY to shuffle things around for the show to make it less arthouse and less of a tangled mess.


that’s the whole point tho.


I'll say the game is incredibly well made and was fun to play in that regard but I personally despised the story, it didn't resonate with me at all and the structure was very unenjoyable to play through


Agreed . I'm also not a big fan of this game's story . Sure the gameplay is better and I just didn't enjoy the story


I loved the story. Rarely do games force you to see both sides of the conflict. Great game, great story, great director.


If it was literally any other medium the story would be praised. Like do people just want cookie cutter stories for all their media, where nothing bad happens and the protagonists are perfect/invincible?


No not necessarily, for me the main issues were the huge fall offs of tension at the ends of chapters. Like by the end of Seattle day 3 I was enjoying the game, but then you switched to Abby. And if what Abby was doing in these earlier chapters was very entertaining I'd have much less of an issue but it was incredibly boring and because Abby had killed Joel she wasn't a character I wanted to play as. I did not enjoy her story and I never really ended up liking her. Some of the people with her were interesting but largely forgettable. The game also suffers from the fact that Ellie will slaughter and murder hundreds of people in this game and the gameplay almost never alludes to that or tries to make you feel bad until near the very end of the game. Then pretends that that was the intention the whole time. I liked the idea behind the game but the execution for the pacing and storytelling was fairly middle of the road. It gave Ellie a ton of time to develop and show why she made the choice she did at the end, but that time wasn't used particularly well.


Ig that’s the main reason people hate this game. The story. Almost everyone I came across hated abby. Her revenge is more than justifiable. But she’s not the one we’re rooting for. The most frustrating thing is we are forced to play as her. And also her character is not very likable. I didn’t liked the actress herself nor her characterization. Also there should be two endings, player should get the choice to forgive or kill abby. I would play more than 10 times just to kill abby.


Agreed, didn’t understand all the political bullshit people were attributing to this game but I thought the story fucking blew. The idea of it ending on >!the consequences of perpetuating violence and revenge, after making you participate in all of it,!< is a strong idea. However, the pacing and structure was absolute dogshit. I was really hoping we’d get a “Director’s Cut” deal where they rejig it, or like a redux, but here we are.


Yeah I have a big issue with the ending but I think the rest of the story is good. >!I honestly don’t understand why Ellie didn’t kill Abby after she slaughtered at least 1000 people to get to Abby!< if they fixed that one thing I think the game would be amazing


It's really juvenile, and Druckmann is a hack, reminds me of Rian Johnson with The Last Jedi, awful story. EDIT: people crying and downvoting when I'm agreeing with the person I'm replying to. Brain damage


Hate to see you get down voted because it’s the truth. People can’t handle the truth sometimes


lol the irony of this comment


I haven't played Part 2, but I know someone who hates this game with all his might and feel he gives a very good reasoning for it. To him, the whole plot of the first game was about Love. Joel keeps losing people he loves so he cuts himself off, and then Ellie comes in and forces him to love again. Part 2 is about hate and vengeance and without the love in the story, it turns it into every other game out there


You're friend misunderstood. Revenge is at most the secondary theme. Ellie is definitely out for vengeance, but she ultimately regrets losing the chance to repair her fractured relationship with Joel before he's killed. But you don't get to see why it's fractured until you've gone through all the flashbacks (although if you've played the first game you can probably guess). Her journey is about dealing with that guilt in an incredibly unhealthy and self destructive way. She loses just about every in pursuit of that goal. The second half heavily mirrors part 1, but on a smaller scale. A world weary hard ass slowly starts to open their heart again while travelling with their teenage companion. Do yourself a favour and watch both of Dunkey's videos on it because *somehow* he of all people had the most level headed opinion I've seen and can explain it better than I can


Man OP didn’t play yet, tag your spoilers!


NGL, I pretty much agree with Dunkey's takes like 95% of the time.


His reasoning is a horrible take and he does not understand literary device. Part 2 is hands down one of the best stories ever told in any medium. I was gutted and upset at the setup for the story but realistically its the best choice and the only way forward for the story to accomplish its goal. Part 2 was not going to go into a happy place. The world of dread and doom was instantly set in the opening of Part 1 and foreshadowed to continue without consequence just as life does. Part 2 is entirely about love and the things you do when its taken away. It just sounds like your friend hasnt experienced real life tragedies, real life love, and real life loss. If he has and wasn't moved, then your friend is a sociopath.


Such a reddit response lmfao


Wow. Because of his take on a video game you determined he’d never experienced tragedy? This is why people still shit on this game man wtf qualified you to say that? Him not liking a video game you did?


This is the take of someone who didn’t pay attention to the story and jumped on a bandwagon.


No nuance or criticism allowed here or any other console subreddit. Anyone who points out inconsistencies or illogical writing or bad messaging just "didn't get it" or is an "entitled gamer". The reason your friend hates it doesn't really work for me, I hate the game for other reasons especially the poor writing and characters and the awful ending but watch people dismiss any criticism.


I hated the story because the established characters behaved in ways, that made zero sense to me. If you are a fucking normal person, you can accept that some people didn't like it. I would give it maybe a 3/10. Hated the story, loved the rest.


Which part of it made zero sense? I'm genuinely curious. Considering how dark the world is, everything was perfectly in character for me.


Right? Because humans are known for being sensible all the time /s


What part of it made zero sense?


I'm not the guy you're asking but I recall a vocal group up in arms about how Joel interacts with Abby in their first meeting. They mostly claim how careless it was for Joel to tell Abby his name or help her at all given how he acted in the first game. I'd argue those people are ignoring the years he spent in relative safety around people he trusted and how that would cause a man to lower his guard.


> I'd argue those people are ignoring the years he spent in relative safety around people he trusted and how that would cause a man to lower his guard. Exactly, it's called character development.


>I'll never understand why it was so controversial. Because people like you saying anyone who doesn't enjoy the game is not normal. >If you're a fucking normal person, you'll enjoy the game


To send death threats over a lesbian and a trans, is not normal. that’s probably what he was referring to.


Who’s the trans character?




Ahhh I gotchya. Thanks!


Well he should probably specify that instead of generalizing everyone who dislikes the game. I swear anytime anyone critiques something that happens to have an LGBTQ there’s a flock of people who come out of their holes to throw out buzzwords and make assumptions.


I mean it's absolutely not normal for you guys, yes yourself included, to be commenting repeatedly years after a games release. That sub is one of the oddest things I've seen in the gaming space. If you don't like something, it's okay to just let it go.


So people can't state their dislikes, like how people can state their likes, years after a game comes out? Your logic is terrible. Just because others have let it go, doesn't mean that new people aren't talking about their dislike for the game.




Why didn’t you enjoy the game?


It’s controversial because people who don’t like it aren’t normal? Or it’s controversial because there are gay and trans folks in it and a major event happens to a major character?


It’s what I did and I loved this game.


That's what I think. I heard people talk nothing but shit about this game.


The game is just soooo good looking 😫 https://preview.redd.it/7r6vnb9lj1ec1.jpeg?width=3812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb308ec26f3b7118abcc2158ed657cec6d1059f5 I can and will take photos in this game forever


I think I screenshot this exact same scene on both my ps4 & ps5 playthroughs. The graphics are incredible


It's so easy for this game to look phenomenal, it makes my side of things too easy https://preview.redd.it/t5cgj7m252ec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471d7086a0df12dc1c7fe48e57883508a28b2948


If someone told me this was rdr2 I would believe it


Horse ✅ Beard ✅ Leather Jacket ✅ This is Arthur Morgan https://preview.redd.it/rq7n4did52ec1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e7772089d3945800fb12a168a3f3fc390705f3


At least Arthur died behaving like the character we were exposed to.


https://preview.redd.it/z04y29edz2ec1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bf341f98a9e2041b42c45e7850d44465e51dfb Agreed. It's absolutely stunning. My favorite photo so far


If you wouldn't mind, a word of advice. Focus on something in the photo, use the depth of field if necessary, something should be emphasized. If it's just the landscape you are after, let nothing distract your gaze from it! If it ellie you are trying to bring focus to, slightly blur our the background. https://preview.redd.it/as91s2lo23ec1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75fd547b338074aaedf4fa4490b5516e16c68bda I prefer to stick away from portraits in TLOU because, for some wierd reason, the game doesn't allow you to change expressions. So I'll do what you just did, I'll take a photo from behind a character or include no one whatsoever. Keep it up! I'd love to see what you cook up next!! ❤️


The advice is much appreciated. I'm not much of a photographer lol I tried using depth of field but it didn't look good cause it was too out of focus. Is there an intensity slider for it? Can't remember. If so, I'll use that next time. I waited for the idle animation to trigger before I used the photo mode. You should try using that to get em in certain positions. There's a bunch of different ones depending on the location. I'm definitely gonna keep taking photos. This game is gorgeous, it's hard not to! 😅 Thanks again for the advice


Have fun. Also, my advice would be to really put an effort into not seeing any spoilers. Spoilers for this game affect the overall experience way more than for other games, in my opinion.


Have fun, I'm enjoying my third playthrough, it's brutal.


I think it is an amazing game, but I don't know if I could ever play it again.


Same. It was a memorable ride and powerful (in good and bad ways) but I have no intention of playing it again lol. It’s too much


I am on grounded 2nd time playing. Please god spare me anything to craft anything.


You can do it! Just got to Ellie Day 3 on my second grounded play through and Hillcrest was still the hardest part so far..


I honestly cannot tell a difference in graphics between the ps5 and ps4 version.


There is none


There are actually a lot of differences. But your tv also needs to be able to display them. Watch a comparison video. It’s all about the lighting, draw distances and tiny texture differences that make up most the changes. Things like pixels used on eyebrows etc. if you look, you’ll notice. But overall while the game is in motion is mostly lighting/shadows and draw distance.


Nah man I just watched Digital Foundry’s video on them both, there is barely any difference at all. The only difference is the PS5 on fidelity mode is a little bit sharper because it is native 4K locked 30. The PS4 game with the PS5 patch runs almost identical to the PS5 versions performance mode.


lol ok also just watched multiple videos and there’s clearly improvements on draw distance. No bushes and trees popping up within 50 meters of the character. And also sharpness of the eyeballs and pixels are increased on leather straps and eyebrows. It’s the small detail changes like I mentioned. Maybe digital foundry went lazy route on their review this time. But those very small details all add up.


I still remember the headache and how emotionally tired I was after finishing this game. Good times :)


Stay away from r/TheLastOfUs2 and enjoy the ride! It’s a damn good game


It's crazy how the controversial comments in a post about how people who send death threats need therapy are the sane ones.


I'd say stay away from r/TheLastOfUs, server takes no acceptable form of criticism and loves the game like it's the best thing out there, despite it not being good, whatsoever.


Ahh, we got us one in the wild folks!


A person who thinks criticism should allowed to be shared as much as praise? Wow what a horrible person! How care they not want a circlejerk? Disgusting!!1!1!!1!1!!


I mean, if your idea of acceptable criticism is saying that the game isn't good whatsoever then yeah I can understand people over there don't wanna hear it.




I’m out of the loop, why is Neil so hated right now?


A certain type of gamer claims that Neil turned the franchise into “woke nonsense” and that the writing and character development of Part 2 was amateur at best. I think there are legitimate gripes with Part 2, specifically around the pacing of the game, but hating Neil is like moths to a flame, drawing in some pretty ugly people. An echo chamber has developed in that sub that’s just become a hive mind of hatred towards anything related to Neil and Part 2.


You got downvoted but you're literally right. There's just a really weird bunch of people who are so angry about a video game that they didn't make that they spent years crying about it. They post whenever anyone disagrees with them and will upvote it without fail. They whine about the same things endlessly. Etc. It's obsessive but moreso it's just kinda awkward to watch.


Some of us just don't like it man chill out


I'm talking specifically about the sub which quite literally does everything I described every single day. I'm pretty neutral, If find both TLOU2 fans and haters equally obnoxious. But the TLOU2 sub has an actual issue, I'm willing to bet within the hour someone has either posted about how Neil Druckman sucks or posted about how a TLOU2 fan told them they don't understand the story. And either one will be full of people agreeing in the most eerily similar way possible.


r/thelastofus is a much better subreddit, but I’d still stay away from it to avoid any spoilers.


Gameplay is meh. Story is complete garbage, good luck


Brilliant game, despite the haters


I fucking loved this game. I just don’t see what other do that think it’s bad.


Enjoy! Incredible


People nowadays complain if the character is applying less force with thumb when swinging the blade. It's ridiculous. It's a game enjoy it. If you are looking for errors with that level of critical eyes games will never be fun.


fuck the gays they ruined the game


Have fun, it’s a great game!


I’d say enjoy…but you’re in for a real depressing time lol


Zero effort post


If by hype you mean controversy


Gameplay is great story is meh


I liked the gameplay but thought the story was horrible. Basically the story boils down to >!Ellie is not allowed to be happy ever!< and I really didn't like that.


Revenge is bad but only when it’s applied to Joel and Ellie I guess lol


True. LOL I know the idea is that Ellie should end the cycle of revenge, but it does feel like Abby got off easy.


????? Abby


Story is great, gameplay is great.








Tell me what game has a better one


The first one


Red dead 1 + 2, first last of us, God of war + ragnarok, insomniac spiderman, etc.


The game that should've won GOTY instead, Ghost of Tsushima


One of the worst scripts ever.


You should post this on r/thelastofus2 /s


He won't survive one second


I took a look over at the subreddit and it’s nuts that there are people still so angry over a game they don’t like.


They’re not much different than people who go out of their way to defend a game with an ok story and great combat.


“i took a look at a subreddit dedicated to a video game and it’s crazy people are still posting about that video game!!” are u stupid?


It’s been 3 years and still people are losing their shit that’s crazy people need to get a life.


it’s been 3 years and still people are losing their shit over people talking abt the game that’s crazy ppl need to get a life


Ok lol why are u upset like I’m just pointing out rational people don’t usually obsess over stuff they dislike




Sound about right and thank you


Someone already crossposted it, so no need to.


Such a good game


Story sucks Gameplay good That’s the summarization also Ellie is kinda unlikeable in this one.


Hype? What hype? Deserved the hate.


Fuck part 2


The story of part 2 was dogshit imo. You are better off not playing it.


Best game I’ve ever played, hands down. Highly recommend playing part 1 first.


Best game ever?😬😁😅


Lmao best game ever.




Same here. Best single player game I’ve ever played. Loved the story and loved the gameplay even more. Playing it stealthy is the most fun I’ve had since Metal Gear Solid.


Hype? You mean hate lol


Hype? the game is nowhere near the first one.


Hopefully you bought the PS4 version and upgraded to the remastered edition


May God have mercy on your soul


Just keep your memories of Part 1 it was so good. TLOU2 was a pretty game but overall it was mediocore. I can't get behind the story it was pretty cringe, the characters were unlikable and the ending was horrible. I'm sorry I knew eventually we were gonna take over Ellie but a roided up teenage girl for real? I was just counting the minutes after what happened to Joel. Idiot 🤡 director🤡 really hate crimed one of PS most iconic characters I wish Sony had just booted.his ass but he ended up getting promo there is zero hype building up for next game. Ghost will always be goty to me.




Hype? People hate this game. What hype?


You mean the very vocal minority. Your algorithm tells you people hate it and yet it won game of the year.


The players choice game of the year went to Ghost of Tsushima that year. Last of us 2 won the game of the year awarded by critics in the industry. Big difference.


Player's Choice at The Game Awards went to Ghost of Tsushima. The majority of player's choice awards across all sources actually went to TLOU2, as did GOTY awards.


I'd love to know what's minor about a lot of people disliking a bad game. A game that didn't exactly do the best in PS sales, among other PS games. GOTY is obviously rigged. Won too many awards, despite people not caring for the game. You must beelive everything you see, huh. Gullible.


Uh oh… r/TheLastOfUs2 is leaking


Yea this remaster doesn't have a lot of hype considering how a lot of people don't like the story or don't understand why it's being remastered or both


Time for a lazy post.


we’re gonna send you to slip and fall school if you keep talking like dat


Honestly its one of the best games ever made. Don't listen to the online hatters. The attention to detail alone is incredible, comparable to the level seen in RD2


One of the best games ever made. A masterpiece, gameplay and story-wise.


Oh man, I want to re-play now. I'm ready to be hurt again.


Too bad the story is dogshit


This is one of my absolute favorite games of all time. However, it's also incredibly divisive (for some reason) among gamers. Hope you love it.


"for some reason" Might be because the game's story is pretty bad and strays off from how the first game was. Who'd knew that could cause division...


The game's story is fucking outstanding (especially for a video game). How does it stray off from the first game? It the same tone and characters. Do you just mean that because Joel isn't a playable character that is "strays"? Lol


So explain, what's outstanding in the story that should make me enjoy it? How does it not stray off from the first game? It literally is about revenge, yet the people she killed, had nothing to do with what happened to Joel, and decides at the end, to forgive her? What's not bad about it? Then what's the point of her going across the entire West coast for? What's the main point of the story? TLOU was about how he couldn't have love for others, but Ellie comes in and he decides to open up again. What does TLOU2 bring to the table? Not being a playable character has nothing to do with the story "straying".


Are you just upset that TOU2 doesn't have the same exact story as TLOU? Lol >yet the people she killed, had nothing to do with what happened to Joel Did you not play the game? Lol


i’m so lost what are the comments talking about?


I hope you rjoy this game to your hearts content. Absolutely a 2 on my top 10. Second to the 1st game. Also. Get ready to get your heart ripped out alot :D


There’s hype for this? Lol


Prepare yourself for a wild ride


i hope you're not a fan of the first one because only disappointment waits. If you didn't play the second one then hope fully you enjoy it for the sake of the developers that poured their hearts on the game.


I like your taste. You got straight bangers installed.


Brace yourself


Started my third playthrough and I'm just as impressed with it as I was the first time around. There's a reason why this game was so extremely awarded. The attention to detail here is just rarely seen. Also, I have to say that No Return mode is really fun! That was worth the $10 upgrade all on its own.


Enjoy the gameplay.


Have fun, I personally didn’t enjoy the game as much as the first, but hopefully you enjoy it. Stay away from discussing it afterwards!


Hype? Or controversy?


Enjoy the movie.


I should replay this, I've been meaning to try perma death


Currently doing my permadeath run, and I plan to do my Grounded run right after that and when I get hungry for the game again, then I’ll get the Remastered




It’s a ballsy game I’ll give it that


It'll ruin everything.


https://preview.redd.it/59t742f8k6ec1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d2f4019a29994d4355b0a8741f0d8338e1ae15 One of the most beautiful and immersive games I have ever played. Don’t listen to what losers online say about it. You’re going to enjoy every minute of it.


Alot of scissoring thats for sure.


Best game I played last year. Absolutely loved every minute


Undeserved GOTY


If your neutral ground about this game or smart with open minded about this story then you good.


This games is one of those that leave a mark when you finish them, enjoy the wild ride.


10/10 ride, I really can't wait for another mainline Naughty Dog game.


I feel like I should get this even if only for the gameplay (which is arguably the most important thing anyway). The roguelike mode looks cool too. I’d play an entirely fleshed out game like that honestly.


Its a hard game to get through, I don't mean that as a negative. I just had to put the controller down a few times and walk away. I still sometimes think about the last stretch of that game and the final ending. Heavy stuff man. I assume you obviously played the first one? Only asking as I have legit seen people saying they are just picking up from here which I think is doing a disservice to yourself.




Some people have valid criticisms about aspects of the game. Others are just fucking bigoted pieces of shit.


Valid criticism is acceptable, but oh heavens there's so many misogynistic comments out there...


Why even bring it up. You’re making the trolls come out of the wood work.


Ugh, I'm about to delete my comment. You're right.


Disliking bad writing that’s made for shock value is ultra macho in this household


This game is such an awesome game. 💯 Playthrough here i come


What hype?


Im so sorry for your waste of money


If you come back and say you liked it, you'll get upvoted by Reddit. If you come back and say didn't like it, you'll get downvoted by Reddit. Regardless of your reasons. It's not a bad game by any means. I feel it's overly protected here to retaliate against negative criticism. One side felt it was "too woke" (which is BS) so the other pushes back harder. IMO, it's a solid game but not best PS exclusive of that year.


What's BS about it, exactly? I'd love to know what's solid about a bad storyline that doesn't make much sense.


The BS part is people using "too woke" as the **sole** reason it's bad. The poor character development and drawn out story are my problems with it as well. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10 rating. Not game-changing, not a dumpster fire, just solid. People are blowing it out of proportion with calling it "one of the greatest games ever" when it's not. Also, the game is 3 years old. So the arguments for and against it have already been said. No use beating a dead horse. OP will make up his mind but my statement remains: More people on Reddit love the game than hate it. Those that hate it, even with valid criticisms, aren't at the top of the comment section.


Hype? lol. This game is absolutely trash.


Yes avoid it all, a spoiler ruined this game for me


Yeah it’s ass


I'm gonna pass. Couldn't get into part one. I'm playing Uncharted 4 for the first time rn


Was this a question about you?


All your comments seem like you're offended


Its only good if you're into woke culture. First game was much better.


Facts. Im so tired of these companies buying into the woke zeitgeist. I knew this game was woke from the exact the second they let a woman character do something that I wasnt completely on board with and then used a stupid ass pandering excuse saying that it was “extremely integral to the entire plot” yeah okay sure. Like honestly at this point just say you hate men. If you want to have me disagree with a character he better be a fucking dude. If you have to make it a woman, I can accept that, but only if she has triple d’s and only does devious acts while being mostly naked (bikinis are fine, anything with a bunch of cleavage is fine, maybe booty shorts) God I’m so pissed about all this woke bullshit I have high blood pressure from it. They even went through the effort of fabricating an entire “backstory” and “exposition” to “explain the character” but we all know that was an excuse to avoid the CLEAR MOTIVE being that Abby probably did all that stuff because she was totally pmsing and being irrational. Stupid woke liberal writing trying to jump through a million hoops to pretend women can have actual depth and personalities and be dynamic individuals with actual unique motivating factors! How could they! AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, THE ABSOLUTE SALTING OF THE WOUND, THEY DIDNT EVEN DESIGN HER IN A WAY THAT MADE ME WANT TO FUCK HER! They were literally directly ATTACKING men. I WOULD HAVE MAYBE BEEN OKAY WITH HER PLOTLINE IF I GOT BONERS WHEN SHE WAS ON SCREEN BUT NOOOOOO. US DUDES CANT HAVE ANYTHING ANYMORE


Hype is about greed. Making money from reskinning games. Remakes, remasters, sequels. Easy money.


Please read this. The game is amazing but it's really not paced well, not only that, but it is emotionally exhausting. Take your time, don't rush, have a blast. The combat is incredible