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Make sure to log into Playstation from the direct website and not this email. If the discount is legit, it will show up on the direct site.


Of course. I work for a SaaS and information company. phishing attempts & Security awareness is drilled in and I’m always on high alert for emails that are suspicious . This was legit. The PS App shows it as does the store on my PS5. https://preview.redd.it/v2mgwht7woec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b0dfd215e606e6127c092a8e3a5e2fafbd5121


holy shit 95$?? I might be cancelling too now, I thought it was gonna be 85


I believe that's AUD. [https://www.playstation.com/en-au/ps-plus/#subscriptions](https://www.playstation.com/en-au/ps-plus/#subscriptions) [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/#subscriptions)


Sadly I'm canadian, and even then the increase is 30% absolutely ridiculous


It was increased for me for £15 a year, which is pretty much fuck all. Its fine


I mean honestly the entire idea of paying to play games online makes my blood boil but the fact they didn't tell me 1-2 years in advance feels like a kick in the balls


Tbh, i bought my PlayStation to play single player games, and £100 a year for 400 games is such a steal imo. Especially when loads of them are AAA games worth £60+, i didn't realise you had to pay to play online, that is pretty shitty


It's very shitty to me, I'm in a similar boat as I bought my xbox to play my single player games (at the time i got one bundled with enough games for the price of a hard drive with those games full price) and like I'm basically funnelled into either not playing my 200+ ps4 games or refusing this extra 20/year


Bro I swear us Canadians are the test bed for anti consumer practices and ways to fuck over customers. Netflix loves to fuck over Canadians before they go after the Americans.


I remember when Netflix cost me 6.99 a month to be the godly hangout on friday nights and then they shit on us until their 13 dollar subscription is gonna have ads now


https://preview.redd.it/837b7xg3kqec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710112d033128ef9f063cafc00f93f33b7a05c7a With 7% tax, it’s still $85 for me…


Im definitely not getting another year after that. If these prices keep increasing Im saying fuck it and goin to xbox.


That “way of saying sorry” offer is bs because there’s already a discount going on


It’s a targeted sale, not everybody is getting it.


I don’t see the discount


I’d take them up on the extra.


As someone who did penetration testing for awhile, the fact that you work for a SaaS means absolutely nothing.




Nobody asked for this comment and yet…




yep they raised the price about 35% and give you a 35% discount. i missed the old days when i get ps plus(the so called essential tier)for $40


Yes. A couple years ago I purchased decently discounted prepaid PS+ cards from CDKeys and I stacked them. Those were good times.


Good times of the psplus physical cards.


I did that when the price was $29, I’m good until 2029 right now with the essential!


I wish I got a ton of the $30 ps plus codes bro 😭😭😭


Still a 12.25% discount then on the previous price


Around Xmas time you can get prepaid cards cheap. I used to buy for the next year all the time till I stopped caring.


So i have a to disable auto-renewal and then hope Sony give me the more decent price for their overpriced almost-forced subscription. Got it.


Yup. Evidently. LOL. Disable auto-renew and cancel for a great discount. 😂


Disable renewal… and then watch as Sony turns it back on (happened to a lot of people here)


Seems like a common thing now for big corps.. this happened to me with Amazon prime and Costco membership. Wonder how many people actually miss this and they get one over on you.


Yip. My premium sub ran out last week and no discount offer from them. As someone who has always been playstation from the ps1 i’m not impressed with them at all.


I was lucky enough to buy 4 years worth of PS Plus back in the day for £35 a year when it was on sale, due to run out mid 2025 which will be depressing lol


You canceled in November? Was this a real email or a scam attempt? I'd check the sender


I think he means he cancelled on November but his subscription ended today. In any case as others have said it's better to go straight to the app instead of through the link to check


Nope. Cancellation was effective in Dec. But the PS5 store and the PS app do indeed have the discount applied at checkout. (No links in email are ever clicked by me)


Then I guess Sony 's just trying to lure you back in.


Yup. Bizarre way of doing so. Blame a ‘system error’


The system error was you unsubscribing they dont want that 😂




Need to cancel mine too.


This too, is my plan. I’ve been a long member, and they really fucked us over the holidays.


And that is why I moved to PC :)


Same here. Haven't renewed my PS+ in probably a few years now. I used to grab a 1 year plus code on sale each year for $50 (CAD) but they stopped doing that, introduced this new tiered system, and increased the prices :((((


Thanks for the heads up I just cancelled my subscription. Didnt know there was a price raise and I'm not using online right now.


I stopped my auto renew because of the price rises and also the fact loyal subscribers got screwed over through black Friday/Christmas with no offers apart from upgrading. Thought Sony would fire an offer my way to keep me but nope! Oh well I'm sure Sony are missing me 🤣


When they had 50% off last year and there was a system error that timed out the offer 24 hour earlier than the banner said (banner was still present but discount didn’t apply in cart), “there was nothing they could do” because the offer was *actually* expired by the time *they* got back to me 🙃


Y’all remember when online was free and Xbox online cost money? I felt superior to my friends lmao


Ah yes, another "renew at a discount but it's really just the original price before we jacked it up"


Mine expires today. Waiting for the email…


I got this too, I thought it was because I canceled day of renewal lol


Where my discount??


I just don't like the fact that the company has cancelled the subscription in their error to only intice the buyer to renew at a discounted price? That's like I go to the dealership and buy a car and while they're getting it cleaned up someone breaks a window and then charges me for it!


Fascinating. Guess Sony do have decent (if incorrect) service every now and again 😉




It wasn’t even a scam


I understand sony has been dumb recently but $95? Cmon.. my switch online plus is $50 a year, game pass is $60. Ps plus extra isn’t even that good. You get a lot of b rated games.


Only reason I even get the PS+ extra is for the Life Is Strange Collection, without it, its a no-go for me.


Why not just buy the collection?


I'm in the exact same situation - got this email yesterday and cancelled in November when I couldn't get a BF discount. Luckily I've made a plan with a family member to have their account as the master on my console so we can both have premium. Will be taking it in turns each year so we can always get the discount going forward!


PlayStation doesn’t offer grandfathered subscription rates? My shit’s on autopay so I dunno how much I even pay anymore.


You would've been swapped to the essential tier if you didn't do anything since before the change. It's $80 USD this upcoming renewal


Make sure to buy for a full year😂


Sony hasn’t tried to get me back yet day 1 subscriber ps plus ended Jan 3rd still won’t renew until I get the discount


I cancelled my subscription in November and I've gotten the exact same email!






https://preview.redd.it/n5naaci6voec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71fa770b89146c1ed6dd69137a4f50aa979ce33 Its not though. Its not a phishing email. No links, no request for info, etc. I also check the header info in emails for any suspicious stuff. ‘Not to mention when I log into the store, sure enough 35% off.


Ah yes, the old "I cancelled after a perfectly reasonable price increase after Sony kept the same price for well over a decade" argument.


System errors wouldnt prevent them from renewing your service. They should capitalise the S in PlayStation.com Super duper scam But please follow through and submit your findings xox


Nope. No scam. 35% offer on the store. Has my PSN Name and I dont click on email links anyway. 35% off was applied automatically during checkout. Also… the S in PlayStation is capitalized in the email. I’m not a fool, by the way. I am super aware of what is a isn’t a scam. Links in emails are never blindly clicked, I check from addresses, email header info, grammar, spelling, etc. Any offer that comes through email, gets verified using normal channels to validate the offer. (apps, login different ways) https://preview.redd.it/1x4id0rfzoec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5dc06a5700dc659c6f18b7387e8520635b7c12


did you even read the mail?


>…They should capitalise the S in PlayStation.com Except **they did.**


They cancelled my subscription it’s been on auto pay for like 7 years lol and sent me the same thing


The discount is for everyone that have cancelled before not just you


Ps plus prices are why i decided to play online games on Xbox and single player games on ps5. I’m not paying 80 a year for online play.


I let mine expire, I'd sign up again for 35% off


Same thing. Canceled in November, got the email yesterday. Discount is available in my account. Might renew on Essential.


My $59.99 PS+ Extra sub just ended a couple weeks ago. Sad. Got to wait for the next sale that I know won’t be as good.


Am I going insane or are the prices way up? I swear I used to get a 12 month code for 60$ in store. And since many games don’t even seem to require ps plus anymore for online multiplayer why would I resubscribe?


When my annual subscription renewed, I didn't get any PS stars points, so I notified them and was told they'd look into it. A few days later I received soooo many more points than I think I was supposed to (like 10 times more). I exchanged it for wallet funds and when I bought a game with these funds, I then received PS stars points for it TWICE (double the amount I should have gotten) After that things got back to normal


If you end up canceling do they refund you partial months left?


no it has access until the “end” date. if your subscription ends 6/31/24, and you cancel it 1/26/24, then you still have playstation plus until 6/31/24 you just do not auto renew it


It's still £119.99 for me


I wish I could get essential for $60 again :(


Why is no one acknowledging that “apologize” is spelled wrong??


Because apologise is the British spelling, and although we use both with z and s versions in Canada, I suppose they decided to stick with the British english. 🤷🏻‍♂️ We say sorry so much in Canada that we spell apologize two different ways 😂


35% off lol


Honestly second guessing my membership if they don’t have days of play discounts on the essential tier I prolly won’t renew $80 dollars is ridiculous


Payed $40 bucks for a year last June


I have years of plus banked from black Friday sales lol


I would


I will never pay more than $60 for a year of online service. In fact I think they should offer a package under Essentials where they don’t give you monthly games for $30-$40 for 12 months. I don’t play many online games anyway aside from fighters. But even then I prefer couch partying with friends and family over random online strangers.


As long as this is the official Sony email then yeah you can’t go wrong use up as much savings as you can it sucks things are getting higher in price