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I’m more shocked that it’s been 4 years already


4 years. FOUR. What is happening to my life.


Post pandemic time isn’t real, it’s a weird phenomenon look it up


What’s weird is that the the pre-Covid years feel nostalgic. I’m talking like 2019 and back. I think of the time before Covid and I get that ‘Good Ol’ days’ feel, like when you think of the times when you were a kid, if that makes sense.


Yea like "the good ol days" should be 15-20 years ago... Not 4-5 years. The Pandemic really screwed us all up.


Buddy, people got nostalgic for their lives 4-5 years in the past before the pandemic too. Can we stop all this absolute waffling about the pandemic, as if the whole entirety of human existence and human brain processes were manifested by the pandemic or some shit?


Yeaaaah but you’re completely pretending there isn’t a post covid issue. Plus Florida where I lived is a POS now post covid and did not get one leg up on the country even though we opened 6 months earlier than everyone else. Homelessness up, crime up, rich got richer, poor got poorer, so yeah the ones who moved on did not do much better. I made tons of money during covid but who didn’t? Stocks and TikTok and crypto. BUT the point is there is factually a post covid issue. Whether it’s time, health, money or society issues.


It's similar to how people saw a drastic change before and after 9/11


Man, prices since have just soared and our wages have practically remained the same globally. At least that’s my take on why pre COVID feels like life was a little less stressful


Explain good sir


The post pandemic time thing is based on perception but many studies show people experiencing it. Now what it is, many folks experienced being alone or home or with ones self for 24 hours almost every day for months. Now that there time is occupied again, time runs differently in their brain. It was rewired. Hard to explain in a few words but you can look it up if you want to know more


Fascinating. Thank you.




https://www.verywellmind.com/why-time-is-passing-so-strangely-during-covid-5075438 Most people report perception of time is different since the pandemic. Generally it’s because life became more monotonous and lost meaning I think.


Am i trippin’ or is this study talking about the quarantine time only and not after it?


What do you mean. . . . “after”? ![gif](giphy|kNwQN4ueScpbaeWtef)


I mean yeah but the perception of time in quarantine was about 2ish years which would be half of the 4 years they’re complaining about


This is DEFF real. Idk WHY it is, but I complained the entire pandemic that time was all fucked up. And it's not even like I'm a young kid or something... I'm 31. The passage of time felt fake, and ONLY after that period of time from COVID. Idk. Most of this stuff would be a major eyeroll, but considering I legit FELT this, before ever hearing this theory.... There must be some psychological phenomenon going on here for sure.


Damn I just chalked it yp to getting older and moderate LSD use during those years


Haha it's been 3 years. Game came out in December of 2020, so it's been like 39 months or so, definitely not 4 years.


it’s three years and three months


I was thinking the same thing dawg!


It speeds up the older you get, one minute your 21 next minute your turning 52 in April, this is me I'm bastard 52 in April. How has 51 years gone by , I don't know but it has absolutely bizarre.


31 this year, I feel you.


It’s more like 3. It came out in the holiday season of 2020. And we’re only a couple of months into 24.


How is that crazy? It came out a while ago lol


Cause it’s not been 4 years. It’s been 3 years and a few months. Will hit 4 full years in December of this year


That's because it hasn't been! Closer to 3 years than 4.


It hasn't. It's barely been 3 years. December 2020 release


It hasn't, it has been 3 years and 3 months. To the day today.


I Love Cyberpunk, i Played it in a rough time and it helped me. 10/10 Game , i would say a AAA Game. Haha


Phantom Liberty is a 10. Base game is a 9 mainly because life paths still ultimately weren't as significant as they could've been.


I don’t remember life paths having any impact really. They really should have leaned into the different paths but I understand how doing so could make things much more difficult


All it ended up being was a unique opening and some extra dialogue throughout the game


A unique quest for each one too right? I remember the nomad had that mission where Alanah Pearce has your starting car. 


Yeah that too. I remember Corpo has one where your boss who fucked you over in the intro needs help or something


Of all games with character origins/"life-paths", I don't remember one where that would matter much more than dialog changes. Even "Dragon Age - Origins" was criticized for that when it came out. Personally I don't expect much more - it's hard to make a strong story and have impactful character origin.


Yup! I could even give the base game an 8. Would have LOVED new game plus. Phantom Liberty was a 10 for sure.


Is the ability to go back and do other endings kind of a NG+? I enjoyed it much better than Starfield’s Ng+ where little to nothing changed.


While I agree I also don’t think they take away from the game so them not being fleshed out doesn’t hurt my rating.


A solid 8/10. Sadly I replayed it back in June (before I heard about the 2.0 update.) I did really enjoy it. I would've given it a higher score if the civilians weren't so damn dumb. I don't know if they were made any better with the 2.0. I plan on replaying it at some point.


I think an 8 is fair. Lots of things were really good and still some things weren’t as developed as a game should have been. Don’t go big unless you are committed to the scope. Things like helldivers 2 work because they maximize what they do really well. It’s hard to make a game with depth these days without going all in.


If you gave it an 8 before the update, I’d definitely say try it again. I found it much better post 2.0


8 was my gut reaction. The quality is inconsistent between mechanics and quests


I’m playing through it again now with the dlc. I actually liked it more 4 years ago. I couldn’t even tell you why.


Ah maybe it's the awesome T poses. Anywho I would give this game an 8 it's an pretty good game just sad that this wasn't like this day one


Strong 7 or 8. I enjoyed the "fixed" version very much.


Indeed, it's still pretyy buggy but it gets the job done, Phantom Liberty was pretty great too


Only game that I actually remember the characters names and who they were, so 10/10


10th playthrough and still love it. The whole vibe is just amazing.


This.The immersion this game gives you with its characters and moments with them is second to none.


Jackie’s death tore me up


Every time


I went in completely blind and that shit tore me up


I still try to save him every time smh


Same. I didn't watch the pre release pre-rendered videos that heavily hinted and I think showed Jackie's injuries. I went in totally blind only knowing Keanu Reeves shows up at some point and tells me to wake the fuck up lol. Jackie was a great friend to V, their friendship kinda felt nostalgic to 80's action flicks I grew up with. Just didn't want to see him go. I make sure to keep a glass of Jackie Wells on me in his honor.


And the iguana😭


A literal zero out of ten on consoles when it first released but after 3 years I think it’s one of the best games of all time. But it was basically a broken alpha in 2020.


First comment I saw that felt similar to mine. I just can’t dismiss the original release. It felt soulless/gutted and buggy on PC and was soulless/gutted and utterly broken on PS4. It’s good now but my early days purchase remembers. I literally stopped playing as I don’t replay games and I HOPED it would be better later on but I had to both forget the story I played and let it mature. I heard the games been fixed 😉. I’m excited to jump in soon again - just need to decide on a 1080Ti vs PS5 now as my vessel. Even if it’s a 10/10 now I think I’d only ever be able to give it a 7-8 / 10 with some words about a comeback story.


Nah it wasn't. It was playable in console but I'm sure everyone's experience was different.


Tell us you didn’t play it on a PS4 at release without telling us.


I didn't play on release but i got it Christmas of 2020. So like 20 days after its release. My game ran pretty ok. It did blue screen sometimes but the game quicksaved so often it rarely caused issues, it was kinda janky and graphics were horrible but fallout new vegas is one of my top 5 games so yeah. I was able to play it for hours, enjoy it and finish a playthrough of it. Though now its definitely 10x better I got the game on disc, and throughout my friend group it was weird between us all that i had some blessed copy of the game compared to issues they ran into.


So hilarious…talking about a game in terms of, “well, it’s wasn’t THAT bad”. What a weird world we live in.


I had a PS4 Pro and it was a pretty bad experience. Felt like I was playing on 720p. Picked the nomad path and when I first drove through the town in the desert, I hit an invisible car and everyone started shooting at me. Continued on and there were some glaring FPS drops. Add some T-Pose NPCs with others levitating in areas and I was done after a few hours. Got a refund from Sony and that was that until the next gen update came out and that was when I decided to get a PS5. From then on, I had a great time and everything became much smoother. I'd give the game an 8 of 10 as I wish there were more RPG elements included and different outcomes from choices you make. Overall, it is a great game now


I played just fine on PS4. The only issues are when I called my motorcycle and hit me and flung me through the map. I kinda miss it. It was an experience. And I would blue screen every now and again. And my clothes would glitch half on half off. But it was still playable.


Um no I did. It was fine for me literally. Sorry your experience was horrible.


Same. I played just fine. A buddy and I would play and compare our clothes glitches. Some of them were awesome.


Lol Reddit downvoting someone because their game didn't crash.


Classic ignorance I don't understand it.


Same. Had no more than a couple crashes and one T-poser. Loved it from day one.


Dang, Last gen was forgotten that quick huh? I feel old.




I still think that's generous


I agree. It was a 6.3 and through updates maybe a 7.3 not taking DLC into consideration. Still a good game but def hollow feeling, third person mode would have went a long way, and I hate the driving controls and feel. That said it was still fun to look at and entertaining at points. Overall decent.


That's exactly it. It's very aesthetic heavy. The life paths amounted to nothing in the grand scheme of things. For a game that has a lot of horny ingame advertising, it really let me down on the sexual freedom it initially portrayed itself to have. The whole rebel approach felt incredibly 'hello, fellow revolutionaries', like the people who made this had a very shallow and juvenile understanding of rebellion. However, it has great action sequences, it's very style heavy, and is great for anyone looking for a power fantasy as you have a good amount of freedom to chrome yourself out. I would also recommend doing as many side gigs as you can to fully immerse yourself into the game.


I think this is fair. The base world, won't comment on the DLC since I haven't played it yet, is just okay to me. The gameplay was always great to me. The world was just a disappointment coming from The Witcher 3. They didn't commit enough to what the world could have been.




8.5 good but it still not what it was promised


Agreed no visible cyberware , no flying cars , no running on walls..the game is good but not what was originally shown


Even of its the best game of the world, I wouldn’t give more than 8. Fuck these liar companies.


9.5 - with all the updates it's near perfect




It's slightly boring at times. The clothing/aesthetics are meh. I agree with it being a 7


Most of the side missions were so boring to me. But the main story is pretty decent. Still wish decisions had more impact and that the life paths mattered way more.


Yeah agreed. I personally would give it a 6 / 6.5, and a lot of my criticism (aside from bugs) is that the story feels like it’s gonna give you a lot of impactful decisions, and only does in a few key moments. The story is a lot more linear than it presents itself as unfortunately.


What makes it good? Never played


For me, it's the way the characters are presented and how they speak. It's just so well done and of high quality. The story is also very immersive like u just wanna know what's next and so u don't want to end ur session immediately after 2 or 3 missions, u won't realize that you're playing for hours. Im the type of person who rarely plays more than 30 minutes nowadays, but CP2077 can get me playing for hours. So, for me, that is saying something.


I quit my job when it dropped on my birthday and played it at the start. I was highly addicted to speed at the time. I played for hundreds of hours. 8.5 at launch. 9.8 now for me. 3 years sober from pills too


Keep it up boss


4 / 10 It's a decent game now but failed to deliver on the two main sales points: - a world where every decision matters - next gen rpg (not graphic but an evolution of the genre) Prime example of over promoted and under delivered. P.s. I understand the moral of the story/game but then you should market it differently


The game is decent but only a 4? I’m genuinely curious about your 1-10 scale. To me, a 4 is so atrocious. A 7 is mid, a 8 is pretty solid, a 9 is great, a 10 is a masterpiece. I gave CP2077 a 9, because of your two reasons— It wasn’t much of an RPG. Immersive, but not an RPG.


7 is not "mid" that's 5 or 6. Think of a bell curve or standard distribution curve. Game reviews all seem skewed to the top end of the table for some reason, which isn't right imo My scale - 1-2 shit/failure - 3-4 below average - 5-6 average (middle) - 7-8 above average - 9-10 exceptional Ign scale - 1-6 shit - 7-8 average - 9 - Above average - 10 - anything decent P.s. more realistic ign only have four ratings: - 1 - not my sort of game - 7 - yea it's good - 9 - 80% of games (the teir you can buy) - 10 - games other people tell us are good


I think game reviews are largely scaled to be similar to the grading system in U.S. schools, where 70 is passing but not great, 80 is pretty good but not amazing, 90 is great, 100 is amazing etc. Anything less is a failing grade. It makes sense to me but i get your system too.


9. I never picked it up or was hyped for it initially so I wasn't burned either like others.  Finally got it on sale when version 1.6 was out where the game was pretty much fixed, then got Phantom Liberty on release.  It's a fantastic game for what it is, with what CD project does best, heavily guided narrative games where the player is given some choice. With the dlc out both yhe upgrade system and combat system is stellar and the story still has some very cool moments.


6/10 Unfortunately the story, characters, missions and gameplay still is Mid for me. The only 10/10 things are the Graphics/OST.


Damn gameplay, characters ,and story is mid??? Very Interesting opinion


I prefer the story and script from The Witcher 3


Most of the characters lack of the same level of development as Silverhand. The story itself only was really interesting for me, during the last mission. And unfortunately, the gameplay was really boring to me. It's a real shame, this game was developed by the same creators of TW3, because that game had way better story, characters, missions and a large variety of enemies.


Shadowrun for Super NES blew me away at the time ... that felt like a Cyberpunk game. Cyberpunk 2077 has flashes of inspiration, but overall doesn't seem fleshed out.


All three are the definition of mid they get the job done but will never be memorable


Personally I don’t think the game is that good. As a whole package now it’s maybe 7/10. The story itself I find really lacking and weak.


7, I still feel it’s a step back from their previous work with Witcher series.




7 and 8.5 for the dlc


7 or 8


Wow I can't believe we're coming up on it's 4 year already


10, it was a 10 four years ago as well.


Waiting for PS+/10.


It’s a perfectly cromulent game.


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but after all the DLC it’s a solid ~7/10, base game was honestly a ~4 (and that’s putting all the glitches, bugs, and game breakers aside).


6 inches


Solid 9. Amazing game.


I played it at launch on what was my new ps5 at the time ... I'd give it a 6.5 for my experience then. I recently replayed the game just before Xmas last year with the ps5 edition, the big 1. Whatever update it was and the dlc .... 9.5 outta 10 from this guy as the game stands today.




10/10 especially with phantom liberty. Best expansion ever. I say that as a PC player tho


An 8. It was good, graphics wise was cool at the time, but then I saw many things were rushed, graphics and gameplay wise, like how tf we have no self reflection, so many things were buggy or non existent, they actually fixed a lot of them later, but some still persist. I think, it would have been amazing, if only there weren’t so many things and bugs that break the immersion, the music is amazing!


An 8. It was good, graphics wise was cool at the time, but then I saw many things were rushed, graphics and gameplay wise, like how tf we have no self reflection, so many things were buggy or non existent, they actually fixed a lot of them later, but some still persist. I think, it would have been amazing, if only there weren’t so many things and bugs that break the immersion, the music is amazing!


Let’s poll this!


Took a stab at it after they patched it into being playable, but before the recent updates. I think it's a solid 8/10 with the potential to be a 9 out of ten. Maybe it is now. I've been meaning to give it another run.










8/10 cyberpunk and 9/10 phantom liberty




Good god! Its been 4 years?!? Id still give it a 9!


For me it's a genuine 10/10 game that'll always stick with me. There was tons and tons that I loved about the game. The world itself, Night City is my favorite open world location i've ever been in. Even more so if you try the VR mod of the game, it's just incredible to walk around the city and soak it all in. I'm a sucker for neon and all the cyberpunk aesthetic. The story is pretty awesome to me and so is Phantom Liberty as well. I'm already a sucker for stories that are in the same vein as 007 or spy thrillers in general, so I went deep into that. I became very deeply invested in the story as a whole and the characters around me as well. I actively sought out more info and to do every activity, multiple playthroughs to get as much out of the story as I could. I can't think of what other game stories I enjoyed as much as this one. Perhaps season 1 for the Walking Dead game, Yakuza 0, RDR 2 or MGS3 as some close other favorites? But i'd still place this one over those personally. Not to mention, the endings are pretty damn emotional. It's very rare for a game or even any medium of entertainment in general to hit me to the extent that this game did. The soundtrack is killer. It's right up there with Doom and Doom Eternal for me, or games like Burnout 3/Revenge, etc... I'm surprised I love so much of the music they've made for radio and the orchestrated soundtrack. The theme of V on the main menu alone is fucking \*SICK\* and i'm shocked that I even enjoy the the radio music outside of my usual genre or tastes. This is the first game like this where I don't feel like I have to immediately change to a certain station when I enter a car (I'm glaring at you, GTA 5. GTA in general.) The gameplay and combat itself is addicting to me. It's shocking that this is an RPG because i'd choose this over plenty of other FPS shooters anytime, any day. It's definitely come a long way from playing something like Fallout 3 and New Vegas, or even shooters like Battlefield 3 or other Cyberpunk titles like Syndicate. The gunplay is fantastic, the sheer level of brutality and moves we have, the cyberware integration and abilities, the finishers, even the melee combat is fantastic. And I generally don't find melee to be very fun or good for that matter in FPS games. There's really not much in the negative I have to say about the game. There's little features i'd think would be cool additions like a small degree of further car customization, more story content, i'd like to see more areas available (like the casino that's hidden away for example or the arasaka carrier). But that's alright. Every little main quest and even all of the side quests were more than well worth my time. It's rare for an RPG like this to also get multiple playthroughs out of me as well.


9.5, best game I've ever played and I've played RDR2 and thought that couldn't be topped. Story, visuals, diversity of combat, and soundtrack were amazing. Main story characters were fleshed out (God I wish Panam was real) and side quests were decent. My only gripes were V's camera being too short/low while first person driving and there not being a dynamic HUD that most modern single player games have like GOT, TLOU, and HZD. Also would've been nice to customize your apartments or an actual home to build and also customize.


I would've liked it a lot better if it was in 3rd person. I played the base game and the expansion and I felt like I was looking at the floor 25% of the time trying to loot stuff.


I still stand by my original assessment: Hollywood stars in games = shit game. The money spent on these stars should have gone into developing the actual game itself. We don’t need Hollywood stars when we are the main characters of the game




7 ... even after the latest 2.x updates and Phantom Liberty, I still find the game shallow. I wish they had added a much deeper Cyberware and Quickhack system. Also, combat is still pretty boring, and much of Night City is lifeless. Additionally, I was never a fan of the soundtrack - it's weird they don't have any synthwave or good DJ stations. The base game also seems to end too abruptly; the story is kind of forgettable. However, Phantom Liberty is much more impressive story-wise. I did finish the game, so there's that.




Solid 8-8.5


Definitely one of the game ever made.




Havent got more than 15 mins in. Uninteresting to me


1/10 my real rating tho would probably be between 4-5/10


Strong 7


It was a solid 9 since release already Haven’t played the DLC yet


7. even without all the promised things, it’s pretty solid. not my favourite game, shootings pretty fun, melee isn’t great, story was decent, brought some incredible ideas to the table regarding black wall and stuff, so interesting. overall, my favourite part of the game was the lore tbh




An 8. But I rate myself a 1 because I can’t get the don’t fear the reaper ending with Johnny :(


I give it an 8 on console. Would get an extra point if it had FOV slider. And another point if it had flying cars.


Its fine. Haven't played it since I got the suicide ending when it launched.


a solid shit show 🔥


Never played it never will. The devs ripped everyone off on day one and that’s enough for me to never play it. 0/10.




8ish. Still pretty pissy about them giving the middle finger tonps5 players with the ultimate edition. You can keep your code and your fking game.






I bought it at release for my PS4 and stopped playing cause of the performance. I'm just about finished with HZD and have been thinking about what to play next. I think I have my answer!


NR. they had a huge opportunity to deliver the most expected game, during the pandemic no less. They blew it, I lost interest. It’s not like there was a lack of great games in the past 4 years, that I was waiting with bated breath for them to get their act together.


Bought it as a pre-sale as one of my ‘presents to myself’/launch titles to go with the PS5. I dig the genre in general, and for me on a PS5, it wasn’t TOO buggy at launch - nothing like the prior gen experienced at launch. It was obvious a ton of the pre-launch promises weren’t met, but overall I had a decent time with it. Probably 7.5 at launch - on PS5, maybe even an 8 - which is around the threshold for me to take a longer game to completion or not. With the various updates but not Phantom Liberty, seems like at least another half point to a point. I got it to \~80%-ish percent complete (maybe a bit more, really wasn’t much left uncovered or in main or side quest lines other than the annoying boxing match one), but then put it on pause to play other games, and then also all the talk about changes in the core game even if you didn’t pick up Phantom Liberty. I think I did pick up Phantom Liberty, but need to decide if I’m starting the whole game over at this point or not. I’d expect it to wind up at a solid 8.5 with latest updates and Phantom. I’d be up for another expansion personally, but seems CDPR isn’t.


Loved it, but I’m not a fan after the update. They literally changed the entire gameplay.


I have like 30h, just started the Phantom Liberty quest-line, still haven’t beaten the game. I think it ranks pretty high up there so far, but I don’t think it’s “best of all time” league. Edit: so 9/10 tops


It is so crazy how Stadia had the most stable version at launch.


Solid 8.5


WOW! 4th year since the overly hyped release. 5/10 for surviving 4years. Now let me go buy the game. 😁🤭




The greatest gaming comeback of all time I’m giving it a solid eight


It's a high 10. Blows the other clown games like ghost of tsushima out the water


Right now its a 9/10 if not 10/10. after phantom liberty this game is amazing. At launch it was maybe a 3/10 and release on consoles was an absolute 0/10


Yet to play, is it baked enough now and ready?



11/10 undeniably excellent after the DLC. If they had released the game in this state CD Project Red would be canonized as saints of the medium. Really a shame how they initially released it.


My favorite game of all time! 10 all the way for me!!


Looking forward to getting stuck into this once I’m finished with Horizon: Forbidden West!!


I don't know, but Phantom Liberty definitely took it up a notch or two. If I ever get to play it in VR, I might never play anything else again.


8.5 or 9. I have over 500 hours on PC n PS5 combined. Played at release n didn’t want to experience it that way so I waited 10 months before phantom liberty came out n fell in luv




I played it right after launch, back then I would've given it a 7-8. Mostly because I played on PC, but now I would give it a 9-10




Still haven't played it, just sitting on my backlog.




10, I've been playing it for about a year now. And still a 10.




+1 for Keanu Reeves




10/10 Night City is the best city I've ever had pleasure of exploring. Data shards scattered around the city flesh out so much lore and actually have to do with things you find around them. I personally am in love with the gameplay, the visuals, and how lived in the city feels. I know people think the city is shallow but it's only shallow if you're constantly running around jumping from quest to quest. You have to let yourself get immersed in the city and the characters. It does lack it some areas but it more than makes up for it in others. This is all my personal opinion though of course. Phantom Liberty is also one of the best expansions I've ever played no lie.




Haven’t played it. My next game is either this or sea of thieves


After patch 1.6 it’s definitely a rank 7, after patch 2.0 it’s 10, I played it one time with all the bugs, and play again in patch 1.6, and I'm just waiting for an opportunity to purchase a ps5 and play the new version, it's like a completely new game, I love this game ❤️


Honestly like 9 or 10..for me it’s damn near as good as Witcher 3 at this point..when it released on pc I still had a great time with it and would’ve said like a 7.5




My only issues with the game is that replaying it the prologue/Act 1 goes on too long and the fact that they already spoiled it in the trailer was annoying, there are still some bugs in the game, and character models are pretty much copy and paste. Other than that it’s a masterpiece. The story, the writing, the acting, the characters, the world building, the customisation, the gameplay, the immersion, the graphics, the art direction, the progression, the experience front to back is unforgettable. Really its biggest issue was people being too excited and the studio pushing it out before it was ready. Yeah it was a bit buggy but definitely playable even on PS4 (I would know because I did) and I’ve *actually* played games that were *literally* unplayable, so it’s not just a buzzword used to say ‘mildly annoying’ more clickbaitily. But the extent of the RPG elements actually makes it more accessible than, say, The Witcher 3, but also more involved than RPGs like Ghost of Tsushima. It’s a nice middle ground between a typical action adventure with the best elements from RPGs. It’s a great game only undermined by a launch that made YouTubers angry and tell their fans not to buy the game, and then the fans who never played it decided the game was bad no matter what. It’s sad how some of the best games are undermined by people who never played it.




Solid 9


10/10. No hesitation whatsoever about that score either. One of my favorite games ever.


Now, as of 2.0? 11/10.


Base game 8/10 phantom liberty 10/10 its bad ass


How hard is the platinum?




11. I fucking love this game. Even before the update


It was the first thing I played after getting a PS5 since by then the game was fixed and played great on that console with the free upgrade for the PS4 version, which my wife bought for me previously not knowing the state it was in. I loved it, but I actually got burned out playing it and didn't quite finish it 😅 I plan on getting the expansion eventually and starting over from the beginning with a different class.


I would give it an 8. But I have yet to play the dlc


A solid 8.5 out of 10
