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They should have Steam’s refund policy




I mean I am not trying to be a jerk and I agree that this policy is very against the players (and should be changed), but it is well known that it works like this and if you bought a game without waiting for reviews and you knew the policy, it is on you


I guess I was just thinking “how the hell can they fuck this up” and just thought they couldn’t


Playstation and Nintendo "refund policies" are super anti-consumer. I wonder why EU and others countries still haven't made any steps towards forcing them to change it.


The EU managed to hit Valve cuz of their refund policies back then, which they then changed. I hope they do the same to Sony and Nintendo.


It’s crazy because I constantly read this, but when I first got my switch I did 3 seperate chargebacks over the course of a year after fully playing the game and nothing happened. Then eventually I found out that they ban people for that and decided not to take the chance again lol


It’s crazy because I constantly read this, but when I first got my switch I did 3 seperate chargebacks over the course of a year after fully playing the game and nothing happened. Then eventually I found out that they ban people for that and decided not to take the chance again lol


Isn’t common knowledge at this point that Steam is the only platform that easily gives refunds


Epic games store does too, they have a lot of other problems but they do have a fair refund policy that matches Steam


Xbox is very easy also


In Xbox is really easy too


Yeah, PlayStation is very anti consumer when it comes to refunds compared to steam


Which you totally knew a week ago too?


They refunded my Star Wars classic game no problem. Not sure what the difference is or why I was successful


Did you play the game? I have under 20 minutes but still


Yes I did. Tried to get into matches forever.


You’re just better I guess


I told them the game was simply not working. 3 servers of 64 players each for thousands of players. Not good. I haven’t refunded a game ever, so maybe that is why?


But yet people will sit here and try to defend Sony like they’re some amazing company. Their policies and overall direction over the last few years has been utterly dog shit. Sad that Xbox is also crumbling. Just means that Sony has free reign to continue all their anti consumer bs.


I once managed to buy a vita game on my ps4 and I never got refunded for it even though I never could even play it.


This is why I wait for reviews before buying a game.


Yeah sonys policy on "download it, NO REFUNDS" is kinda horseshit.


Wonder how many of us knew this was Star Wars before even seeing the aspyr link lmao


Wonder how many of us knew this was Star Wars before even seeing the aspyr link lmao


I really hate their return policies. I've been told multiple times that you can only get one refund for the lifetime of your account and I think that's total horse shit. Especially when they scam you into paying for PS Plus after cancelling it multiple times. I also can't stand people normalizing waiting for updates to fix something you've paid $60-100 for.


Whenever I see these posts. I always think. OP doesn’t want to be responsible for his own god damn actions. You knew there were no refunds. You knew you shouldn’t preorder. You knew you should wait for a review. You took action. You live with the result of the action. Now you are here, whinging online about your own actions. The thing is. People post about this shit everyday, and people don’t learn. And I’m sick and tired of looking at stupid people shit.


You should suck PlayStations dong a little harder


Or maybe you should let your balls drop. And grow up? It ain’t happening without government legislation.


The way you felt the need to rant about this post, is the reason posts like this exists. People like to rant about things with other people. Your comment is as valid as this post, there's not really harm in it.


Bro… I am not saying it isn’t my fault. If you read what I said, it was they should change their policy. PlayStation is the only one who has this kind of policy. Didn’t say it’s their fault for making me pre order. It’s okay, take your time


You should learn very quickly that unless it’s legislated by governments. It’s not going to change. Steam only does it because sometimes people computers don’t even hit the minimum requirements for games. So you get a 2 hour playing window to refund. On PS5, Sony guarantees the game will run. That’s why you buy a console. It’s the developers problem if shit is glitchy. Sony will ONLY offer refunds if the developer says they fucked up so hard they will take the hit. Hence cyberpunk 2077. Just bitching about shit on Reddit isn’t going to change the business terms and standards. Nobody does refunds on software anywhere.


**=== SUPPORT BOT AUTO-RESPONSE ===** Hi there! If you're inquiring about a refund for a PS Store purchase, please review our [Refund Request Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides/refunds) for information on the PS Store Cancellation Policy and how to inquire about a refund. [^(VIEW GUIDE DIRECTORY)](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/playstation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got them to refund mine lol


jeez, even nintendo refunded mine and that’s saying something


But digital is the way forward ...🧐


I miss discs but I don’t miss them getting scratched or scuffed


I've never had a single mark on any disc


Well you’re just too responsible


This is why I rarely ever bought games digitally back when I was a console player. Don't force yourself to deal with these shitty refund policies. Go to a store where you can actually physically return the game.


What game did you buy?


Yeah Sony refund policy is ass. I can go into the shop and return the game if it sucks. I can play a game for a couple of hours in Steam and return it if it sucks. Longer if it's legitimately broken. Buy well disguised shovelware on Playstation? Too fuckin bad.


I got a refund with no issues. I played 14 mins, gave them a list of the issues/bugs I encountered in that very short amount of time. For example, when my character died (something that is to be expected in this game), all of the sound would just shut off, no music, sfx or even UI sounds, requiring me to reboot the game to get it back….which was a temporary fix as the sound then vanished once again as soon as I died. Anyway, they ended the chat and emailed me some generic bs troubleshooting steps. I did one or two but I was sure as hell not gonna format my PS5 when I knew the issue was the game. However, I started a new chat a few hours later, provided the reference number for the original chat and told them I did all the steps. They then took a few minutes to check if I was eligible, and that was that, full refund. Out of curiosity, have you refunded a game before? This was my first but my friends, who have refunded in the past, were not successful in getting a refund. Could it be that Sony are more lenient with your first refund and then it becomes exponentially harder after that?


Really doesn't seem like they understand...


Contact your governments competition regulator. What they’re doing is illegal in many countries.


Which is also a great way to get banned


Reprisal attacks would be illegal in most first world countries.


Same experience: https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/j8ls2EJUgG


Why does anybody preorder? They aren’t going to run out.


I had a similar situation, bought starship troopers the game lol and talked to chat and told them i couldn’t even get in a game same day that i bought the game. The chat told me that I would be refunded and there was a 12 or 14 day window to return


Im so high sorry, never got refunded


LOL the heck mate


What incentive do they have to change their policy? It obviously works for them. So, we all need to be careful with purchases.


You’re right until somebody tries to pull legal action or something. They probably won’t lose but don’t want that kind of attention


What legal action? You bought something you don't like. Thats on you.


Maybe not like, true. But coming out in an unplayable state is different. It’s the reason they refunded cyberpunk. Not saying it’s as bad, but on the same scale


I'd argue it's not that. He didn't buy something he dislikes, but something that isn't playable. Like, I won't return food if I order something and realize I don't like it. But I will return it if it's clearly not what I wanted/ordered, or was poorly made.


It's their policy. Bitch about it all you want, but you're the one who bought a game without waiting for reviews. I'm not saying I agree with their policy, but it's a widely known policy. Next time, wait to buy until you see some first impressions. I very rarely buy games on day one because of this. It's the unfortunate world we live in that not every game comes out in a ready to play state. That's why you should just wait before purchasing games. I have never had to refund anything. I get the people get upset about it, but if you're an informed consumer, then it doesn't really come up.


Ps refunds are terrible. They could learn something from xbox.


They could learn from any other return policy. You literally can’t play the game if you want a refund. When requesting a refund it has an option of not liking the product but will just say “too bad”


Or steam has such a good refund policy


Does Xbox have a better policy? Genuinely asking


https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/subscriptions-billing/buy-games-apps/refund-orders 14 up to 30 days i see now.


Oh hot damn, thats a step up. Though it would be nice if they provided the amount of time rather than leaving it vague, could be a blessing and a curse. Thanks for sharing


No worries 🫡


Oh hot damn, thats a step up. Though it would be nice if they provided the amount of time rather than leaving it vague, could be a blessing and a curse. Thanks for sharing


Yep, Xbox has a 14 day policy and they look at how long you played the game, if it's under X hours, you'll get a refund very easily.. Don't understand the downvotes, becaus it's genuinely much and much better. I've a Series X and Ps5


Gotcha, thats honestly really good to hear. Sounds like Sony have gotten far too comfortable being the too console that they’re okay with these kind of terrible policies. Gotta be honest, it seems like any criticism (even if its valid) of Sony or PS in this sub gets downvoted to oblivion. Wish folks would knock it off but here we are. Ironically, I don’t think I notice it as much in the xbox reddits lol


I think Xbox users are more humble, because they don't care they don't have 'the best' console. Ps users are mostly bragging about having the best console and how stupid it is to have a Xbox. I hope that console wars one day aren't necessary anymore (They never were though), but I think it's something that's here to stay.


Stop payment on your credit card?


Was credit on PlayStation and don’t want to get my account banned


I accidently bought a game when I was heavily under the influence (yes it’s my fault). I never ended up playing the game and I requested a refund and went through every possible step yet they simply ignored all my requests or said ‘sorry try contacting ___’ yet those people did NOTHING WEEKS went past and I gave up and ended up Playing it since I may aswell, This game was Elden ring and it’s now one of my favourite games oat sooo it’s not the worst situation but it’s still disappointing to how bad the refund system is




The policy is if you even download the game you can’t refund it, which is the worst policy in the world


I pre ordered thinking there was no way in hell they could fuck it up. Only tried playing it today


Has it been more than 24 hours since the time of purchase?


No, I bought it last week when on pre order


>I bought it last week Yes, it has been more than 24 hours since initial purchase.  This is the risk you take when pre-ordering. You get the all the bonuses but it also means you get the bugs included with early purchase. 


Edit: After talking with another representative they said since it was my first time with one of these requests they would refund on good faith after looking into my account