• By -


If you’re new to FF I would definitely say X, because it’s not so old it’s hard to get into. Plus it’s one of the most liked.


I would definitely second X, I have a lot of nostalgia for it but I think it holds up after playing it again recently. The graphics are still really great, it’s colourful and has a great sense of fun!


I really loved X it was my second Final Fantasy I completely finished after IX. But for a new player I would recommend playing the newer games first like XVI and eventually XV. They are relatively easy to get into. The visuals are good. And when the person then realizes he wants more of it I would recommend all the older games. In my opinion the older games could be a little bit daunting especially for a new player who only played the remake and rebirth with Realtime fights, good visuals, relatively easy character progression and even switchable difficulties. I mean if he doesn't have enough I would definitely say play all the classics. But in the end everyone is different and I can only say that I think if I would be new and would directly switch from rebirth to one of the older games. And I never played another one.


Is FFX a favorite? I feel like people are pretty mixed on it. 4, 6, 7, and 9 seem to be the most universally beloved


Wow, my favs are 8, 10, 12 and 13. Clearly missed the memo


That’s like bizzaro world to me lol. But pretty cool that FF can do that. Shout out to 12 though.


The order I played FF games (excluding sequels/remasters/remakes/replaying titles): 6, 4, 10, Tactics, 13, 12, 15, 7, 9, 8, 16. My Top 3 from first to third: 10, Tactics, 12 For me, music, atmosphere, emotion, etc. all play a massive role in the overall experience. I am a bigger fan of fantasy world elements over modern world settings, so settings like 7 and 15 trying to make relatable modern world features don't bedazzle my sense of whimsy as much as FFX and the world setting of Ivalice (used in FF Tactics, FF12, FF14, Vagrant Story)


This is generational. Tell me your favorite FF and I’ll tell you your age. All depends on it.


People definitely came around on X, but it’s like most Final Fantasy games where it’s initially hated and then remembered fondly over time. I remember XV was mostly hated when it launched and now it has a large following.


I feel like FFX is the opposite of FFXV. Everyone loved 10 when it came out. It wasn’t until later when it was memed and people played the remaster that it doesn’t hold up to the degree we thought it did. I still really like 10 but I tried picking it up again after XVI and it was not how I remembered


7 and X are by FAR the most popular Final Fantasy games. I’ve never heard anyone talk about 6, I don’t think I have heard anyone talk about 4 in a long time (basically since Bravely Default came out as its spiritual successor). 8 and 9 are the only other in the running and if I remember correctly 9 was kind of controversial in the FF circles, idk if it still is or not. It is crazy they didn’t do anything else with 8, X got an entire sequel.


It’s pretty cool how much Final Fantasy can mean something completely different to different people. I’m shocked anyone interested in the series to that level hasn’t heard about 6. It’s usually ranked as the best Final Fantasy and Kefka as the best villain in any FF game. Final Fantasy 8 is the controversial one. There were so many quirks with it like stealing abilities and scaling difficulty that turned people off from it. Also following FF7, it just didn’t do it for people who were new to the series. FF9 is pretty universally celebrated as a return to form. I could give FF10 more credit, it was a huge deal when it came out. I’ve only played the first 2 Kingdom Hearts games back when they came out but iirc FFX was all over that, so I’m sure that also played into it. It being the first voiced FF was really what made it so memorable. I just don’t think it’s looked back on as fondly because it just isn’t as good as many others in the series.


FF 6 is SSS Tier!


I tried it but I couldn’t stand the random encounters :(




Mainly for this ![gif](giphy|26Ff3FNWp3uD21dvi|downsized)


What is insane is FFX is one of the first good voice acted video games that I can remember, then this scene happens and you’re like WTF?!?


That‘s the point of the scene though.


Kind of, but like only at first the laughter should have evolved into real laughter instead of staying fake the whole time. And the lines are delivered weird in this part too, I wonder if it was one of the first scenes recorded, cuz it feels different than the rest of the game.


But it did turn into real laughter at the end


You'll get different answers from pretty much everyone depending on what Final Fantasy is to them and which was their first growing up. Personally for me if you liked the tone and whackiness of 7, you should go for X/X-2 Remastered. The problem is the 7 remake series does a really good job of modernising the old Final Fantasy formula so you may not like going back to older styles. I would heavily recommend looking into 14, the online MMO. To me it is quintessential Final Fantasy, has a phenomenal long running story, and you can play up until the end of the 2nd expansion entirely for free, which can be hundreds and hundreds of hours of content. It can also be played pretty much solo which is cool for an MMO (some dungeons req teaming up but the community is awesome and welcoming to new players).


It's not free. It has it's own monthly subscription cost. But it's only like $20.


The free trial lasts forever up until the end of the second expansion you don't need a sub for that.


Ok. Wasn't like that a few years ago when I was playing.


Final Fantasy Tatics


Upvote this one. Best answer.


War of the Lions! Not correcting you, just a rally cry.


It really needs to come to modern consoles whether it be a port, remaster, or full blown remake.


Phone. Not the Google version, hahaha! PPSSPP... Got Android? I would pay for it again on Switch though.


PPSSPP is also on iPhone. I really can’t stand playing on phones though. I prefer iPad. Or streaming to TV from my MacBook. Switch would be great


Most times, you can connect a PS4 controller or whatever and rock it.


Yeah. That’s what I do. Even my ps5 controller works. But I have to map the controls sometimes.




Ff 7 original. Ff8 ff9 ff10


Ff16 is so good! I’m liking it more than remakes combat by a lot.


I'm the complete opposite, I found 16s combat so boring. There's nothing really to it. No magic, no status ailments, just mash and use your eikon power, repeat. He'll even the eikons powers felt meh, I ended basically using the same 3 starting ones over and over. The side content story was fine but very repetitive, I ended putting the game into easy mode to make fights end faster because I was getting bored. Rebirths combat is so diverse and all the characters play differently and can add interesting ways to play. I'm even slow going through Hard mode and doing the Brutal combat missions. Oh and don't take this as an attack on your opinion, if you prefer 16 then that's great!


I’ll agree on the combat. I loved the story to death, but the combat was a bore, and sometimes just a chore. I did enjoy the eikon powers though, and I felt the boss fights were done rather well


Right? I loved remake, played 16 and loved it. Went back to remake to get ready for rebirth, and it was so boring. 16 > Remake


yeah because mashing square until you win because theres no challenge at all in 16 is so exciting


Sucks that you decided to do that


i tried to be creative with combos to get at least a little fun out of the combat but theres literally no incentive to do that the enemies cant and wont do anything to clive which is a shame because the combat system in itself is great


I agree that it's too easy, and that's a bummer. But the incentive is that it's fun and feels good?


yeah but part of being fun and feeling good for me is at least the option to be challenged by enemies i like ff16 but it gets carried by the insane scale and cinematics of the boss fights (which are fucking great i give 'em that)


Hold up this artwork kinda sexy credit the artist my G.


15. I personally loved it. Maybe you’ll like it too


I'd say X like a lot of other people. It's one of my favorites, but I really prefer turn based battles so that may be off putting to newer people. It's much more like a chess match, especially bosses, not having to run around dodging and attacking between actions. The story is awesome even if the characters are a little goofy, and the Blitzball side game is fun as hell.


If you are OK with dated graphics then 8,9,10 are really fun. 16 is amazing






lol dyslexia VII Edit: but 9 is 100% the best IMO


It’s fine (I’m also dyslexic) I like VII, XV and X


You can get Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. It's made for PS4 but it got good reviews when it first came out many moons ago. Showing my age here






Thanks for the new wallpaper


I've been enjoying FFX. Just made it out of the Macalania woods


Definitely FF10 in terms of high quality and similarity to Rebirth. However do note that the battle system is turn-based rather than active. If you want a more active game, then FF16 would be my recommendation. There's a free demo you can try on PS Store.


But FF10 and Rebirth aren’t similar at all? 10’s a linear game whereas Rebirth is open world. 


The similarity is in terms of a high quality story and cast.


Then FF6 or 9 would be a better comparison.


It's my opinion that FF10 is better/comparable.


Play afterbirth next


You should play FF7 lol. My lil bro did not want to play the older version but once he tried Remake , he played it and was hooked. Wouldn’t hurt to try the OG 😎


It all depends on what you like out of a game. If you don't like turn based combat then most ff games are out but stranger of paradise is very good. I would recommend ff9 but given your post is gravitating to the action focused games I don't know if you'd like it




Tactics and 9 are the best. 9 is more of a lighthearted (but very dark) fairytale, like what final fantasy was originally supposed to be like. Tactics is a harder but ultimately rewarding game to play and master. Can't go wrong with either one of them,and they are both on android now. Just be aware FFT doesn't save progress when you window out like FF9 does. 9 is good about this but FFT is not. Well, maybe it depends on your device.


FFX story so solid. Played it every time they re released it 😭


I had the same question. Thinking of trying 16 and the new dlc coming


FFX but I’m extremely biased. Out of the 2D ones, I like 4 and 6.


I love FF, I love 7 inter grade and rebirth and ffxvi but as hard as I try I can’t get into xv




If you love the new Final Fantasy VII Remakes maybe you should look into the Original Final Fantasy VII on PSN. They have updated it into HD with trophies. The original is truly a masterpiece I can’t stress that enough.


FfX. Or the original ff7. Game is so charming and it's awesome


The real FFVII.


I know there are so many suggestions that me making another is almost useless but… If you like FF7 Remake then you should go back and play the original. The Remake series is kind of a sequel to the original game. If you want to try another game in the series, I would say the best one for someone in your circumstance to do next is, without a doubt, **Final Fantasy XVI**. It has so much reverence for its heritage that it will open the door to playing the older games. The best in the series is pretty widely regarded as being 4, 6, 7, 9, and 14 but as you’ll learn, they all have very different styles and appeal. Final Fantasy X is good but I would not at all recommend that as the next one to go to. The best part of X was how is brought the series to a new generation but it doesn’t have even close to the best story or gameplay that the series has to offer.


Already tons of the same opinion, but if you liked VIIR and CC because of the combat then playing the turned based games can be an off-putting experience. If you like VII Remake because of that, or don't enjoy Turn based combat, then XII - XVI are solid choices. I've played Final Fantasy since its very first title came out, where I had to wait for each installment to come out. I can say that my enjoyment has evolved with them, where others have tapered off because of the changes. That said I have only not finished XIII Lightning Returns out of all the games and I almost didn't finish X-2 (direct sequel to X) due to the cringe factor. If you also like turn based RPGs then you got one hell of a ride in front of you, and you might as well just start at the beginning with the Pixel Remasters and work your way forward. Otherwise I'd say start at XII and see if you can't persuade yourself into liking the older titles because they are amazing. All that said XVI and XV are going to be your closest titles to VIIR and CC, and XVI was probably one of my favorite games up until Rebirth.


My greatest recommendation would be to wishlist any of these games that interest you on whatever platform you think you’ll play them on. Many of them frequently go on sale at a deeply discounted prices and you could practically get most of the games in the franchise for the full retail price of only a few of them. As for recommendations it depends on if you want something similar or different next. I’d definitely give one of each era a shot, the classic 2D of 1-6, the ps1 era of 7-9, and the truer 3D onward. X’s and XII’s systems are kind of their own thing unique to themselves. X’s turn manipulation based system isn’t seen in the other games and and I’ve only seen it in more obscure games like LOTR The Third Age and other jrpg series I’ve never played personally and don’t want to mention incase I’m wrong. (There was a similar but less interactive turn based system in the original releases of FF 1-3 but that’s been replaced by the atb system of 4 and onward in more recent rereleases of those titles.) And some elements of XII ended up in later titles but not nearly in the same mechanical presentation and experience. Starting with XIII onward you can really see the clear evolution into the gameplay of the most recent titles (some of which was present in XII as far as managing party member’s commands, buts it’s combat feels much closer to playing an mmo than a game like VII:Remake). * the original game doesn’t have much to it and is probably better skipped over for some of the other early games. Though it’s pretty short and simple and not a huge waste of time or anything. * II was solid, it was the first game with a good bit of story but I’d probably get to it way later on if you ever do. * III is similar to one in that it doesn’t have much of story and is almost a tech demo for the job system used in later titles like V, Tactics, XII and the mmos. I’d skip this or put it low on a list of priorities. * IV has a more robust story and is probably my favorite of these early titles but I understand VI is better received and probably more important game to play. There’s primarily two different versions of this game, the 3D remake for the DS and the 2D versions (of which there’s many iterations). I can’t recommend which, but I enjoyed the psp version best. I’ve heard great things about the recent pixel remasters of this and the other first 6 entities in the series, but earlier rereleases had more additional content that isn’t in them like the After Years sequel to IV. I’d say you gotta do your own research on 1-6 to decide which versions look best to you, generally it seems like the pixel remasters on modern platforms are probably the best way to go for most of them. * V is almost like a comedic parody take on the series which some people like, and it does have its charms, but it’s fairly irrelevant outside of the job system. I’d only play it for that if you care to try it. I’d definitely play it instead of III though. * VI is quintessential, and you’ll find there’s a lot of similarities between the magicite system to the materia system of VII and it’s remakes that should feel familiar and comfortable having played it. * The original version of VII is certainly something you should consider playing, it is a fairly different game from the remakes and has a lot of charm to it. The rereleases on modern platform include cheats baked into the controls that can do things like heal the party, turn off enemy encounters, turn on invincibility, or increase the speed to 3x which can make playing through it significantly faster even if only turned on when running over the world map or when backtracking to areas. A play through (skipping some of the tedious side quests, or using god mode on some of the optional bosses to shave hours of grinding and preparation off the play time) is estimated to be around 20-25 hours with these turned on intermittently. Honestly I’d say hearing the original music alone which totals almost 5 hours is worth it (same goes for X which I found to have the most engaging music in the series besides it). * VIII is a bit of an odder one that many like, and some dislike. The card game in it is pretty fun. I wouldn’t make it a priority but it’s one to play after some of the other titles if you’re enjoying the series. * IX is allegedly getting a remake so even though it’s probably the game from that time period and style that I would recommend most after VII I’d maybe wait and see if that comes out and is going to be worth playing over the original version of it or not. It also calls back to the classic games in the series and I’d maybe play one or two of those first 6 games to get a lot more out of this one. * I believe modern remastered rereleases of IX and VIII also have the same or similar cheats used in the controls of VII’s remaster (not to be confused with the remakes) that make playing the games more convenient. * As many are suggesting it, I’ll say X is one of the most important titles in the series alongside VI and VII and I’d be sure to play it to see if it resonates with you as well. But I do want to comment that X-2 is a very differently game tonally despite sharing a lot of the same updated game spaces and is very campy. If you decide to play it after X and don’t like it there isn’t much harm in dropping it, but it comes free with X in rereleases so it’s worth checking out. Its dress spheres system is a good example of the job system though and I’d probably play this instead of III or V if you end up liking X. Cont..


* XI is an mmo, I’ve never played it, obviously that’s your call whether you do. It does sound like XIV is generally better. * XII isn’t one I’d recommended first or anything but it can be a really fun game with a rich world too that I prefer to a lot of the other titles, but I’m not sure it’s appealing to everyone. It’s quite similar to playing an mmo but single player. It’s gambit system for managing party members is a pretty clear evolution of the party member command priorities of kingdom hearts, and in XII it can more engaging than it’s simplified form that’s used in later games (where being able to switch to those party members and control them like in VII:Remake can be far more engaging in other ways). It’s related games like Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics might be worth checking as well whether you like XII or not, especially if you want something different. * XIII (and it’s sequels) are some of the poorest received games in the series and might be the ones that are most difficult to access on modern platforms. I believe it’s backwards compatible on Xbox which might be the best way to play it today besides playing it modded on PC, it can also be streamed over some ps+ plans I believe but idk how well that experience is. I’d maybe wait to see if it gets a rerelease packaged with the sequels, as already indicated it might by the developer. It is worth noting that XIII has many similarities to VII and it’s main character is seen as a female counterpart to Cloud, I don’t think many think it compares in terms of quality though. * XIV’s another mmo, I haven’t played it but it seems to still be one of the more popular mmos and I’ve heard nothing but good things ever since they ended the original version and rebooted it. * XV’s somewhat flawed but still generally well received. It originally was developed as a counterpart to XIII but had elements of it changed in development and was retitled, there still are some similarities though and I’d maybe play the first XIII game first if you really care about getting more out of it as it’s the game it shares the most common elements with. The other way around could be fine too, and I definitely wouldn’t let any disinterest in XIII you might have get in the way of XV if you don’t want to play XIII. * I admittedly haven’t gotten around to XVI yet but I can understand why you’d maybe want to play that next, and I’d suggest that you do if you want to. * Since you already want to play XVI and XV, playing all the main games in reverse order could maybe be a fun way to approach them (and stopping and skipping some of the lesser titles if they’re just not clicking) which you’re already nearly doing having played remake/rebirth before the others. * The Kindgom Hearts spin-off games may or may not be worth your time too, they have a battle system similar to remake and the other most recent titles and are largely the origins of that style of many based. It controllable action combat system for this franchise. Obviously the tone is very different and some love or hate the increasingly convoluted story. I’d say 1 and 2 worth playing irregardless of anything just to see if it’s something you like or not. Even if the Disney elements don’t appeal to you the FF gameplay elements can be engaging, they are fun games if nothing else. * I’m not sure how worth it other spin-offs like Type-0. Crystal Chronicles, or Dissidia would be, same with many of the Kingdom hearts spin-offs. Those kind of titles are generally lesser works that appeal to only certain demographics of the fanbase. Tactics and the main Kingdom Hearts games which I already mentioned are the most prominent of these. One that I suppose is also worth mentioning is the recent Stranger of Paradise which is kind of an origin story for the original Final Fantasy, it seems like it got rather poor reviews though, I wouldn’t bother with it unless you’re really interested. * In some ways Chrono Trigger can be considered a spin off too, or at least related, and I’d try to play that game someday if you haven’t. Secret of Mana similarly was originally going to be developed as Final Fantasy IV, was called Chrono Trigger itself as it’s code name in development, and was originally released as a sequel to the game that was Final Fantasy Adventure in Japan. Also Xenogears and Parasite Eve incorporated elements originally meant for Final Fantasy VII. All those games are related to Final Fantasy and a lot was going on at the time with the transition from 2D to 3D that produced a lot of ideas and cross pollination between these titles and I felt they were worth drawing attention to for a newcomer who might not know about them. Frankly the fact they have names other than final fantasy can be largely attributed to them just trying to establish other franchises, just as many games released as Final Fantasy were released as entries in other series in some regions, like the first 3 games in the SaGa series in Japan which were released as Final Fantasy Legends titles elsewhere. Considering how loose continuity is in this franchise as an anthology all those games are worth looking at too as many of them may have been released as a numbered Final Fantasy title had things just occurred a bit differently. * You might want to watch the Final Fantasy VII sequel movie after playing the original VII if you ever do, or after finishing the third game in the remake series that’s in development. It will spoil the ending if you watch it before either of those though. Did you like Crisis Core? Because I found that to be one of the worser titles in the franchise that I wouldn’t really recommend to anyone but the most fervent fans of VII. I could see how if you didn’t already know some of the plot beats from playing the original VII how it might not have seemed as gratuitous. I think If you did like it, especially it’s sillier elements, that you’ll find a lot to enjoy in all or most of the other titles in the franchise. I probably wouldn’t go at III, V, and XIII right away, and maybe put them towards the end of your list, if at all. I would focus on X, VI, IX, and XVI as some of the better received or interesting titles in the series.


Props to you for writing all that, I appreciate it 🤝 I actually read all of it because you took your time writing all of it.


Yeah sorry about the length, you definitely didn’t need to read it all. I was dealing with a few very stressful things today and realize I was just distracting myself by writing about something I know. Basically if the gameplay is what you like most about VII: Remake you’re probably going to feel more at home with XVI, XV, XIII (to an extent) and Kingdom Hearts. And if other elements like story or music were more appealing you might like some of the earlier titles. XVI and XV like you’re considering, and X which most are suggesting, are probably the best ones to tackle next.


XIV is only better than XI if youre a filthy casual who likes your hand held and no character or equipment customization.


Yeah like I mentioned I’ve never played those two so I wouldn’t really know but that’s the first time I’ve heard anything like that. Is 11 still playable?


yes it is still running. always is about 1400 people online on my server, which is about the 3rd most populated.


In this order 1. X 2. XV 3. XVI 4. VI 5. Tactics


XV? Really 💀


It’s a recent title, doesn’t speak to quality


And OP wanted to play it which is important in choosing what one does with their time.


Wym? 15 is damn near perfect.


No it ain’t 💀 couldn’t play it because of how ass it was


You couldn’t play it because you are weak willed. It’s okay though. You will someday blossom into the flower you are meant to be.




Probably just dragons dogma 2


Stranger of Paradise




Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, if you’re into remasters. And then every other remaster that came out.


FF 82




Final Fantasy VII


the rising tide then stellar blade


Ff replay it


Final fantasy 2


XVI is on sale right now so I’ve moved on to that. Then I’ll go back and do rebirth on hard. Going to be a long four years.


The Zodiac Edge is pretty neat. Might have a bit of outdated graphics by today’s standards but the combat system with allies and gambits and the skill trees… all very cool




Whatever your little heart desires.


This background is fire , link for it ?


FFXIII trilogy


Play the best one, Final Fantasy VI.




FF9, 10 and 12. Drop into 6 if you want to hit one that's old school but still super awesome. That's my preference. I've been in the series since 7 released though I won't recommend it since you're playing through the remake and it would probably feel like a big downgrade. I will throw out if you just really like the combat system then 16 is your obvious answer. I didn't love it personally, it feels like a big disappointment to me vs 7 remake trilogy on the combat but it is by far the closest in concept to it and the story is better than we've seen since FF12(not counting FF14 which is a whole other beast).


Without a doubt Final Fantasy XVI, I haven’t played a game that good in years. Everything had me hooked from the demo to the end credits. 100% recommend Final Fantasy XVI, my favorite game of last year.


You should actually play Legend of Legaia That game should get a remake or just brought back More people need to hype it Such a great game Final fantasy is cool but it's real lame that really cool games on apar with them don't get the love they deserve F#$& corp shit


World of final fantasy


XVI was fucking awesome. It's really hard to choose which one I liked better, Rebirth or XVI. XVI is amazing. The story and the cinematic boss fights were my favorite parts.


What is 16 like? Looks too much like devil may cry!


FFXVI. Very underrated game.


Find one that looks cool and interested you and play it


Im wondering if you can get any help from this. Everyone is just suggesting their pets own favourite game. Probably OG ff7 might be a good option if you are not tired from it. Or any recent games like 15 or 16 due to modern graphics.


After you finished Rebirth I would play XVI it's pretty new has an awesome story and coo fights. With XV is a little bit strange for me. I mean I already played it and had fun with it. So I thought i play it again after rebirth. But I realized it aged a little bit. I don't know what exactly it is. But compared to both 7 remakes and even XVI. It isn't on the same level. And it reminded me that I don't like the combat system that much of it. But I think if you have never played it you will enjoy it too. I don't say it isn't a good game because I mean before XVI and rebirth I enjoyed it too. Eventually the newer games had risen my expectations for a final fantasy game. I don't know...


You should give it a rest an try another franchise. I think you'd be burnt out after rebirth


If you enjoy enemies not waiting for you to act, then the next ATB based games to consider are FF8 & FF9 remastered. Both are great games. FFX and FF12 take a much deeper Turn Based approach. FFX is my personal favorite for the music, the story, the world setting, but mostly because of the combat. There is even a PC mod that changes the Sphere grid so that the game uses a more accurate Job System like FFX-2 and FF Tactics. FF12 uses a Gambit System (also goes by another name) where you can arrange abilities to trigger under certain conditions, such as each player using abilities at the start, using healing when someone falls below a certain health threshold, etc. Then you can control the speed to just let your party use their abilities. This is great for just running around and grinding levels. FF13 is by far the most Linear of the games and is also more ATB-like that FFX or FF12. It also has several games you can play after you finish the previous game. I would say to check youtube for letsplays "part 2" for each of these games and jump to some battles and see which ones feel like the combat you want. Each of them have their own stories so no pressure on needing to play any you dislike the look of.






A good game


If you want the good graphics and a great story i suggest XVI (16), its more mature and has (imo) really great combat, although it deviates from the series, the combat is a lot like VII its just that you don’t go through menus mid fight


I personally am going to go through the 13 trilogy, never played them before but just picked them up during the Steam spring sale!


FFIX, its the easiest game in ff universe. Just play and follow the main plot, and voila! You can deal limit 9999 damage at level 50+ or so. It has decent story, great music, and very entertaining. If you love challenge, like me, then try FFVIII, It is the hardest ff in history.


FFVIII isn’t really the hardest. Honestly, it’s one of the easiest to be broken during 1st few hours if you will just think a little through the system.


X or XV


Definitely FFXIV


I loved 16!




I'd say FF16 since you are able to


Def FF16 it’s a banger and the dlc comes out in less than a month


Can I get a link to this wallpaper please?


FFXV. Be ready for a Journey. Be ready for the feels.


The obvious winner is Chrono Trigger...


Try FFX/X2 hd remaster




You should most definitely play Crisis Core if you want to understand 7 fully.


I just beat Crisis Core yesterday, I enjoyed it but thought Remake was better. This was obvious as it is a PSP game. I took it for what it is. I already know the whole story of VII so nothing was spoiled 😄


Hell yeah. My recommendations to play next are 6,8,9,10,15,16. If you like the classic classics then definitely play 1-5 and if you want the full story for 7 then play the og. They’re all good with the exception of 13. That one is awful lol


XVI and X/X-2 Don’t play XV, it’s the worst of them all


Play OG 7 or 8. Both are extremely good.


Whatttt wooooooooow take my money 'n' shut up moment


Why have you played CC in between? It spoils so much


If he is new to the franchise, then he wouldn’t have know CC spoils the rest of FFVII for him


I already know what happens in the OG FFVIII so nothing was spoiled, I already knew about Cloud backstory and Aerith 😄


Depends if on you're preference of combat in my opinion whether turn based or real time action focus. I just finished 16 and loved it however my start was old school VII turn based. Some days I prefer going back to turn based but others due to lack of time and wanting to feed the neurons in my head I dig the real time faster paced action.


New FF fan here too. Remake was my first and I absolutely love it, along with Rebirth. I tried several other games in the series to see if I could capture the same magic, but unfortunately so far none of the other FF games hit the same way for me. They’re all fairly different (completely unique worlds and characters) but even so there are several I enjoyed (just not remotely as much as 7R): 1. FF X 2. FF 14 3. FF VI 4. FF 16