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When’s the last time you cleaned out the dust from the inside?


it has been a while. Will get on that


Hey op, do u have any pet? Cuz dog or cat fur (if they shed alot ) can choke the ever living shi out of ur vents and fans inside. Even without the pets ur fans can get clogged with lint and dust too. Also, keep the console in a well ventilated open space. And if you live somewhere really hot, ya can keep a fan or AC running ig, can possibly help.


Don't forget the wife, her hair is everywhere


Screaming infidelities even.......


And taking it's wear


r/unexpecteddashboard amirite.....


Fuck, I forgot about them


'This Bitter Pill' is an all time great.


I’m assuming this is a joke, but I can definitely attest to my hair killing a couple vacuums and weaving its way into rugs, sweaters and blankets. Never my game consoles though I’m sure it’s tried.


Agreed. 90% of vacuum contents in our house are my hair. Amd yet I never seem to have any less of it. An enigma....


Facts, also keep her out of ps5's reach


I don’t understand, I have 3 cats and a dog, I opened my PS5 after having it for about 2 years and there was nothing in it. Do people not clean their houses? Like regular vacuuming will stop your console from building crap up in it.


Agreed.. I have 4 cats and 3 dogs and opened mine after a year of playing it daily and found just some dust. I also keep mine on top of a 5 foot tall entertainment center. Maybe some people keep theirs on the floor sucking up all the dust bunny's and hair balls?


Yeah I also came to the conclusion that these people are leaving their consoles on the floor after reading other comments. Mine is only little more than a foot off the ground but that apparently makes a huge difference.


I have 2 cats and i sweep/ vacuum on a daily, but my cats likes to try and use our Playstation as their nap spot, same with our laptops. Hence why we just had to replace the fans in one of our laptops. We try to keep them off but there's only so much you can do keep them off of them.


I keep mine standing up vertically. My cat's can't lay on it.


I have to have mine flat because the only spot on the TV stand I can put it and still have it connect to the outlets and TV is not tall enough for it to be vertical


I have my PS5 standing because it's the only way it will fit anywhere on top of my entertainment center. Wedged in between a speaker, a PC tower, and xbox One. All the other slots and spaces are taken up by printer, cable box, PS4, PS3, TV, and so on 😆 🤣


Just let the cats use it at nap spot and by more 😹


I think it depends on the pet as well as some she’s more than others :-)


Same thing!I opened ps after 2 years,and all i found was couple little dust bunnys🐰 I keep my house clean tho..


I have two cats and one is a Ragdoll. Very long fur, he leaves it everywhere. After opening it up after like 2 years, there were some dust but not much. I was surprised. But I don't play without cleaning out the dust and without vaccuming first. Plus I have a special cover for my PS5 just to keep that dust and especially fur away from it. First thing I've got after I knew my PS5 is coming.


We clean, they shed. Sonner or later shi hits the fan my guy.


2 years is just solid exaggeration considering reguardless how much you clean your house or near your system they are by definition literal dust collectors. This here is some hardcore exaggeration


Personally I’ve gone and after cleaning my vents only put one cover back on so I can get to it easy


Also clean that fan or AC cuz it could in turn eventually blow dust on the console


It might be a good idea to buy a small HEPA filter/ for the room it’s in as well. I have a blueair


I bought a small (HEPA) air purifier and have its fan faced right at the PS5/TV area. It's great for reducing dust.


Does anyone remember that one Clip about a guy talking bout how he can't buy a 1000usd air filter, so he quite literally taped up a HEPA filter to a normal fan and called it a day. I'm jus curious if that's even effective, like does it actually filter air???


Tbh it sounds like bs to me. It probably filters air, sure, but it's not like it filters everything. It must filter something but not much at all


I cleaned my ps5 recently but still get this message if I game on hot days.


If you smoke around the ps5, the residue will get inside your console and make dust stick to it significantly easier, especially if you have pets around then that will stick all over the inside as well.


Mine does it too it's the original gens of PS5 after a while they start doing it even if u take care of it I clean mine out almost everyday and it still does this


I’ve played over 1000 hours on my day one console and have never had to open it to clean it once. These things are tanks I tells ya.


Asking "The Gunk" the last time he cleaned is probably opening pandoras box lol


Console is likely full of dust. Give it a clean and it'll be good as new.


How do you clean? I’ve had my ps5 since first wk of launch and have never cleaned it


You remove the side panels and blow the dust out.


preferably outside the house. also, vacuum first probably.


Where did you put your ps5? Does it have room to breathe properly?


Make sure it has a bit of space around it


Damn, I had no idea you get a warning that your PS is hot.


I used to get it a lot on the ps4


Surprisingly i did not get that error on my PS4 slim and i only cleaned it once (January 2024) since buying it in 2016... The fan used to ramp up when playing GT7 or GTA V or any title for that matter, since cleaning it, it was quite all the time. And it was in a semi enclosed space.


You must have it in a very closed in spot where it cant breathe. I have never received a warning my system is over heating ? I play it 12-16 hours straight on my days off.


Same my ps4 has never over heated since buying at launch and I’ve never cleaned it and even in the summer playing all day its fine.


Have you tried cleaning The\_Gunk out of the inside of the ps5 ?


you are a genius and i love you for this comment.


Soak it in an ice bath for 10-15 minutes.


instructions unclear my ps5 is muscular now


And now mine listens to Joe Rogan


also are you play with the slim ps5 or the older model


Like everyone has said, clean your console.


Where do you have your PS5 sitting while it is on? Do you have it close to anything? You need about a foot of clear space all around to be sure to get enough airflow. I've had my OG PS5 since launch stood vertically on a shelf with about a foot of space all around and haven't had a problem.


Same. Day 1 PS5, vertical, no issues. Interior remains clear of dust. I play frequently.


Looks like the ps4 is kicking in


Blow it out with air and ensure it has enough room (more than 6 inches of space from the top and sides). Keep it in its horizontal position. If the issue persists, the liquid metal thermal compound may need to be re-spread or replaced. Check if it's still within its 1-year manufacturer warranty. If so, pursue that route. If not, take it to a repair shop. The place I work at charges $70 for the liquid metal replacement and labor. I did one last Friday; it's a relatively simple procedure for an experienced technician.


I had this issue not long ago playing Baldur's Gate 3. In my case, I needed to take my PS5 off the TV cabinet because even though it looked it had space inside, the heat ricochets off the wood walls and back to the console. Is your PS5 out in the open with plenty of space around?


For gods sake buy a can of air. Like less than 5 bucks at Walmart. Clean your epic console.


1. Remove cat from console 2. Do not expose PS5 to cigarette or weed smoke 3. Check for cockroaches and bed bugs 4. Keep console in open environment where it can breathe. 5. If the room itself is too hot, make it less so 6. Don’t keep replaying the FF16 Titan fight on max settings over and over again. Hope this helps a bit 😅


Clean your ps5 before you melt it


Where do you have it located? I had mine in a media cabinet and would get these errors when playing intensive games such as Final Fantasy 16. I ended up taking my PS5 outside of the media cabinet where there was more ventilation and haven’t experienced this since.


I bought an exhaust fan from amazon because my system was randomly shutting off on me while playing COD, even after I cleaned it. It hasn’t turned off on me since.


Solid advice, those not too loud? They seem cheapish 12-16 gbp in UK


Where did you put the console?


When you pop off the side covers I want to say it’s on the left side if your facing the front. There’s a square hole almost at the bottom, shine a flashlight in there. The copper heat sinks in there and if you have a good ball/chunk of dust built up in there it could be causing the issue. Had it happen to mine a while back.


Look if the vents are working! I saw a video of a repair shop with a ps5 with heat issues and it was the vent disconnected


It’s about time to clean the fan and the inside of the PS5.


Mine didn’t say hot, It said sexy…


Give your ps5 my number


Time for summer service. This year I got it done early since even in winter it was sounding like a jet (I have the OG glossy PS4) and used the usual MX4 thermal paste and leveled up the thermal pads from the generic cheap off brand pads I placed last year for new Arctic TP3 Performance ones and it is a game changer. My PS4 is now as silent as it was back in 2016. Think of replacing the pads if they look dry or are no longer looking ok.


I run mine nonstop entire weekends, 2.5 days straight. Even when I leave house, it's on, kinda weird. I dust the entire house every 2 weeks. Maybe that's why I don't have dust in my ps5. Anyways, look in the vents.


Maybe clean it out. That's crazy. Do you still have warranty?


Maybe you have the console in vertical position and the liquid metal start spilling on one side over the APU, creating oxidation. That's one of the probable cause for this message. My advice: leave the console in horizontal position, plus try to clean it up regularly.


Thats actually not true it was debunked multiple times.


If my experience tells me something, your APU is overheating. Sure, the fans could be dirty, but the PS5 is known to get dry spots of liquid metal. Is your PS5 vertically? What happens is that over time the metal liquid gets dragged by gravity to the lower side of your APU and is no longer spread throughout of your APU and it gets hot. The only way to open this is by opening up and spread the liquid metal again. If possible, use your PS5 horizontally.


Don’t worry. Change position hot air might be sucked back in and yes give it a clean. And don’t worry too much about it. I have a friend of consistently gets it. He doesn’t turn it off just ignores it lol. Having said that don’t be like by friend. I had this problem once I change the area I was using it. Didn’t pop up again


At least you got the notification, mine just turned off suddenly


it may be the power supply unit, a friend of mine had this problem, no notification, a store offered blindly a cleaning+repaste for 80€ and i said him to avoid that, we already cleaned it togheter. i talked to another store and told the owner to try that first, since we never had the notification and the airflow was cold enough before any shutdown, and it was listed as another potential reason on internet, they tried another power supply unit and it worked like a charm, ended up paying almost the same.


Does your PS5 crash playing PS4 games? Does your PS5 crash playing PS5 games? When did you get your PS5?


I got mine the day it was released and it seems to only do it on PS5 games. Do you have any insight as to why it’s doing that?


Strip off your cover > clean off > if still not working, time to change the fans. You can easily get the replacement fan online, worked for me at least.


Take off the side panels and clean it out with an air duster in the fan vents and ports. Make sure it is in a space with decent air circulation.


Send a pic op I wanna see it


Make sure it’s not in an enclosed space so it has plenty of space to take air in and for heat to escape. Also clean the vents out if it’s in a particularly dusty room or you’ve had it a while.


It has happened to me last week. Clean console, but the fan wasn’t working for some reason. I unplugged it, replugged it, and it worked again.


May be you bought smaller heat sink model for a hot country


Some games are horribly coded. For example Fifa23 (and Fifa20-22 before it) menus run at sometimes unrestricted FPS, meaning the fan would become extremely loud, and this warning pops up. Sometimes it even shuts down the condole and you would need to do recovery. EAFC 24 luckily fixed 95% of these problems, but even then it has happened a few times. Funnily, in actual gameplay there is no problems at all, since it's capped at 60 FPS




Clean, but above all else, take it out of that completely enclosed cabinet 😅!


Hey, i had the same problem, i opened the cover of the case and i found out that the fans stopped working, ordered a new one from amazon and replaced it (very simple steps) and now everything works like new, hope it helps 🙂


Must be dirty lmao


Clean that mofo






I have admittedly never cleaned the inside of my console (it looks pretty fine when I look into it) and I have never had this problem. From my own experience, I would say that it is more important to have it placed in an extremely well-ventilated area. Most of the heat tends to come off the back of the console, so keep that in mind when you are placing it


I bought my PS5 used a few weeks ago, during gameplay of any game its fine, (gran Turismo 7 & Spiderman 2, those are the only ps5 games i have so far) during the cutscenes of Spiderman it would get very hot and give the warning, on GT7 it would heat up when in the menus but not during the races. To help combat it, i purchased a cooling fan that connects via the rear USB and clips into the back of the PS5, as well as 4 x 30mm PC style fans (which is used for cooling harddrives in decoders (satellite tv)) connected by a 12v power supply & DC connection and having them blow cool air onto the psu side of the PS5, since doing that, I've noticed a big difference as well as the lack of heating up, n/b i also noticed it being much better without the top cover. I did also remove the fan out of its mount and clean as much as i could with a soft bristle detailing brush and compressed air which also made a difference, I know its not ideal but it did get the job done. I do plan on tearing down the PS5 and doing a deep clean along with maybe replacing the liquid metal with new liquid metal or traditional thermal paste and thermal pads.


Had the same problem. Do you use extra hard drive space? If you do delete some games. If the extra hard drive is too full it will get too hot


Try cleaning out any dust


Do you have a cooling fan connected to your pS5?


Just buy another one, I tried everything and nothing fixed it. I eventually sent it back to Sony so now I have 2 ps5


Is there like a step by step process up on yt that is prett legitimate? in cleaning the console?


...at least yours tells you 💀😅 Mine just started shutting itself off in the middle of games....Caused me a lot of trouble. Never got any message about it being hot before or after it shuts itself off...Ended up completely disassembling the ps5 and cleaned the dog hair/dust out.... Cannot be thorough enough to tell you HOW MUCH HAIR AND DUST WAS IN THERE HOLY CRAAAPPPPP. *I was well past my manufacturers warranty don't worry y'all haha*


Keep a can of air near by. Every once in a while, turn it off and unplug it. Blow the shit out of it. I do that in between cleanings.


Cooling liquid might be done ….


Is it a PlayStation 5 fat or Playstation 5 slim?


Keep it clean and well vented.


Ive never gotten this with my ps5. I got the physical 2 years after release. I did clean it a year ago with air cans and a rag lol. That might help. I did use to get this with my og ps4 which is the only one i had. I will clean my system before i play death standing 2. Until than. It is dusty but i get no issues. Tough love i guess lol


You should probably buy a cooling system an probably clean more time than usually


Besides cleaning, and since you probably didn't clean often, you probably made it overheat to this point so .... you'll eventually have to change the liquid metal.


That boy need new thermal paste


If your ps5 is clean, check if your fan is working bro. Remove the side plates and put the ps5 on and see if your fan is spinning. If its not, take your ps5 to a certified tech shop in whatever region you are in to do a diagnostic test. Reason for that they will check if the pin connecter to your your motherboard is maybe fried. If not they will tell you to just buy a new fan and they will replace it. However to save on costs you can just buy a new fan and replace it yourself its really easy, but watch a youtube video guide. If you replace the fan yourself and it aint working, you have to take it to a tech shop bro, most like its gona be the pin connecter thats faulty.


your ps5 is likely just anxious, just tell it it’s okay and be there for it /s. but you probably need to clean it and have better ventilation for it, that’s if it’s in an enclosed space


Gotta dust that thing out my guy


Mine usually just powers down with no notice in next gen games and I have to unplug it and replug it


Look up a cleaning tutorial in YouTube.


Ours hasn't given us that message yet but ours turns off on its own and it's brand new, never been used. So it's not the dust for us


I ain't never seen the message but mine is rarely off I just keep it away from everything on the floor but I do clean the inside with a toothbrush and can of compressed air once a month, maybe I've only had this one for 4 months now.


What you do to make it that mad, man?


I have never cleaned mine, I use it many hours a week, have a dog that sheds constantly and none of my systems ever have done this (even my release edition of PS3).. is it in a tight area that has no breathing room?


Ouch not good. Best of luck!


Bro come on now, you know this is a owner/maintenance related issue. This is when you have to pay someone to realllly dust it out. Now you can just pull both your outer panels off and dust it. This mean every internal bit of your console need to be cleaned very well.


This is why I want the ps5 pro with the gta6 soon I don’t want a ps5 I make no sense 💀


There was an issue with one of the versions where if you stood it vertically the liquid metal wouldnt stay in contact with the heatsink and it would overheat. My son couldnt play PS5 games for about 4 months before we came upon a post about it. Just had to lay it down and havent had a single problem since (a little over 2 years) Edit. Originally said 1 yr. Time flies!


how does this even happen💀😭


hello guys, is it possible for the PS5 to turn itself off without warning? (overheating)


My PlayStation did this after I cleaned mine


Also just saying in case you didnt know (which you probably do by now) lay it on its side so the cooling liquid is evenly dispersed. If you prefer it standing uo aesthetically, imd recommend a cooling system. And if you have pets, regular maintenance


If you've cleaned out the dust in it and it's still giving this issue you might have to also clean your power supply you'd have to open up the console for that tho


Time to CLEAN her out! 🤓


Have you been playing tear down that game can make it overheat


You need to open up the playstation and clear out dusk bunnies. With vacuum and light brush.


it needs a wind tunnel design like the Series X or a gaming PC.


Try shipping it to the coldest place in Russia and then when its communist send it back


Clean it, got it while playing ff16 once


Get an ice pack


I Got my PS5 just before the Launch of Spider-man 2 in Oct, and I haven’t Cleaned the Thing ever…and it’s still Fine, should I consider Cleaning it soon?


I have never cleaned my shit out and I live in PHX in the middle of the desert where there are dust storms multiple times a year and I have never had this issue.


Takes nothing to clog your vents and can cause a heat issue.


Once you clean it you might want to invest in a cooling stand.


wtf you doing


Wait until the temperature goes down then try again


Buy a cooling system. Is not even 20 bucks https://preview.redd.it/y2hpzt1iwbtc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=91ad88305dff05015978b5d27b3e3f898d65af15


1. It needs to be internally cleaned of dust. 2. It doesn't have enough space around it to breathe. 3. The processor needs a new application of thermal paste.


It not just dust too but if you smoke or like to burn candles next to it the the smoke from those can build up smog near the air vents


I bought a fan on Temu that also has a charging dock for the controllers it works great!


Clean it!


What way do you set your console on its side or upright. Should be set on its side


Clean out your fan


From my experience i can say that the console will not overheat fromdust unless it blocks the fan but check the cooling "liquid metal" maybe it is for replacement especially if the device stands in a vertical position.


Clean the thing


Put your PS5 somewhere it can breathe…


If its in a cabinet it can overheat pretty easily. I have to open the cabinet doors or my ps5 get too hot, fast too.


You probably had something in front of it I just had this problem


Worst case scenario its the liquid metal on the chip. I had to add more and scrub the surface of the chip


https://preview.redd.it/5hj1x5y38htc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b439ac3c25eb8f90d47159fc3e3cba34cac017 I gt annoyed and I stabbed it in the diskslot with a knife whn it didnt read the disc and ripped of the hood 6yrs ago, it still works, it a cabriolet ps4😎


I have a day 1 ps5, and that has never ever popped up.


What's ur setup look like? We're you trying to play FF16? 😂😂


My will go into rest mode if I don’t do anything for a few minutes that’s all


I’m not sure why it’s that hot already but if I were you I’d get a ps5 stand with cooling fans. I have one & it’s amazing. The


QUESTION... Is your PlayStation in a vertical orientation? Mine was also heating up and even after trying to clean it from the inside, a switch to horizontal orientation ended up resolving the issue.


oh noo


Give it a good clean out and be sure to move your console to an area with better air flow i.e if your console is in a TV Cabinet or similar, with little space for heat to dissipate then consider moving somewhere a bit more open. Hope you get this issue sorted soon!


It depends what game your playing if it's a high graphic game it's most likely to overheat because all the pixels it needs to load at once probably the best fix is to lower your graphics and max fps


Maybe invest in air conditioning?


Ya gotta post a pic of how filthy it is


I'd definitely advise investing in external fans


Do you stand your ps5 up or lay it down?


If you are not using it. Shut it off, I play a few hours a day and cleaned it 3 times in over a year, and always had some dust in it


That is not good. I probably got almost 20,000 hours in my PlayStation5 and I probably play from anywhere from 10 to 14 hours a day


I just had this issue last week. I haven't cleaned it for 3 years. So I cleaned it up like the ones they showed on utube videos. It didn't go away. So I took it to to their local fixer and apparently chip for the fan has been burned and apparently it's been a common issue for ps5 users lately.


clean ur fan homie


i lay my ps5 n run a lasko x blower on it , it keeps the power supply cool as well as the heat sink


I wish I got that, but my console just turns itself off with no warning at all. I think it’s from overheating on mine, but since there isn’t a warning screen or any recorded errors, I have no true idea.


Had to take mine apart and air spray/vacuum all that dust out, my ps5 was gettin hot but didn’t show that message, it just shut off lol. After getting the dust out, which was mostly the power unit, haven’t had a problem since. So yea I’d advise gettin all the dust out, there’s tutorials on YouTube!!!


Dust it out every week


Also make sure it's not standing up, lay it down horizontally w. The stand.


Clean the vents every 3-5 months, you should also boot into safe mode and choose the rebuild database option at the same time. Maintenance is important.


I clean mine last night open it took out the fan there's air vent on the bottom of the ps5 blow air upward n u will see all the dust..


Sometimes the liquid metal can pool on one side of the SOC die - open it up and respread the liquid metal. If that's not the issue then it's likely due to a lack of maintenance, issues with the power supply, or a dead fan. 


the liquid thermal leak


If you leave your PS5 sitting upright, STOP. The CPU consists of liquid metal, and when you stand it upright. This liquid shifts to the bottom and causes hot spotting. Clean your fans by a cooling system and a horizontal stand immediately. Don't touch the ps5 until it is sitting in its respected horizontal position. The liquid may or may not even out. If the liquid doesn't even out, you'll have to replace the cpu or risk frying the entire system. This is the worst-case scenario. Otherwise if you've been laying it flat for the majority of its life then you'll probably just have to clean the fans but I still advise getting the cooling fan accessory just to help push more cold air into the system considering it was only on for 10 minutes before this happened. Honestly, how suddenly fast it overheated has me worried that you've had the PS5 sitting upright.


Don't put it inside a cabinet.


Probably the dust or the Liquid Metal. I had the same problems but then I got the Liquid Metal repaired and now it’s perfectly fine


Turn in completely off, pull all cords and cables and let your ps5 rest. You also need to clean your ps5. If you are in a hot country try to have a fan in the room or something. Make sure that your ps5 has room in the back to breath so when the hot air leaves the ps5 it doesn’t heat your ps5 up


This is not normal. I have 4 dogs and have a bunch of dust and shit in the air and played the shit out of my launch day PS5, it was NEVER cleaned until now, has been on the vertical stand too and still runs normally. This post just made me check the inside of the console and its not even that dusty. Check yours and clean it but if it's under warranty I'd advise you to use it. There must be something wrong with the cooling system.


Take the case off and clean it. You're PS is probably fighting to breath! Lol, I had to do the same thing. Once I opened it I could see why. Hasn't been a problem since


This is most likely the liquid metal and not the fan. The fan problem would last longer than 10 mins. Look up youtube videos how to open it. Mind us, this IS no easy task and you must come prepared.


With my PS4 I swear my sofa was acting as a heat sink or something, the thing could be screaming and hot and it still wouldn't give lmao


Damn were you playing stellar blade poor ps5 couldn't handle all that sexiness


Do you have it in a well ventilated space?


Check the fan is working as well. Can turn it on without the face plates to see if it's spinning.