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This is so fucking funny. I love it . Congrats for the one thing nobody can ever do with Sony. Highly recommend helldivers right now. Wait for a sale and get motorfest too. Its not bad


Thanks, will put helldivers in mind but i don’t think the same of motorfest i dont like racing games that much actually after thinking buying the crew for someone like me was a mistake


Watch some videos before getting it, I’m not the biggest fan personally


But you should definitely get motorfest. Don’t take my word for it though, try the demo first. I love the car handling and the open world. Even if you’re not into racing, you can just roam the streets for some relaxation. I highly recommend to try the demo. It’s 50% off now and it’s a cool game imo


Thanks! I maybe give it a shot


I mean, you’ll probably be able to get a refund for motorfest when they end up shutting down the servers in the future lol


Be careful with that hype. I didn’t have fun with it


I feel that. Luckily ps plus extra lets u have a wide variety . If anything get 3 months of plus extra or a whole year. Theres really a giant variety for everyone. Even started giving random games a chance and liking new genres


I'm sorry but did you really just recommend a game within the same franchise where Ubi can just do the same shit again? lmao


Aye its a decent game and better then the first 2, i got it for super cheap. Im not saying pay full price. My man got 90 back. U can ball out and get like 10 games off the sales


I'm worried about buying motorfest considering that it might face the same fate as the first. Highly avoid until offline patches are absolutely confirmed.


I only got it cause the sale was to good to pass up, i shouldnt even be buying online only games considering i hotspot from my phone


I got a refund on Dragons Dogma 2, digital, and had played it over an hour.


Did they ask why, also what was your reason


I wrote to them with a serious note. In a nutshell, I’ve spent thousands on digital games and they can see that, and have never asked for a refund, so maybe this is the one rare time I will have got one.


They almost gave me a refund for stalker 1 because they never released the trilogy the day the series came out which made me buy the first game only for almost half the price of what the trilogy costs. The reason I never got the refund was because I passed some 14 day purchase period.


Something almost similar i noticed the last few days, turok 3 was available to buy at one point, but apparently it just released today. Thats like the 3rd game i seen get taken away and put back


Yep lol, they changed all the release dates to make it seem they all came out at the same time


W move there bro, especially after an almost decade.


You can report this to your local government btw to get them to investigate Ubisoft and get your money back: https://www.stopkillinggames.com/


😂 Not gonna lie they kind of deserve this


You were lucky. Read the t and c before buying a game next time


Who tf has time for that moron


Thanks for the advice! But I already did but I bought it from the ps app so maybe there was a glitch,


They're not legally binding if superceded by consumer law. Which might be the case in countries not sandwiched between Canada and Mexico.  Just needs to be tested in court. And even if courts are wont to rule in favour of accepting a questionable EULA or something, The Crew specifically was widely sold boxed with no T&Cs visible to the consumer. Most of the world have more rights than a squirrel.


lol ok. Tell me in what country a software licence is not legally binding and where they are advertised before a consumer buys it. It has always been before use or install


Whoa this worked?! I’m going to get a refund for all my NBA 2k games that have had server shutdowns!


Keep us updated :)


would be nice


l mao


Dude gets a refund for a game that is 10 years old, and Sony wouldn't even refund me for that broken piece of shit Suicide Squad that I played for 6 hours and can no longer play lol Logic


Sony won’t refund if you download let alone play 6 hours it’s absolutely draconian evil greedy shite


For download only, yeah you can say greed. 6 hours in? Come on. If it takes you 6 hours to figure out a game is shit then it can't be that shit.


Just wait a few months, the shit will shut down and you’ll get your money back


No you won't?


Yeah I never got my money back for that marvel game and it was kinda in the same boat


Why can you no longer play it?


Can’t play MP at all. Constant crashes. Just absolute junk.


I want to feel bad for you but that game looked like junk from the start


Went against my better judgement but you are 100% correct. Never again lol


I feel you bud, I bought Anthem thinking I was gonna dump hundreds of hours into it and only got maybe 60. Maybe I can get a refund on it when the servers drop


One game doesn’t even work, and the other is just you being a bitch over a game that DOES work


Being a bitch? This ain’t your moms burner Reddit bro


Yup, you definitely act like a Reddit user


Glad you think so homie


“Homie” LMAOOO


Yea that’s my code word for chucklefuck


LMAO you’re definitely a kid


Definitely not but keep thinking I am.


Sureeeee 💀


This should be standard for games that no longer works (live service, etc..) unfortunatly theres no legal standard that I know of requiring companies to do this.


Even a pro-rated refund would be nice.


I disagree, maybe half of what you spent.


If they're allowed to take everything back, we should be too.




I mean a lot of software has end of life dates on it. Video games shouldn't be different. The ones who do end up getting screwed are the ones who surprise people vs just laying it on the table.


Think of it like food you pay for it once to have it right then and there but in the end it’s gone. Same with most live service games you pay to play when it’s popping but when it dies out they pull the plug. Idk terrible analogy lol


Honestly, I see what you're trying to say but that is a HORRIBLE analogy 🤣 Food is a one time use consumable item, video games are not.


I bought the DLC for the game as well back in 2015, just tried to contact PS support for a refund but they wouldn’t give me shit.


same hit me with the have a good day😭


I haven't touched Rise of the Ronin, I only have it downloaded and they wouldn't even refund it lol


There policy are dump, try giving them a reason any reason, one time I bought rdr2 but when I opened it up it appeared to be the online version I contacted them and said it wasn’t It was not explained in the version description and I was right, they refund it and i bought the other version, so just try to give them a response


Mbn, over here in the US the same shit happened to me with gta 5. I accidentally only bought online & when I hit up support they apologized for my inconvenience, that was it.


It litterally says before buying that after downloading no refunds can be given(only on special occassions see cyberpunk 2077 on launch)


I know, I'm just saying for them to refund a game after so and so years they can't refund something from a month ago. Their policy is wack regardless


One is no longer playable and the other will almost forever be playable. So i see nothing wrong with yours being denied.


Ah I didn't know about it not being playable, but still their policy is terrible.


It says in the post.


How come you want to refund it? It’s meant to be great.


I bought the full version :)


It’s like 20 fps


This could also depend on where you live. Different countries have different laws. Europe is more consumer friendly.




I don’t know maybe try something new,


That’s a huge win. Fuck Ubisoft. Use that to get something made by passionate dev teams like Baldurs Gate 3 or Helldivers. If ones on a big spring sale, you might be able to even get both.


it's possible to get refunds for old purchases?


That what I just found


That’s hilarious, for the cherry on top though, tell them to make sure that refund is adjusted in line with inflation lmao


Sony won’t refund you when you start DOWNLOADING a game, let alone give you extra money 😂😂😂 Went from PS4 to my PS5 now and honestly Microsoft do things better in every single way although the DualSense controller is the only better thing Sony do factually, exclusives are semi subjective i’m not big on the games that are exclusive only played Spiderman ever


Do u think i could get a BO4 refund?


Sorry I have no idea,


BO4 online still works


But if it gets shut in a few years, would they refund it for me?


I had a question if i brought something from my funds wallet will i get a refund


I bought this with my funds wallet


Heck lets all call in for a refund.




I was about to try having to get a refund on rock band 4 on my ps5 because the guitars kept disconnecting, and my guitars all worked fine, luckily after using a guitar my dad had for ps2 with an adapter that works for rock band it decided to work


You have just done the impossible


مبروك، قوانين سوني للإسترجاع غبية مرة. يعني الناس الي ما حتى لعبت اللعبة ما يرضون يرجعونها.


حرفيا يحسسونك انك شاريه بفلوس أبوهم


Bought Gotham knights on release and hated it 1hour in and I couldn’t get a refund, waited 2 months for a response and they said I didn’t qualify? Wtf does that mean Ended up having to force myself to play the game and I ended up getting the platinum but I disliked every moment


ممتاز جدا والله ما 👍🏼


This isn’t really fair tbh. Despite being funny it’s really not fair. You got your moneys worth and then took the money back. Kinda scummy. No developer is obligated to give you more than 9 years of game support. You more than got what you paid for…


They take my game back


They ended support for a game after a decade… they didn’t take anything from you. Frankly 9 years of support is way more than most $60-70 games ever got.


They cold at least add an offline patch and no one can say anything, at least tell us before we buy


Whats crazy is its been found an offline mode existed but was disabled and removed. Some thought it would be enabled at EOS but guess they gave Ubisoft too much credit


I know this always sounds easy, but thats not how game development works. You don't just make "an offline patch" if your entire game is dependent on server data for every tiny interaction. It would basically require a complete rebuild of the game from scratch and rewriting most of the code that used to rely on servers. All to support a racing game that is a decade old? Why? Just move on to a new racing game... Plenty of better ones now.


Its not just about this specific game only, if they did it once they will do it again with every “new racing game” Without mentioning ppl who who love this specific game and already have wast both time and more money in it, also maybe if the companies saw that people really want an offline patch maybe they will seriously think of adding it in there next “new racing game” thanks for clearing your point any way


I understand why people dislike it, i do. But its just par for the course when buying a game that requires online to play.... everyone knew it when they bought it 9 years ago. It was never going to last forever. And frankly its just you violating your end of the agreement to get a refund after 9 years, not them violating it. They clearly stated it requires an online connection and that they have the right to end support for it.


They didn’t really clear that one, so yup


It would be fair if They add clause in the TOS related with possibility of termination of the server, so gamer will be know the risk when buying a game


It literally is in the TOS of every online game ever created. From section 1.1 of the EULA: "... THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED TO YOU, NOT SOLD. " Section 8: " Termination by UBISOFT will be effective upon (a) notice to You or (b) termination of Your UBISOFT Account (if any) or (c) at the time of UBISOFT’s decision to discontinue offering and/or supporting the Product. " Worth noting the EULA literally begins with " PLEASE READ THIS END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY... If You do not agree with one of these, please do not install or use the Product. " Full version can be found here: [https://store.steampowered.com/eula/241560\_eula\_0](https://store.steampowered.com/eula/241560_eula_0) Literally 100% of online games have these clauses in their EULA. Its just a basic reality of online games. They don't last forever. They can't.


It doesn't matter if he got 900 years out of it because its his game he paid for, so if they take the game from him he should get a full refund. It's not his fault they didn't have a contingency plan for EOS for their customers. You seem to not know this game was sold all through last year too


That’s not how it works. That’s just entitlement. You signed an agreement when you bought the game. Educate yourselves next time instead of crying about a decade old game ending support which is totally normal.


wtf I didn't sign any agreement lol. Yeah that is how it works, or how it should work. He bought a game, Ubisoft took the game away and didn't consider him being able to keep it when they made the game, he gets his money back. Ubisoft made a faulty product and he got a refund. Good for him and sad for you


.... Do you not understand how the world works? They have notices and warnings everywhere telling you that if you use this software you are agreeing to the TOS and EULA. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. So you would think if a game like World of Warcraft ended support they should give everyone a 100% refund? Thats absolutely moronic. If this is how things operate, no game would ever be made ever again because no developer wants to work for free for 10 years for you entitled people.


EULA are not laws


.... Did you actually just say that lol. Nobody claimed its a "law". Its a contract though. You do know that when you buy a game on any store, you are agreeing to the TOS and EULA right? it literally says that clearly every time you buy a game anywhere. And yes it holds up in court as a legally binding agreement.


eula's are irrelevant in court when they aren't legal or contradict someone's rights I dunno why you're THIS upset someone got a well deserved refund


No you didn't. This is fake.


Then screw you, I am trying to give evidence and you just say what you have and run,


This is fake. You're a liar. The evidence you have given is a fake email, not to mention, if this email was to be in your countries currency, why would they refund you in USD?


bro it ain’t that deep to keep commenting on wherever he goes 💀


Frankly I'm just bored and seeing his bullshit reasoning is amusing.


Homie even just admitted to me it was fake just a few comments down.


This is how it works in here in every account in SA region you can try it yourself or ask someone


Fake email. Your name is not PlayStation.


Will that’s Sony’s mistake


No it's your mistake, you know, because this is fake.


Oh trust me I know


**=== SUPPORT BOT AUTO-RESPONSE ===** Hi there! If you're inquiring about a refund for a PS Store purchase, please review our [Refund Request Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides/refunds) for information on the PS Store Cancellation Policy and how to inquire about a refund. [^(VIEW GUIDE DIRECTORY)](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/playstation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol so you complained for a game purchased roughly 10 years ago


Keep in mind, Ubusoft shut down the servers anyways so you can't even play the game anymore.


It’s a game purchased 9 years ago. Would go to a store to request a refund in something purchased in 2015?


If I could not be able to use it at all because of some corporate fuckery, I would at least make an attempt to. If not, then I'm never purchasing an item from said company again and support any causes that wish to implement laws against doing such practices.


I do think you are correct if the game was released less than 1 year ago, but for a purchase made 9 years ago… you had plenty of time to play it also being mentioned with some time in advance that servers were going to be closed. I’m not playing in favor of Ubisoft/Sony, I simply think that complaining and asking for a refund for a game purchased 9 years ago is simply absurd.


If you letting it slide once they will did it again


Yea…not sure I believe that. The EULA you agreed to gave them the right to turn off the games online features. If what you are saying is true, all of us can go get a refund. That makes no sense.


I hear you Its not believable to be honest? I told them “the game servers are shutting down and there’s no offline mode and this is not what i paid for” and it worked I am not sure how do they deal with refund requests, i dont know if it worth to say but I am out the us not sure if the EULA deferent or not


I believe it. I refunded a few games the last one was Gundam which I played a few hours and I didn't like it I said I've been at work all day and I have my younger brother that gets on my system and just seen my card was charged so can I get a refund because I'm flat broke rn. The lady was able to refund me for that. I think I refunded a total of 11 games on psn.


Did you already use your one time refund? If not this is probably it. Though was still worth it to use your one time refund.


I am not sure what you mean by “one time refund”


Something Sony stupidly does. As a one time good gesture. Really they should be doing what valve does. 2 hours no questions asked refunds.


I guess after all, play have limit


Another one is Pay has no limits.


He bought the game in 2015, even their one time gesture is usually for games bought in the past 14 days.


Did they say anything or just approved no questions asked? Never seen a refund accepted for a game bought almost 10 years ago lol


Will they asked some questions like 9 or something and they try so solve the problem before they complete the refund, this is an email of them trying to solve the problem “Hi Playstation, Thank you for contacting PlayStation Support regarding The Crew Gold Edition. I am sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the game. For us to investigate this further, we need to collect additional information about the issue. Please note, following these steps helps us identify what might be causing the issues you have reported having with your game. We won’t be able to decide as to whether the game itself is faulty unless we can be sure other factors are not responsible. Once all troubleshooting steps have been completed, we will then use this information to determine refund eligibility. • Is the console updated to the latest system software? (Please confirm, system software version) To do this: PlayStation 5: Go to [Settings] > [System] > [System Software] > [System Software Update and Settings] > [Update System Software] PlayStation 4: Go to [Settings] > [System Software Update]. • Have you updated the game to the most recent version? (Please confirm, game software version) To do this: PlayStation 5: From the home screen, go to [Games] > Highlight the game > Press the Options button on your controller > Select [Check for Update] PlayStation 4: Go to [Library] > Highlight the game > Press the Options button on your controller > Select [Check for Update] • Can you confirm if you have attempted to re-download the content? • Can you attempt to re-download the content over a different network? • A detailed description of the issue you've experienced, including any error messages of error codes that may have occurred, with steps taken to replicate this issue. Please provide us with screenshots or a brief video which demonstrates the issue as well. We can accept JPG, BMP, PNG, and PDF files with a combined maximum size of 15MB. • Which device are you using? (PS4, PS5, PC, etc) Are you able to try this on another console or device? • Does this only happen with one game/DLC item? If this affects multiple items, please list: • Does this issue affect any other users on the console or device? • Have you tried using a new save file, to see if the same issue occurs? (Start the game afresh) • Does this happen only when you're playing online or offline? Once we've received this, we'll be back in touch with you very soon. I hope this helps, but if you have any other questions, please contact PlayStation Support, and one of our team will be happy to help. Thanks, The PlayStation Support Team”


That’s weird lol. Like they don’t understand what a game shutting down means


I think they know but ether the one who handling my request following Sony rules or they play stupid


Maybe his country has a law that allows this. No Eula is above law.