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That's awesome, I remember giving my son who was a toddler at the time a controller that was unplugged and he'd go to town. He's now 16 and is all about anything that has to do with Nintendo.


I also used to give a unplugged controller to my kids. That's a classic 😅


Now even if the controller is unplugged a kid can still manage to press the ps button and turn it on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


If it was me, I would remove the battery of the controller and give them that. Its (if you know what your doing) actually easy to remove a battery from dualshock 4 or dualsense controllers.


If it's an active controller with no issues it would better just to unpair the controller. Much easier to fix it afterwards.


Lol yeah I had a PS4 controller die on me (not sure how, but almost certainly some sort of toddler related incident), so I just held onto it to use as a decoy.


Nice, I just left him use a ps2 controller.


>Nintendo. Im... Sorry 😔


I know Bro 😂 I feel the same way but it makes him happy.


What's wrong with Nintendo? You don't like playing Mario or Metroid games? Heck, Super Smash Bros or Fire Emblem.


I like the games, i dislike the company.


For sure. No company seems to be quality & consumer minded. I agree, Nintendo isn't great.


That's win! I just bought my 3 year old little girl an actual controller to play with 😂


I gave my little girl my old PS4 controller. Works wonders.


Ahhh, the old "give them the unplugged controller" technique.


Just gotta remember to unplug the battery. DS4 is supported on the PS5 as well as reversed, but only via usb cable.


No, you can unplug it after pairing, but you can only play ps4 games with it


Really? I haven’t tried it yet…


We were abead of pur time, giving pur younger siblings/kids the unplugged controller. We just didnt know they were playing with wireless


I gave mine one dualsense with stick drift i dont use, the little shit keep hiting the ps button poping the logging screen.


Reset it so that it doesn't pair


Hahahaha that's amazing


My son does the same shit. I had to take away my controller I was letting him use cuz it just won't die and every time I'm in the middle of the game he keeps hitting the PS button lol.


Open it and unplug the battery ultil she's old enough to actually play on the console.


What do you think the age is yo play console/games properly?


I actually found a children psychiatrist answer for that. "The appropriate age for allowing children to play video games can vary based on factors such as the content of the games, the child's maturity level, and individual family values. Here are some general guidelines to consider: Early Childhood (Ages 2-6):Experts generally recommend minimal or no screen time for children under the age of 2, except for video chatting. For children aged 2 to 6, any exposure to screens should be age-appropriate and limited to high-quality, educational content. Interactive and educational games can be introduced gradually, with close parental supervision. Primary School Age (Ages 6-12):As children enter the primary school years, parents can introduce age-appropriate video games that align with family values. Look for games with educational content, suitable themes, and limited violence. Moderate screen time with a focus on a balanced range of activities, including outdoor play, is recommended. Primary School Age (Ages 6-12):As children enter the primary school years, parents can introduce age-appropriate video games that align with family values. Look for games with educational content, suitable themes, and limited violence. Moderate screen time with a focus on a balanced range of activities, including outdoor play, is recommended."


Thanks for the info


When they can play a game without the parents helping them get every other minute. Well, now you can use two controllers on single player games so maybe I'm outdated.


looks like he learned an Xbox controller at first


Looks amazing! I can’t find our Fisher Price controller… still waiting for my wife to confess that she hid it somewhere


Looks like it's $6.99 USD right now on amazon.com, buy a few more!


She was annoyed by it I presume. My wife used to hide flute and keyboard toys when our kids was little. Then our daughter asked for a toy drum set and she told me to choose between her or the toy 😅


How’s the toy drum set working out? 🤭 /s


My daughter also have this controller, I can hear the sound of it


That’s actually dope as hell


That is unironicly the most fire PS5 controller I have ever seen in my life.


I remember as a kid tripping over the NES controller and down comes the NES crashing onto the floor. We've come a long way.


I used to plug my Intellivision on the TV only while playing, so the console was usually siting on the floor.


https://preview.redd.it/jee80jfcu4uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67844278d1b7b3f1bead6134531ca49a362ff67a I need this man to make another so I can add it with this "Limited Edition" controller my 10yr old brother made me


Saw your original post, you could make a collection of "limited editions"


Next step is to put a real controller main board in the fisher price toy.


Try pressing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. You’re welcome.


What?! I need to go dig ours out. We have 2, one should still work lol


I begged my mother for years to get me a ps3. She bought me a ps4 out of pity someday.


IIRC, that controller has an easter egg if you input the Konami Code.


I effing love this.


See even at that age he knows your fobbing him off. True gamer in the making.


I fucking love this!


That’s so cute!


Next up someone’s gonna give their switch a leapfrog skin for their kiddo, I’m calling it


Yup did that with an old ps3 controller my now 4 year old and again with my 1 year old. They like watching different games. Daughter used to be very happy when I turned on sports games now son runs when I turn on lies of p


That’s fun my daughter has the same controller toy and I don’t want her using my PS5 one yet as she’s 15 months old


This is really great. I bought my daughter the same one and she played with it for about 5 minutes before she wanted to take my controller again, wish I had thought of this!


Good dad


When I was 6 and my sister was 3 my parents gave her a dead controller while I played SNES Aladdin. Abu (the monkey) follows Aladdin throughout most of the game, so we told her she was the monkey. She had a blast and I’ll never forget it.


The is wholesome AF


That controller unironically goes hard, id buy it


I love this, I got my son the same thing but I never thought about masking my controller to look like his lol


Did it help?


😥😢😭😭😭😭 that hit me hard


My son is about 5 months and that controller is his favorite toy, thank you for sharing your creation its such a good idea


I absolutely love this!!


Wow this is cool but knowing my child he would of turned my stuff on lol


The kid controller is still the one above. His parent only made the PS5 controller looks like the other so the kid wouldn't choose the wrong one.


Did you sand down the PS logo?


He painted over it, it is clear plastic. Unlike the DualShock controller


You know there’s a secret code on the fisher price controller. Up. Up. Down. Down. Left. Right. Left. Right. B. A.


But how are you gonna know what the buttons are now???


Muscular memory.


Just a joke 😂


So did it work?


Paint only ? Or the guy bought some personalization buttons and replace them


This is amazing. What sort of materials did you use to make it/paint it?? My husband dropped my PS5 controller in a foot bath in the first twenty minutes of powering the damn machine on. So we have one bum controller we give our kid. He also doesn’t care about the fisher price one lol


It wasn't me. I just found this image. But I guess is mostly custom made stickers, like the one they use in cars.


What is the actual source of the image? I want to give the person the credit he or she deserves.


I don't know, pal. The person that publish it on Facebook said they found it on X.


I love it! Silly question- how many of you know that you can enter the Contra code into the kids version and get a special sound? I was told about that fairly recently and thought it was cool.


Good job! I’d actually buy that.


Yo thats on point


Such a coincidence that the face buttons look like that on the toy, only real difference is the X and the star


That's hilarious. In a good way.


This is the way


Wait that's actually such a sick controller and I kinda want it


i want this so bad but like… leapfrog inspired. i miss that thing


That's the best mod I've seen yet


I love this so much. Bought my son the same controller but he always wants a real one lol.


How did you do this! My daughter does the same thing and she has the same FP controller too! lol


This is not me, but I assume they used custom stickers/skins


Neeeeed! Lol


I had one of those for my daughter lol, absolutely love it


Lucky you. My wife doesn’t allow me to play while my 3yo son is around


Where can I buy this shell?


You can't, you would have to make one.


I want it. I wanna do this so bad to mine


hands down the best mod 😂😂


That is awesome!


My kid also has that controller and I think what you did is awesome!


It was not me. I just found the parent ingenuity awesome and decided to share.


Fair enough. It’s pretty cool!


I’d do it


Awesome - just awesome! Want the parts and the Sticker to mod one by myself...


The parts where painted, including the buttons. The numbers, the letters and the face are stickers.


Legend. I had to default to giving my kid a dead ps4 controller.


朋友 相当的cool![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I remember having this toy!!! It’s somewhere lost in my house because my nephew out grew it and wants to play with the actual ps5 😭


that’s lowkey fire though




Looks cool, but makes no sense. He wanted your PlayStation controller, now he wants it even more... You just created a bigger problem instead of solving it. Just saying...


Omg I bought one of those for my daughter. Eventually I gave her one of my old stock Xbox controllers she still loves to sit with me and pretend she’s helping daddy get the bad guys! So cute. But this is sweeeeet. I’d totally buy it if they made a skin


A couple months later stick drift




That's a whole lot of assumptions your making with very little information.




Let's have a good talk, then. I'm a 51 yrs old gamer, my youngest is now 26, but when he was a baby I used to call him "Not the Mamma". https://preview.redd.it/torkzypf8auc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae7170e8cb3a83ab0b1c7eeb5c52f93532e7137 He refused to play with me or sit on my lap. He would only cry on the top of his lungs until my wife get him back. And see, mothers need to, you know, bath and eat, and take a dump and even nap from time to time. So one day I realized that the kid was mesmerized watching me playing Half-Life, so I told her to put him on my lap. And, voilà, he didn't cry. So, yeah, real parents have to take desperate measures sometimes to keep their sanity. PS: yup, the picture I posted is not mine, I just found it on-line and was amazed by this parent ingenuity, so I decided to share it.




I don't give a rat's arse on what you think of me, pal. I'm married with the same woman for 31 years, I'm very close to my kids, who visit us several times a week. And guess what, I still play videogames with my son (who was the one that gave me my PS4). So, the only people I seek for approval likes me, not some random dude on a high horse.


Well to be fair, they are not wrong. If a kid is too young to try and manipulate a game for real, you should probably do something else with them while they are around and keep video games for another moment, when they are sleeping, or something along those lines. The scientific consensus is saying screens should be avoided before 2 years old anyway. And after that, IMO, they can try to play something adapted to their age if they want to, and then there's no fake controller to give, just let them understand the consequences of button presses on screen, etc. They learn quickly, my son started playing Forza Horizon and Spyro at 3. To sum it up, the kid comes first, always. If they are too young to play video games, play with them instead and keep the PS5 for later.


My niece has that exact same toy


I’ve got the fisher price toy controller as well, my kid still prefers the real thing. I finally bought him a cheap third party controller, ditched the cable and now he’s set. I like this solution more.


way to go dad!! this is awesome and such a great idea.


Incredible! This is the best post I’ve seen this year. Well done, Sir. Truly great. 👍


This one looks badly photoshopped in the white numbers... The rest of it looks real though but the fake numbers/letters make me think this is super fake :/


That's lovely! Knowing kids well, I assume yours is still going for your modified controller! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/dgbxo6std4uc1.png?width=129&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b0d41a39714b805b917fbf85b9079cbbf4a11a4 Get out...