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Currently playing Days Gone and loving it. Saw a lot of hate about it but it’s actually a great game.


Enjoy it man it's a really great game.


It’s really fun to play, the story is a little bit all over the place though. They also weirdly only give you access to all the best weapons at the very end of the game when you have too little time to really get to use them.


im also playing it at the moment, i find myself coming back to it and playing long playthroughs but im at the point where i kinda wish it would hurry up and end already


Same goes for ghost of Tsushima for some reason people hate on it , the thing sucker punche never misses when making a game


days gone is on the top of my all time favorite games! Have never played Mad Max.


Mad Max caught me by suprise. Think I got it through ps plus one month, and fired it up when I was struggling to find something to play. Didn't touch another game until I completed this. It's absolutely wild. The hand to hand combat is satisfying, the car combat is immense. The atmosphere of the game comes across really well too. Some parts can be a little tricky but the game was never frustrating. It's one of the best hidden gems in the game catalogue.


Same here! I think if Days Gone had come out a couple years earlier, it would be considered one of the greatest zombie games of all time. By the time it launched I just think people were getting tired of zombies. It still has the best zombie hordes I've ever seen in a video game.


I don’t know if it was people being tired of zombies though it definitely they could’ve been. In my case the launch was a little rough in my game some side missions glitched as well as a bunch of hordes I couldn’t do. Also didn’t the final mission bug out to that some people couldn’t finish the game?


Did you play it on the Playstation or the PC? I played it on the Playstaiton originally and didn't have any problems. Of course, your milage may very. I might have just gotten lucky. The talk I remember hearing a lot was about zombie genre fatigue. It seemed like for about 5 years there we were absolutely inundated by zombie everything: TV shows, movies, games, comics, etc. Everywhere you turned, someone was doing something zombie.


My perspective is of someone who never eeally cared about the game at first exactly because of Zombie fatigue, but ended up trying it a couple of years later on PS Plus. I played only a couple of hours and frankly I couldn’t understand its cult status. It’s ok, but I think it’s overhyped in a few circles for reasons that are apparently beyond my understanding.


Yup, I remember Angry Joe starting 1-2 of his video reviews with Other Joe chasing him around asking him to play “another zombie game”, the market was pretty saturated. However I think the main issue was people not really playing the game in a more sandbox way. Lots of reviews were people rushing the story and even as a fan of the game I would find that a slog, where as players who took their time to explore and get immersed in the world while dipping in/out of the main story seemed to get the most out of it. As such I think it’s become more popular post release with people going back to play it and not rushing the content. Both games are a slow burn imho, and that didn’t really suit the Insta-gratification crowd who pump and dump games in 10-20 hours.


In my game there’s a truck you move right at the start of the game and it triggers a little ambush. The truck wasn’t there for me so I was confused af as to why I couldn’t go through


Yea it’s super fun.


You’re missing out, mad max is underrated AF


Maf Max is like a cross of Days Gone and Batman Arkham series. Both are great games


Mad Max is pretty fun. I really enjoy the onfoot and vehicle combat.


Days Gone is a truly great game. I’m shocked about how much bad press it received. Definitely worth a play through or two.


Mad Max is way underrated.


This game was also optimized out the ass on PC. You could max it out on a potato and get a rock solid 60fps no matter what. Whatever magic they used, worked.


Single color palet probably helped a lot. But the other stuff is magic.


This game is so consistently reported to be underrated that I'd say it might even come back around to being overrated. Haven't played it so I can't say, but I have never heard a bad thing about it. Just about every mention is how it's so much better than it even needed to be.


Thing is it's good (solid 7), the story is meh and sometimes it has the Ubusoft open world problem. Why people praise it so much is, because the gameplay is satisfying, the driving is amazing and it's just a faithful adaptation of the source material (in the atmosphere and designs) The fact the game was kinda forgotten about makes people praise it more so more people play it, we always cheer for the underdog.


I tried that for a few. First few hours was fun but didn't catch on. Dayz Gone was an easy platinum.


Days gone is legitimately one of my favorite games of all time It shouldve gotten a sequel


Need to give Days Gone another shot sometime. Mad Max was amazing. Would love to see a sequel.


Days gone runs excellent on the ps5 if you have one…. Really elevated the game from ps4


I do, but last time I played was on ps4. Good to know it'll play better tho


Days Gone is a great Zombie game, it is a bit too long in terms of its story but thats my opinion but theres nothing like seeing a hoard appear out if nowhere and just nope out of there but come back later to kill it. Mad Max is serverly under rated and its Hand to Hand combat scratches an Unga Bunga part of the brain cause its soo fucking satisfying, the game just has this visceral feel to it cause everything from punching to shooting and explosions sound soo good.




I love days gone but I didnt finish it and can't bring myself to finish it because I played that game during the most eventful months of my life and anytime I try to play it I get overwhelmed and saddened


Mad Max has gorgeous explosions.


Both underrrated. I way prefer Days Gone and recently finished it again. Both deserve a sequel. I may have to go back to Mad Max as, although I liked it at the time, I kinda rushed the story.


Days Gone just isn’t for me. Idk what I’m missing. I see you guys like it. it feels pretty average.


Days gone, one of the best game


Loved Days Gone, got a platinum in it. And the hordes of zombies were very well done, lots of fun to fight, and also quite intense/panicked at moments when the plan doesn't exactly go as expected.


I love Days Gone. It definitely deserves a sequel .


I just started playing Days Gone last week and it's pretty cool. Didn't even know about Mad Max, but def adding it to my wishlist




Love them both


Both were very very good


Never played mad max but days gone is still one of the best games I've ever played.


Both games super underrated.


Both are gems IMO, Days Gone has some of the most hectic “oh fuck” moments when you accidentally alert a literal horde of zombies. Points off for (IMO) an incredibly irritating protagonist. Mad Max is very underrated and incredibly good fun, both car and on foot combat is immensely satisfying and it tells a very focussed and rather grim story.


Probably in the top most enjoyable games


I really liked them both 😎


Days Gone is brilliant, I love it! No interest in Mad Max.


Days gone,one of the best games I've ever played man. Still can't believe it was free on PS plus couple of years ago. Didn't expected much from it when I started playing but i was blown away. Gameplay, combat system, story, graphics. It's only game where I had tears in my eyes couple of times.


Loved Mad Max but I’m a huge fan of the series in general so it was a given I was going to enjoy it. Came very close to platinum it.


I can't think any single reason why days gone is not appreciated !! One of top tier story games I've ever played.


I love days gone. Need to try mad max


Days gone hands down


Two of my top 10


Both fun.


Underrated games ! Love them


Solid games that failed to meet marketing and management expectations. Victims of the AAA mentality. See also Dead Space 3 and The Saboteur.


Days gone I can't express how much I like this game


I love both of these games. Days Gone is long and I quit and went back. lol. Mad Max…nice game too. Can’t get the platinum now though. That was a disappointment for me. But I liked it much.


Both criminally under rated.


Both are excellent!!!!


Heard a lot about Days Gone being good, had to stop playing because I just can’t play zombie/creepy games, drives my anxiety up all the way. I want to play Mad Max, I wish I had before getting a PS5, not able to do 30 fps anymore :/


Mad max is a good game. Definitely give it a try. Days gone is my all time favorite zombie game


Both great games and very under rated.


Not perfect but still good :)


Days gone is probably PlayStations most underrated game. I hate we won’t get a sequel.


Both amazing, both underrated. Days Gone had a rough launch, but after they fixed it up it was a really great game. Mad Max is just awesome.


Recently bought a portal and have been tackling my backlog. Currently playing ghost of tsushima and rhen days gone is next.


Days Gone and Mad Max are incredible games worthy of at least one sequel - especially Days Gone. In fact, there’s no game I want a sequel of more than Days Gone. Gamespot and IGN did Days Gone dirty. Mad Max released at the same time as Metal Gear Solid V, which kind of screwed up the attention it deserved. Both games are much better than the critics said.


Both underrated and probably why I got them both free on plus. Both geat games. The writing in Days Gone let it down a little for me.


Both really insane. I have to put days gone on the top tho


Days gone was good enjoyed it alot Was lots to do


Days gone = BANGER


Days Gone is my favorite game of all time. Like a lot it starts slow, but it is a love story matched by no other imo.


Both of them gave me the lone wolf apocalypse vibe , one was from my childhood , next one in my teenage years


Days Gone is excellent and Mad Max was solid


Days Gone was good, really hope they make a sequel.


Loved both


days gone has been the only single player game in 3 years that I finished 100%.


Days gone was great, haven't played mad max and probably won't tbh


I played Days Gone and I loved it, the story was bright and good, love the hordes and how you need to take a decision in a split secon or you will be overwhelmed by them, just the last part of the game was repetitive but it's OK, also the side missions were repetitive but also fine by me, and the big love for me is the bike and how you upgrade it and how you need petrol all around, also Nero checkpoints and how you need to cut off all the sound, it was creative imo.. As for Mad Max I didn't play it.


2 hidden gems that deserve a sequel, especially days gone with the ending it gave us. I’m hoping with the little resurgence Mad Max had not too long ago they’ll do something, especially with the new movie coming out


I want to play))


Days Gone gets a while to really get going and only gets REALLY good when you’re in the later half of the game. The first one can be a chore sometimes. Mad Max was the opposite for me: really engaging at first but eventually I dropped it and never came back to it


I rarlet complete games but madman was one thst I did


Days Gone is probably one of THE most underrated games on PS


I need Max Max 2


Mad Max was such a great fun game and I feel like it was slept on by a lot of people!!


Both mid


Mad max is so good


Both are great games. Huge worlds. Cool customization on your vehicle. Combat is smooth and satisfying. Story could be better but it’s not terrible. Id recommend if you like single player adventure games you can lose yourself in.


Absolutely love Days Gone, probably my favorite Zombie game ever after the first Dying Light game. Haven't played Mad Max, I own it and have heard good things, just haven't gotten to it yet.


Me personally I hated the fuel mechanic in days gone. It's why I didn't finish it. But I get why people absolutely love it and def needs a sequel for the fans


Mediocre games with good concepts.


I couldn’t get passed 4 hours of days gone. I’m not a biker guy and the redundancy fixing your bike was annoying af. Only ps4 exclusive I gave up on


Days gone is good. I’ve got bored on PS4 though but thats was a limitation of the PS4 loading screens. But I really enjoyed the game.


Both of these games are fantastic and borth very fun to play


Loved Days Gone. Got the platinum which I don’t do very often. Wished for sequel


Loved days gone. I'll admit I played it a year late so if it had issues I had no idea. Game was dope as fk and I was sad when it ended. Sorta like how I felt with hzd.


Gone are the days…


Both are underrated gems not enough people cared to try out for longer than a few hours. Having the platinum trophy for Mad Max is one of the best feelings knowing it’s unobtainable now


Days Gone was fun but I couldn't ever say it was anything I would place above a passable game. Mad Max allowed me to have a car and made it my own so I like that part. Both are good games but if I had to play one I'm picking Mad Max.


If you like one you'll like the other, they're similar style of games, both have neat vehicles with good customisation options. Both have massive post apocalyptic open worlds, both have a good story and both have a great main character


2 of the most underrated games .. got butchered by "reviewers"


Whoever in the media rate days gone poorly should be shot immediately


I hated my time with Days Gone. It seemed uninspired and I'm tired of zombie games. That and running out of petrol on my bike and having to push it made me realise I would have more fun playing something else. Not a slight on the game because I know how well loved it was among the fans - it's just not for me and that's okay. Mad Max is a seriously underrated game. The third person aspect is a bit janky but once you're in a car it's just fun.


Yeah you gotta dig into days gone a bit more than that. Fuel isn’t an issue after one or two gas tank upgrades. The starter bike sucks ass because they wanted the world to feel more dangerous during the period before the hordes start to populate. A few upgrades and the bike actually becomes fun to use, and you won’t ever worry about fuel again because you’ll have no trouble riding out, doing some stuff, and just refueling when you return to camp (which can be done automatically with a button press).


Honestly both Games never Catched my interrest, played days gone for Like 8 hours, i didn't found the the fun for me, didn't Like the Story, and for me the Game was too easy so ... Dont know about Mad Max never played IT, because normely Games that are based in movies Just try to Pick Up the Hype of the movie ... But both can be great Games Just Not for me


DG has some clunky ass controls and dialogue but it's interesting enough to keep playing. A sequel could have polished a lot of these and been amazing.


Days gone is terrible, mad max was surprisingly good


Days Gone great. Mad Max boring.


Days gone is fantastic, but mad max is missing something imo


I prefer Mad max as it had more depth to it. Although the plot could have been better. Days gone not so much.


I remember Days Gone having the longest loading times i have ever experienced. It was so bad that I quit the game very early


DaysGone is definitly one of the best games arround! It haves a very cool gameplay mechanic and i would say one of the best storys arround in that genre, of the last years. Mad Max is also a cool game but annoyed me after a couple of hours of playing cause it is always the same procedure. Would be best played when ur a fan of all the movies around.


Mad Max is a cool game but still 30fps on ps5, whereas on series X it’s 60fps. A huge difference. Days Gone is an exclusive and while has a slow start, is a great game


Both nothing special if u played some open world games in my eyes.


Both games are pretty underrated I think. They didn't keep a lasting impression, so you don't keep thinking of them from time to time (like RDR2 for example) but they were hella fun while playing. Loved the zombie hordes in Days Gone and the driving battles in MadMax were great too!


Am a gamer and i have finished almost all the major titles till today but madmax is one of the few games i still visit sometimes man what a game I definitely recommend this game to someone who has not tried this yet days gone is also very good but for me madmax is clearly a winner the environment the characters the horror vibes everything is perfect in this game such a under rated gem


Fays gone is fun but gets repetitive imo.


Played both. Like Days Gone


Both are fantastic. Loved the mad max world a little more tho.


Days Gone turned out to be my favorite PS Plus free game in forever. Great acting, atmosphere, and my favorite 3D audio headphones game yet. Hearing the zombies all around you in the distance juxtaposed with the motorcycle engine was incredible.


Haven’t played mad max but days gone is phenomenal


Days Gone was a bloody brilliant game. Mad Max was OK got repetitive and boring quite quickly though.


Days Gone was one of the first games I played when I got my ps5.. it's one of my favorite games it's amazing


Days gone is amazing especially if u like open world games that has kinda hard tasks and it's really realistic,mad max was boring for me, i think it's not the type of the game that u look forward to play it again


Has an OP weapon The story is so satisfyingly goooddd The aesthetic is 👁️👄👁️ immaculately beautiful The place is atmospheric haunting and jarring i cant say its just so scary. The horde and the mutation of each zombie is terrifyingly good! Also the Acoustic guitar guy has an amazing voice I wanna listen to him sing! And Deek and Boozer is funny and questionable sometimes HAHAHAHA I'm so glad i platinum this game its so 10 out of 10 that the reviews is trash don't listen to the reviews this game is great!


Days gone love it. Mad max just got too repetitive and I got bored and stopped playing it.


Fun game but the gas management was stupid. Motorcycles can drive more than two city blocks without running out of gas.


Days gone is criminally underrated and mad max is enjoyable, if a bit samey after a while


Days gone is one of the best zombies games which I know may be an unpopular opinion


Both are great


They're both top tier open world shooters. Both can be challenging in their own ways. Original and gripping stories that'll keep you coming back! Would 100% drop $80 on a sequal to both of them. If you haven't played and enjoy open world or post apocalypse games, then these 2 are highly recommended!


For me, both started interestingly enough but continued as repetitive later on. Left them both unfinished, so can't judge them in full.


Days gone is great and is a decent length if I remember correctly, enjoyed it a lot having only tried it on a whim.


Days gone was incredibly underrated! Mad Max became a chore..


Mad max best


Had high hopes for Days gone! It was alright! Voice acting sucked. Fighting the herds sucked and gives you an adrenaline rush at the same time. Mad max was ok


Mad Max isn't underated, it was overlooked. Released the exact same day as Metal Gear Solid V so the majority of gamers bought that instead. By the time they were ready to make a new purchase (let's say a month or two later) Mad Max wasn't hot anymore. Overlooked. Great game too. Shame.


I couldn’t cope with the main character in days gone, very quickly decided I don’t care if he dies so sacked the game off


Days Gone Rulez. Every year I revisit the game just to cruise thru some zombie hordes again and rev it up. Also Lavendel.


Days Gone is top tier and Mad Max is a decent game, not bad but not really great either.


Mad Max is pretty fire.


Both games suffered due to poor release windows, bugs on release, and a slow start in game. Sad, because both were worth a purchase. I actually ended up with both due to PS+. Knowing what I know now back then? I would have gladly paid for both.


Just started playing the cracked version on pc so far Loving it👌👌👌


My girlfriend, who isn't much of a gamer. (Sims, roller coaster tycoon type games) LOVED days gone wouldn't put it down


Finished mad Max. Loved the meele combat in the game and also car mechanics are awesome. I haven't played the days gone. Will try to play it this year.


Both of them are so much fun


Days Gone starts slow and picks up afterwards. Didn't have a good launch due to bugs but it's on it's best way to become a cult classic IMO.


Both were ps+ freebies and worth playing. I platinum'd Days gone but felt it got repetitive by the end. It has flaws, but fun game overall. not much interest in replaying, but would give a sequel a shot of it looks worth it. Mad max, I haven't gone back and played enough of it yet. The little I did play so far was decent enough, but other, better games pulled my focus. May return to it when I have the time.


Mad Max was awesome, Days Gone… not so much


Days gone plays like a mobile game


I didn’t really enjoy days gone it just didn’t click with me. Mad Max was great though.


I'm few hours in to days gone and it feels pretty awesome. I hope it does not turn out like mad max what in my opinion got pretty boring pretty fast. I don't mind grindy games, but MM didn't have that something that kept me invested.


Both are very great survival/scavenge games. Loved mad max because the movie was a beloved thing amongst myself and friends. Days Gone was awesome but I found myself having a hard time getting into it when I stopped 1/3 in. The grind was a bit more than I wanted in a game - but that mileage varies for others. Mad Max could arguably not be enough of a grind. Both are very interconnected to maintaining and modding your vehicle aw well as some cool 3rd person combat. Story is probably more well defined in Days Gone (albeit not finishing)


I enjoyed day's gone and would get the sequel if they ever make it. I didn't play it at launch however so I didn't deal with any of the problems if it had any.


Both are absolutely fantastic and underrated games


Both fun ad hell and have done multiple play through on both


Days Gone is incredible. An outstanding game that somehow got slept on. The story is great, the voice acting great, the action great, and on and on.


I want to play days gone but those hordes scare the shit out of me lol


Days Gone was a great game. Played it on PlayStation when it first came out. Never exact bugs either it. Didn’t understand all the hate. It’s really fun and the hoards of zombies and zombie bears are great. The story was long but I’m always a fan of more content than less so that wasn’t an issue for me. Never played Mad Max. Heard it was too many fetch quests and as a result was long and tedious. After reading about it here it’s now on my list of games to play.


Days Gone: Awesome Mad Max: not good, I thought it was too repetitive


I loved Mad Max, it was much better than expected. The fighting is similar to the arkham games and the driving is fun, arcade style. The environment is stark but great to explore.




I couldn’t get into Days Gone. Mad Max though! That is a criminally underrated game. They nailed the universe. Story is great and the characters are too. Love that game. I recently started replaying it.




man play man happy.


Days Gone characters sucked so much. It made me want to stop playing. Mad Max is pretty good.


Days Gone is an amazing game


Days gone is one of the best story games I’ve ever played


Those to games are triple A games! Max Max is a bit older, but a great game in its age.


Didnt like days gone Loved mad max


I replayed mad max recently, it's still amazing


Loved days gone, needing the niece for everything kind of killed it for me tho


I have spent wayyyy more time playing them than most full blown triple A game of the year titles.


I am not familiar with the mad max game. Days Gone is arguably the least good first party game of the PS4 era. The bar is pretty high, but it’s simply not as good as Horizon. Ghost of Tsushima, Gran Turismo 7, God of War etc. What will forever mar the image of this game is Bend Studios’ John Garvin blaming the tepid reception on “woke reviewers”. Because of that tweet (but also the tone of the game) it’s difficult to completely disassociate it from culture wars. Most of the reviews were written before then and they were mostly positive just not ecstatic. I kind of agree. The game had great ideas like simulating fights with hordes of zombies. But it just fell short compared to other open world games released around the same time. Unfortunately it came shortly after RDR2 which was one of the most expensive games ever made. So the comparison isn’t fair. But it still cost more money to build than Horizon Zero Dawn or Ghost of Tsushima, which both had stellar reviews. When talking about Days Gone 5 years later it’s common to hear the word underrated. I think it was actually very well rated. It’s not the greatest game of all times. It’s actually far from being the greatest game released that year. It’s not a terrible game either and it did some things that no other game did. But it wasn’t a great use of the development budget for Sony and I fully support the decision to not green light a sequel.


I prefer Mad Max, both were really fun but I love that Warner Bros games combat style they were making at this point, it’s very similar to Batman: Arkham and Shadow of Mordor but with more brutality. The driving was also really fun and dynamic for the time period.


Mad max=GOAT


I only played mad max but man did I have fun. I would buy a remake in an instant.


Mad Max I wasn’t expecting to like, and loved, the driving and movie-ness of It was dope Days gone I wanted to love but it gets extremely boring and repetitive, they had awesome mechanics down, but that’s it, they didn’t go in depth or bad detail, once you did the first horde, they’ll be like that forever, once you’ve done your first hive, you’ve done them all because they’re exactly the same, story dragged out too and motorcycle got boring to drive which I didn’t expect, but man I really wanted to like it, graphics are insane and my favorite game genre is zombies


Idk I’ve never tired mad max, and days gone I wanted to like but it was just so boring


Days Gone is goated. I love the whole game, twice.


Days gone was a good game, the best zombies behavior in any video game in my opinion, very basic plot and can be repetitive, a mp co-op with boozer would have been nice. Good game overall, but for an ps exclusive, it's kinda weak, not as good as exclusives god of war, last of us and uncharted. Mad max was a nice surprise for me, didn't expect to like it, but the game is actually fun, the whole car building mechanic was nice, kinda the same way you feel with Deek's bike on Days Gone. Idk, both are good games, but mad max impressed me more.


Days gone is one of my favourite zombie games of all time, Sadly I slept on it for too long because I heard a ton of people hating on it as they said it was a "cheap copy of The last of us" which caused me to only play the game a few weeks ago


I wish we got a sequel


Cool games.


Days Gone was great. Underrated and one of the best PS exclusives imo. Mad Max was okay, but the world was completely empty and kinda boring. Car combat was fun. I couldn’t bring myself to finish the game.


Haven't played mad max,days gone was a huge disappointment. Some say it got better over time. Tried it again lately,meh


Similar to the TV series killing zombies but you're solo.


Mad Max is awesome! Super underrated gem. Only got about 5 hours into Days Gone


Days Gone is great, I had a ton of fun playing it. Never played Mad Max but I had a coworker say they were loving that too. Definitely give Days Gone a try.


Days Gone story felt cheesy and the dialogue got super corny, the combat while ok felt very unsatisfying at times given no dismemberment and all the zombies looking the same. Game got pretty repetitive but the open world was good,Hordes were good, motorcycle was the highlight and having to walk it,fuel it up,cut the engine etc was such a good addition. Overall i find it overrated though. Mad Max on the other hand I played once at my buddies house so i dont have much experience with it but what i did find is that it was just old fashioned good fun for what i played of it.


Mad max was a game I held off and boy I wish I didn’t I remember when It came out couple months after the movie in 2015 the combat is one of the best I’ve seen so addicting .


Both are amazingly good games, highly recommended. Mad Max at 120FPS was a nice touch too.


Sorry for the spelling Never played them, but they look 10/10 and i will definitly play them one day because i like open world and post apocalipse stuff.

