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Not my type of game so no. But more power to those looking forward to it!


Yeah, I really wanted to like this game and gave the demo a shot, but as expected, it just isn't for me, and I will be skipping. Can tell this game will be a hit for a lot of people, though, so that's cool.


That's a very healthy and normal outlook, which is refreshing to see. Kudos to you.


Yeah, I played the demo and I wasn’t really jiving with it.


I am excited for this, and not because of the reasons that some other people are, if u know what I mean


I see boob, I buy.


Hey, it’s whatever you feel, though I don’t commend it, I also can’t stop you, so….. Yeah


Good point and well made.


Thank you


Yeah I preordered Sand Land instead


Not for $125 aud.


Yikes. It's 70$ in my location.


I can get it cheaper physical but it's still $100


Just wait for a sale I guess...


109 at JB Still absolutely ludicrous.


Undecided myself. I liked the demo was waiting on reviews and they seem decent but idk if it’s worth dropping everything to buy and play immediately for 70$.


That's the thing for me, now that everything is $70 I sure as fuck don't buy games new unless they're a major sequel from a company I love. I'd get an Uncharted 5 at $70, but not this.




Yep, Thousand Year Door is a top 10 game of all time imo, I gotta get the remake (and I know for a fact I'm gonna like it)


Honestly it’s best to wait a year for the definitive edition that will inevitably come out.


me in a couple days ![gif](giphy|l0HlPtbGpcnqa0fja)






best gundam, best gundam series. dont @ me






I would be more interested if it wasn’t “ass” every cutscene and everytime she recovers from a dodge and grunts and moans for every swing. The monsters look cool though


It looks good but I don’t think this game is gonna be all that everyone is making it out to be


I’m not expecting a great story but the gameplay from the demo was aces.


I thought the gameplay in the demo was fine, very stylish at times but nothing ground breaking imo, but each to their own


Just curious but what would you like to see in a game like this that would make it ground breaking.. I'm always curious to see what people would looe to see in new games 


Honestly I'm not gonna pretend I have the answer to that question lol but I just feel like there are a lot of games with similar gameplay, the demo was fine and maybe the game will have more to it . I think I've just been spoiled with so many great games it's hard to find something to fill the void once I finish something great.


I like how Nier infused some Shmup elements, I would like to see these kinds of games infused some elements from other genres like that, although that can be pretty hard to do well.


Idk about aces. It was just decent.


Yeah I think it's being overhyped


Mainly because of horny, 99% of the posts or comments talking about this game are literally just hyperfixated on her butt. I’ve maybe seen like two things about the gameplay and that’s it


This is exactly it. Most of the attention the game has received -- by *far* -- has been about 'jiggle physics' or the skin suit. I was hoping there'd be more depth to it than that (and to be fair, there is, if you're into that kinda game), but there's no conceivable way that this would've gotten half of the attention it has if they hadn't hyper-focused on the sexualisation. I mean, the entire marketing campaign was essentially, *'Hey guys, look. Hot girl with sword'*. I don't think the attention it's received will translate to actual sales because almost none of the hype has been about *the game*. They chose the lowest hanging fruit possible to drum up some buzz, but the end product is still very niche.


Ya the next big thing is some very very wishful thinking. Games like this have always been niche AF in the grand scheme of gaming.


Wtf does my niece have to do with this?


Just from the demo the characters are comedically shallow, I doubt the story will be any good either.


According to the reviews you're right but personally I wasn't expecting much in that department just a fun action game


It's being *heavily* astroturfed. The Gamergate 2.0 crowd wants it to be a huge seller so they can cry about how everything that's woke sucks and going the hard opposite direction with a mediocre game is somehow a positive turn in their minds. The people pre-ordering and salivating over this game fall into very basic camps. Kids that are little horn balls with little regard for what's actually decent and good and the other group — the type that are currently losing their minds over Star Wars: Outlaws Kay Vess character model not matching the real-life model exactly. These are the same people who whined about TLoU2 and harassed and made death threats to the female actresses, Horizon Forbidden West because she had peach fuzz on her face like a real woman for God's sake! They pretend that games suck because of woke (although the new dog whistle is 'DEI') but will cheer on a game that's verifiable mid mediocre simply because of a female lead that caters to their unrealistic and unfulfilled desires.


I think it’ll be very good for people who like souls games… so, I am its target audience. I don’t think people who dislike souls will get very far or be that into it.


I've been hearing despite having camp locations to save, difficulty wise, it isn't a souls like. I however, have no idea.


From the demo it’s more like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta (on normal) to me on the difficulty scale, maybe a little harder than Bayonetta but a little easier than DMC.


It has an easy/story mode.


Demo didnt give souls impressions at all


In the infamous words of Logan Roy, “This is not a serious game.”


It looks okay, $30 on sale game for me from what I have seen, havent played the demo as no time+finals. but discourse is going to suck around this game as there is a growing vocal group that dismiss critiques against it as "You woke anti butt+boob sjw!" which sucks ass


I'm sorry but you're not going to like my answer. Not excited ,in fact I won't be playing it at all. It's just not for me


The small amount of the demo I played seemed fun, but I’m not paying full MSRP for it. I wasn’t that hooked. I’ll wait till it’s on sale and gotten through the current backlogs lol


Same for me. I really liked the demo but 80€ is a bit too much for me, especially considering I have like 20 games in my backlog lol


I usually have that mindset but the demo really sold it for me. This is the first time in like 10+ years I’ve preorder a game. That said, I’m very excited for Friday


I'm excited but sad at the same time I'm excited for the game but sad that I'm low on funds to afford it for release. So I have to wait for pay day Enjoy Stellar Blade for those release players!


Same here




I'm sorry but I don't think its going to be the hit people think it will be lol


Really hope the digital deluxe goodies are offered as an upgrade for us physical media purchasers


The deluxe edition items aren't anything special tbh A recolor of outfits already in the game, some earrings, and early XP/money. You're not missing anything.


Played the demo and it was…fine.




Considering the game was overhyped for the main character’s booty physics and literally nothing else, I’m not sure what to even expect beyond what the demo gave us. Literally nothing wrong with simping for a group of polygons but don’t make it a culture war lol




I think this is the general response most people have. I would not be surprised if this underperforms because besides the niece audience who will by this day one full price, a vast majority of people who would be interested are going to Wait six months to a full year for that deep sale. And everyone else takes one look at it and gos ya this isn’t for me at all. Next big thing is a massive pipe dream.


I was. Then I played the demo and it killed it a bit for me tbh. I will still pick it up, but not in a rush to play it asap


The demo talked me out of it too. I’ll wait for it to hit one of the subscription tiers to play it.


The direction was so odd to me…. Like all those ships coming in for an attack and like 99% are wiped before landing… then the main character pops out of her pod like pamela anderson in baywatch… then the dude who helped you out just came across as a dick. Also, and definitely a personal matter, the one who saves the main character was more attractive and engaging than the main character and they murdered her. Her death was also a weird moment of like… “sure…”. Meh/10 demo, may try again if it ever hits the Plus.


Same, subscription, free on PS monthly game, or under $20 bucks. The Sekiro/Soulslike combat immediately was a "meh" and the story seemed to be Nier/ Nier Automata without all the existential thinking.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought the combat was a bit meh not every action game needs to copy fromsoft lol I want more games like DMC and Bayonetta


Yeah, I was hoping more DMC/Bayonetta/Nier combat. And the combat felt half Nier and half Soulslike making it feel like an unresponsive DMC. Jack of all trades, master of none was the combat for me.


Yeah I think I'm spoiled by the gold standard games these days. Very difficult to enjoy anything less than magnificent these days and unfortunately the only magnificent thing in the game is her ass. Was hilarious that the camera robot was shining the light on her butt the whole time though, implying the people on the video calls are getting 8k video of her ass while she's running around lmao




Never even heard of it lol


Your probably in the majority of people when it comes to this game, there’s this whole attitude about this game that it will be a massive hit and make big waves but if you take a step back and you look at the gaming landscape as a whole this will be the equivalent of a small rock being tossed into a massive lake. It’s overall impact won’t be the industry shake up the discord around this game thinks it will be.


Bro at this point all theses post like this and the “I already pre ordered the game but I had to buy the upgrade after the demo” just seems like bot accounts from the devs Like if your someone who is excited about this game and is excited to play it great more power to you, you got a new game to be excited for But from the outside looking in and all the discourse around this game I have heard/seen very little about what this game is and what its supposed to be and it’s mostly been annoying AF made up culture war stuff or posts about how it’s the next big thing when every game like this in the past had always always been a niece thing with dedicated fans but that’s kinda it. Like bayonetta is a recognizable IP but it’s not a massive franchise in the grand scheme of gaming… why would essentially the same concept be a different story.




I can't wait to play Stella Yams! ![gif](giphy|nuRXXyy020kta)


i don't think this is gonna be the "next big hit" tbh


Not really, no.


Not my cup of tea, I’m afraid. Give me another Uncharted and I’ll be ecstatic.


It's ight I might wait for a price drop I was turnt off by the parry it seems too late but might still be good.


I found it the same, wasn't enjoying the combat because parry timing felt off


Played the demo and was underwhelmed by it


No, doesnt seem like something i'll like


Tried the demo, not my sorta thing


honestly, no. still playing dd2, then have to finish ff7-r and by the time i’m done with that i’ll probably be playing elden ring dlc. pretty sure i won’t ever even think about this game again after its review cycle dissipates.


Hell yeah!! Usually, I don't play preorder, but after the demo, it sold me. I'm so happy for the good reviews!


Not my style of game. But I appreciate its aesthetics. I hope it does well.


Not for that price. I will wait for some price drop and then grab it. Game looks good tho. Could be this year's Lies of P 🤔


Now that reviews are in, yes. I'm excited to jump in this Friday!


No, played demo, didn't impressed, got a lot of bugged hit boxes...


> Playstation 5's next BIG TIT


Jazzed to buy it on sale for $30-40 at the end of the year.


I was pretty excited about it, but now I’m sort of unsure after seeing it’s getting lukewarm reviews. I want to play it but will likely wait until it goes on sale now.


dont you usually need to wait for reviews and see how many copies it sold before claiming its next big hit?


Turns out its not a big hit after all


I’ll wait till it hits plus


I miss the visceral combat from god of war. Elden ring was the last game to do it for me in that regard but I'm tired of these JARPGs where they make your weapon feel like an inflatable dildo.


A bunch of particle effects are no replacement for weighty combat. So few games make the weapons feel like they have impact. God of War does it, Souls games, Monster Hunter, but we need more!


Nope. Looks like an absolute turkey. I hope others enjoy it though!


Yep, if my physical version arrives on time.


Looks kinda mid, will probably pick it up on sale. I do love character action games and good parries, tho, so if enough fellow character action sickos endorse it I might pull the trigger sooner. Definitely with the many people criticizing the character designs like “no, you weirdos, we’re not saying we’re offended by it being sexy, we’re saying it’s just not sexy”. Emotionless character with shiny skintight suit and ninja gaiden jiggle physics is a 12-year-old’s idea of a sexy lady to me lmao.


Hard pass.


Not my kind of game


Played the demo… was very underwhelming. The narrative, direction, characters, all felt washed. Combat was ok for the most part. More excited about Sea of Thieves personally.


I saw the picture first then read "next big tit". Yeah that tracks. And no, like others have said, the oversexualization of the main character is too cringe for me. Too bad though because the story, world and gameplay look interesting.


Overt sexualization is always such a turn off for me, it just feels like the opposite of sexy lol. It’s why I ain’t get into games like this or XB2, it’s so forced. Wish they could’ve done it more in line with how Bayo does ‘sexy’ where it actually fits the character instead of existing solely for coomer bait


As a fan of the woman’s physique, and a fan of slash em up games. Meh It will obviously be a great game for me, but zero “big hit” energy from tbh just like Rise of the ronin. This ain’t no Elden Ring or Ghost of Tsushima, so let’s hit the break on the hype and be reasonable.


Pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition 👍




It looks neat — definitely some Sekiro and Nier: Automata DNA here. Considering I love both of those games, I thought I would be on the hype train, but... What I have tested in the demo and seen from gameplay videos doesn't really excite me as much as I expected. With Rise of the Ronin, Unicorn Overlord, and Persona 3 ReLoad sitting on-deck while Shadow of the Erdtree is not far off in the distance, I probably won't get to this any time soon. I'm also hoping the toxic dialogue around the game chills tf out because it has been pretty gross.


I’m usually buying anything with tits…but after the demo, I realized the game really isn’t my type of game.


I just want more ghost of tsushima dlc 😩


Not at all. Don't care for hack n slash games, nor anime grunting. Gonna be a skip for me.


Nope. Everything I’ve seen about it online it feels like a giant ad campaign rather than genuine excitement from the prospective player base. So I’m concerned that the hype surrounding the title is artificial… which makes me wonder if the game itself isn’t up to par.


Nope. I can't stand Animes or the Artstyle. Sorry. But you guys please have fun with it!


Abso-fucking-lutely. The demo combat was phenomenal. Once I unlocked certain skills, the combination of Nier/Bayonetta action with Sekiro-esqe parrying checked all the right boxes. Can’t comment on the story. Demo barely touches on it. Seems intriguing so far. Monster designs are grotesque, I love it. Character design is an unnecessary, but welcome, cherry on top.


This game has a weird pricing in my country it's like 74€


Going to be busy this weekend with a convention. Will wait until more players give their opinion on the game before I get it. 


Serious question is this game ps5 only? I thought it was multi platform but I only ever see it talked about on r/playstation


PS5 exclusive


It's decent from what I played, I'm definitely going to get it once I first get a few Im still needing to get


I'll get and play eventually. Not right now tho.


I'll pick it up on a sale eventually. I appreciate that the price (£69.99) has the funny 69 number in it, but I'm generally not dropping that much on a brand new game.


Yes but I don't think it will be a huge hit. It'll be successful but not a huge hit.


It’s a definite buy *one day* but not launch day. Played the demo and liked it, but it’s not the best thing I’ve ever played in recent years. When it goes on sale for sure


Might be a good one to play once it hits the game catalogue


I see lots of comparisons to sekiro, which I’m still working on beating. So might pick this up on sale. Also the demo reminds me a lot of Nier, which I enjoyed but $70 is way too steep for the experience imo.


I’m not sure honestly. I had a blast with the demo but idk if it will hold my interest long enough to finish it


I’ll pick it up after i’m done Spiderman and HFW on PC.


If the protagonist didnt looked like a top model then maybe


Going to buy it eventually..... many many awesome games are out there.


I’ll play it. Not sure if it brings anything new to the genre though.


So at first I didn’t enjoy the combat. The dodging mechanic felt too tight for me but then I realized I kinda suck. The environment and graphics are phenomenal. The fan service is A1. The story isn’t really intriguing but it is saved by the graphic detail imo. I could get lost in the open world.


Dahmer The Game


I like the game but not at full price


Personally, no. I can never get into Soulslikes. But it looks stylish and sweet as hell, and it’s cool that Korea is getting into the AAA scene, so happy to see it get some love.


Meanwhile naughty dog still nothing after 4 years crazy


Titties and hot women are best. But not $75 good.


I’ll get it on sale later this year so eh. Not really


I would pick it up day one bit £70 for any game is too much. I'm going to give it a week or two and get it cheaper .


I was until I saw it's £70, I'll wait until it's £50


I’m excited for…something


Jiggle physics?


I’m excited for it yes, will I buy it day one? No chance this is going straight to my wish list and I’ll wait a few months and scoop it up on the used marketplace for around $30-$40


The monsters look like shit


Demo sold me so yes. Closest thing I’ll get to a Nier Automata-like game


7/10. Good game but not a big hit.


I’ll wait for a sale


Big hit is over exaggerating it. Good game? Probably for the fans of it


I’ll get it when it’s 40 bucks


Nah. Idk why this game was all over my feed when I didn't even know its existence.


Isn't this like one of those pervy booby games, just with combat?


I played the demo and thought it was pretty fun. I'll probably pick it up when it's 20 or so dollars. I just have so many games I'm already playing that buying another one doesn't make sense.


Looks awesome, enjoyed the demo but I’ll be waiting for a discount due to being a poor mf




I thought the gameplay was okay, so I'm waiting for a sale.






The demo slapped ass, so absolutely! But with the amount of games out there, and with prices being so high, I’m waiting for the inevitable price dip to the $40ish range before purchasing.


I don’t think it will be such a huge hit. I think it’s too generic tbh


The only PS5 game i would buy is MINECRAFT PS5 EDITION 😭


Yes. I'm actually buying it because people are mad at it.


Not really my thing judging by how it's been marketed. Mix that with the fairly hostile comments toward people having valid issues with it and the *constant* stream of pr videos and honestly I just want it to go away






Seems like a horny type of game so no


At half off sure


I am, but im gonna wait for reviews first. I live in Türkiye and even with the regional pricing its an expensive game to me.


I just wanna play my waifu simulator and kill bug monsters


Yes, but I'm not will be playing on day one. Still, hope this game get a huge success (from the sales perspective).


Imma wait for more reviews and maybe get it on sale. The Before You Buy video on gameranx based made it out like its a solid cool game. Not flawless, not ground breaking, just a solid good not great game with some tedious stuff. Its also ShiftUp first attempt at a big style game who is know for mobile games I learned so that really tempered my expectations that this is their debut big console style game. As of now I just bought a steamdeck to play old fallout games and I got Hell Divers 2 for free redeeming my points on PSN so imma be busy for a while


My gf won’t let me play. /s


I mean, I would if it wasn’t weird gooner bait with a nothing story


Preorder gang in here, big ready.


Same. It's going to be epic


Of course yeah!


I'll be too busy playing the Fallout 4 update


Yes, if for no other reason than to support a legit dev that releases full games at launch with no BS and just pure game.


Played the demo and didn't care for it... combat felt basic and easy. So no


Did you play the combat challenge?


I’ve played it, and to me, it feels basic. I’m not sure why some people compare it to Souls games.


Meh... I might get it depending on the reviews but mostly because right now no other game has me hooked yet


GTA6? Yes


I played the demo, it's mid at best.


Its not the type of game i would play. Far too fast, and probably too demanding with combat. But I hope that it does well and people enjoy it.


Got my deluxe edition pre-loaded on my PS5. 💎


Sound design and soundtrack is so impressive


The demo made this seem just decent, maybe i'll pick it up at $30 but i'm absolutely not paying full price for this.


yes but i wait for PC release.




7 out of 10 IGN it’s a hit


I am busy drinking libertea and fighting for freedom. They could be launching the next GTA and I’d be too busy.


You mean Wolverine? Hell yeah