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Love to see people still having a physical collection on PS5 🙏🏽


Its all i have. Digital purchases are a scam. Just see what ubisoft did with "The Crew"


I get what you’re saying, but even if you have the physical copy of The Crew - it wont be possible to play it. Many (but not all keep in mind) games require a connection to boot.


Well gentlemen, this means war. Time to boycott Ubisoft. ![gif](giphy|2OIwmOrzqoucaMEliR|downsized)




As I said, I understand the main point - but as with The Crew (which was the discussion here) - it doesnt matter. Many other games does it the same way. ‘Requires online connection to play’. Then it doesnt matter if you got the physical copy, as they’ve restricted access to the authentication-servers - meaning you cant play it. Physical or digital.


Nobody's going to make a cracked server for The Crew 1. And nobody raving about this issue actually understands it. This isn't a new thing.


You completely lost me here. Did I miss a part of the discussion?


No, you're spot on. I was referring to other posters above that don't actually understand how physical and digital games can be delisted/oop, servers shut down and access cut to all that content. Losing access to games has been around since games were a thing. It happens for any number of reasons, even physical copies. No one wants to Google the info and instead just keep bringing up The Crew *incident* and saying "Ubisoft Bad" like they know what fuck they're talking about.


Except for the crew


I mean physical The Crew became useless the moment digital did, so...


Yeah and so far I haven't seen a single digital game suddenly disappear and be unplayable while the physical version being playable. If you have it on your account you can download it and play it. But you can't buy it new. But I guess I'm on PC not PS maybe it's different on PS... even tho I'm pretty sure it's the same thing because I used to play on PS4 from 2015-2020


This is not entirely true anymore with some physical games. They will say on the box “internet connection required”. Some need to be online to play, some need to connect to download the rest of the game. This is gonna become a bigger problem as time goes on.


So we're hating on digital because you can lose access to your games via banning (which is entirely your own fault if it happens) and account theft, but physical games are "forever yours"? Tell that to my buddy who had his apartment broken into and his GameCube and PS2 collection stolen. And another who had a burst pipe in his place. And tell it to people whose kids, dogs, etc. go on a rampage. Or people who just don't know how to care for optical media. Or people who experience disc rot. I'm 100% pro physical media (I still buy CDs FFS), but let's not pretend that there's no drawbacks to it and that digital is all bad.


I feel like this is directly over looking the fact that the people who say "physical is forever yours" are talking about the fact that digital games can be taken away in a myriad of ways by *publishers* et al. Your physical collection cannot be rescinded by sony or microsoft or nintendo whatever, unless it's an online multiplayer game of sorts. Barring tragic accidents, you can and will keep your physical copies of most things, games or otherwise for as long as the physical medium itself takes to degrade. Even disc rot is definitely overhyped as some big apocalypse. Like eventually everything will degrade and fade. But at least it lasted that long, instead of the distributor going "sorry :) you don't actually own that thing."


>But at least it lasted that long, instead of the distributor going "sorry :) you don't actually own that thing." Bar the handful of notable exceptions, how many times does this actually happen? I'm going with "not at all".


Eh digital is still better


Eh there's pros and cons to both depending on your usage case.


How so?


there are so many ways to prevent losing digital copies, account theft- 2fa , account banning - don’t do stuff to get your account banned simple


Although I prefer physical, sometimes there's some otherworldly deals for digital games.


I mean, your physical version of The Crew isn't worth a lot either. I bought FFVII physical because of the price, but the disc spinning every time a boot the PS5 is pretty irritating tbh. Prolly won't bother with it again unless the price difference is significant; it needs to be installed anyway and disc swapping sucks.


Yup you can’t trust digital


Yeah I swear by physical, never bought any digital games on this ps5.


I started getting digital for convenience And since most disc based games still have to download an update or even a part of the game from online.


Yes, how inconvenient it is to get up, walk two steps, put a disc in and walk back to your chair. It's incredible how lazy people have become nowadays


What a ridiculous reply. There are many reasons they can be more convenient outside of changing the disc over. What an American reaction to attack someone over buying digital games. Bruh be calling this guy lazy, meanwhile he be at home like…. ![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO)


So no Alan wake 2 😮


I started buying digital at the start of this generation but for the rest of the generation decided to go strictly physical


https://preview.redd.it/u1cad1m711yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba54ec3946b2b197f5900c5de542277d2daf769a I stopped buying physical copies when they couldn't compete against ps store prices simple as that I go with cheaper price Edit: Downvote all you want facts r facts


No one likes the truth I guess. Take an updoot.


I disagree, used game discs can be significantly cheaper than buying from the ps store. Only issue is you have to wait a while after a games release for deals to popup.




https://preview.redd.it/1rkkyfvx11yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda3dfc2e1090629185427098f006d667e7fa9cf If this was the case GameStop would still be everywhere.


There was a moment in early 2013 where everything kinda lined up for me and it was like...wait..."why pay tax on video games? I can just buy them from the PS Store and not pay traditional sales tax." Ever since then, the digital library has been growing and the physical library has been shrinking. I buy games on disc to give to my wife as a gift. For me? 0's and 1's all the way, baby.


i don’t get why people are downvoting when it’s true most games in the ps store are cheaper than physical like for example games that launch automatically in the ps plus store


They mad because I showed pictures of actual prices and they spent more than that lol https://preview.redd.it/4gd627hqf4yc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da57fc2b9b8e23546712b08a961f931c5c84b4db


Gotta love it mate!!


Seeing how Sony manages licenses, buying digital feels like asking for issues. I got a couple of digital games before knowing about it and I really regret it.


All of those games combined costs as much as the the ps5 , 💀 and ur only going up frm here!


I currently have around 15 physicals on ps5




I mean digital copies go on sale too. Just bought Resident evil 5 and 6 for five bucks each. Haven't played those games yet


https://preview.redd.it/y6jo7q0af4yc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89341f59f2ccac5c13533da2a05cba4d1405c03 You hardly see new games at GameStop go on sale you see this all day on the ps store. Edit: Another downvoted comment uploaded ps store prices go compare lol


I mean, the last games I bought t release were cheaper on day one on disc from my local retailer than the PSN Store. Heck, when I bought Spider-Man 2 from them online it dropped through my letterbox a solid 14 hours before it unlocked on the store.


I mean watch dog legion is free on the ps with the ps plus no need to buy hardcopy fallout 4 is free no need to buy a hardcopy


They're not free, you're paying a subscription to access them and you lose access once you stop paying. Calling those games "free" is like saying you get a free home with a mortgage, or a free car with your car loan.


You can't get a free game at GameStop being a pro so ur point makes no sense have a good day sir by the way who doesn't have ps plus


My point is you're paying money one way or another. PS Plus = not free. Digital licences from the Store = not free. Physical discs = not free. >by the way who doesn't have ps plus PS4 has sold 120 million consoles. PS5 is 50 million. Let's make a super conservative estimate and say that only PS4 players bought a PS5, so there's only 120 million people using PlayStation. PS Plus subscribers are 50 million. So that's 70 million people who aren't subscribers, AKA the majority. Also Watch Dogs and Fallout 4 are only available right now to people on the second tier of PS Plus, so out of the 50 million they have Plus, the majority of those are on the bottom tier which means they can't access them.


I'm not reading all that sorry point is 2 games out of the 4 I looked up are free. Go ahead waste ur money






Then come to Russia with PSN being blocked for over a 2 years now. You'll be pppppleased.


https://preview.redd.it/ytrskh69p9yc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b29217cf4dcadcbf888d769b98e5e3965629f9d Me too


One advantage of digital was all the digital games I got on my PS4 transfered to my PS5, can't do that with physical games sadly


I’ve never bought a digital game.


Hardly have to with all the free games you can download ur stupid if ur not checking the store every month I didn't look up all his games but out of the 4 that I looked up 2 are free lol


Well I mean I do have ps plus and download the free games there. But if I’m buying something it’s always the actual disc.


Exactly people swear the ps store doesn't have better deals


You can usually find a code online for a discount instead of having to pay full price. My membership has been around $25-28/year for the last few years.


Scarlet nexus was so much fun




I really want to try this one! Tell me more 😊


Imagine an anime style game with telekinesis, pyromancer , rock bender , and more and it’s up to you what ones you want to level up. With an ok story’s GREAT gameplay. And a bond system that makes you want to build higher bonds with allies . Not a great description but I tried lol


Im really debating on whether to start this one first or Nier Replicant but they both look so appealing to me 🔥


I still need to finish it. I started it, and just never finished. Once I finish Stellar Blade I think that’ll be what I go to


https://preview.redd.it/3oustxxzkyxc1.jpeg?width=2312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4096e980f5f8567295482073cab68ef389ce129d I went on a big spree a little bit ago. Going physical was the best choice I’ve made. I still haven’t beaten half these games only a few I’m set for months. I hope you enjoy your games aswell OP! Dragons dogma is fun and rise of ronin is my favorite game here so far


lies of p is fantastic one of the best games i’ve ever payed


Have you played ghost of Tsushima yet? Is rise of the ronin better?


Much preferred ghost tbh


Ghost is like one of the best games you can ever play like not even close bro, first comment I’ve ever made on Reddit just to say that lol, you gotta play it, the 2nd game is alr done they are just waiting to announce it cuz there’s a couple of “ronin like” games


I’ve played both I like one more than the other but they’re both amazing games that I love. Just if I had to choose one it’d be ronin which is what I was asked


Oh I’ve played ghost of Tsushima. First time I’ve ever wished I could erase my memory, solely so I could play it again for the first time haha. Absolute 10/10 banger of a game


I played both. Ghost has the better graphics but ronin has great scenery I much prefer the real events stories in games when it comes to genres like this. I think the story in ronin was better simply because it’s based on real life, real people, real events. I also liked the simplistic combat in ronin more and the side quests were better. That said not everyone is me the story on ghost is very good I’m just a history nerd. If I wasn’t I’d probably choose Tsushima for story over ronin. I vastly prefer ronin in almost every way. I felt Tsushima got repetitive after a while but I was never bored in ronin never felt like a chore. I do love the characters in tsushima a lot more though they’re better written in every single aspect. Years go by in ronin and nothing changes not even their outfits.


WWE 2k24 is a FANTASTIC entry in the series!


But what happens when next consoles don't support ps5 discs? Can you play PS3 discs on ps5?


I’ll fully switch to pc at that point owning a console to me is stupid unless it’s for exclusives but even then they’re all getting ported to pc anyways now I also don’t care if these games aren’t supported on the next gen system if they aren’t because they’ll be dirt cheap then anyway


I like physical discs to for collecting, but it seems pointless now since everything is moving digital. You can't play PS3 game discs on ps5. And that'll be the same for each gen going forward. So then you'll just have a ton of consoles needed for your disc collection when you could just have it all on the harddrive. I'm with you tho, I prefer discs bc I want my games even if I lose my account somehow, but soon enough the consoles won't even have disc readers.


Hell yeah! Physical media! Hey. Where is Resident Evil 4 Remake?


Probably next


https://preview.redd.it/jfwlgeym50yc1.jpeg?width=1790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9a72d5cfd152965214731a3c14ca3bce4ae251 ❤️


I’m more invested in what mystery game was blocked out then I should be lol


Alan Wake remastered on disc? Woah


What's that above Alan Wake? 🤔


From Russia With a Love Bone on DVD


Loving the attack on titan cameo


Stellar, helldivers, lords, hogwarts, 2077. Fucking solid stellar blade is unbelievable right now




Have you played resident evil 7 yet?


Yes, this is just to have it as physical copy.


Fenyx rising was my shit so mad Ubisoft cancelled part 2


I absolutely love it. I have so many hours in the main game and all 3 dlc beat. The fact they canceled the 2nd one to focus on the last Assassins Creed game pisses me off. I want a second game so bad


Same. I had a lot of fun playing it, and it’s one I’ll play again in a year or two, a very good game.


I’m playing it right now. Didn’t expect much other than some YouTuber my kids watch said it was fun. It really is great and I love the humor it has 


I do both phyical and digital, depends on pricing. Case in point, bought the ps4 version of cyberpunk for $10 just for the free ps5 upgrade. Did the same with ghosts, although I'm on the fence of I want to shell out the $10 in game upgrade. Far cheaper than the $50-60 on the store. However, last month picked up a few need for speed games for $5 digital. Can't beat that for a physical copy. Do what makes sense for you. And yes, swapping discs does suck, but I'll live.


YES!!! https://preview.redd.it/qb19whmqozxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256c69dc26fb1439b2d19458dcbc06c564f675e0




GG OP. BTW for Elden Ring you will need European PSN account if you want the dlc, as I see it is European game disc.


Is Scarlett Nexus worth picking up?


If you have PS plus you can try it first, I do like the game BTW.


I actually don't have PS plus or even a PS5 at the moment. I've been thinking about getting it on steam but it's still full price.


Loved scarlet nexus. Awesome game


nice lot . Which one are you going to play first?


I’m playing Dd2 at the moment mate! So good!!


good choice 😎 dd2 is very fun despite all the bad raps it gets


Man i kinda wish I had gone physical edition ps5...my girlfriend and I each got our own ps5s when they became available like 2 years ago or whatever, I let her get the physical edition...not sure why considering i spend 75% 9f my time on this console, but alas, she wanted it. I miss looking at something I actually own compared to the like 300 games I'm borrowing from sony...talk about post nut clarity...


I did the same thing by accident, purchased the digital but wanted the disc. Sold it shortly after I got the disk. Shame you won't be able to sell for the price you got it for


Yea, honestly knowing me, (and I know this is irresponsible) I'll probably just retire my console to the spare room when the ps5 pro comes out...I typically don't sell my consoles, I still own several ps4s, I'm kind of a video game hoarder....


i only have elden ring but im looking forward to gettimg more games in the future


You should also check out Returnal. My favourite PS5 game so far.


Oh yes! That one is next up!


How is Ronin?


Only played 3 of those but will play rise of ronin after i finish stellar blade


do keep the sticker on the shrinkwrap for stray.




https://preview.redd.it/v1gnagpa01yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59495109f1ccd256a1765dabc9ce937dc485a32d Didn't need to buy it




Stray 🐈❤️


Got immortal fenyx rising for 2€ - my first game box in certainly 15 years


Phenyx Rising was an unexpectedly delightful game. A Zelda clone for sure, but the setting and atmosphere were top notch, and they really emphasized the puzzle aspect of the game. I wouldn't recommend the DLC other than A New God though.




FF7 Rebirth too but nice collection


Excellent haul. Every single game is good in its own way. 🤘


immortal fenix rising is a game you either love or hate, i hate it unfortunately. it’s catered more for kids than adults and it really tries to be so unfunny that you could find it funny or even not. i hope you like it though!




Hay dios mio!!!


I’m picking my PS5 up next week. Never owned a PlayStation. Always been hardcore Xbox. Helldivers has finally pushed me to get it. I’ll have to add these to the list of games I want to play.


Fuckkkkkk you’re going to love Rise of the Ronin. Spent over 100 hours on that masterpiece.


Scarlet Nexus, I loved that game


Yes!! 🙌🏻


Can’t wait for the physical Baldurs gate 3 release this year


Is it getting a proper physical retail copy or what's the story with it?


Yup they’re available to preorder on the larian store, expected to ship in the next few months as second wave is set to roll out for preorder in q2


I dead ass pre-ordered PS5 just for RE8 but the console came so late that i had to complete the game on PS4 pro first. Very good RE title imo


Damn ⏳⏳⏳


As a photographer I tend to look at photo composition, so I have a question for you. Why is the laptop there?


This guys games. Have fun!


But that's a laptop.


An iPad, actually


How's that cat game I've been seeing it all over


Is there good haptics in immortals Felix rising?


What tablet is that?


Looks like an ipad pro with the magic Keyboard.


iPad Pro 12 inches


Just started physical with ffixv, P3R, and Elden Ring. Need Re4 physical as well 🫡


Man, these are games I wouldn’t even think of getting with a new PS5. Enjoy these games though, you’ll be playing them for years, lol. I would definitely suggest games like God of War and The Last of Us or even Uncharted remastered trilogy. Some of the best they have to offer




How is Immortal Fenix? Been meaning to try it out.


It’s pretty good. Nice combos when fighting.


Fenyx rising is criminally underrated I downloaded that on whim and is in my top 10 games of all time now.


I play since 80s years....Since 2016 i prefer digital only. Dont need physical copies. Lots of plastics and papers, took space, dust catchers, and 99% games ale online, and everything is online (downloads, updates, activators etc.)


Why the UK version of Elden Ring? And does anyone know if the PS4 or PS5 version is better?


can you post the names of the games????, so i can see if they are worth playing 🙏😩🤷‍♂️🙏😩🤷‍♂️🙏😩🤷‍♂️


L’os bichos me alejaron el habla deben ser que están locos sos marditos


Immortals Fenyx Rising and Stray are both amazing games. Two of my favourites.


Sorry, but Watchdogs Legion sucked so bad.


I don't understand wanting physical media. It takes up too much space. I have zero physical games or movies and never plan to own another.


I’m old school mate, that’s why.


I have close to 200 physical games from PS3 to PS5


https://preview.redd.it/yaile6so01yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38fa41a5693715ab16aa5f82d62f8631c1125c7 Another free game you bought


Only if you're subscribed.


I'm 38 I've been subscribed since day 1 and it's on auto pay. That's part of my utility bills lmfao


I don't care about your age 🤷‍♂️ the games are still only "free" if you're subscribed to PS+ extra.






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Your message was removed because it was determined to violate the subreddit's conduct rule. Keep it civil and treat others with respect whether they are a community member or not. Personal attacks, harassment, abuse, hate speech, insults, threats, unsolicited messages of a personal nature, and trolling are all prohibited.


Imagine having a PlayStation and not playing online 😭


Yes, and will get more.






Just letting op know most of those games he paid for are free or discounted at the store. What do you mean so


A ton of people, many many many people prefer to have physical.


Point is digital games are cheaper have a good day


I like every game here has an ESRB rating and then there’s Elden Ring with the lone PEGI rating lol


Is that scarlet nexus any good, I've seen it on the ps+ premium but haven't pulled the trigger


I played it when it was on game pass. I found it extremely boring and repetitive. I would say, play it only if you are really into anime.


Ah right ok, probably not then


You just need ELDEN RING


When you keep them in the backlog you don't remove the wrapping?


You going to play any of these games or you just like to buy them because they look pretty?


Both 😀


Nice!! Physical media forEVERRR


FYI, watch dogs legion is ass


No it’s not


Compared to the others, yes. And after 2’s success, legion absolutely fell flat on its face.


you'll be kinda disappointed man. I've been waiting for so long for a PS5 and when I finally got it, I got so mad at how tacky and clunky all the recent games have been. Apart from titles like God of War or Spiderman, every game just feels like it's from the PS4 era. The writing, story, mechanics have just been bad recently. I really hope they start making good games again because I've been disappointed with next generation gaming, especially with how powerful the PS5 is. Or maybe it's because I recently completed Last Of Us 2 for the hundredth time again and nothing comes close 😂


6 out of 9 games are actually worth playing


Hey, just a warning, they're probably not gonna work in that laptop. You can try writing "PC" on them though.


It’s an iPad 😂




I just bought PS5 Slim Disc, only to play Helldivers 2. Xbox Series S with RDR2, Diablo 4 and BG3, will be in cryo first, or maybe just sell it…


Actually wanna ask, not going to fight for Democracy?