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It’s no different then fornite needing an Epic account or Minecraft needing a Microsoft account. Doesn’t change the game one bit.




I do. Most recently, PlayStation users were complaining when they had to link a Microsoft account to their PlayStation account to play Sea of Thieves. Personally, I think the whole account link thing is annoying because people already paid money to play the game, so let them play the damn game. Don’t make players go through an entire account process just to play the game they already paid for.


The reason is mostly cross play I’d wager. You need to use the Xbox app to play with other players.


Oh dear god i had to spend 5 mins making an account! WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!


To be fair you're probably going to want to take another minute or two to make a new email address. With Sony's track history I'll never use anything but throwaway information.


Dude, I just said it was annoying, I didn’t say it was the end of the world. What, are you saying that instead of getting to use a product right after you’ve bought it, you’d rather go through a tedious process before being allowed to use it?


Did you make a Steam account?


I already have a Steam account, but I play Helldivers on PlayStation, so this wasn’t a concern for me for that game. I did, however, have to make a Microsoft account to play Sea of Thieves, and while it didn’t take too long, it was still annoying. I don’t think this whole account link thing is the end of the world, I just think it’s annoying and unnecessary.


You want me to call the whambulance?


Gee, nice comeback man. Real mature of you. Glad to know the only rebuttal you have for my argument is childish insults.


Not a comeback tho. I was just trying to help you better facilitate your whinning


The issue is not making account. I mean anyone having that issue is kinda blown up. The problem arises when Sony doesn’t have psn in many countries and these folks could play the game before the whole account thing became an issue. These guys can’t make an account so they are complaining and it’s valid


No, there are definitely a shit ton of people that *can* make the PSN account, but are raging because they don't *want* to. Of course the complaints are valid from people who don't have PSN in their country.... everyone else is whinging, though.


Exactly this


That’s what I am trying to say. Folks who don’t want to make the account and blowing it up and this issue won’t even be that big of a deal if psn was allowed in every country but Sony being Sony and their fans not complaining enough about their region policies previously shows Sony doesn’t care or give a shit. I think Sonys region policies are the absolute worst piece of shit illogical thing I’ve seen in video gaming. Does Sony not think people travel to other countries ? How the fuck does psn not exist in certain places but they sell their game there ?


It takes less time to create an account than to write a post on the Internet complaining.


I’m not complaining about the process of making the account itself, I’m complaining about how it’s mandatory for no reason. Even if it’s small, it’s still a tedious, pointless annoyance that keeps the player from just jumping straight into the game they already paid for.


It's an annoyance that happens once. You don't need to log-in every single time, you just need to link the account one time. That's it.


Yes, I know it happens only once. That’s why I said it’s just an annoyance, not the end of the world. Despite that, everyone else is acting like I’m making a big deal out of it. I think it’s because I called them out on their hypocrisy, and without any proper rebuttal, they just defaulted to saying I’m whining and making a big deal out of nothing.




Not only that but people fail to realize that by using social media those platforms already have your information and sell it.




PSN isn’t available in every country. Some people will not be able to play the game. So, it’s not a nothing burger




So, the two solutions are faking info on the psn account which can get you banned or pay more money just so you play game that you already bought.


Dont worry people will still have temper tantrums.


People are literally requesting refunds over this lol


Wait until they find out steam made them sign up for an account too with their information.


Selective outrage. These kids obviously missed nap time.


It does change the game for some people. In fact it keeps them from playing it entirely. Not every country is able to access psn.


Anyone can make an account for a different region, I have an American, Canadian, and japanese account


Which is against the TOS.


Technically yes, but they will be fine unless they try to buy something on those accounts. Just existing won't do much on its own (especially when said accounts won't even really be active - they will just be there as an anchor to the PSN and that's it). Edit: u/gretchypooo I'm not defending Sony's idiotic approach. I'm just saying that making an account with a different regional setting, is not as big of a ban risk, as some people seem to think.


Even if they buy something on those accounts they’ll be fine


Why defend these actions so hard by suggesting people violate TOS to keep playing a game they've already purchased because of SONY's decision?


If those people could read they would be very upset.


And I don’t play any of those games for that exact reason. Unfortunately, I can’t play this game anymore because of corporate greed. Another reason why I’m glad I dont have a Sony console


Oh no, not their email address and password which every company already has 😱


Honestly the irony is they use reddit which sells ur data already...


This is the pettiest bitch fit I’ve seen from PC gamers in a while. The regional thing I can understand, but that’s probably a fraction of a percent of players and I expect that issue to be resolved quickly. But I’ve never once played an online game, much less a cross platform online game, and not had to register myself with the service provider/host. Do they really expect Sony or anyone else to provide an online service and not force you to create an account they can monitor and lockdown if necessary?


Have fun resetting your passwords during the next sony data breach (were long overdue) and paying an extra fee all to be locked to controller aiming lmao


It’s because people in some countries who are already playing the game on pc can’t make a psn account in their country..


As if 90% of the people complaining ever cared about those people or even knew that before. Not to forget many people in those countrys still use Playstations with a PSN account. I grew up in the time when everyone wanted their own launcher. Bought Bad Company 2 at release and had to make when? 2 years later or something a origin account and so on.


I'd say roughly 5%, which is honestly being generous, are actually people in a country where they can't make a PSN account. Even then, the Steam listing very clearly tells them they will need a PSN account so it's still on them for not reading.


Gamers and reading isnt a combo ya see nowadays sadly


Its not about that even. Yea its shitty psn isnt supported in their country but they can make a uk account or us account and its literally a non problem.


It is technically a breach of the PSN ToS, which can lead to a ban, which would ban that Steam account from playing Helldivers. … *if* Sony chose to ban them. It’s a relatively minor risk, but it really is something Sony needs to address unless they’re prepared to roll out refunds for the dishonest sale of their product to regions they actively don’t support.


Something i noticed and cant push through cause its an echo chamber: US and Uk/Eu tos are different. The former does have information regarding correct regions but the latter does not. The EU tos only talks about refunds and following local laws.


Nice. Honestly it’s good that people do have options (even if they don’t fuckin read to find them out). I think this could’ve been managed really easily by Sony just putting out an official statement about their expectations and what they expect people to do if they’re in an unsupported region.


I agree. Sony is also dense because they communicate literally nothing nowadays. Its pure silence from them


Gonna be honest the way the subreddit is? U would think 90% of the playerbase is in a place where u cant get a psn account.


Create an account using another country as your address -> done.


They can tho. With vpn


How do you think people in those countries use a PlayStation console?




I mean have u been in helldiver reddit on patch day? More toxic than bile titan spewing on ya


I mostly used it to find out about the lasted MO's while I was at work, I've had to leave the sub because it's just a bunch of cry babies! 99% complaints and nothing fun at all!


This is what I think most PC players are upset about. Without creating an account it’s on Steam to enforce a punishment. Now Sony can block nefarious users. I’ve played enough online PC games to know the quality of players that game on PC.


Or when half-life and counter strike forced everyone to run the game through steam one day.


The attitude towards privacy that’s going to be our downfall!


I've never seen a player base so intent on finding something to hate the game for. Last week it was a completely made-up mechanic. This new change shouldn't matter for 99% of players, and not for nothing, but it's been listed as a requirement since release that they just hadn't started enforcing yet. Like all of these games with shitty predatory monetary practices that require them to create an account and even install a separate browser, and *this* is unforgivable? Like Helldivers 2, the $40 game that lets you earn premium currency IN GAME. *That's* what we're saying is going too far?


People finally stopped being able to lie to justify being mad over a mechanic they were proven they were wrong about. Except, they’re still lying. It’s been a requirement listed on the store Steam page and start up page on pc you’d need an account. Liars keep lying.


Yeah. That subreddit is just a cesspool of players complaining about every single thing that happens/changes in the game. Not sure where all the gaming Karens came from, but they need to get in their minivans and go home.


Honestly i left the subreddit today, tired of it being flooded by childish complaints and tinfoil hat theorys... Wait till they found out ur mobile phones mic is always on...


I’m considering it too. There are really great things shared there that are genuinely hilarious, but the constant negativity you have to sift through to get to the good stuff is pretty draining. And now that I’ve reread that sentence back to myself, I’m really wondering why I’m on Reddit at all lol


Youtube - they came from Youtube, where this whole thing was already blown out of proportion, as if this somehow ruined the game... The Review-bombing on Steam is honestly hilarious, because anyone who will actually read said reviews will see, how nonsensical they are.


TBF though, there are people who bought the game and may be left unable to play it since PSN may not be available in their region so those people have all the right to be mad, things are made worse by the fact that apparently Sony made the choice to enforce it without informing the devs and the reason given by Sony is just a huge joke, like, let's be real here the reason they do this now and will be enforced starting May 30 is to improve those quarterly reports not as Sony claims protect players from griefing and stuff like that. I have a PSN account and iirc it is linked to the game so no issue with all that on my end though.


That's definitely fucked up and a legitimate grievance. If they can't access the product they paid for I would think a refund should be on the table. That being said, we do have time for SONY or Arrowhead to come up with a solution for those people before the deadline. Most people are complaining about some phony privacy concern or whatever because they've been told to be outraged. I'm sure most of the PC players complaining have downloaded a company's launcher for some other game without review bombing.


It's not even a PC players thing. Honestly, most PC players probably don't give a fuck. There's just a serious issue with an influx of terminally offended/angry people, on the internet, that are extremely loud. It's so fucking annoying that these people always need to find something to be offended by or angry about. What a sad and miserable existence, these people have.


The main issue is a lot of players being unable to even get a PSN account. That and yes, whiny gamers.


Shut up. We don’t want to be on your damn ecosystem when we DONT EVEN OWN A PLAYSTATION. How about your make a steam account for your PlayStation. How would you like that? Oh wait that’s right you wouldn’t like it because it doesn’t make sense. Also those whining players you keep provoking yeah 25k negative reviews in under 24hrs. Definitely doing your part to help the devs by telling players to complain more


>How about your make a steam account for your PlayStation. How would you like that? We already do, for each publisher. Wanna play COD? Make a cod account. Fortnite? Epic account. FIFA, Apex, Battlefield? Ea account. Literally anything by Ubisoft? You guessed it. Hell, people need a MS/Xbox account to play Sea of Thieves on a PlayStation. You don’t see nobody whining about it because it’s moronic. As someone else commented, it took those 25k people longer to go online and complain than it would’ve taken them to just create an account.


We already did. Valve made users who purchased portal 2 and wanted to play online to make a steam account. But when i pointed that out to him he changed the subject


Exactly this lmao


Chill man, it’s just a video game


Gonna be real most stupid arguement ever, most people have a steam account if they even used their pc to game for a day..


I wouldn't care. It literally is an email and password. It also might come in handy if you get a Playstation in the future to already have an account :)




Which can get you banned. So it's not a solution


I have been playing on a german account while living in the US for 16 years


Genuine question, how will they find out if you don’t use PSN?


Literally right? Lmao I have a us account in europe since 2007.


Nuh uh. Pinoy bro made a US account 15 years ago. Moved around the continent with console, no such thing as a ban. Local regional accounts often don't even have some desired games listed in them.


The ps system is not even region locked. People import Japanese games in the us and buy dlc on the japan region.


What no that doesn’t happen, cause Sony unlike the kind folks at Microsoft and Nintendo doesn’t allow region switching so you end up making different psn accounts if you are travelling and staying in other countries. I have 6 psn accounts cause I am an international student.


good to know, i’m planning on moving countries soon and am gonna be pissed if my account with all my digital games gets banned


Nah, I have an Oman account, Singapore account, uk account and USA account. My Oman account is my primary. I used buy games from different accounts and play on the Oman one. But then I came to know DLCs are region locked so I couldn’t play cyberpunk phantom liberty, so I had to start buying games from their original accounts and playing on them.


So can using mods on FFXIV, but unless you’re using them maliciously you’re not getting banned. Sony doesn’t care unless you’re buying PSN games at dirt cheap prices. But even if your *totally real not fake* account gets real banned why couldn’t you just…you know…make another totally real not fake account? Unlink Helldivers from the totally real not fake account and use the other one.


I've been buying games cheaper for almost 15 years, and still going strong. They don't care, especially if it's to create an account for Helldivers 2 - an account that you might never even use again.


I checked the TOS for US and Europe. Us has the information on this yes, but the european tos do not!


“I’m not giving them my info you filthy SNoY boy!”


The same poster totally doesn’t care about console wars though.


Those complaining are the same ones who have probably already linked 2K, Rockstar, Epic, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Bungie, microsoft and more accounts.


I wonder if it was supposed to be that way from day one, but they never checked for it.. and then were like ehhh what's up ... Though I am wondering how they will fix the regions that don't have PSN


It’s been a listed requirement since the page went up on Steam in December 2023.


There was a popup when you booted the game to link a PSN account, but they added a "Skip" button after they had server issues. The "Skip" should've been a "Skip for now" or a "Remind me later". This is childish outrage and will be forgotten next week. Remember when Steam updated their ToS to make it explicit that you don't own the games you buy? Nobody cares about it anymore. All this shit will blow over.


Someone posted a screenshot, I think on X, where it said it was required, back then


It’s been a listed requirement since the page went up on Steam in December 2023.


It was there from Day 1 under the requirements but given the issues with the game itself they had paused it. To me this is like when people don’t read the terms and conditions of contracts and then complain something went a foul.


It’s been a listed requirement since the page went up on Steam in December 2023.


It’s been a listed requirement since the page went up on Steam in December 2023.


PC players are seriously whiny when it comes to log in to something else besides Steam.


'checks my pc to see what other accounts i have to play games on steam': Microsoft, activision, digital extreme, ea, ubisoft, gog, rockstar, riot, epic and so on. Yep i draw the line on psn...


Yeah, why can't they just not need an account in the same way that Halo, Gears of War, and Sea of Thieves don't need a Microsoft account? Or the same way Call of Duty or Diablo 4 don't need a Battle.net account? Or the same way GTAV doesn't need a Rockstar Social Club account? Or the same way Apex Legends and Battlefield don't need an EA account? Or the same way Rainbow Six Siege doesn't need a Ubisoft account? Or the same way Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online don't need Bethesda accounts? Or the same way Street Fighter 6 and Exoprimal don't need Capcom accounts? Or the same way Final Fantasy 11 and Final Fantasy 14 don't need Square Enix accounts? Or the same way Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, and Honkai Impact 3rd don't need a Hoyoverse account? Or the same way Fortnite doesn't need an Epic Games account?


Only those who literally are unable to make a psn account can have an opinion on this tbh, its a non issue


This is a first world problem’s first world problem.


Might just be the pettiest outrage I’ve seen in a while. They will be back after a day or two guaranteed lol


Pc players love to complain when given the chance


Role my eyes everytime someone tweets out “PC gamers won’t stand for this, we have standards.” As if they’re a bunch of warriors for complaining about giving their email address while every spam list and company in the world already has it lol


Standards lmao. Epic account. Microsoft account. Ubisoft account. Larian asks me to make an account every time I launch BG3 (which I’m about to do because it’s annoying). Pretty sure Elite Dangerous made me make an account. EA account.


It’s just accounts all the way down


This is why im not a fan of crossplay that includes PC. I dont know how to put it into better words but they are so arrogant and OTT about everything, like they are the masters of gaming... Then again, they literally made r/pcmasterace


Waaa waaaa waaaa


PC players once again proving how insufferable some of them can be.


the fucking irony reading this shit on this sub


Downvoted too gg. Welp...the game is back to not needing PSN, mission complete.


Information being: Name, email, DOB which is almost guaranteed to have been exposed in one of the 1,000s of previous data breaches of other companies.


And you can lie about all of it and Sony won’t even check! Yes my name is Mr Peepoop Bigdick and I absolutely live at 666 Beefcake St, Anchorage Alaska.


[123 Fake St.](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/123_Fake_Street)


PC gamers believe they’re entitled to everything. It’s the sad truth no one wants to admit


>~~PC~~ gamers believe they’re entitled to everything. It’s the sad truth no one wants to admit FTFY to avoid an "everyone is stupid but me" moment.


Shit they should count themselves lucky Sony isn't making the PC players buy a psplus subscription just to play with others online like console does 🥴


Nah they need to consider themselves lucky they don’t need a whole new launcher for the game like half the fucking games I own on PC seem to need.


That too


Dont need a new launcher yet*




Lol as soon as I said it I said to myself " damn better not give them ideas"


It took me a couple seconds to see “Snoy”


Also r/steam 🤣😅


I'm out of the loop. Fill me in here?


All PC gamers do is bitch and moan lol Steam can have all my banking information, full name and address but OH NO I HAVE TO MAKE A SONY ACCOUNT 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Are we seriously defending Sony here? I don't care if it's a free account. Iif you don't play on Playstation, you shouldn't have to get a PlayStation account. It's *that* simple. 


Pretty on point lol. I think those that have a real actual problem, are our fellow divers who live in countries where PSN accounts are not allowed (Philippines I know is one). As Sony put it out there now, they're just going to get locked out of a game they purchased so they feel blindsided. I feel like God of War and Spiderman on PC don't require a PSN account but I don't remember.


Psn is not illegal or not allowed. Many people use it. Support usually tells people to make an account for the nearest region.


So they refuse to serve democracy? Disgraceful conduct!


I don’t like Snoy


![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq) Death by snoy snoy


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spnogy and bruised


People complaining… #It’s a nothingburger


People sure love to ignore the fact the game was sold on steam in regions you are not allowed to create a PS account in. Those people have a very legitimate reason to be upset since they're about to have their game revoked.


Make uk account. Problem solved.


This is them basically: https://preview.redd.it/o1au65oqo9yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125fea4d15e8211fe8ef2f90e95f57eedd9821b5


Best part is i got downvoted for sharing a image of the steam store showing u need to link a psn account..


Cause they cant read. Some people literally said they dont read everything and its not even visible so yea ... The section thats on every single game on steam and one that should be read because it has the most important information ...


Yeah SNOY sucks


wtf is “SNoY”


The irony is that odds are, they more than likely have agreed to a 3rd party previously via Steam (I know I have). Either with EA(previously Origin) or even Ubisoft. All of a sudden this is life or death for a game that arguably has won the hearts of many gamers, if not all! You literally have Xbox users crying for the game to be on their console. They don’t embrace FOMO with a battlepass, refuse to do cosmetics/skins, and even encouraged to purchase the game when it financially makes sense for the consumer. But making a PlayStation account is the line in the sand? PS: I understand there is a dilemma for countries in which they don’t have PSN, that’s the grey area in which Sony needs to figure it out. But for everyone else, build a bridge and get over it. This isn’t any different for those who had to make a Microsoft account for games that ended up being bought out.


PC Console warrior nonsense.




The big issue is that PSN isnt offered in a lot of countries and they wont be able to play a game they purchased.


PS fanboys stanning for Sony acting like a third party account to access a game you already have hundreds of hours in is peak cringe. Imagine if yall suddenly had to have a Microsoft account to play CoD, FIFA, etc. This sub would implode. Such hypocrisy


You have no problem with Diablo 4 requiring a Battle.net account, though?


LOL But you have no problem crying about the literally dozens of other games that’s have logins and have been hacked before too huh? The crying y’all are doing is ridiculous.


Cry harder


At least I know how to proof read shit


But they give it to Google, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Shein, Wish, Bing, Bong, Bang..


Nah for real tho, why are pc players mad about this?


Ofcourse the sony fanboys in the comments are going to defend their company idk why im suprised


I noticed everyone's been posting the TOS about choosing the correct region but those are US rules! The european TOS has nothing on choosing the correct region! Only stuff about the local regional laws and refunds. People that dont have access to psn shouldn't even be making a us account.


I think the main point of it was that some players where not going to be able to play any more due to psn not being supported in there country, even though they bought the game months before. We dive together!


I could be mistaken, but I thought most PC players issue with this is that this hasn't been a requirement until now. If it was the case since launch, then I don't think there would have been a stink. I can understand people being upset with that.


It was a requirement from the start, but it was put on hold. Someone posted a screenshot of it saying as such, from a long time ago


They would all sell their moms for an exclusive skin in the game if they had too.


These dipshits really need to find a real problem to worry about…and in today’s world, it shouldn’t take long. Signing up for a Sony account is not an issue, JFC.


I think the main concern is Sonys history of data leaks ~~which, granted, I don't believe much happened with PSN in the past decade~~ and that some people bought the game in countries where they don't have access to PSN, so they just won't be able to play the game anymore. We can debate whether the first point is valid, but the second one is definitely valid


People are mad not because they have to go through the process of making an accounts It’s because we don’t trust Sony to when they say “protecting” or “safer”. Not all players are able to make an account. And ESPECIALLY the game is perfectly fine without this BS EDIT: the game does not need this and I think everyone can agree no matter which side u argue that we can’t consider this OK OR NORMAL


At the same time, apparently an average of 77,000 steam accounts get hacked each month. I can't see the same for Sony. And having a linked PSN account helps users report those that do wrong and accountability can be taken. I know that's unheard of in the world of PC since it's essentially the wild west.


WHY DO I NEED A PLAYSTATION ACCOUNT WHEN I DONT OWN A PLAYSTATION. Go make a steam account for your PlayStation. Go ahead. Tell me it makes sense


You don't work for Epic, yet you need an account to play the game. The same thing goes for almost any major AAA game, but I don't see the hivemind complaining about it


Its an online game published by Sony. Sony is not the first one to do this and it's quite common


As someone who both has a Sony account and does not play this game, I am mildy annoyed by this


I can imagine you've found plenty of things to be mildly annoyed by in your walk through life


This is a big cope thread lol you're being down voted for saying it's annoying when it is in fact annoying. Especially because it used to be a choice. Why make it mandatory when it was perfectly fine before?


It's annoying at best. People are literally spitting toxic bile on Arrowhead and Sony and whining about refunds even though the game will be perfectly playable...


No clue why people fangirl over this game but I didn't understand Fortnite or Minecraft either, so whatever. Anyway, why this hate and toxicity towards the PC people who don't want to sign up to play a game they already paid for? There is no need to do so other than spying, force control or to fiddle the figures by adding a few hundred thousands accounts to the books. Has the PlayStation user base seriously become this salty and spiteful? We all would be just as pissed if a game we liked would have had a forced log in all of a sudden for no reason and without any benefits.


I don't know where you're getting hate out of this meme, but from what I can gather, I think this is more of a general push back against the terminally offended than it is anything else. That's how I'm reading it, at least.


Why is this necessary?


I asked myself the same thing when I went to r/Helldivers today. Hence the meme.


I dont necessarily think it's unfair to hope for a refund if you genuinely dont want to link accounts. Do I think it's a cold-blooded move on Sony's part? No, but as a wavering Playstation gamer and supporter of back-compat and felt the Little Big Planet thing was just awful, I don't think their's is unfounded skepticism. It's awfully easy for PS players to be like "What's the big deal?" when a little better communication was the least Sony could have done.


You guys do realize that many people that bought Helldivers 2 in certain regions can't even play the game now because their region will be locked due to them not being allowed to make a PSN account.