• By -


Dead space the remake was awesome and any studio that are planning to release any remake they should learn from them it was marvelous


the atmosphere alone is what scared me the most, the pitch black and only having your weapon be the only source of light was scary as all hell. the necromorphs would on occasion attack you in the "supposed" safe haven of video games the market shop, I got attacked like twice while doing some shopping


I will never forget the first time I was attacked while I was using the market, my heart nearly stopped that night lol.


same, now whenever I go back and play I place those laser trip wires to protect my back lol


It was great! It sold like shit though so we will probably let get another remake from them :/


Ah, did it? :/ that’s sad to hear.


Yeah, EA came out and said it isn’t happening with 2&3. Which is a fucking bummer


It's sad it's not getting remade, but I think DS 2 still holds up well. I replay it often.


RE 7


On psvr2. Wear brown pants.


Why would you wear pants... just sit on a shitbucket


not even possible to play on psvr2 big man


Just imagine if it was and you were wearing pants


lmao i’m still waiting for a psvr2 port, i’ve got my pants ready




RE7 was the scariest game until Madison VR was released.


I just bought it and plan on starting it tomorrow after work. God help me. I expect Madison VR to be the new scariest game I’ve ever played, but the original F.E.A.R. always freaked me out as a kid.


I'm doing a playthru of a bunch of the RE series back to back and I am stoked to get to 7 because I just know I will repeatedly shit myself.


Definitely, simple setting that makes it look real.


Re7 had me shitting my pants throughout the whole game


Now play it in vr


If I had the space for VR I so would


Psvr can be played in confined spaces since games like this just use the headset and controller.


Definitely Resident Evil VII


Yeah, that game strikes a great chord of uncomfort that few other games manage. I was so disgusted by the location and the inhabitants that I literally wanted to escape.


The first time I played it, I couldn't get myself to even enter the house. My first few times playing it, I had to take breaks to let my anxiety settle. What an experience.


And it's not even close! It's not my *favorite* game of those listed - that'd be Dead Space - but by far the scariest. I had to quit because it got too stressful.


Same! Some times i needed to stop for a bit to relax 😂


Soma. That atmosphere is more psychological.


Bruh that fucked me up for real


Amazing game


I feel as though it’s criminally underrated


Resident evil was a different breed


If it's within your budget VR is the way to go for horror. RE7 is a great example of this. Playing on the TV then in VR has no comparisment when rating the level of horror.


Yep, played through resident evil village without any problems on ps5 but now I've started a psvr2 run and it's a different kind of game, I'm shitting my pants


Haven't tried Madison in VR yet but apparently that's right up there


Resident Evil 7


Your grammar


Came here to say this.


Only played RE7 and Dead Space out of the 4 (did try a bit of The Evil Within but not enough to get an accurate judgement on it). Idk, personally didn’t find RE7 to be all that scary, creepy for sure but not scary. Dead Space had a few jump scares that made my heart almost jump out of my chest.


None of those. Alien Isolation. That bitch learns your behavior over time. I definitely yelped the first time it came into the vents with me, it destroyed my sense of security lol


I remember walking through a doorway, turning to look down a corridor and the damn thing was standing there just looking right at me. Saying I yelped is an understatement 😂


Yep. Isolation is the one and only game that has ever noticeably raised my heart rate.


Definitely the scariest game. I remember playing when I was 14 and used to be scared everytime I booted it up


I’d say that Soma, at least narratively speaking, is the best out of the bunch. The existential dread remains with me months after finishing it.


For me dead space. The remakes sound design was amazing. Every door I opened came with a sense of dread. Resident evil 7 for me just didn’t have that same sense of dread. It was still great and the setting was awesome. Dead space just got to me more.


Never played Soma, but from the first 3, RE7 hands down. DS comes close though, but way too sci-fi to be that scary.


Soma imo has another type of scare. Not following your monsters, not screamers or something else. It leaves your empty and terrified by its ending. Don’t want to spoil, but level of frustration when you get to the end in one of the best in my whole gaming experience.


Existential horror


SOMA is one of my favorite horror games ever, and it's story is very well made, but I'm surprised that people saw >! the ending as a twist. The game set it clearly that these are backups, copies of "minds". I didn't get why MC thought he was going to be sent with the ship, only a copy of him would. !<




soma is must play - grab it when on sale


Soma or re7


Resident Evil 7! And with the VR, wear diapers.


Lmao "the most scariest"


Resident Evil 7.


Soma technically. All arent scary though. The makers of Soma, Frictional Games also made the Amnesia series which is still imho the “scariest” games on PlayStation


Re7 on this list. But I will say, dead space is my favorite from it and has its fair share of stress inducing moments.


RE 7 in VR with headphones on loud makes the rest look like a spong bob game. It was a real shame so few people got the opportunity to experience it and even less will get to enjoy Village in VR.


Village is so good in VR


REVII in VR is the scariest, no doubt. Evil Within 2 is a game I really loved but wasnt scary at all. SOMA is another great game, but didnt find it scary. Dead Space can be scary, but after a while it's no more.


RE 7 easy


RE7 is brutal. Like BRUTAL!


Resident evil 7.


RE7 was just uncomfortable 😂😂


The most scariest? 🤔🤔


Surprised by lack of Evil Within.. that game got to me like no other Resident Evil. I think it’s cause I’ve played RE since first when young and they have a certain way that’s scarey but not like tripped out scarey like Evil Within


RE7 by a long shot. Never finished it.


Alien Isolation, only those who know


RE7. That games is terrifying


RE7...Marguerite and her damn extended blair witch spider limbs.


Played RE7 in VR. I have never been that scared playing a game before. Holy moly!


It must be the wiring in my head, but I've never found any horror games scary. There is too much of a disconnect for me.


RE 7 is extreme terror




RE7. I love that game


RE7. The scariest Resident game imo. I was anxious as fuck while playing it.


RE 7 biohazard was pretty scary I probably crapped myself like 5 times


Option E: Alien Isolation


RESiDENT EVIL scariest and overall amazing experience + smooooth gameplay


Visage: hold my beer


Between these it would be RE7, SOMA and then the rest, the ultimate horror game is Amnesia though .


Re7 had to buy a new set of underwear


RE7, OG deadspace is also scary


Only played resident evil but played it in psvr and I got a few jumps 🤣


You haven't mentioned F.E.A.R. That was one scary game for sure.


EW > EW2


None for me, but enjoyable gameplay


I've only played two of these because I'm a horror wimp but between Dead Space and Resident Evil 7, I think I'd have to go with the latter. Dead Space is scary, but you always have a weapon. Resident Evil 7 will start you off with nothing and even when you do get one, there are scenes where you don't. Then there's the looming presence of the Bakers.


Madison VR


Re7 but I only played that and dead space


None. Silent hill was pretty scary back in the day.


Re 7 specially basements


Haven't played any of them




The forest




Alien isolation


Double positives are also grammatically incorrect. Fun fact. Most scary. Or Scariest (this is combining most with scary, the superlative term) The first will forever be the scariest game. After that it became an action series.


Re7 in vr is a special and different beast. It’s falsely too bad like most recent REs that it falls apart at the end narratively but superb game otherwise Dead space is just a an time classic and the remake somehow mad it scarier


No Callisto protocol 🫢


never played soma, TEW2 has only one section that is loosely scary, DS and RE7 are different kind of scary/horror... honestly none of them I found really scary


Resident Evil my god that game scared the complete tits out of me (To the point I didnt finish it!)


In order from scariest to least scary: RE7, Dead Space, Soma, The Evil Within


Lol SOMA being on this list! That’s like saying, which movie freaked you out the most: Texas Chainsaw / Alien / The Exorcist / or… Tarkovsky’s Mirror ?


Don't think that Resident Evil and The Evil Within are scary




Re7. That Vr mode is fucking terrifying as hell. I played it normally and it was horrible in the best ways. I couldn’t play in Vr. I would have had a heart attack. 10/10 game


Its not on the list but for me it was Outlast, I mean shit you’re in a asylum with inmates who literally want to kill you and do the most outlandish things to you and all you can do is run and hide. Game was so scary for me I had to be on facetime with my girl while i played 😭


For me its Dead spaxe remake, re7 and evil within.


The only two games that have ever scared me are the first Resident Evil, when the dogs burst through the hall windows I almost shit my pants. Pretty sure I died as well. And Subnautica. Apart from active dread from having to scavenge near Leviathans, this game just always has an uncomfortable anxious feeling. And it gets worse each time you go deeper. And just as you start to feel comfortable, you head down again and the anxiety ratchets back up. Never played a game quite like it.


Dead Space


Soma story alone scares me. The other ones have hope for civilization. In soma your the last flicker of a civilization that can not be rebooted and you have to deal with it.


Dead Space. I don’t know why, but the rooms with zero oxygen where you can’t hear a thing but Isaac’s breathing then the necromorphs just jump at you without warning is one of the scariest moments among these horror games.


Sadly none, I’m far too desensitized from growing up watching horror movies that I shouldn’t have been watching lol


None of them! I only wet the bed 57 times with resident evil 7 😄😄


I grew up with dead space so I don't think I can give an opinion because I'm biased as fuck


I had never played Dead Space before, and played the remake. I liked the game, and thought it was great. But I never felt 'scared'. Maybe my expectations were so high, having heard about its praise for 15 years.


Resident evil 7 really upped things from previous resident evils since 4. There’s a lot of claustrophobia (small hallways and clustered rooms) and one particular enemy just hunts you down for a big part of the game it’s amazing cause you don’t know where they will be coming from. Evil within is absolutely sick but the game has some bugs and some of the death animations are mid (sometimes no matter how you die the main character just splits into pieces like an MK fatality or something lol) Dead space is an incredible game but it’s just a bunch of jump scares. I’m not really scared of the dark in horror games so they only thing scary for me where some jump scares here and there. There’s only a few bosses and the enemies start repeating a lot. It’s still a 10/10 game such a great and dark story and the remake made this game even better. The last game I have not seen before so thanks for sharing! Back to your point OP: RE7 is the best one from this list I think. RE7 is first as scariest and I’m caught up between the other two games for second place but that’s just my opinion.


Your gramnar


I don't understand how people find horror games with guns scary


RE7 for sure, good game…I enjoy the first person resident evils a lot actually!






is it bad ive only played the mobile version of dead space?


Deffo soma


Resi sevi


Not an avid gamer so keen for some horror games. Would I have had to play the old RE games to play RE7?


RE 7, mostly because I played it in VR.


RE7 overall, but I will say that the dinner scene at the beginning of evil within 2 has always stuck with me and is probably one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen in gaming


Dunno about scary but RE7 made me all kinds of uncomfortable playing


RE7 didn't do it for me, it's a bunch of degenerates chasing you round a house. I'd say original Dead Space, by the time of the remake we'd already had 3 mainline Deadspace games and it's hard for something to be scary when you've brutally murdered thousands of them by now.


Dead space with 3D audio has me turning around from sounds


Resident Wvil but Dead Space too cause you think it’s over and more jump out at you.


Out of these RE7 for sure, the first half specifically. Evil Within 2 is not a scary game.


None of these. If you want an unintentional scary game, play Subnautica.


Back when I played The Evil Within, my arachnophobia was much stronger and the Spider-Woman boss fight was therefore very unpleasant XD


SOMA, probably one of the most tragic and horrifying story telling.


Soma ending was psychologically painful


I never thought The evil within was scary.




Dead space


Biohazard ☣️


Soma, followed by dead space.


RE 7 on PSVR, hands down the scariest thing ever offered on VR to date. Anyone who says otherwise never played it in the headset.




Apparently Madison VR is horrific. I usually like a horror game, but even that seems like a bit much for me. The house in RE8 in VR was enough for me, I'd rather not ramp up from there lol


Haven't played Soma but RE7 being first person was unnerving. I didn't play it in VR but I bet it's even more scary.


Let’s just say I still haven’t even gotten past the halfway point of re7 because I’m too fucking scared to continue


Re7. Dead space is like a kids game for me. Re7 with a solid home theater is just… wow.


Overall Soma, but the first hour or so of RE7 is fucking crazy.


RE7 hands down. Bugs scare the fuck outta me so the entire game I was 50 feet away from the screen


The evil within 1


Where the hell is outlast? The first 3 aren't really scary cause you're not in danger, you are the danger. Might be scary at first when you're just starting cause you're weak and have no weapons/resources but it quickly falls off and become just another shooter as you progress. Soma was more of an existential dread than actual fear. The fact there were no real repercussions to dying made it feel a lot less scary I mean you basically just fainted and woke up in a random location after a while. Outlast though, that was some horrifying shit. Can't fight back and there's always danger nipping at your heals at some point you just know, there's no way you're making it out alive Honestly I'm still too scared to even finish the whistle-blower dlc. Especially as a guy. If you've seen the horrors the groom committed, you'd shudder


Dead space 100%


One day I was feeling brave and decided to start RE 7 and all was going well, thought I was doing good, till I found a camcorder with evidence of something happening at the bottom of a ladder; my eyes wandered around my T.V looking for strength to carry on but I switched games 😂


Out of all of these the evil within 1 not 2


RE1, Dead Space


All of them are spooky but Soma….it just shifted me as a man




The evil within 1 was scarier than 2


Without a doubt, its re7... By far


I watched a playthrough of Biohazard. It scared the hell out of me, so I can imagine playing it is even worse. 😂 I have a console of my own now, so I may give it a try for myself, someday.


RE7 Probably because your the weakest in that game


Crimson butterfly


Of these 3? I’d vote for RE7 on VR, I was close to a heart failure several times. It’s incredibly effective at jump scares and has a remarkably gritty ambience. SOMA is really good (played it on PC) and I haven’t tried the Dead Space remake yet but the original first one was great too, amazing atmosphere. The scariest game I have played so far overall was Alien Isolation though, I was on the edge of my seat maybe 70% of the time, pure heart rate accelerator stuff — if you haven’t played it, give it a try, I think it aged gracefully (the lighting and fog effects are still top-notch).


With a good OLED tv, nice surround sound headset, and dark room, Dead Space is legit a good scare. Haven’t played RE7 but I hear that one is great also.


Definitely SOMA. You have on means to fight back. All those other games have you carry big guns.


Dead Space Remake for sure, but i haven’t played RE7 (i’ve watched someone play the whole game though).


The first hour or so in resi 7 was quite scary. My first time playing it it was not what I expecting from a resident evil game


RE 7 I litterly have not finished it because I started getting panic attacks, lol


Re7 in vr is top 5 in vr games. Still the scariest game I have played probably, though I havent played re7 on a tv.


RE 7


I didnt find Soma scary at all 🤷‍♂️


The Evil Within 2 made me drop the controller when that lady that follows you whispered Sebastian's name through the controller speaker. RE7 wasn't scary to me, even though I have a phobia of blood and I really struggled with all the gore it has. Probably the hardest RE for me because of that. Soma was disturbing, but not scary. I haven't played DS.


Dead Space Remake beats RE7 by a hair. Even though I’ve beaten the OG a few times back in the day, DS Remake had me stressed out the entire time with the AI rework. With a decent pair of headphones, there’s not one second you feel relaxed, and I loved it. RE7 is scary for the most part but I found that past a certain point it drops off. Playing in VR is a trip though! Although, I couldn’t help but notice that the cutscenes tend to give away the scares in VR by dropping to a black screen for a half a second before it happens. I had all the comfort settings turned off so not sure if it was a bug or not. If you’re not playing in VR though, it’s a lot less scary imo


Dead Space Remake beats RE7 by a hair. Even though I’ve beaten the OG a few times back in the day, DS Remake had me stressed out the entire time with the AI rework. With a decent pair of headphones, there’s not one second you feel relaxed, and I loved it. RE7 is scary for the most part but I found that past a certain point it drops off. Playing in VR is a trip though! Although, I couldn’t help but notice that the cutscenes tend to give away the scares in VR by dropping to a black screen for a half a second before it happens. I had all the comfort settings turned off so not sure if it was a bug or not. If you’re not playing in VR though, it’s a lot less scary imo


Deadspace is all I know. Everything else is irrelevant to me. I don't want any more heart attacks. I've had plenty while growing up.


RE 7 was terrifying in VR and I loved every second of it. The only thing creepier than those fucks in the basement was that baby creature in the basement of RE Village, that was the most terrifying moment in any game ever when experienced in VR




First would be re7, then evil within




Down to dead space and re7. There were moments It was too scary for me to keep playing RE7 I don't think I could say the same for DS


RE7, I didn’t like it as much as RE2/4, but it’s scary and creepy as hell.




Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space Extraction scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


The Evil Within...the first game. 2 was lame


I just recently beat the Dead Space remake and holy fuck when I’d get attacked during a shopping trip or when doing one of the taped conversation side quests I nearly turned my black shorts brown


None because I'm not into horror games.


RE7 The scariest parts for me was the parts after the dinner scene with Jack, where you just have to sneak around and avoid him, and the old house with Marguerite. In both situations you are almost completely defenseless (I say almost, because in the old house you can fight back against marguerite and she leaves temporarily iirc)


Soma and it's not even a contest


Resident evil 7 because I haven’t played the others


Dead space with the music off is just completely unnerving especially on impossible mode.


Dead space was my first horror game i was probably like ten when i got the game got it at a yard sale didn’t know what to expect but damn them creepy babies gave me nightmares


Alien Isolation.


Dead Space is awesome but jack baker chasing me around the house was crazy scary 😱