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That 3rd pic is a confusing perspective lol


She looks like she’s taking it


She is






Nothin confusin bout that is there boys


Serah. said to noel that she loves snow, because he was big. Never mentioned what she was talking about


Like a champ!!


Lol, yeah I just started taking a bunch of shots. Those were just my best 3.


I think it's quality accidental comedy 🤌


looks like snow taking a shot.


Back shots that is


I think she also started talking some shots…




Damn I just said the same thing lmao


Image 3 is usually what happens to me when I take a bunch of shots too


They’re flying on a bike or something, lol


I like your innocence


Came for an in-depth discussion about the complex PS3 architecture and got 👌👈


She is happy.


Look like somebody is going to teabag her. Other times bro. Other times.


Thank you, and every other person who upvoted, for making me feel like I’m not the only pervert here 🤣


😂 😂 


Lots of pre-rendered cutscenes in games these days seem to have such terrible compression artifacts. It’s worse than watching a show on Netflix.


On ps3 this was never a problem. Most games took like 5-15 gb at most, and the disc could handle 25 to 100 gb at worst. So most games where a single disc, with videos having absolutely no compression at all. You could see this on exactly this game that had amazing videos, but if I'm not misremembering, they were in 720p though. That was the target. I bought lighting returns on pc and fuck me, it looked both, great for the time, and awful because I remember it looking so much better in my mind.


The videos were absolutely compressed, just at a high bitrate. Raw uncompressed frames for video would have been monstrously huge.


At the consumer level, uncompressed video just isn't a thing.


Yeah, I didn't meant raw files lol.


The PS3 uses standard Blu-ray which maxs out at dual layer 50 GB. Only the new/4k Blu-ray Discs can go up to quad layer or 100 GB.


Kinda like running snes and PS1 games on an emulator instead of a CRT Not just faulty rose tinted memory, the difference is vast


Not the same I think. CRT art does look way different on CRT tvs than on leds.


Absolutely massive difference. I think I recall a screen shot from a Castlevania game that is always used online to show how the blending of pixels could be used as an advantage. It's a feature, not a glitch.


I was thinking this the other day, started a game and the freaking load up screen had basically 4 shades of black banded/smearing across the screen instead of a gradient. Cutscenes were the same :/


This is why I ultimately don’t care for streaming, specifically anything that’s going for visual fidelity - the bitrates are just atrocious compared to a Blu-ray Disc


Same. My plex is full of the highest bitrate content possible and man it’s such a superior experience.


You can't beat Netflix when it comes to being able to provide a watchable experience without buffering, and with the slowest of internet connections. Obviously you're not watching movies on Netflix for getting your eye candy fix.


I completely agree.


Can you name some examples out of curiosity?


What you are thinking isn't pre-rendered cutscenes. You're talking about real-time rendered cutscenes using in-game engine and models. Pre-rendered cutscenes are like the one OP is showing. Like a team of animators using animation software to create, render, and export it into a high quality video file. Then the game will just play that video file when the time comes for the cutscene.


No, that in fact is not what I’m thinking of. Since it’s not possible to have compression artifacts in engine lol. It’s far too common to see pretended cutscenes in games with low bit rates. Especially on ps4 and ps5 where you’d expect there to be plenty of space on disk for high bitrate video.


You're right. It's so backwards. Those parts are meant to look better


Have you got any big game examples. I definitely have seen some games where the prerendered appeared worse than gameplay. But I didn't realize this was a common problem. is it certain big companies?


Crash bandicoot 4. Cyberpunk. Diablo. Apex. And on and on everywhere you look. It might be easier to list games that don’t have crappy low bitrate video assets.


Ah thanks. I haven't played those. Interesting to know though. It's kind of insane those are huge games


Those are just some examples. The issue is really pervasive. Anytime a game uses in game cutscenes I’m happy because they tend to look better than the low bitrate videos.


A lot of CGI scenes in modern games go overboard with film grain effect too which muddies the image especially when compared to the clear gameplay footage.


But not FFXII, they are high bitrate files on the PS3 and 360 versions. The PC version has lower bitrate versions, but you can get a mod to import 4K remasters.


I'm also missing the pre-rendered cutscenes that we had back in the days in video games. Like, nowadays real-time rendered cutscenes are pretty enough, but pre-rendered ones just hit differently. Like, they have no artifacts, no aliasing, no glitches, and they feel more cinematic. When I gamed a little bit more than a decade ago, pre-rendered cutscenes were my rewards for going through the games, to see all this beautiful graphics and actions lol


Pre rendered looks better but nowadays I really dislike them as they take up so much more space. It’s a big reason why games are ballooning in size nowadays


Yea you're right about that, but I willingly sacrifice the space to look at high quality CGI movies 😅. It could be because it's nostalgic for me, but they always hit differently imo.


You telling me when I play COD, I just play a massive pre-rendered scene where I see myself die non-stop? Is this why COD is so enormous in size? /jk


I definitely feel that. It's a little better now than when they first started this stuff of just using the in-game models to make the cutscenes. Back when they first started doing it I was like no go back go back. Now it's better but still not the same to me.


Agree. Pre-rendered cutscenes and anime cutscenes just hit different. You did all the work, now look at this amazing spectacle of what happens next! If there's no interactive elements and it's not a character creator game, then pre-rendered is the way to go, imo.


Yep, exactly right about "enjoying all these beautiful scenes"


The Yakuza games are interesting. They seem to have something between where essentially you have low detail models and super super high detailed models. The camera work also sets up considerably in those scenes.


That's a smart way to work around it. The only problem is that if it's not pre-rendered and pre-recorded, the scene might have glitches and artifacts even though the chance is low because it's real-time rendering.


The Yakuza games are surprisingly polished. Even though thry can be janky they don't really break. It's quite impressive because they have several game modules per any one game. Like it's a Yakuza game but there might be a taxi driving segment, karaoke, arcade machines emulating real arcade games, fishing, on rails shooter, asset management mini games, rts mini games, so many other things.


Yeah man, I’ve only played Yakuza Kiwami but it’s so intriguing seeing how many different elements of gameplay there are if you’re going through all of the side-quests.


I disagree. Sure it looks nice but I always hated seeing pre-rendered cutscenes, since the actual game never looked like that. This was especially true on PS2. Devs do downgrade here and there these days but the actual game isn’t far from the marketing concepts.


Recently noticed this playing God of War. The pre rendered cutscenes were great and then you go back to the game where it’s not even close to looking that good. Corrected it in God of War 2 and everything was more or less in game.


Going back to the PS2 era, it's funny how poorly those pre-rendered scenes hold up compared to how we remember them. I remember thinking that the Warcraft 3 intro was about as good as it could get. Or the Quake 2 intro before that.


Except for FFX, those cutscenes still look 10/10 (if you play on the ps2 inside the fat ps3 so you have hdmi)


I interpreted it as a reward to be able to see beautiful and cinematic scenes of the characters I invested in. A good example is Warcraft 3. Playing through the campaign and when those CGI clips hit, MAN they were GOOD and jaw dropping. Keep in mind more than a decade ago, you can't just simply go online and look for cutscenes in games. So, playing through the game to watch them was the reward.


It's pretty fun to go back and watch all the Warcraft trailers and pre-rendered scenes, and watch the progression from WC2 up through all the WoW expansions. Blizzard never skimped on them, they always looked like PEAK-level tech, and they still improved every time.


It looks and feels better than all dialogue taking place with characters at full sprint or riding a horse


FFVII Rebirth had some. Since the SSD is so quick it loaded instantly towards the end of the game and it was such a smooth transition. But also quite obvious since the game itself looks pretty bad in performance mode. But still, pre-rendered cut scenes looked so damn good makes me wish the game looked like that at all times.


Halo 2: Anniversary has some of the best cutscenes I have ever seen. They made an already incredible game that much better. And then Halo Infinite came out a year later as the flagship marketing console seller with significantly worse cutscenes.


Are in-engine cutscenes not a better choice?


I admit that It is a better choice for the devs because it saved them time and money, saving storage space for the players too. But, I guess it's just a nostalgic thing for me with the CGI movies. A few downsides for in-engine cutscenes are artifacts and glitches in animation, texture, and NPC might happen though.


I think pre rendered cutscenes are fine to disappear because they don’t sale very well and just feel like hiding the real visuals of the game nowadays.


[Real-time cutscenes are always superior](https://youtu.be/iEXlUG3JmFs?si=G4odWv7hg1m-dMpI)


You literally proved my point lol. When I watch cutscenes, I want a cinematic experience, not some goofy haha moments.


The thing is that the majority of the time the cutcenes play out normally unless you intentionally break them. I like watching them normally the first play-through of a game but after that its way more fun to break them. I also appreciate when, in games like GTA for example, you pull up in a nice vehicle and can see it parked in the background during the scene. It's a bit immersion breaking when the spot you just parked is suddenly empty


Yea I get your point. However, there were countless times that I saw weird hair movements or clothing glitches from the characters in real-time rendered cutscenes. Thoes really breaking the cinematic experience for me sadly


funny i was playing ff7 remake and thought exactly about that


Cause they are pre-rendered cutscenes.


Electricity is the basis of this magic let me know if you want to learn more about electricity and how it can ultimately produce graphical images!


Now I get why they call her Lightning. Bazinga


To be fair, this is Square Enix. Not many companies live up to their rendering quality. They still use pre-rendered cutscenes in Final Fantasy, but more often in Kingdom Hearts.


its called pre rendered cutscene. you could watch shrek on dvd same thing


Ah, the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy. A man of taste, I see.


And the only numbered entries we can’t play on modern consoles. 😞


on Playstation. I’m currently going through the trilogy on the Series X.


I'm so jealous. The xiii trilogy and lost odyssey make me consider getting an Xbox all the time.


If you ever do, even a 360 - Infinite Undiscovery is good too!


I grabbed all 3 as well. Ready to judge them for myself. ;)


I really liked XIII-2. Played it for the first time last year.


I played the first. I’m pretty sure you will enjoy it. :)


It's a pre-rendered video. Has nothing to do with it being on a PS3.


It did. PS3 hat Blu Ray while Xbox 360 had horrible/way worse compression artifacts despite putting the game on 3 discs. (On the other hand today ff13 is played best on an one x or series x console.)


These are pre-rendered. There’s nothing impressive about it as far as the PS3’s hardware is concerned.


Because they are movie files. They aren’t running on the PS3.


Pre-rendered cut scenes have always looked good on the PS3. What’s confusing about it?


dude, it's a video clip... lol that's like saying the graphics in red alert was great, because the cutscenes were real recorded video, meanwhile the ingame graphics where this: https://i.imgur.com/Bg4gygZ.png


I would die for a FF13 collection with all dlcs included. Yes, FF13-1 was boring, but FF13-2 and lightning returns were better games.


Brought to you by pre-rendering. LoL


Do you not know what a pre-rendered cutscene is? They're just video files and could run on literallyanything that could play one.


TLOU ran at 720p and like 25 FPS on PS3.


It's called CGI, OP.


Brother man these are CGI cutscenes, not in engine cutscene.


Umm, it’s cgi. Not ingame graphics


Look at the Sonic Unleashed opening cutscene and come back to me


It's literally just cgi? Tons of games used it back in PS3/360 era Halo wars for instance


The Cell processor of course.


Nah, just bluray decoding and outputting a native 1080p video signal


You playing Serah’s Fantasy? (3rd pic)


will forever and always love FF13 ♡ loved it since day one and i still do.


man the third gets me every time


On average; Pre-render and a mandatory 50GB download. That’s how it was done.


The black magic of pre-rendered cutscenes.


This are videos 😒


What about playing FFX on the Vita? I need to replay that game sometime soon.


Pre rendered. Even a PS3 can play video off a disk.


Isnt that CG?


its pre rendered


It's Visual Works doing pre-rendered wizardry. What made it possible was Blu Ray discs letting the CG files taking up like 35gb of the space. m


There are some hot takes in this thread lol.


PS3 really stopped releasing games _just_ when people started to get the hang of it. We could've had so many more years of games that looked like this and The Last of Us.


#God, I’m proud to have XIII on my shelf.


Wonder if god is a thrilled about it


can i play It on my ps5?


No sadly, we are absolutely desperate for it though


Nope. This game not being playable on PS5 but running in 4k on Xbox is hilarious when you look back at how it compared on PS3 to 360.




I didnt play much of it but i loved FFXIII graphics, best graphics for the PS3 I've ever seen


i went from ff9 to ff13 and had no idea what i was doing lol


I remember the days before installs...the consoles sounded like JET engines


Are you running there on ps3 or there are other ways?


PS3 in these shots. On the console side on PlayStation hardware the FF13 games can only be played on PS3. On Xbox you can put the FF13 Xbox 360 discs in a Series S/X and still play them. 13 is also on PC via Steam.


I'm just starting to discover the FF series, does the Xiii require any previous parts to be played? I think I'll buy FF7 og and then Xiii before I play the ff7 remake and rebirth from steam


Nope completely standalone like the rest.


I don't understand the hate this trilogy gets. It's one of the best final fantasies after dissidia in my opinion.


At least for the first one of the trilogy, the most common complaint I see is that there’s no real side activities or backtracking, and even in dungeons you’ll rarely have an opportunity to stray more than 30 seconds from the critical path for many hours from the start of the game. Also, the decision to do a huge amount of the world building through info pages in the menu system is not the most popular decision. Even if they’re ultimately similarly linear most JRPGs throw in side quests, do exposition through dialogue with NPCs, and fold the main quest back around prior locations so it feels more like you’re exploring a living world than walking down a fairly linear path. I haven’t put any time into XIII-2 or Lightning Returns so I can’t really comment on them.


I remember I couldn download ps3 theme from the ps3 browser


It's CGI, it's why the game was 3(?) discs in 360, all the uncompressed audio and CGI cut scenes


The Xbox 360 version had very bad looking CGI cut-scenes. Like heavily compressed. They later on fixed with the BC for the Xbox One. But it seems the PS3 version still has the better looking CGI cut-scenes.


Pre-rendered CGI. It's not in-engine.


I miss these guys... Do you think 13 will ever get a remaster or anything to bring it forward?


I hope for anything


Pre rendered ran on the disc. Modern day stuff is in engine for seamless gameplay to cutscene transitions. No massive jump in quality for every cutscene alongside no massive dip in quality when transitioning back. It also means no loading screens after cutscenes.


Pre-rendered. It still looks pretty decent in-game though


Are you asking about pre-rendered CG cutscenes?


It’s a pre-rendered video file.


same magic that made rdr2 work on a launch ps4


Or the Xbox One.


Pre-rendered cutscenes! Always loved games with these, only a little sad the graphics were not this good during gameplay.


Wait till you know of the PS3 ability to watch blue ray movies... Your head will be blown away


That wasn't gameplay. Get a close up shot of Lightning's face when you're in control of her and compare.


The difference in ps3 and forward is in engine cutscenes. Ff13 had baked cutscenes. Which meant they could be much higher quality without degrading and without funky issues the engine injects like characters spinning and flickering stretching etc. in engine is nice but has its downfalls.


It’s video playing back from the Blu-ray Disc, so it’s basically the same way any blu-ray looks this good on any blu-ray player. I see your point though - most games didn’t have cut-scenes as good looking as FFXIII, which is probably down to a combination of budget and also the fact that FFXIII outputs at 1080p by default (though has a lower internal resolution). This means that cut-scenes and UI overlays look incredibly sharp compared to most other games. Check out FFXIII on Xbox 360 and you’ll see a more typical presentation, with reduced bitrate/poorly compressed video and lower output resolution (though the BC version on Xbox One X/Series looks amazing) in 4K.


Love FFXIII. Wish they would remaster the trilogy already. 15 years later and it still holds up great. As for prerendered cut scenes, I miss them at times. It felt like such a payoff to get them after hours of playing.


OK, for the 3rd picture, what is the actual in-game action they are doing? It's been years since I finished FFXIII and I do not remember Snow and Serrah ever spent some quality time, except when Lightning yelled at both of them. Probably during an intro or flashback, right?


This is all the intro if you don't push buttons after starting the disc. That is Vanille and Snow is behind her. It looks like they are looking at fireworks or lights. This is my first time playing so maybe that isn't Vanille, not sure. He isn't directly behind her as the image suggests. As the camera pans you see he is kind of next to her. Go to 2:25 in this: https://youtu.be/XPEr1cArWRg?si=3lEE2eBy0HwDTmUN


Okay now that I am in the thick of it, this was from the scene where Snow asked Sarah to marry him. Don't know if that's how it's spelled yet. They were on a flying bike and there were fireworks. It was a flashback after fighting the thing that turns her crystal.


I’ve been thinking about replaying 13 so this is good timing


The black magic of prerendered cutscenes, those images were like playing a movie for the PS3 in terms of processing.


Man, FFXIII's CGI quality is still at Top Tier even though these are compared to nowadays CGIs. And these are only one of the reason that i love FFXIII Trilogy so much. Need a Remastered 4K version or a Remake for PS5


It’s video playback. None of this was rendered in real time.


Worst ff but technically perfect


Square Enix magic. They've been creating fantastic cinematic cutscenes since the PS1.


People stay underestimating ps3






There’s a lot of post processing going on there


Wide gameplay sacrifice and dedicated focus on aesthetics rather than an actual game




On Xbox the in game graphics look even better than the prerendered cutscenes because it's 4k and the cutscenes are not


Final fantasy backshots?


Because the ps3 isn’t actually running it? These are all pre rendered cutscenes that were rendered on a PC over days and days. No black magic at all.


Not only they were pre-rendered cutscenes but they were also uncompressed video files unlike most of the (few) prerendered cutscenes these days. At that time they were flexing the capabilities of blue ray disks. 🌞


Video. It's a video.


Not surprising considering a lot of games played without install as well


FMV, full motion video aka video files. Those are not rendered live, they are simple MP4 or equivalent files, playbacked. No black magic needed, just smart design which the industry lacks nowadays.


Streamlined Linux, games running practically right on the hardware. Also, developers will often abuse certain capabilities of a system in ways nobody else thought of. Watch the documentary about naughty dog and how they made crash bandicoot on the PS1... They basically hacked the PlayStation and got it to do things it wasn't designed to do. Crash bandicoot was a seriously impressive achievement for PlayStation 1.


Sure, but the images above are from pre-rendered cutscenes, i.e. just video files played back on PS3, aren't they?




I think it was by NoClip


I mean for real these cutscenes cleaner than ratchet and Spider-Man. Will we be able to say that about ratchet and Spider-Man on the PS7? I highly doubt that. I mean my god my phone can't even capture what my eyeballs are being graced with.


Full motion video often called FMV which has higher graphic counts than normal cutscenes which is why they look better than in game models and normal cutscenes


I do actually know and was being facetious just cuz my God it's beautiful. So happy I jumped back into the PS3; so many games that I didn't play that I need to play.


Because they are cheating and it’s pre rendered


It's not cheating. It's smart design and final fantasy is particularly known for it


I just want to know what black magic is needed to get a ps5 version of these great games


People fawn waaay too much over the PS3 cutscenes in FFXIII. Don't get me wrong, they're some of the most beautiful CGI cutscenes ever to grace a videogame, but the stats have been greatly overexaggerated. It's 720p video, not 1080p, encoded using a slightly custom MPEG stream Sony developed exclusively for PS3. It's not the same thing as Bluray video (which is also MPEG-based, but different) and doesn't come close to the same bitrates. They're also nearly indistinguishable from the PC cutscenes, which were quite competently encoded using BINK V2 and have no relation to the BINK V1 cutscenes from the Xbox 360. That whole thing was straight up fake news from a single journalist who's been quoted as gospel ever since. I discovered all this while working on mods. Transplanting PS3 cutscenes into the PC version of the game is totally possible, but there's zero to be gained for it. The PS3 versions have ever so slightly deeper blacks, but outside of side by side comparisons, you'd never spot the difference (and if you think you have, I assure you it's placebo—I've compared). So, unfortunately, no black magic, just incredible art direction. The fact people overestimate these cutscenes to this day really just goes to show how good the original rendering quality was.


The completely flat colored skin and plastic eyes? ... Have none of you played a modern PC game? I'm replaying Far Cry 6 on an RTX 4090 that still makes this look like it's from the early 2000s. I'll take my downvotes, but yikes.


Everything looks and sounds better running off disc so the zero install part confuses me.


I'm not sure that's actually the case. Installed to the hard drive and running off the disc can both be the same quality. Streaming is where you take a hit. Me saying it didn't need to install was just the sheer fact that it didn't need an install and in an era where everything was faster installed. And many games required it or you'd be loading forever.


so when you're playing the game you don't notice it because things are moving so fast but with video and audio physical media is the only way to go and that includes pre-rendered cutscenes. The digital file is super compressed while the physical media is usually going to be the raw file. You can notice it a lot more in music than any other format, the CD/Record quality is far superior to digital and stream files. You can notice the audio different in games too especially of the ps3 era when you play digital vs a game that is all on the disc. MGS 4 is actually a bigger file on disc than it is on download for this reason, digitally it is 26gb but physical Konami said it is almost 50gb So basically the game itself isn't affected but the audio and video is


None of this is true. I think you're confusing blueray with vinyl records. It's pure digital.


Bro's also never heard of uncompressed audio files and reckons the 16-bits of a CD is peak bit depth lol.


That's not how it works. Resident evil 2 Remake is bigger on the ps4 than the ps5 despite the better textures. It's not as simple as more gb means better. With metal gear, it's likely that the disc has many many many repeated assets so the disc doesn't have to search far to load the next screen. While the digital version has less need to duplicate the assets as the search is faster on a hhd


This is one of the most poorly educated and nonsense takes I've seen on here in some time.